Attention is generally thought of as Question 5 options: a) consisting of a big filter. b) the power to focus on two things at once. c) the perception of many small objects. d) consisting of a single locus in the brain. e) consisting of a family of selection mechanisms.


Answer 1


Option e: consist of a family of selection mechanisms.



This is simply known as the act o directing one's attention on specific features, objects, or locations or on certain thoughts or activities. It is simply focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events

Kinds of Attention

1. Selective Attention

This is simply filtering or directing one's attention of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, while keeping us from perceiving whatever is not being attended to.

Attentional capture

This is simply a quick shifting of focus usually caused by a stimulus such as a loud noise, bright light, or sudden movement.

2. Overt Attention

This is the simply the act of moving or shifting attention from one place to another by moving the eyes.

3. Covert Attention

This simply happens when attention is shifted without moving the eyes, commonly known as seeing something "out of the corner of one's eye."

Related Questions

OMG PLEASE HELP RN!! I have like an hour left



The North American colonies hoped that if they joined forces with Britain, the U.S. would not attempt and Invasion. The citizens of North America believed that a confederation would be able to protect against an invasion and that the country would be much safer.


reasons for Confederation.

Political Deadlock. Canada West and Canada East had an equal number of representatives in the Legislative Assembly. ...

American Expansion. ...

A railway from east to west was needed. ...

Great Britain wanted to break some ties. ...

Cancellation of the Reciprocity Treaty. ...

Expansion to the West.

Allusions Quick Check
Which term describes a brief reference in a text to a fictional or historical story, person, or event that readers will be familiar with?
(1 point)
A: connection
D: allusion




Allusion is the term describes a brief reference in a text to a fictional or historical story, person, or event that readers will be familiar with. Hence, option D is correct.

What is a historical fiction?

Historical fiction is a literary subgenre in which the action is historically accurate. Historical fiction aims to accurately capture every element of the time period, including social mores, manners, traditions, and customs. Historical fiction takes place in a genuine location and at a historically significant moment in time.

A good example is the historical novel "Gone with the Wind." The narrative, which is set in the Civil War and Reconstruction eras, is focused on the fictional character Scarlett and details both her romantic adventures and her family's post-war problems.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about historical fiction, click here:


What is the best generation who knows better than the other?


Baby boomers is known as best generation. People born in 1946 to 1964 fall under this generation. There are approximately 76 million people who are baby boomers. They are considered as wealthiest and have redefined traditional values.

They are mostly active and have high disposable income. The people who fall in this generation are aged between 57 to 75 years old now. They have best knowledge among all other generations as they have seen world going through many difficult times and know the art to tackle every challenge.

Learn more at

Write any 1 disadvantage of the houses you see in the picture



there's no picture (?)


sorry I don't know

There is no any picture
Post all question pic not half

What’s the answer to how comfortable are you relying on others to achieve your performance goals



I think you just answer how confident you are...its opinion I think.


there isn't really an explanation

meaning of indicator of development​



Definition: Usually a numerical measure of quality of life in a country. Indicators are used to illustrate progress of a country in meeting a range of economic, social, and environmental goals.

STRATIFICATION in Nigeria society



1° Social Stratification is a Source of Competition

2° Stratification is based on Social Values

3° Stratification Involves a Stable, Enduring and Hierarchical Division of Society

4° Inequality or lower/higher position

5° Different Statuses are Inter-dependent

6° Every Status has a Particular Prestige Associated with it

7° Social Stratification Restricts Interactions

8° Possibility, Chances of Circulation or Change in the Position of Various Classes of Persons

compare the pokhara university​



a non profit automouns institutions, pu is party funded by the government of nepal and party by revenues from its students and affiliated colleges.

Karl listens to his colleague giving an overview of the store's new leave policy. What behavior can Carl show to show that he cares about what his colleague says? a) click with his finger on his knees b) confirm what is being said with the person next to him c) summarize what he heard at the end of the overview to his colleague d) say “yes, ok” repeatedly






of Defers the to Breh medias . 2 Vastel 3. Fosil 5. 4- Adult frardise Marifesto 1.2 Very Very heat​



jnamsksla ke sbaksbsksbsbdv

why do people need an ideal society to live in ?​



Because if we didn't, the world would possibly drive itself into insanity

Highlight five ways in which social media influence modern parenting​




Social media has turned many parents into over-sharers

parents compare children with others

Create Fame-Hungry Kids

the relationship between parents and children is declining

the need to pay attention on children has increased

Frank's daughter Jenna is sick. They visit the hospital and the doctor says that if Jenna does not get a certain medicine, she will probably die. Unfortunately, Frank cannot afford the medicine. He notices recent improvements to the hospital and suspects it must be making a lot of money by raising the prices of medicines. On his way out, Frank notices an open drawer stuffed with vials full of the medicine Jenna needs. He does not see anyone around and knows he could take some of the medicine without anyone noticing. What would a Kantian deontologist say that Frank should do? a.) Frank should take the medicine because it will increase happiness for some, and happiness is more important than the act of stealing. b.) Frank should take the medicine because humans act primarily out of their own self-interest, and what is good is relative to each individual. c.) Frank should not take the medicine because he has not taken into consideration the possible positive and negative consequences of the action on others. d.) Frank should not take the medicine because stealing cannot hold up as universal law, regardless of the potentially good consequences.



d.) Frank should not take the medicine because stealing cannot hold up as universal law, regardless of the potentially good consequences.


Universal laws are widely regarded as a way people conduct themselves. They are regarded as universal in their philosophical basis, applicability, acceptability, and translation.

