Based on the essay’s central ideas, what is Emerson trying to convince the reader to think or do?


Answer 1




Edge 2021

Related Questions

Rakhee was shopping with her mother in a shopping mall.
Suddenly there were tremors and sounds of rattling. Everything
seemed to be shaking. Quickly, Rakhee pulled her mother's arm
and ran for cover. She remembered what her teacher had told
her to do when there was an earthquake. 'DROPI COVER! HOLD!'
She also told other people what they should do. That day she
saved many lives. which value do you imbibe from the above incident?​



The drop cover and hold is valuable



The correct answer is


Listening instructions from elders can come handy sometimes. So we should listen to what our elders say.

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

In the poem “second estrangement” what is the authors message ? Respond in one paragraph using text evidence to support your ideas



Realizing that the world is filled with strangers.


In the poem "Second Estrangement", the poet presents the image of an innocent child who realizes that the world is filled with strangers. She says that one does not realize how scary and estrange the world is until he/she is lost and all alone.Through the lines "only to see the face  look strangely down, utterly  foreign, utterly not the one  who loves you", the poet presents the idea of seeing the reality of life. Just like the child, everyone of us think we are in a safe place until we see the reality of life.Then she ends the poem with the lines "How far the world you knew, & tall,  & filled, finally, with strangers."  to ironically bring the message of life's cruelty and reality.

Second Estrangement , requests in its first line to “Please raise your hand” as the poem describes being a child lost in a market or a mall and calling for a parent.

A stranger, accidentally thinking he is yours, your family or parent, even Grabbing for his hands, even calling the word you said then for “Father,” only to see the face look strangely down, utterly foreign, utterly not the one who loves you, you who are a bird suddenly stunned by the glass partitions of rooms.

The child experiences an early estrangement in a world that is tall, & filled, finally, with strangers.In this last line, we see how everything looms large and unfamiliar for a child.

To Know more about second estrangement , please refer the below link:

hey kids, whats the right answer?



It's either A or C, but I'm pretty sure it's C. I hope this helps!


Which of the following sentences contains an error in capitalization?
Paintings by American artists also show magnificent natural scenes.
We saw masterpieces from countries around the world.
On our trip to Washington, we went to the National gallery.
I loved the landscapes by Dutch and French artists.



On our trip to Washington, we went to the National G allery.


'National Gallery' is one complete proper noun.

Which detail most clearly reflects the feature of a
strong hero?
O "At four hundred miles they stopped to eat"
O "When the sun was setting, they dug a well"
O "they filled their waterskins with fresh water"
"Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop"


"Gilgamesh climed to the mountaintop"

Choose the word showing the correct stress/accent. The syllable written in uppercase letters is the accented syllable. The students (survey) the island where they will conduct their case studies. a. survey b. SURvey c. surVEY d. SURVEY


C. Is the answer, I think it may also be A. but I am confident that it is C.

Hope this helped ♥︎

How is the theme of loyalty and sacrifice developed in the odyssey?


Answer:   Loyalty is defined as faithfulness or devotion to a person, cause, obligations, or duties. In Homer's Odyssey one can see loyalty in many forms. Odysseus is loyal to the gods whom he realized held his life in their hands. Penelope was loyal to Odysseus, while trying not to offend the rude suitors.


He shows loyalty to the community by welcoming strangers to his home with feasts and gifts. He shows loyalty to his family by risking his life on the search for the knowledge of Odysseus' situation. He journeys to Pylos and Sparta to seek news of his father whether he is dead or lost.

Using rhetorical devices such as repetition and parallelism
will reinforce information and drive home key ideas.


I think it's true but I am not sure

Select the sentence that illustrates the proper use of parallel structure



can you give the sentences , then I'll edit the ans of my if I get the sentence

Trail of the green blazer, do you sympathize with Raju or are you content with the ending of the story? Explain. (The best answer I will mark brainliest)



No, it is not possible to sympathize with Raju or be content with the ending of the story for it presents no change of heart in the criminal even after he was convicted and jailed for some months.


R. K. Narayan's short story "Trail of the Green Blazer" revolves around the story of a pickpocket named Raju and his intention to correct his wrong ways. But in his attempt to make things right, (even if it's just to return a balloon for the motherless child), he ended up being caught and convicted, leading to his imprisonment for 18 months.

Considering the ending of the story, it is not fair to say that it is the right way for the plot to end. There is always retribution for any wrongful act committed and if Raju hadn't decided to return the purse with the balloon to the Green Blazer, there is no knowing he may change his ways and stop stealing. With his act caught and him convicted and imprisoned, the event can change him for the better. But that did not even seem to change him. The story ends with him deciding that "If ever I pick up something again, I shall make sure I don’t have to put it back". This shows that he's still thinking of continuing his ways and making sure that he did not return anything, not even if it involves a "motherless child".  So, it is hard to sympathize with him for there is no change of heart even after being imprisoned.

