At what respects can the present constitution of Nepal be considered superior?Write in seven points.​


Answer 1


Constitution of Nepal 2015 (Nepali: नेपालको संविधान २०७२) is the present governing Constitution of Nepal. Nepal is governed according to the Constitution which came into effect on Sept 20, 2015, regarding the Interim Constitution of 2007. The constitution of Nepal is divided into 35 parts, 308 Articles and 9 Schedules.

The Constitution was drafted by the Second Constituent Assembly following the failure of the First Constituent Assembly to produce a constitution in its mandated period after the devastating earthquake in April 2015. The constitution was endorsed by 90% of the total legislators. Out of 598 Constituent Assembly members, 538 voted in favor of the constitution while 60 people voted against it, including a few Terai-based political parties which refrained from the voting process.

Its institutions were put in place in 2010 and 2018 through a series of direct and indirect elections in all governing levels.

Related Questions

Part D
What impact did price-fixing have on consumers?



Consumers were forced to pay higher prices for e-books.



The impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers leads to paying an extra amount even for those goods that are generally priced very lower than their actual selling-price in the market.

What is the significance of price fixing?

Price-fixing is referred to or considered as such a method, where the number of sellers of a particular product or service in a particular market enter into an agreement to fix their selling prices in order to increase the profits.

When price fixing is being practiced in the market, the consumers are at loss, because they do not have any other option but to buy the products at the prices determined by the agreement between the sellers. Furthermore, any new seller in the market has to enter into agreement of selling goods at such agreed prices.

Therefore, the impact of practices such as price-fixing on consumers and its significance has been aforementioned.

Learn more about price-fixing here:


It would be least expensive to purchase goods with

installment credit
a personal loan
a credit card


Answer: cash

installment credit, loans, and credit cards all have interest but cash doesnt.

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Researchers are testing the effects of a new weight loss method. Subjects will be randomly assigned to groups. One group will follow the new method and the other group will not. All subjects will be randomized a second time to watch a nutritional information video and the other group will receive a motivational speech. This will result in four different groups as follows:Weight Loss Method + Motivational SpeechWeight Loss Method + Informational VideoNo Weight Loss Method + Motivational SpeechNo Weight Loss Method + Informational VideoWhat type of design is this?



- Factorial


'Factorial design' is characterized as the research pattern in which all combinations of multiple parameters or independent variables are examined.

The given details match the above description of testing two factors across various levels('Weight loss method + Motivational speech,' 'Weight loss Method + Informational Video,' etc.). Thus, it exemplifies a 'factorial design' as it primarily aims to test the distinct effects of a variable/factor on different levels and also the outcomes produced by communication of two independent variables. This assists in determining a valid conclusion that can be relied upon.

the meaning of disrupted ​



It means interfered or minding someone


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Cash because there is no way the cash can be traced back to you.  If you use a credit or debit card, hackers can steal your information.

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The sentence is asking: 'What are the by-products of crops used for?'


What is the meaning of history​



the work that has done in past

Another way that children are able to testify in a case is through the use of a closed-circuit television (CCTV). Its use allows the judge and jury to see the child without exposing the alleged victim to the emotional trauma that may present itself while in the presence of the defendant. In the case of Maryland v. Craig, the Court decided that the _____ the child _____ the defendant's right to confront his or her accuser.



need to protect; outweighs


The court gave the permission that in cases that have to do with such criminal offences if the victim is 14 or less than 14 at the time of the offence, and if they were 16 years or less at the time of testimony, the child's testimony has to be gotten through closed-circuit television.

The court decided in this court case that the need for the child to be protected is more than the rights of the defender to confront the accuser.

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The answer is "cognitive system and experimental system".


The category of technologies that employ computer vision, speech recognition, machine learning that enable more organic interactions among people and machines can broaden and improve human understanding or cognition. Formal and informal data are analyzed by cognitive systems from various sources.

The experimental system for just an experiment or study is the physiological, technical, or administrative basis. It's been created over several years in the jargon of researchers for just a specific species of animals to be experimentally strong to address specific issues.

b. We learn.......from civilized society.​



These include: (1) large population centers; (2) monumental architecture and unique art styles; (3) shared communication strategies; (4) systems for administering territories; (5) a complex division of labor; and (6) the division of people into social and economic classes.