For example fairness in dealings is a universally accepted concept.

In the given scenario however stealing is not a universal law and cannot be justified under any circumstance.

Although Frank's daughter Jenna is sick and he cannot afford the medicine.

He should not take from open drawer stuffed with vials full of the medicine Jenna needs because it is ethically wrong

What kind of substances are called drugs​



It depends on the context (as in which type of drug you are referring to).


When it comes to common drugs that a pharmacy would have (also known as medicine), those are chemical substances used to diagnose, treat, prevent, and/or cure a disease or sickness.

However, if you're referring to drugs like cocaine and meth, those are psychoactive drugs. They typically affect the nervous system's functions and changes perception (our ability to recognize things), mood, and consciousness. Some psychoactive drugs are used to treat medical conditions, but have a few restrictions to ensure the patient/recipient dos not get addicted.

In pharmacology, a drug is a chemical substance, typically of known structure, which, when administered to a living organism, produces a biological effect. A pharmaceutical drug, also called a medication or medicine, is a chemical substance used to treat, cure, prevent, or diagnose a disease or to promote well-being.

Your reading material mentions someone who was not a psychologists at all, but who had a dramatic impact on the field.Who was this person?

A. Napoleon
B. Adolf Hitler
C. Gandhi
D. Jonás Salk



B as in boy


its eithher that or D

b. adolf hitler should be the answer

Who is the President of Nepal ? (2021)​


Bidhya Devi Bhandari


Bidhya Devi Bhandari


The Right Honourable President Mrs. Bidya

Devi Bhandari has formed the Council of

Ministers and assigned the portfolios as

follows on the recommendation of the Right

Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Sher Bahadur

Deuba on 13 July 2021.

Match the following items.

1. get information from a number of different sources
plain folks
2. use facts in their presentation
3. "Governor Tyson is a family man that has lived and worked in our community for years."
avoid bad propaganda
4. using nationalistic terms to give the impression of being zealous for the country's welfare.
debate team


4. Patriotism
3. Plain Folks
2. Debate Team
1. Avoid Bad Propaganda

I believe these are the answers, hope it helps

what the difference between financial and finance ?



the term finance can be used to describe the activities of a firm attempting to raise capital through the sale of stocks, bonds, or other promissory notes.

Financial usually refers to  matters relating to money or the way money is managed

He tells you that the president will have more power than many Princes in Europe.....according to the essay, what is the effect of dividing control of the miliitary power of the United States between Congress and the President



month akfg you not the pongone

What social problems can arise from the lack of employment in young people?

A. migration and crime

B. good sugaring and good quality in health

C. global warming and pollution


A. Migration and crime


a) migration and crime


If people are not employed, there may be a lack of a justice system, for not many people are police officers, security, investigators, etc. In addition, people need to have an income to survive, and if they don't work, they can turn to crimes such as theft, scamming, etc.

~Please Brainlist if you enjoy this answer~

Which Enlightenment thinker preferred tyrannical rule and felt that in order to live in a peaceful and secure society, people should give up certain rights to a centralized power?
A. Leonardo da Vinvi
B. John Locke
C. Peter the Great
D. Thomas Hobbes


Answer:D. Thomas Hobbes
Answer D


D. Thomas Hobbes


In his work, Leviathan, Hobbes showcased these beliefs. Da Vinci was born long before the Age of Enlightenment. John Locke believed the government existed to protect the life, liberty, and property of its people. Peter the Great was a Russian tsar, not an Enlightenment thinker.

what is democracy?
pls fast​


Democracy is a system of government where people can choose who they want to lead.

Hope this helps! :)

State the importance of keeping hair skin and nails clean



Please refer to: Daily washing, cleaning hands before and after handling food, wearing clean clothing, looking after your skin, hair and nails and good oral hygiene are all factors that contribute to keeping healthy. Personal hygiene is not only important for good health, it is also essential for a person's self-esteem


I'm not sure but hope it helps.

why we study economics? Explain briefly?​



The study of economics helps people understand the world around them. It enables people to understand people, businesses, markets and governments, and therefore better respond to the threats and opportunities that emerge when things change.

explain five features of the colonial nigeria constitution




Separation of power.

Presidential system.

Fundamental Human Rights.



Supremacy of the constitution.

Independence of the judiciary.

The assertion that non formal institution have no role to play in the processing stage of the system theory is an empty rhetoric


Assertions are forceful statement which represent a fact of belief. These statements often require some strong evidence which validates their truthfulness.

In the given question the assertion is made that non formal institutions have no role to play in processing stage of system theory is an empty rhetoric. The reader of this statement will need strong evidence or supporting statement backing up this statement so that they can have believe in this statement.

Learn more at

What are the task of welfare economist


Welfare economics seeks to evaluate the costs and benefits of changes to the economy and guide public policy toward increasing the total good of society, using tools such as cost-benefit analysis and social welfare functions.

what do you mean by infrastructures of development? explain the importance of such development for a country.​



It needs to be emphasized that good quality infrastructure is important not only for faster economic growth but also to ensure inclusive growth. By inclusive growth we mean that benefits of growth are shared by the majority of the people of a country. Thus the inclusive growth will lead to the alleviation of poverty and reduction in income inequality in the country.

Hope this helps...

what was the systematic distribution of pipe water started in Nepal​



Nepal water supply, sanitation and hygiene sector development plan. sanitation of Nepal also started to be used for water supply.

telecommuting is working from home, making use of the internet, email and etc


It is also touted as a tool that permits workers to minimize use of "personal days" in instances where they have to stay home and care for a sick child, etc.
Other Questions
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