Based on its structure, which word most likely means "someone who takes advantage of circumstances”?



Answer 1
disdainful is the answer

Related Questions

Which literary device or technique is used in the given example below?

"...overshadowed by the wall..."



Metaphor. Metaphors,Simile,Imagery,Symbolism,etc. also known as direct comparisons, are one of the most common literary devices or technique.


Now you will put what you learned into practice. Remember, some ways to improve word choice include:

Use a thesaurus to find synonyms

Use words that are specific, not vague

Stay away from using verbs like: is, was, were, & are

Rewrite the paragraph below to include more descriptive and colorful language that suggests a mood of exuberance or excitement. Specifically, edit this paragraph for word choice. Feel free to use a thesaurus, but try to maintain your own personal voice. For example, don’t use words you wouldn’t normally use. Make sure to edit for errors in conventions before turning it in.

Paragraph to rewrite:

"I had the best day ever. First, I woke up. Then, I got a package in the mail. I opened it. It was the best gift ever. Then, my aunt came over with a birthday cake and presents for the party. All my friends arrived and we had a good time. I’ll always remember this day."


I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favours. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest.

What is a Paragraph?

Each paragraph in the body of the paper should contain a topic sentence, supporting attributes to support the topic sentence, and a concluding sentence. The paragraph's meaning and scope will specify its length, but most paragraphs include at least two complete sentences.

A suitable example of a paragraph includes a topic sentence, details, and a conclusion. 'There are many various types of animals that live in China.

Paragraphs exist as groups of sentences that transfer a standard idea. They are all written about a particular topic, just like friends usually share a typical interest. Paragraphs often contain examples or proof to support a topic, idea, or opinion.

The rewrite paragraph is,

I had the most wonderful day ever. First and foremost, I awoke. After then, I received a parcel in the mail. It was opened by me. It was the best present I'd ever received. After that, my aunt arrived with a birthday cake and party favors. All of my pals showed there, and we had a great time. This is a day I'll never forget.

To learn more about paragraph refer to:


Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf's a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay. Which best describes the effect of allusion on the meaning in this excerpt?



In simple words, Season's "first green" flowers are connected to golden, earth's most valuable metal, instantly cementing gold as a metaphor of anything that is new, young, and lovely.

The following line, "Her hardest hue to hold," indicates that maintaining the innocent of the initial greens is the most difficult things to accomplish and he adds, "Her first leaf's a blossom / only so an evening." This is the third time he uses an analogy, suggesting that a blade is a bloom (and green is gold).

Write sentences with impatient ,patient, ambitious.


It was hard for Jessica to be patient while waiting for her exam test grades.

Vick was impatient to wait in line so she decided not to go on the ride.

Rick was super ambitious about the game that it brought up his teammates spirt.

Question 1-10: Insert a suitable word in each blank (the first letter is given to guide you)
1. Although the weather is not so good, the match will go a______.
2. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a r______ day.
3. We're in good time; there's no n__________ to hurry
4. True gender e____________can be achieved when both men and women reach a balance between work and family
5. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go b_______.
6.It is t____believed that you are healthy when there is a balance between yin and yang
7. The first episode of the film is going to be a___ next Sunday
8. There are important things to do to develop a country. Most people agree that the first p___________is revolutionizing












A.)will and should


B.)will and will


We will certainly have time for lunch. Where should we go?

"You should suffer for this", he swore. "I will see to it that you do!"


Makes sense? Read them out loud and doesn't that make sense? Hope your having a wonderful day/night! If not I promise it'll get better... :) <33

Which of the choices does not contain any errors in how it is written?
A) To see a movie, catch a plane, and climb a mountain is my idea of a full day.
B) To see a movie, catch a plane, and climbing a mountain is my idea of a full day.
C) To see a movie, catching a plane, and climbing a mountain is my idea of a full day.
D) To have seen a movie, catch a plane, and climb a mountain is my idea of a full day.



I would say A has no errors. I've loved reading my whole life, so I see a perfect sentence when I see one.


Hope this helps! I'm just going by what I think is the right answer. A just seems like the most logical answer. Hope you do well on your assignment! <3

Read this passage from “A Smart Cookie” by Sandra Cisneros.

