be able to identify a food chain within a food web. what would happen to a food chain if a limiting factor changed (happened)?


Answer 1

Animal and plant populations fluctuate if any of the limiting variables do. A population may grow as a result of certain changes.

Animal populations that consume certain plants may grow if there are more plants present than typical in a region.

If the population of one species rises, the population of animals that consume that animal may also rise. Population growth isn't necessarily a positive thing. A population can occasionally become unsustainable due to environmental factors. Population decline will result from additional modifications to the limiting variables. A diseased population may shrink, and the number of animals that eat the infected animals will also likely decline.

Populations in nature typically maintain their own balance. When human activity affects communities, they may are unable to restore a natural balance.

Learn more about " Animal and plant populations " to visit here;


Related Questions

if cooking a beef roast with significant amounts of collagen, how can the meat be most effectively tenderized? a.mechanically tenderize meat or cut the collagen from the meat b.use a moist-heat cooking method to change the collagen to gelatin c.slice thinly across the grain of the meat d.roast to rare or medium rare


Option B - Whenever roasting beef that contains a lot of collagen, To make gelatin, cook the collagen using a wet heat method.

At 160/70, collagen begins to break down into gelatin. The meat becomes dryer, but at 160F the collagen-containing connective tissues start to turn into gelatin. Muscle fibers that had been tightly bound start to easily stretch apart over time. The flesh appears more tender because of the succulence that the gelatins produce, despite the fact that the fibers are still very stiff and dry.

Therefore, we want our meat to be cooked tenderly so that the rough collagen is transformed into gelatin while minimizing moisture loss. The fact that these techniques conflict with one another is what makes cooking meat difficult or problematic. However, temperatures must be lower than 130F in order to avoid moisture loss. It takes longer and higher temperatures to transform collagen into gelatin.

Learn more about " cooking a beef  " to visit here;


if natural fires and herbivores can both reduce the abundance of competitively superior plants, how should this affect the number of other plant species that can persist in the community?


It can cause woody plants to proliferate and outcompete plants that have adapted to fire, reducing the number of plant species that can survive in the community.

Resources are often scarce in a habitat, and many species could compete for them. Plants in a garden, for example, may compete for soil nutrients, water, as well as light. Interspecific competition has a negative overall effect on both species involved. That is, if the other species did not exist, each species would fare better.

Interspecies competition occurs when two species compete for the same limited resource. Both species suffer as a result of competition. The ecological role of a species is defined by the set of conditions, resources, as well as interactions that it requires. According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot coexist if they occupy the same niche.

To know more about the Resources,here


2.01 LC)
The following picture shows the three primary types of plate boundaries. Which boundary is being shown in label D? Oconvergent boundary zone ODivergent boundary zone Oplate boundary zone Otransform boundary zone


The type of plate boundary which is shown in label D in the picture is convergent boundary.

What is convergent boundary and what are its features?

Two plates travelling in the opposite directions clash at a convergent boundary. The less dense plate, usually the continental plate, is subducted beneath the denser plate, which is often the oceanic plate. The plates often stretch downward at the boundary as a result of the tremendous stress from the subduction, leading to the formation of an oceanic trench.

Volcanic arcs, which are chains of volcanoes, are a typical feature of convergent boundaries. These are created by the fractures that occur at the border brought on by the stress between the two plates. The melting of the subducted plate causes the magma to rise through the fractures as it descends into the mantle. A volcanic mountain is formed at the surface by the magma. There will grow a number of mountains (a mountain chain) as a result of the boundary's multiple cracks.

In the given picture, at label D, features like trench and subducting plate signify the convergent boundary.

Know more about plate boundaries at:


when using the microscope for an intravaginal infection you see something translucent and colorless, what do you suspect?


When using the microscope for an intravaginal infection, you might sometimes spot a translucent and colorless substance, called hyphae.

Garden hose-like hyphae are protracted tubular formations. They feature solid cell walls that might perhaps be strengthened by septa, which are perforated cross-walls (singular: septum). In fungi, hyphae help in a number of processes. They include the nuclei that contain the genetic material as well as the cytoplasm, or cell sap.

Hyphae carry nutrients from the environment to different areas of the thallus (fungus body). In the end, they could unite or undergo modifications to create more intricate structures. Only a very tiny percentage of yeasts do not generate hyphae, but the bulk of fungi do.