What are the main characteristics of the author’s STYLE in where the crawdads sing? List the specific devices —sentence length, diction, use of figurative language and/or imagery, dialect, point of view, detailed description, etc.—and give some examples from the novel. PLEASEEE HELP


Please go and ask your teacher

what if michael bay directed the lion king?



if you search your question up there is a video you can watch on it


Im not sure what kind of question this is but I did find a  video if this is a real question???

change the negative and interrogative.
1. The train leaves in two hours.
2. Jatin plays cricket every evening. ​



I hope this will help you :)


1. The train does not leave in two hours.

Does the train leave in two hours?

2. Jatin does not play cricket every evening.

Does Jatin play cricket every evening.

Excerpt from I Have A Dream Martin Luther King, Jr. 3 But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languishing in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. So we have come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. In paragraph 3, which rhetorical technique is being used to add emphasis?





Paul rolled along the sidewalk, crossing the cracks rhythmically
until he reached the ramp, where he let his momentum carry him
halfway up. He pushed against the wheels as he approached the
corner, slowly. This doorway was his least favorite in the entire
school. It was difficult to turn the 90-degree corner and then
open the door into the same three feet of space that he and his
wheelchair occupied. But after three years, he'd found that if he
didn't turn the corner completely, he could grab the door and
open it without hitting his chair and without having to back up.
20. Paul was



Paul was persistent.

I am a member of British parliament and I need to write a reply to the declaration of independence​



So you're definitely furious and I'm not gonna help you cheat but make sure to act furious as the song You'll be Back from Hamilton describes the feeling really well



After the discussion, what does the author of "On Writing Well" feel the
students have learned about writing?
A. That authors often lead boring lives
B. That everyone writes differently and there is no one right way
C. That writing well is something only a few people can do correctly
D. That doctors have a lot of interesting things to write about


After the discussion, what does the author of "On Writing Well" feel the students have learned about writing?

[tex]\huge\sf\green{AnswEr :-}[/tex]

[tex]:\implies[/tex] That writing well is something only a few people can do correctly.

[tex]:\implies\sf\Bigg(Option~C \Bigg)[/tex]

What is a hyperbole comparing a cloud and pillow?




A cloud and pillow are both considered 'fluffy' and in media, would be seen as comfortable. The hyperbole would be; "My pillow is as fluffy as a cloud!"

The brown recluse spider which is a poisonous spider found in the United States have fangs six eyes and a violin-shaped mark on its back.



The brown recluse spider, which is a poisonous spider found in the United States, has fangs, six eyes, and a violin-shaped mark on its back.

What is the difference between effect and affect? pls provide with some good examples as well:)


Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change.


effect: the outcome of something

affect: influenced something


so basically effect is like if somebody had a bowl of chocolate and they spilled it on the ground.. the effect would be that the chocolate is now on the dirty floor.

affect is like if you were to make somebody sad or made it would affect their emotions

imagine you managed to stop something that could have been dangerous to people from happening. write a diary entry about it



Dear Diary, I remember the day I prevented something catastrophic from happening. Now I think about it, it's funny but it wasn't then.

It happened that I prevented a possible gas explosion last year. I went to visit my friend down at her house and somehow after using the gas to cook, Mary, my friend forgot to turn it off and the kitchen was reeking of cooking gas.

What was scarier was that her father was at the den smoking with his friends that also came over and you know how smoke or fire can trigger a gas explosion. I went to the kitchen to get something and luckily smelt the gas in the air, immediately switched it off, dialed 911,s and raised an alarm.

I quite possibly prevented a gas explosion that would have been really tragic and catastrophic.

Select the words that Edwards uses in his sermon to make hell seem like a living thing.



need more context to answer this



a. swallow

b. lay hold  

c. gaping


Identify and research about a personality or organization who can be considered as a jewel of kindness in the current situation of a global pandemic. Write a brief note in not more than 30- 50 words. Photographs can be attached.


Answer and Explanation:

City Harvest is an international organization that collects excess food and then distributes it to soup kitchens and shelters. During the pandemic, City Harvest has been helping feed thousands of hungry people. In New York, for instance, they have delivered food to up to 400 soup kitchens.

NOTE: If I'm not mistaken, there are 47 words above.

Select the correct answer. What does the sunflower symbolize in William Blake's "Ah! Sunflower"? Ah! Sunflower by William Blake Ah Sun-flower! weary of time, Who countest the steps of the Sun: Seeking after that sweet golden clime Where the travellers journey is done. Where the Youth pined away with desire, And the pale Virgin shrouded in snow: Arise from their graves and aspire, Where my Sun-flower wishes to go. A. a person who is fatigued by daily responsibilities B. a person yearning for spiritual or mental enlightenment C. a person who finds beauty in the natural world D. a person no longer young and thinking about life E. a person contemplating the meaning of a small flower



i think the answer is C


but im not 100% sure so im sorry if its wrong please let me know:)




your grandfather has recently told you about how he grew up .narrate this story to your brothers and sisters at home​


Grandpa told me about his life growing up; when he was just 16, there was a job opening at the nearby car wash. His Mom and Dad wanted him to go and apply for the job, so he did. Grandpa Frank walked down the street and sat down for his interview. Then, the boss’s daughter walked out and sat in front of him. “What’s your name?” She asked. “Frank, and yourself?” He replied. “Grace, nice to meet you.” She smiled. Grandpa Frank was already noticing how beautiful the girl was. He wanted the job just to talk to her. The interview went on and Grandpa Frank went home until he was called a few days later being told he got the job! He was so excited & quickly went to work the next morning. Everyday he worked; Grace would talk to him at his lunch break. It was their own little dates. A few years later the car wash was shutting down due to going bankrupt. Grandpa Frank didn’t want to loose Grace; so on a cold, starry Tuesday night, he got on one knee & asked Grace to marry him. Grace quickly agreed then got married the next week. That’s the story how Grandpa Frank met Grandma Grace.