She has lived in this city her whole life. She can speak two languages. She can sing an opera. She knows how to fix a TV. But she doesn’t know which subway train to take to get downtown.

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that

Esperanza’s mother is a great singer.
Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.
Esperanza’s mother is delighted with city life.
Esperanza’s mother is not able to travel much.




the fourth one

The author most likely includes this information to help the reader infer that Esperanza’s mother is not very smart.

What is “A Smart Cookie” about?

Sandra Cisneros' short story "A Smart Cookie" is about a young girl named Esperanza who lives in Chicago with her family.

The story delves into themes such as cultural identity, assimilation, and the difficulties that immigrants face in adapting to a new culture while maintaining their own traditions.

The story's title refers to Esperanza's mother, who is portrayed as a strong and capable woman with many skills and talents who struggles with the complexities of city life.

The term "inferred" refers to the process of reaching a conclusion based on evidence and reasoning rather than directly stated information.

Thus, the question asks which conclusion can be drawn from the information in the passage.

For more details regarding “A Smart Cookie”, visit:


is the sentence the boy won the computer award active or passive voice​



active? sorry if I'm wrong



the sentence is an active voice

Determine whether the sentence is compound or complex

Although Mayan cities were centers for religious activity, they may have had no
permanent inhabitants.





A complex sentence has a clause that cannot stand on its own. If you separate this sentence at the comma, the clause starting with "Although" will not be able to function as a full sentence.

please help me!! :>
thank you


near the river= to plant easily

a cave= to have a better shelter

How does conflict lead to change? Give examples from your life, the media, or other texts (books, films) you have consumed.



What are examples of conflicts?

Decoding the Six Conflicts in Literature (With Examples)

Man vs. Self. Man vs. ...

Man vs. Man. Man vs. ...

Man vs. Society. ...

Man vs. Nature. ...

Man vs. Technology. ...

Man vs. Fate or the Supernatural


The opposing force created, the conflict within the story generally comes in four basic types: Conflict with the self, Conflict with others, Conflict with the environment and Conflict with the supernatural.

2. Which of the following statements about accurate writing is true?
O A. It considers all viewpoints as equally valid and gives equal space to each.
O B. It contains emotional language to support the writer's claims.
C. It considers only one viewpoint and explains it thoroughly.
O D. It mentions other points of view and shows how they're incorrect.



The answer should be A...

It considers all viewpoints as equally valid and gives equal space to each. This is one of the following statements which talks about Writing. Hence, option A is appropriate.

What is the meaning of Writing?

Any customary set of markings or signs that represent the words of a language is considered to be writing. Writing makes language clear. Writing is definite and lasting in contrast to speech, which is fleeting.

Writing is a neuropsychological activity that structures and converts human thoughts into enduring representations of human language through the use of writing systems.

A writing system, also known as a script or orthography, is made up of a collection of distinguishable symbols, shapes, or constructions called characters or graphs that are connected to certain language structures.

Writing abilities are the abilities you utilize to write clearly and successfully. A competent writer is someone who can clearly and concisely convey their message to their audience while making it easy for the reader to follow. Writing abilities go beyond merely the ability to write.

Hence, option A is correct.

Learn more about the Writing here:


How do tragedy and comedy differ?



Comedy and Tragedy are two genres of literature that traces their origins back to the Ancient Greece. In simple terms, the main difference between comedy and tragedy is that the comedy is a humorous story with a happy ending while a tragedy is a serious story with a sad ending.


Translate Shakespeare please!
"God has given you one face, and you make yourself another."



This is what it's saying: "You are your own person, yet you alter yourself to be something else."

You are your own person and yet your changing yourself to be another person

D. Development (Time Frame: 1 hour and 40 minutes)

Learning Task 1: During your Grade 7, primary and secondary sources were discussed. Can you still remember them? Let us

see if you can still identify them. Read the following descriptions and determine if it is a primary or a secondary source.

