At 35.0°C and 3.00 atm pressure, a gas has a volume of 1.40 L. What pressure does the gas have at 0.00°C and a volume of 0.950 L?


Answer 1


im just a child


Related Questions

Tenemos una disolución de HNO3 cuya pureza es del 65% y tiene una densidad de 1.32 g/mL. ¿Cuál es la molaridad de la disolución? PM HNO3 = 63.0 g/mol.


Teniendo en cuenta que la molaridad es el número de moles de soluto que están disueltos en un determinado volumen, la molaridad de la disolución de HNO₃ es 14.67 [tex]\frac{mol}{L}[/tex].

El porcentaje en masa o en peso de una disolución es el número de gramos de soluto que hay por cada 100 gramos de disolución.

Entonces una pureza de 65% indica que hay 70 g de HNO₃ puro por cada 100 g de HNO₃ impuro.

Por otro lado, la densidad es la relación entre el peso o masa de una sustancia y el volumen que ocupa esa misma sustancia.

Entonces, si la disolución de HNO₃ tiene una densidad de 1.32 g/mL (equivalente a 1320 g/L), donde la cantidad de masa es impura, se puede obtener la cantidad de masa de HNO₃ presente 1 L de la solución mediante el siguiente cálculo:

[tex]\frac{1320 g HNO_{3} impuro}{1 L}x \frac{70 g HNO_{3}puro}{100 g HNO_{3}impuro}= 924 \frac{g HNO_{3}puro}{L}[/tex]

Finalmente, la masa molar de HNO₃, es decir la masa presente en un mol de la sustancia, es 63 [tex]\frac{g}{mol}[/tex].

Entonces, teniendo en cuenta que la molaridad es el número de moles de soluto que están disueltos en un determinado volumen, es posible determinar la molaridad como:

[tex]\frac{924 g HNO_{3}puro}{L}* \frac{1 mol}{63 g}= 14.67 \frac{mol}{L}[/tex]

En resumen, la molaridad de la disolución es 14.67 [tex]\frac{mol}{L}[/tex]

Aprende más sobre la molaridad:

Why doesn’t the KHP concentration have to be exactly 0.100M? Explain using complete sentences.



The answer is in the explanation.


The KHP is an acid used as standard in titrations to find concentration of bases as NaOH.

The reaction that explain this use is:

KHP + NaOH → KNaP + H2O

where 1 mole of KHP reacts per mole of NaOH

That means, at equivalence point of a titration in which titrant is NaOH, the moles of KHP = Moles of NaOH added

With the moles of KHP = Moles of NaOH and the volume used by titrant we can find the molar concentration of NaOH.

The moles of KHP are obtained from the volume and the concentration as follows:

Volume(L)*Concentration (Molarity,M) = moles of KHP

If the concentration is more or less than 0.100M, the moles will be higher or lower. For that reason, we need to know the concentration of KHP but is not necessary to be 0.100M.

please answer correctly.


Answer: i dont know but yu got it


sodium chloride + water = ?
which product will it form,and in which phase is it?


Water molecules pull the sodium and chloride ions apart, breaking the ionic bond that held them together.

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

Our burning of fossil fuels for energy poses several different problems. Describe what is generally considered the biggest problem and the main reason for using alternatives.



Pollution! Those fossil fuel that are being burned to turns the smoke into the atmosphere that begins to affect the quality of air…in huge industries in China many of the people have to suffer pollution because of the big factories in creating all their manufactured materials. Different alternative they could consider is filtration of the smoke that goes in the air. A filter on the pipe that release the smokes so it brings out clean air instead

what is the use and harm of acid write 3 points of each ​



The use and harm is:


1. used as a flavouring agent

2. used in production of car battery

used in the treatment of scurvy


1. acids are caustic

2. vapours from some acid may damage the eye

3. is corrosive in nature


It has been shown that acid rain has detrimental effects on trees, freshwaters and soils, destroys insects and aquatic life-forms, causes paint to peel, corrosion of steel structures such as bridges, and weathering of stone buildings and sculptures, as well as impacts on human health.

please mark me as brainlist

why do we shake syrup medicines before drinking​



The label may instruct you to shake a liquid medicine before using so that the active ingredients are evenly distributed throughout it.



maybe because if somehow the liquids get separated then shaking them up would mix them back to how they are suppose to be originally.