What is the meaning of "gamin" in English.




A boy who hangs around on the streets (street urchin).

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences in this excerpt from John F. Kennedy's inaugural address demonstrate the use of antithesis as a rhetorical device?
We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom-symbolizing an end as well as a beginning-signifying renewal as well as
change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.
And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe-the belief that the rights of man come not
from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that
the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans-born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud
of our ancient heritage-and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been
committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.



1. Man holds his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life

2. Unwillingness to witness or permit the slow undoing of human rights

How does Stanton use pathos as a rhetorical appeal?

a. by describing one young woman’s unfulfilled potential
b. by emphasizing the injustices endured
c. by women by explaining laws that govern marriages
d. by establishing her authority to question the status quo


Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their duty to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled.

How does Stanton use pathos as a rhetorical appeal?

by describing one young woman’s unfulfilled potential

by emphasizing the injustices endured by women

by explaining laws that govern marriages

by establishing her authority to question the status quo


by emphasizing the injustices endured by women


Pathos is simply evoking the feeling of pity or sadness in a person.

Stanton uses pathos as a rhetorical appeal to emphasize the injustices endured by women as she evokes pity through this line in the excerpt Such has been the patient sufferance of the women under this government, and such is now the necessity which constrains them to demand the equal station to which they are entitled where she talked about the long-suffering of the women through long trains of "abuses and usurpation"

In the Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, pathos was used by  b. emphasizing the injustices endured.

Pathos refers to the appeal to the emotions of people. It is meant to provoke anger, pity, love, etc., in the minds of those who read a given text.

When describing the difficulties that women had to endure from men, Stanton appealed to the emotion of pity.

She emphasized the "train of abuses and usurpations" that women endured.

Learn more about Elizabeth Cady Stanton here:

Which detail most clearly reflects the feature of a
strong hero?
O "At four hundred miles they stopped to eat"
O "When the sun was setting, they dug a well"
O "they filled their waterskins with fresh water"
O "Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop"



D “Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop”


The detail which most clearly reflects the feature of a strong hero is Gilgamesh climbed to the mountaintop on, nell.

Who is Gilgamesh and why he is known as super hero?

Gilgamesh is a legend made by Sumerian and Babylonic verse before crafted by Homer.He is the ruler of Uruk in Mesopotamia.He is section a divine being and part human.

He epitomizes an ideal of manliness and he is respected for his grit and courage.He had areas of strength for an and was never powerless when he needed to pursue choices for his kin.

Stephen Mitchell's Gilgamesh A New English Translation rotates around the incredible tale of Gilgamesh. This revamp of the incredible shows Gilgamesh leaving on a difficult excursion with his companion Enkidu and attempting to repress and obliterate Humbaba.

An epic portrays the uncommon accomplishment of a most frequently a human supplied legend with outrageous strength and perseverance. Stories likewise include otherworldly creatures, most frequently divine beings and humans experiencing each other.

For more information about Gilgamesh, refer the following link:


I need a 3-4 page summary of My grandmother asked me to tell you she's sorry. I would really like to receive it in about 2 weeks PLEASE!!



My Grandmother Asked Me to tell You She’s Sorry is a story about a young girl named Elsa as she grows up and the discovers the truth of the lives of the people around her. It begins in Elsa’s grandmother’s apartment as they enjoy spending time together. Elsa’s home situation isn’t very comfortable, and she has learnt to spend a lot of time alone or with her one friend – her Grandma – as her parent’s divorce goes through.

Grandma tells Elsa many stories from a fairy-tale land called the Land- of-Almost-Awake, that she learns to apply into her life once she realizes that the stories are real events that happened in Grandma’s life with a slight twist. One day, as Grandma is in the hospital, she dies a quiet and quick death from old age. Elsa is left alone and struggles to fend for herself without any friends as she goes to school and tries speaking her truth and sticking up for herself for the first time.

Elsa has to give letters to people from Grandma, as that was what she wanted her to do. She has to give them to people she was scared of and even disliked. Reading the letters and giving them to the strangers, she realizes that the people around her all have hard stories and reasons behind why they act the way they do.

The scary man was a war veteran that didn’t know what to do with the horrible deaths he experienced at war, their quarreling sad neighbor a widow that lost both her son and her husband.

Learning about the people around her and how her grandmother helped them, Elsa’s eyes are opened to knowing that appearances are not always legitimate. She leans to deal with her parent’s divorce and gets friends from school, and the bullying she used to go through stops. She then learns to take responsibility for herself as she receiving Granny’s house.



Answer:The answer above is the greatest


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