As in the case of the right-hand fungus, which appears to be bleaching and dissolving its way across the surface, some fungi spend their whole lives as isolated hyphae feasting on a local source of sustenance.

Learn more about intravaginal infection and hyphae here:


4) A hospital in Vienna noted that many of their female patients were dying of "childbed fever" after they had given
birth in the hospital. The rates of this fever were much higher in the hospital than they were for women who had given
birth at a different clinic. In fact, 10% of the women at the hospital contracted fever compared to 4% at the clinic.
Ignatz Semmelweis thought that the fever was being transmitted on the hands of doctors when they went from the
He asked the doctors to wash their hands and the number of cases of "childbed fever"
morgue to examine women.
He also noted that a doctor contracted the same fever after he cut himself with a scalpel that had been
were reduced.
used on an autopsy.
Semmelweis concluded that the fever was caused by some element that could be transferred from person to person.
REASONING: If fever is something that could be transferred from person to person, then...





in a population founded from two manx cats, why does the dominant allele not just disappear after 100 generations of selection?


The dominant allele is safeguarded in the heterozygote component of the Manx cat population because selection only affects homozygous dominant animals.

What distinguishes homozygous from heterozygous genetic makeup?

Each gene has two alleles, or variations, in each of us. When two identical copies of a gene are present, you are said to be homozygous for that gene. It contrasts with a heterozygous genotype, in which the alleles are distinct. Everyone who possesses a recessive trait, such as red hair or blue eyes, is homozygous for that gene.What is a homozygous example?

illustrative sentences using homozygous and heterozygous terms

You are homozygous for blonde hair if you have two copies of the allele. You are heterozygous for hair color if you have one copy of the gene for blonde hair and one copy of the allele for brown hair.

Learn more about homozygous here:


where did human waste go before the creation of waste water legislation and waste water treatment plants in new york and elsewhere in the us?


Waste was disposed of through covered up holes in the earth  before the creation of waste water legislation and waste water treatment plants

AMRDs and antimicrobials have a substantial point source in WWTPs. WWTPs emit both solid and liquid by-products that can spread AMRDs. They are relatively nutrient-rich, highly contaminated settings that accept waste from a range of AMRD-loaded locations, including hospitals, industrial, and agricultural sites.

A technique called wastewater treatment is used to clean up impurities from wastewater and turn it into an effluent that can be reintroduced to the water cycle. The wastewater is reused or has an acceptable impact on the environment after it is added back into the water cycle (called water reclamation).

To learn more about waste water treatment plants refer here:


sexual selection in a population choose one: a. can lead to physical differences between the males and females of a species. b. does not lead to evolution. c. reduces genetic variation in the population. d. always favors individuals with a higher survival potential.


The right response is option a, which states that morphological distinctions between males and females of a species can result from sexual selection in a population.

The tail of a peacock is a good illustration of partner selection. Peahens choose peacocks with huge, vibrant tails, which allows those peacocks to mate more frequently and produce younger ones. The genes for a long, colourful tail will be passed down from the father to the male peachicks, who will inherit these genes and develop comparable tails. There are two main factors that influence sexual selection. One is the preference of one sex (typically females) for members of the opposite sex who display particular features. The other is higher strength, which (often in males) results in better success in courting females.

So, we can conclude that option a, which claims that sexual selection can lead to physical differences between males and females of a species in a population, is the appropriate response.

Learn more about the population here:


NEEED IT RIGHT NOW 9. A species of bat is able to hunt without using its eyesight, but it can still see. What does this
unique evolutionary variation indicate about this species of bat?
a) Sight is an unfavorable trait in this species of bat.
b) Sight is a non-inheritable trait (not inherited from parents).


Since the species of bat is able to hunt without using its eyesight, but it can still see. The unique evolutionary variation indicate about this species of bat is option c) Sight is not necessary for hunting in this species of bat's environment.

What is the bat species about?

The fact that this species of bat is able to hunt without using its eyesight suggests that sight is not necessary for hunting in this bat's environment. This could be because the bat has developed other senses, such as echolocation, that allow it to effectively locate and capture prey.

This unique evolutionary variation could have arisen as a result of natural selection, where individuals with enhanced senses other than sight were more successful at hunting and thus more likely to survive and reproduce. Hence option C is correct.

Learn more about bat from

See full question below

a) Sight is an unfavorable trait in this species of bat.

b) Sight is a non-inheritable trait (not inherited from parents).

c) Sight is not necessary for hunting in this species of bat's environment.