_______1. A classroom history textbook

_______2. A copy of the text of the Phil. Constitution

_______3. A biography of Carlos P. Romulo

_______4. A video of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech

_______5. An interview with a survivor of a natural disaster

_______6. An opinion of the editor from the newspaper

_______7. A Wikipedia article about George Washington

_______8. Ann Frank’s autobiography The Diary of a Young Girl

_______9. A map of Africa from 1900

_______10. A story on a televised national news program about a bill passed by Congress

pls help



Secondary Source 1. A classroom history textbook

Primary Source 2. A copy of the text of the Phil. Constitution

Secondary Source 3. A biography of Carlos P. Romulo

Primary Source 4. A video of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech  

Primary Source 5. An interview with a survivor of a natural disaster  

Secondary Source 6. An opinion of the editor from the newspaper

Secondary Source 7. A Wikipedia article about George Washington

Primary Source 8. Ann Frank’s autobiography The Diary of a Young Girl

Primary Source 9. A map of Africa from 1900

Secondary Source 10. A story on a televised national news program about a bill passed by Congress


The above selected answers are correct.

A primary source is known to be anything that actually gives a direct evidence about events, people, situations, experiments, etc. that one is researching on. Such sources include the documents or artifacts that was made by the participant in the event or an eye-witness. Primary sources may include interviews, diaries, government documents, photographs, letters, oral histories, poems, novels, plays, and music.

A secondary source is known to be anything which actually interprets, analyzes, evaluates, or describes the information which is gotten from primary sources. Some examples of secondary sources are books, documentaries, articles, textbooks, reviews, essays, encyclopedia, etc.



logo is then answer which is d or the last one



I’m pretty sure the answer is B
Hope this helps

In 80-100 words , write a paragraph about the benefits that TV brings our daily life





1. In this busy, expensive life, television is an easy and cheap source of entertainment.

2. By watching international news, we are kept informed and up-to-date with breaking news around the world.

3. Some shows and channels (like PBS and Discovery) offer educational programs that can increase our knowledge and make us more aware of the world around us.

4. Do-it-yourself shows give us easy access to all kinds of information: Cooking channels offer new recipes and methods, home improvement shows introduce us to many money-saving DIY tips, and financial advisers give advice for managing finances and investing money, for example. Television can also be a good way to help people learn a different language.

5. Some shows can motivate people who are interested in that field and help them to pursue their dreams.

6. Television can help you feel less lonely. Psychologists coined the term "social surrogacy" to explain how television can fill the shoes of absent friends or family. In one study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, researchers found that people who watch a favorite TV show report feeling less lonely during the show.

7. TV can expand your mind. Some shows let you travel vicariously and teach you about different people, cultures, ideas, and places you might never encounter in real life. Watching a variety of shows might give us a broader understanding of the world we live in and expose us to things we might otherwise never come across in our own lives.

8. TV can make you feel like part of a group and let you participate in a shared subculture. In social situations where you may find yourself surrounded by strangers with whom you have nothing in common, a popular show or televised sporting event might give you something to talk about.

9. Gathering around the television gives families, friends, and strangers something to bond over. Even if you're not interested in the Olympics, watching the games with your family might bring you closer together; reminiscing about shows you've watched together gives you shared history and memories.

10. There may be certain health benefits to watching television. If a certain show makes you laugh, for example, then an argument can be made for its mood-elevating merits. While exercising, television can distract you from what you're doing and therefore enable you to last longer on the treadmill (there's a good reason why so many gyms have televisions, after all!). One study from the University of Rochester found that people felt more energetic after watching nature scenes.

Brook states that the distance on the line is 4 units. Caleb states that the whole line does not have a distance because it continues on forever. Vivian states that the line is 6 units long. A number line goes from negative 8 to positive 8. A line with arrows as endpoints is above the line and contains points L, M, N. A closed circle appears at negative 6 and is labeled L. A closed circle appears at negative 2 and is labeled M. A closed circle appears at positive 4 and is labeled N. Which distance did Brook measure? Which distance did Vivian measure?


Hi. You forgot to show the image of the line this question refers to. This makes it difficult for your question to be answered. However, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed an image of the line. This line is in the image attached below. If that was your case, I hope this answer can help you:


Brook was measuring the distance between L and M, while Vivian was measuring the distance between M and N.


You will be able to answer this question very simply, as you only need to count the units between every two points on the line. If you count the first unit after point L to the unit that marks point M, you will see that there are 4 units, as Brok noted. If you do the same thing between points M and N, you will see that there are 6 units of distance, as Vivian noted.