Read the following scenario and answer the questions that follow.Amy became very depressed after she divorced her husband of 22 years. She had considered him to be her soulmate and was devastated when he asked for a divorce to be with another woman. Janis, on the other hand, was elated when her divorce was finalized. Her husband abused her for several years, and she eventually fell in love with someone else and was eager to end the marriage.Although both women experienced the same stressful event (divorce), what is the most likely reason it resulted in depression for Amy but not Janis?A. The context and meaning of the event were very different for the two women.B. Janis has a positive cognitive style, while Amy has a negative cognitive style.C. Amy has a biological predisposition to becoming depressed, but Janis does not.



A. The context and meaning of the event were very different for the two women.

elabora un organizador grafico promoviendo las buenas practicas de valores



A graphic organiser is an education - learning tool for organising information and concepts in an easy-to-understand and internalise manner. Graphic organisers illustrate linkages and connections throughout concepts, words, and facts by combining text and pictures.

why do foreign people visit national heritage of nepal? In 4 points. ​



Nepal is a country of contrasts. Spectacular natural riches combine with a vibrant culture and sense of history. that might be one of the reasons foreign people visit.

answer the match pls​



i dont understand french please

In ancient India women ______________________.
had the same rights as men.
were slaves
were not considered equal in society
none of the above


The answer is C in scientific India women where seen as a slave and nothing more they didn’t even have half of the rights that the men had

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The problem and evils which is held in our society in

society is called socian evils

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"I know that you are the durable power of​ attorney, but your mother is alert and oriented so we cannot legally take her against her​ will."


In cases of legal proceedings involving a sick or ill patient, the durable power of attorney is the legal power that can control and decide what the best option is for the ill patient. This means that the power of attorney has all the rights to do things as a representative of that patient.

But in the given passage, though the daughter has the power of attorney, her mother who's still "alert and oriented" has the right to decide what she wants. The existence of the power of attorney is in the case of the mother becoming unconscious or unable to decide on her own.

So, the most appropriate and legal response the EMT can do is to tell the daughter that even though she's the durable power of attorney, as long as the mother is alert and oriented, the medical team cannot legally take her against her will.

what are the main object of the SS DP ?


Furthermore, the SSDP aims to strengthen technical and vocational education in secondary schools by introducing measures that develop qualified and technical human resources capable of earning decent incomes

(05.01 MC)
How is a direct democracy similar to a representative democracy?
A.) Both types of government are run by a communist party.
B.) Both types of democracy give power to the people.
C.) Both types of democracy give power only to elected representatives.
D.) Both types of government are run by a single party.
(Please help ASAP!)



in a representative democracy people vote for representatives who then enact policy initiatives. In direct democracy, people decide on policies without any intermediary. ... A popular referendum empowers citizens to make a petition that calls existing legislation to a vote by the citizens.

Think of the air pollutants that you were exposed to within the last week. Write a short report discussing the pollutants.



i was exposed to lead, carbon monoxide.


i went to go shadow someone at a police station and during that shadowing trip we went into the shooting range which had a lot of lead in it, and i was exposed to carbon monoxide because my friend had an issue with his gas stove



If you drive a car or your car takes gasoline you are most likely exposed to carbon dioxide which is created when gasoline evaporates.

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b7ihij9vjvuniguvugbkcubu ucjgubuc hvuvuv7v

what is meant by purchasing power of customers ?
plz help​!!!



Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).


Economic forces can be defined as the factors that influence and determine the level of success, competitiveness and the direction of the economy in which a business firm operates in.

Basically, economic forces include factors such as; inflation rate, standards of living, unemployment rate, credit, law, tax rates, government policies, income distribution and purchasing power in a particular country.

Purchasing power of customers can be defined as the financial ability of the customers to buy goods and services by making payment using a legal tender or unit of currency (money).

Simply stated, it's the amount of goods and services that a customer can buy with a unit of currency (money) at a particular period of time.

One of the functions of money is it being a store of value because it allows the purchasing power of consumers to be transferred from the present to the future.

Hence, money being a store of value makes it possible to transfer purchasing power between traders and buyers from the present to the future.

In conclusion, the purchasing power of a customer is the amount of money that he or she has to spend in buying goods and services.

Please help me with this please please help please please help me please please please help I don’t know how much I need help with this please please help please

A. Why is Harry's insistence on being placed in Gryffindor House instead of Slytherin House so significant in terms of his development as a character?