Most of life on Earth depends on which of the following? *
animals that eat plants
O photosynthetic organisms
O animals that eat other animals
O consumers on the second trophic level




B photosynthetic organisms did the exam good luck  

what is the viral envelope, and what does the presence (or absence) of it tell you about the type of virus?


The envelope, which is derived from the host cell membrane, surrounds the viral capsid and serves as just an additional barrier to a external environment. The vast majority of animal viruses are enveloped, whereas the vast majority of viruses that infect plants or bacteria are not.

The viral genome is packaged in a protein coat known as the capsid in virus particles. For some viruses, the capsid is surrounded by a lipid bilayer containing viral proteins, which typically include proteins that allow the virus to bind to host cells. The virus envelope is a lipid and protein structure derived from the host cell membranes. Viral genetic material is contained within protein structures known as capsids.

Viruses are classified into two types: enveloped viruses, which have an outer lipid membrane, and nonenveloped viruses, which do not. The envelope, when present, contains viral proteins that mediate binding to host cells. When there is no envelope, the outer capsid proteins perform this function. Nonenveloped viruses, in general, are more stable and can survive in the environment for much longer. The method of viral entry and exit from host cells is determined by capsids and envelopes.

To learn more about the Viruses, here


Which component of a phospholipid is found on the exterior of a lipid bilayer?


hydrophobic fatty acid tails and hydrophillic head group

(Pedigrees) Describe the inheritance pattern shown in Figure 3, in paragraph form. Use Roman and Arabic numerals to explain the structure of the chart and to also identify the individual(s) who express the unnamed trait. Hint: The genetic parents in this pedigree would have the labels I-1 and I-2.


The inheritance pattern shown in Figure 3 is autosomal recessive (question 1), in the pedigree diagram we can oversee only a male individual that expresses the trait/condition who is II 1 (question 2). Parental individuals I1 and I2 are carriers, while the remaining individual may be carriers or not for the trait/condition (question 3).

What is a pedigree genetic diagram?

A pedigree genetic diagram is a graphical representation of the genealogical relationships of the members of one family that may express or be carriers for a given genetic trait and or conditions.

In this case, the only individual who expresses the trait is II1 (dashed square), which is a male because males are represented by squares, while females are represented by circles.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that a pedigree genetic diagram is used to represent the genealogical relationships we can observe in this type of diagram.

Learn more about pedigree genetic diagrams here:


Blood pressure is usually measured in the ________ artery with a sphygmomanometer.


Blood pressure is usually measured in the Brachial artery with a sphygmomanometer.


Which option best describes a scientific consensus?(1 point)

A. a general agreement among a few scientists that is supported by experimentation and investigation

B. an observation made by a scientist that is supported by experimentation and investigation

C. a general agreement among many scientists that is supported by evidence and reasoning

D. an observation made by a scientist that is supported by evidence and reasoning


How is “lock and key” used to describe the action of enzymes? (1 point)

A. Enzymes are able to create gaps in cell walls that allow products to leave cells.

B. Enzymes have a shape that specifically fits the reactants, like a key in a lock.

C. Enzymes have a shape that specifically fits the reactants, like a key in a lock.

D. Enzymes have a shape that specifically fits the products, like a key in a lock.


The option that best describes a scientific consensus is a general agreement among many scientists that are supported by evidence and reasoning.

The correct option is C.

The lock and key model of enzyme catalysis is described as follows:

Enzymes have a shape that specifically fits the reactants, like a key in a lock.

The correct option is B.

What is a scientific consensus?

A scientific consensus is a common agreement about a particular idea or theory that has achieved general acceptance among scientists.

A scientific consensus is arrived at after several corresponding experiments or research on a particular theory or idea by scientists all over the world.

When a scientific consensus is reached, the idea becomes a theory upon which other scientific ideas are based on and used to explain other ideas.

Enzymes are specific in their action and the mechanism of their action has been described using the lock and key model.

Learn more about lock and key model at:


according to Mook, which of the following is necessary when a researcher wants to apply his or her findings directly to a population?


According to Mook random sampling is necessary when a researcher wants to apply his or her findings directly to a population.

What is random sampling?Each sample has an equal chance of being picked as part of the sampling procedure known as random sampling. A randomly selected sample is intended to provide a fair reflection of the entire population.Random sampling makes sure that the findings you get from your sample should be close to what you would have gotten if you measured the complete population. All the units in the population have an identical probability of being chosen using the simplest random sample.There are five different kinds of sampling: convenience, cluster, random, systematic, and stratified. It is comparable to picking some names from a hat after placing everyone's names in it. In the population, each component has an equal probability of appearing.