Classify the crystalline solids

full answer​


crystalline solids are the type of solid which have long term arrangement of particle

they have sharp melting and boiling point


OMG wow thankyou so so so much for the thanks ( ◜‿◝ )♡

For each pair (4), choose the stronger bond:

1. H–F (single bond) or H–Cl (single bond)
2. C–C (single bond) or C=C (double bond)
3. F–F (single bond) or H–F (single bond)
4. O=O (double bond) or C=C (double bond)



line 3


let me know if you have any questions

what is chemistry?????​



chemistry - the science that studies the properties of substances and natural fenomens .



The Basic definition of Chemistry is:-

Chemistry is the scientific study of the properties and behavior of matter. It is the natural science that covers the elements that make up matter to the compounds that is composed of atoms, molecules and ions.

Formal charge is calculated by assigning each atom _____ the bonding electrons that it shares. Oxidation number is determined by assigning all the shared electrons of a particular bond to the atom with the _____ electronegativity. Multiple choice question. half; higher half; lower all; lower all; higher



A). half, higher


The Formal charge is elaborated as the 'allocated charge to a molecules' atom' on the basis of the assumption that the electrons present in the chemical bond are equally split among the atoms. It is estimated by 'halving the no. of bonding electrons that encircle the atom.

While Oxidation number is characterized as the 'hypothetical charge of an atom that is present within a molecule.' It is also defined as 'the actual number of lost or gained electrons or the rate at which the electrons are gained or lost by an atom to develop a chemical bond along with the other atom.' It is calculated by allocating or sharing the electrons having the higher electronegativity belonging to a specific bond with the other. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

Convert 48,987 minutes to years
using the method of dimensional analysis




48000 minutes [ 1 hour  / 60 min ] 1 day / 24 hours ] [365 days / year]

48000 * [ 1/(60 * 24 * 365)]

48000 * [1 / 525600]

There are 0.0930954years in 48000 minutes

Which of the following is true of science? (2 points)
It can be disproven by philosophy and religion.
It does not change after new evidence is discovered.
It is based on the personal opinions of scientists.
It is based on testable and replicable evidence.



It is based on testable and replicable evidence.

If a pile of a deson of Buttons has a height of 2cm 4mm, what is the thickness of one to button.​


The thickness of one button will be 2mm

According to this question, a pile of a dozen buttons has a height of 2cm 4mm. A dozen means 12, hence, 12 buttons has a height of 2cm 4mm.

* N.B: We convert the height of the 12 buttons to same unit (mm)

Since 1cm = 10mm

Then, 2cm = 2 × 10 = 20mm

20mm + 4mm = 24mm

That is, twelve buttons (a dozen) has a thickness of 24mm, one button will therefore, be:

24/12 = 2mm thick

Hence, one button is 2mm thick.

Learn more at:


Which of these is an example of an example factor which affects the earths climate?
A - Decrease in the suns energy.
B - Warm and cold ocean currents.
C - Increase in atmospheric dioxide.
D - Release of dust during volcanic eruption



D- Release of dust during volcanic eruption


During major explosive eruptions huge amounts of volcanic gas, aerosol droplets, and ash are injected into the stratosphere. Injected ash falls rapidly from the stratosphere -- most of it is removed within several days to weeks -- and has little impact on climate change. But volcanic gases like sulfur dioxide can cause global cooling, while volcanic carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, has the potential to promote global warming.


a - decrease in the suns energy.


although the other options do discuss climate, temperature, etc., the sun DIRECTLY influences the earth's climate and would most likely affect it on a larger scale. for example, warm and cold ocean currents would affect the temperature of the ocean and could touch bay cities or islands, but they would not dictate the overall climate of the earth :)

♡ hopefully my reply helped you come to an answer~ please keep in mind that my response is purely that... MY response! i still have lots to learn, so please correct/educate me if you have found otherwise ♡

Which kind of bond would occur between sodium (Na, Group IA) and chlorine (Cl, Group VIIA)?