Introductory Statement/ Hook:

Statement of Intent: reason A and B :

thesis reason A and B:


#1 Point #1: Introduce REASON A here, but use general statement

#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support Reason A

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

#2 Point #2: Introduce REASON B here, but use general statements
#1: Provide quotations from the novel to support ReasonB

Explanation #1:
Proof #2:
Explanation #2:

Restate/ Summarize Thesis:
Restate/ Summarize Points:

Call to action:


This won't be the essay but it'll help maybe.

It was an easy way to set up bad guys, and to make Harry a good guy by default.

J K Rowling doesn't like Slytherins. She chose them to be her antagonists, to be the standard by which to measure appropriate behaviour. Want to be a good person? Don't act like a Slytherin.

Of course, she won't say this. Ostensibly all the official traits of Slytherins aren't particularly bad. Ambition. Cunning. Ruthless determination. They're useful, important skills. But throughout the series, we are constantly pushed to accept that these are bad traits, because they are Slytherin traits, and there ‘wasn't a dark witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin' despite this being blatantly untrue.

Harry choosing Gryffindor over Slytherin is supposed to represent the idea that ones choices are what makes someone a good person, rather than their circumstances, which is a theme repeated often throughout the books. Unfortunately, J K Rowling doesn't seem to believe that cunning or ambitious people can or will make that choice. Even when Snape does act in a good manner, it's then immediately said that ‘perhaps we sort too soon', as if acting like a good person suddenly made him less Slytherin.

So yeah, tangential rant but basically it was a way to push him down the path of the hero, and to set up the idea that being brave would be enough to get you through all life's perils, and to reinforce the idea that he has to be a good person, because he chose not to go sit with the evil kids.

Harry is supposed to be a foil to Voldemort, a reflection on the choices he could've made but didn't. Both Half-blood, both muggle-raised, both abused, but with Harry choosing loving his new world over hating his old one. It doesn't quite translate, because there's significant differences between Harry's and Voldemort's situations, but it was the intention. The sorting is the first step Harry takes away from following the path Tom Riddle laid down, thus portraying that for all their seeming similarities, Harry is fundamentally good, where Voldemort is just evil. Y'know, because he's Slytherin.

by someone named Alex Knight

Gandaki province has great prospect of tourism





Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (Bayona, 2018) privileges heteronormative relationships and the building of a traditional family unit, and it perpetuates a common Hollywood position of fearful suspicion toward scientists and academics. What is the term for this reaffirmation of traditional, popular values


Answer: cultural invisibility


Cultural Invisibility occurs when the cultural mores and the prejudices which are lurking in a movie go unnoticed.

Cultural invisibility is used for the enhancement of the subconscious beliefs of the viewers. With regards to the question, term for this reaffirmation of traditional, popular values us cultural invisibility.

Chad remembers the feeling of excitement in his house when his mother brought his new baby sister home from the hospital. He can still picture the tiny baby with the stocking cap on her head. His parents can't convince him that he actually stayed with his grandparents for two weeks after the baby was born and that what he remembers never happened. Chad's memory is an example of ___________





Confabulation can be described as one symptom of different disorders that are associated with memory. In such, a person uses made up stories to unconsciously fill gaps in memory. The stories a fabricated or distorted. When such happens, a person is mixing their imaginations with real memories.

This explains what is happening with Chad. The feelings of excitement he thinks he experienced after this birth never happened given that he was not even present in the house after the baby was born.

how can be the snow covered areas of different provinces utilized for economic growth of Nepal



Tourism and hydroelectricity.


Snow covered areas of Sikkim cam be used for economic growth in the form of tourism and sports events. Such as poon hill, Shivpuri, and daman. As the economy of Nepal mostly is dependent on the use of agriculture and remittances.

Authority is defined as Group of answer choices The right inherent in a role to use any means to overcome resistance The use of signs and symbols to induce compliance The use of words and arguments to induce compliance The unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed that comes from fulfilling a specific role



The unquestionable entitlement to be obeyed that comes from fulfilling a specific role



This is simply defined as a system or an organization that is responsible for the exercising of authority over a body or group of people.


This is commonly known as the ability to do work. In this context, it is simply the ability to get other people to do what you want them to do through the use of punishments and rewards.


This is simply refered to as the ability to make people do what you want without the use of rewards and punishments. It is also known as the right to give orders and enforce rules.

The three types of authority.

These includes:

1. Traditional

2. Charismatic

3. Rational / Legal

What type of society do you prefer: pastoral or horticultural society? Give any four reasons. ​





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