To learn more about random sampling refer to:


crispr is a(n) ... a. inactive viral rna. b. bacterial gene. c. bacterial enzyme. d. bacterial immune system. e. cascade protein.


CRISPR is a bacterial immune system.

The immune system protects your toddler's frame from outside invaders. those consist of germs including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and pollutants (chemicals made by means of microbes). The immune machine is made up of various organs, cells, and proteins that work together.

People have three styles of immunity — innate, adaptive, and passive: Innate immunity: everybody is born with innate (or herbal) immunity, a type of preferred protection. For instance, the pores and skin act as a barrier to block germs from coming into the frame.

Infections like the flu virus, mono (mononucleosis), and measles can weaken the immune device for a quick time. Your immune system also can be weakened through smoking, alcohol, and negative nutrients.

Learn more about Immune system here:-


Which explains the role of a gene


The role of a gene is to transmit as physical and functional units the inheritance characters from one generation to the next.

What is a gene sequence?

A gene sequence is a given fragment of a single strand of the DNA molecule which contains a specific linear order of nucleotides that is used to synthesize a cognate RNA molecule such as a messenger RNA or mRNA, a sequence that then serves as a template in order to generate a protein by a process called translation.

The genes are considered the physical and functional unit of inheritance because it contains the information to transmit a particular phenotypic character.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that a gene sequence is a given fragment of DNA that may serve to create a protein in the individual and it serves to transmit phenotypic features from parents to offspring.

Learn more about gene sequences here:


1. What makes Charles Darwin an important person to learn about?​


Answer: Charles Darwin is an important person to learn about because he is the scientist who developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. This theory explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection, where individuals with traits that are better suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection has had a profound impact on the scientific understanding of the natural world, and it is considered to be one of the most important scientific theories of all time. It has been supported by a vast body of scientific evidence and has helped to explain a wide range of phenomena in biology, including the diversity of life on Earth and the adaptations of organisms to their environment.

In addition to his contributions to science, Darwin is also an important figure in the history of science. He was one of the first scientists to systematically study and document the process of evolution, and his work laid the foundation for many of the advances that have been made in the field of biology over the past 150 years. His ideas have also had a significant impact on other fields, including psychology, sociology, and anthropology. As such, learning about Charles Darwin and his contributions to science can help us to better understand the natural world and the forces that shape it.

Which scientist developed the planetary model that stated electrons were found in specific energy levels around the nucleus?


Ernest Rutherford developed the planetary model that stated electrons were found in specific energy levels around the nucleus.

The Rutherford model, also known as the Rutherford atomic model, nuclear atom, or planetary model of the atom, is a description of the structure of atoms that was put out in 1911 by physicist Ernest Rutherford, who took birth in a city of New Zealand. According to the idea, an atom consists of a small, compact, positively charged core called a nucleus, which is where almost all of the mass is concentrated.

The light, negatively charged electrons then orbit the nucleus at a slight distance, much like planets orbit the Sun. Under the guidance of Rutherford and German physicist Hans Geiger in 1909, Ernest Marsden, a student, conducted a series of experiments that revealed the scattering of alpha particles from thin gold foil.

This resulted in the hypothesis that the nucleus was tiny and dense.

Learn more about the Rutherford model here:


Name a product of cellular respiration that is used as a reactant in photosynthesis? (SC.912.L.18.9)

CO 2


Carbon dioxide is a product of cellular respiration that is used as a reactant in photosynthesis (option 4).

What are the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Photosynthesis is a metabolic pathway that plants and algae use to generate simple carbs such as glucose by using reactant carbon dioxide, water, and also sunlight.

Conversely, cellular respiration is a series of chemical reactions used by all aerobic cells in order to generate ATP, which is considered the energy coin of the cells. In cellular respiration, the reactants include foods such as glucose molecules and oxygen, while the products of this pathway include carbon dioxide and also the generation of ATP.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that photosynthesis and cellular respiration are different in terms of reactants and products and both metabolic pathways may be considered complementary in terms of the generation and use of substrates.

Learn more about photosynthesis and cellular respiration here:


A group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring is known as a?


Answer: It is known as a species.


what can we conclude about the herto skulls from ethiopia? group of answer choices they are distinctly archaic. they have a combination of archaic and modern features. they are distinctly modern. they are considered homo habilis.