I'll put the rest if the answers in comments


1. Metallic bonds are responsible for many properties of metals, such as conductivity. Why is this possible?

*The bonds can shift because valence electrons are held loosely and move freely.*

2. Between which types of elements do ionic bonds occur, and how do electrons act within the bond?

*metals and nonmetals, electrons transferred*

3. Which kind of bond would occur between sodium (Na, Group IA) and chlorine (Cl, Group VIIA)?


4. Which type of bond and how many bonds would occur as carbon dioxide (CO2) is formed from carbon in Group IVA and oxygen in Group VIA?

*four covalent bonds*

5. How many covalent bonds is nitrogen (Group 5A) likely to form?


These are all the answers to the Bonds Quick Check.

How many g of water are required to be mixed with 11.75 g of HgCl in order to make a 0.01 m solution? (Refer to the periodic table for atomic weights.)
a.) 40 g
b.) 5,000 g
c.) 2 x 10^8 g
d.) 2 x 10^6 g

The general name for a substance added to a reaction that affects the rate but is not consumed in the reaction is called a_____.


The action of a catalyst can be explained in the following manner:

a.) The catalyst makes it possible for the reaction to take place by another path that makes possible reaction at a lower energy.
b.) The catalyst takes no part in the reaction but serves as a buffer between reactants and products.
c.) The catalyst prevents the reverse reaction.

d.) The catalyst lowers the temperature of the reactants.

The energy level necessary to enable a reaction to occur is called the_____ energy.

a.) potential
b.) kinetic
c.) activation
d.) nuclear

Raising the temperature of a reacting system increases the rate of the reaction, but does NOT increase the:

a.) number of collisions
b.) average velocity of the reacting particles
c.) activation energy
d.) vibrational motions within the molecules
e.) fraction of the reacting particles which possess energies greater than the activation energy



5,000 g


The catalyst makes it possible for the reaction to take place by another path that makes possible reaction at a lower energy.


activation energy


Formulae for molality = number of moles of solute/mass of solvent in kilograms

Number of moles of solute= 11.75g/236 g/mol = 0.0498 moles

0.01 = 0.0498/x

x= 0.0498/0.01

x= 5 Kg or 5000 g

A catalyst refers to any substance that alters the rate of reaction but remains unaffected at the end of the reaction. The catalyst lowers the activation energy of a reaction.

For a chemical reaction to occur, the substances participating in that reaction must possess energy which is greater than the activation energy of the reaction. The activation energy is a sort of energy barrier between reactants and products which must be surmounted before a reaction can take place.

When the temperature of a reaction system is raised, the molecules move faster and the number of effective collisions in the system increases. However, raising the temperature does not raise the activation energy of the system.




1. Element

2. Compound

3. Heterogeneous mixture

4. Homogeneous mixture

5. Homogeneous mixture

6. Heterogeneous and homogeneous mixture

7. Homogeneous mixture

8. Heterogeneous mixture

for every __sodium ions transported ___postassium ions are transported



In fact, in many neurons three sodium ions are transported for every potassium ion; sometimes the ratio is three sodium ions for every two potassium ions, and in a few neurons it is two sodium ions for one potassium ion.

Noble gases are the least reactive elements on the periodic table.
A. True
B. False


The answer is A. True


The statement is True!


The Noble Gases have eight valence electrons, which fill their outer energy level. This is the most stable arrangement of electrons, so noble gases rarely react with other elements and form compounds.

Hope this helps!

why does an endothermic reaction require a greater activation energy than an exothermic one?​



in most of the endothermic reactions the atoms gains electrons from one to another. since the atom gains electrons there is a electron repulsive force between the host and the guest electron . As stability is inversely proportional to electron repulsive force the atom gains energy to attain stability .

The endothermic reaction mostly come under electron affinity


hope this helps you

if  I am wrong just correct me

Please help I have been stuck on this problem for a couple hours and can't figure it out



11.92 Liters O₂(g) at STP


For most stoichiometry problems, if one will convert all given data into moles, solve by rxn ratios, then finish by converting to needed dimensions to complete problem.