Answer: 1.) the distance between L and M  

2.) the distance between M and N

Explanation: i hope this helps :)

COUNTY ATTORNEY (with the gallantry of a young politician). And yet, for all their worries, what would we do without the ladies? (The women do not unbend. He goes to the sink, takes a dipperful of water from the pail and, pouring it into a basin, washes his hands. Starts to wipe them on the roller-towel, turns it for a cleaner place.) Dirty towels! (Kicks his foot against the pans under the sink.) Not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies? The excerpt contributes most to which feminist theme?


This question is missing the answer options. I was able to find them online. They are the following:

A. Women artists face difficult paths when pursuing careers.

B. Women need to feel they are determining their own fate.

C. Women are often expected to conform to roles set by society.

D. Women often suffer great abuses in male-dominated societies.


The excerpt contributes most to the feminist theme:

C. Women are often expected to conform to roles set by society.


The short play "Trifles" was written by American playwright Susan Glaspell, who was born in 1876. The play is full of feminist themes, one of them being developed in the passage we are analyzing here.

First, let's briefly understand the context. The county attorney, along with the sheriff and Mr. Hale are looking for evidence to prove that a certain woman, Minnie Wright, has killed her husband. With them are Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters (the sheriff's wife). As the play unfolds, it is the women who will discover evidence that leads to the motive behind Mr. Wright's murder. However, all the while, the men talk to them or refer to them and other women in general as if they only worry about trifles - as if women's reasoning were inferior.

In the particular passage we are analyzing, the county attorney is judging Mrs. Wright's performance as a housewife. He expects her to conform to a certain role. She must obey her husband, keep the house spotless, cook delicious food, etc. He does not take a moment to wonder why her house is in such disarray. Was something bad happening to her? Did she and her husband have problems? Was she depressed? None of that crosses his mind. He judges her according to his expectations, and that is it.


women are often expected to conformt to roles set by society

Which sentence is an example of an objective summary?


i believe its the second one, forgive me if im wrong.

oh! is a which part of speech?​



Oh is an interjection - Word Type.


The expression "Oh!" is an interjection. Interjections are words that end in explanation points. They're used to demonstrate how one is feeling.

Read the poem and answer the question.

[1]I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
[5]Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
[10]Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
[15]A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
[20]In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Wordsworth uses the word "dance" throughout his poem. In a paragraph of 3-5 sentences, analyze how the poet uses "dance" in stanzas 2 and 4. Who is dancing in these two stanzas? In each instance, what does the use of the word "dance" reveal about Wordsworth's view of nature?



In the poem , the poet uses the word ‘dance’ quite a few times .

In the 2nd stanza , Wordsworth had used the word ‘dance’ to show that the daffodils were moving to and fro due to the breeze . It seemed like the flowers were dancing joyously , as if in rapture , in the gentle breeze . The movement of the daffodils had been described as ‘ tossing their heads in a sprightly dance ’ .

In the 4th stanza , poet William uses the word ‘dance’ to show that his pleasure-filled heart started to dance when introduced to the memory of those 10,000 daffodils along the margin of the bay . The daffodils come back to the speaker's imaginative memory — access to which is a gift of solitude — and fills him with joy as his mind dances with the daffodils .

Can you turn this into an indirect sentence, please?
“Tim, try a little harder,” said the professor.



The professor suggested tim to try a little harder.

I need help unscrambling this I don't know the word I've tried everything.





thats the answer




hope this helped!

Rewrite the above passage in modern language so that today's reader may more easily understand Stanton's intent.


answer: where is the passage

who has power in the book thief​


Liesel has the power in the book thief

What is the hyperbole in this sentence?

"I have passed from one to another in the course of my business life, just as I pass from one of our customers to another in the course of my business day; in short, I have no feelings; I am a mere machine."



The statement "I have no feelings; I am a mere machine."


A hyperbole is an exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally.

write a diary entry expressing how you felt the day your sister left from the village and went to town​



well I never really got to know my big sister since she's older than me she's a grown woman so I never really got to meet her my mom told me about her and how great she was but I never really met her she knows I exist but I wish I could meet her in person and not through photos

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