2Pb(NO₃)₂ => 2PbO + 4NO₂ + O₂

Given 237.5 grams PbO formed in reaction = 237.5 g/223.2 g/mole = 1.064 mole PbO

From equation ratios, moles O₂ formed = 1/2(moles PbO) = 1/2(1.064 moles O₂) = 0.532 mole O₂

0.532 mole O₂ = 0.532 mole x 22.4  liters/mole at STP = 11.91756272 liters (calculator answer) ≅ 11.92 liters O₂ at STP (4 sig.figs. based on given 237.5g PbO)

What is the correct equilibrium constant expression for the following reaction?
2NCl3(g) Û N2g) + 3Cl2g



K = [N2] [Cl2]³ / [NCl3]²


The equilibrium expression, K, of a reaction:

aA + bB ⇄ cC + dD

Is defined as the ratio between the multiplication of concentrations of products powered to its reaction coefficient and the multiplication of concentrations of reactants powered to its reaction coefficient as follows:

K = [C]^c[D]^d / [A]^a[B]^b

Now, for the reaciton:

2NCl3 ⇄ N2(g) + 3Cl2(g)

K is:

K = [N2] [Cl2]³ / [NCl3]²

Which of the following molecules contains six bonding electrons?
A C2H4
D NCl3



c2h4 (etthane........

bexcuse it has 6 bond of hydrogen

C₂H₄ molecules contains six bonding electrons. Therefore, option A is correct.

What do you mean by the term bonding ?

Chemical bonding is the process through which two or more atoms, molecules, or ions establish a chemical link to create a chemical compound. The atoms in the resultant molecule are held together by these chemical bonds.

Chemical bonds have three basic characteristics that must be taken into account: their strength, length, and polarity. The distribution of electrical charge among the atoms connected by a bond determines its polarity.

C₂H₄ molecules has six bonding electrons. This molecule is called as Ethylene. When bonding is done between two atoms, each atom shares a pair of electrons with each other.

Hence, for every one bond, two electrons are shared between two atoms

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about the bonding, follow the link;


How many pounds of force is 240 Newtons?



53.9541 pound force...

How old is a bone if it presently contains 0.3125g of C-14, but it was estimated to have originally contained 80.000g of C-14?


Half-life of C-14 is 5730 years

The age of the bone is the time taken to decay carbon -14 from a mass of 80 g to 0.3125 g. The decay time is 46209 years. That is the age of the bone.

What is carbon dating?

Carbon -14 isotope is radioactive and undergoes nuclear decay by the emission of charged particles. The age of a fossil sample which contains carbon -14 can be determined using the time of decay.

Half life of C-14 = 5730 years

decay constant k = 0.693 / 5730 = 0.00012 yr⁻¹

Initial amount of C-14 = 80 g

final amount = 0.3125 g

Then the time taken to decay 80 g to 0.3125 g is t = 1/k ln (80/0.312)

t = ln (80/0.312) / (0.00012 yr⁻¹)

 = 46209 years.

Therefore, the age of the bone is 46209 years.

Find more on carbon dating:


what is a cubic unit cell ?​


cubic unit cell is the smallest repeated unit which have all angles equal to 90 and all have edge lengths equal

It is the type of the Unit cell which is having all angles equal to 90 and all sides equal to each other

it's is a unit cell with cubic structure

which statement best describes the polarity of the molecule Sil4

a. it is polar, because the bond polarities add together in a tetrahedral molecule

b. It is non-polar, because the bond polarities cancel each other out in a tetrahedral molecule

c. it is non-polar, because the bonds between silicon (si) and iodine (I) are not polar

d. it is polar, because the bond polarities add together in a trigonal-planar molecule


b. It is nonpolar, because the bond polarities cancel each other out in a tetrahedral molecule.

The structure of SiI4 is Si bonded to four I atoms, with no lone pairs on Si, so the structure is tetrahedral and the bond polarities cancel due to symmetry.

2. School bus accidents are very rare, possibly because they are so easy to see.
School buses have been around since 1915, but the official color of bright
yellow wasn't used until 1939. Would grey school buses get in more accidents?

Help plz!!!



Grey school buses would likely get in more accidents because other drivers are expecting a yellow bus to make frequent stops and the lights and stop sign are noticeable on a brighter color.


yellow buses are easier to see in fog than a grey bus

which orbital has the lowest energy



s orbital


it has the lowest energy because

Paulis law state that orbitals with lower energy must be fill first before that of higher energy

and the s orbital is filled first

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