The Herto skulls "sample a group that is on the cusp of morphological modernity but not yet entirely modern," according to the scientists' analysis.

As a result, they gave it the name idaltu, which means "elder" in the local Afar dialect. A broad head, prominent supraorbital ridges (brow ridges), and the absence of a prominent chin are characteristics of archaics that set them apart from anatomically modern humans. Herto Man was the earliest dated H. sapiens remains at the time of its description in 2003, making its discovery particularly significant at the time. It also fell within a significant gap in the herto skulls fossil record between 300 and 100 thousand years ago.

Learn more about herto skulls


Normal cells have a contact inhibition feedback mechanism that prevents the cells
from replicating when other cells are touched. A diagram of cells with contact
inhibition and cells without contact inhibition is shown.

Which statement best describes what will happen to cells in an organism that lack
contact inhibition?


The cells will stop replicating once one layer is produced as other body cells will crowd them out.

The cells replicate into the food supply for each cell is used, causing each cell to die

The cells will continue to grow causing a tumor in the body

The cells will replicate normally replacing body cells that die


The statement that best describes what will happen to cells in an organism that lacks contact inhibition is that the cells will continue to grow to cause a tumor in the body.
The correct option is C.

What is contact inhibition in cells?

Contact inhibition refers to a process by which cells that are growing when they come in contact with each other will stop the growth of more cells.

Contact inhibition is a form of feedback inhibition mechanism that enables cells to prevent the excessive growth of cells in the body.

Normal cells have a contact inhibition feedback mechanism. However, some cells lack this feedback mechanism of regulation. Hence, the cells have excessive growth resulting in the formation of tumors.

Examples of cells that lack this feedback mechanism of regulation are cancer cells.

Learn more about cancer cells at:


. What determines whether the relationship between a fungus and a plant is commensalism, mutualism, or parasitism?

A.) Where the fungus is located in the plant.
B.) How long the fungus survives in the plant.
C.) Whether the fungus reproduces in the plant with spores, seeds, or runners.
D.) Whether the effect of the fungus on the plant is neutral, positive or negative.


Whether the effect of the fungus on the plant is neutral, positive or negative determines whether the relationship between a fungus and a plant is commensalism, mutualism, or parasitism.

Plant and fungi characteristics

Symbiotic interactions called mycorrhizae develop between fungi and plants. In exchange for improved water and nutrient uptake, the fungi invade the roots of a host plant and receive carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis from the plant.

Chlorophyll exists in plants. Chlorophyll does not exist in fungi. Most plants have stems, roots, and leaves. Hyphae are part of the fungus's body (they interconnect to form mycelium). Their cells each have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles since they are both eukaryotic, which means they are both members of the Eukarya domain. Both of them are stationary, include many cells, have cell walls, and are frequently multicellular.

To know more about parasite, visit:


the categories of skeletal muscle based on the type of metabolic pathway used for synthesis of atp are . multiple select question. glycolytic synaptic kinetic ionic oxidative


One molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of pyruvate by the cytosolic process known as glycolysis, which also results in the net generation of two molecules each of ATP and NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide).

To refuel ATP in muscle, three energy mechanisms work: phosphoglycation, glycolysis, and mitochondrial respiration. While glycolysis and the mitochondria are in charge of cellular ATP synthesis, the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is the main regulator of calcium storage, release, and reuptake in skeletal muscle. Due to their high energy needs, skeletal muscle cells have many mitochondria that enable them to produce enough ATP. The process by which cells produce ATP by dissolving the organic materials in food is known as cellular respiration. Muscle cells have the capacity to make ATP either by aerobic respiration, also known as breathing with oxygen, or through anaerobic respiration, also known as fermentation or anaerobic glycolysis.

To learn more about glycolytic click the link below:


what are lymphatic nodules? multiple choice regions of bone marrow that produce lymphocytes encapsulated lymphatic organs compact masses of lymphatic tissue


The lymphatic nodules are compact masses of lymphatic tissue.

Small bean-shaped structures known as lymph nodes are typically less than 2.5 cm long. Throughout the body, they are widely dispersed along the lymphatic routes where they filter the lymph before it is returned to the blood. In the central nervous system, there are no lymph nodes. Lymph nodes often collect in three superficial areas on either side of the body. The inguinal nodes in the groyne, axillary nodes in the armpit, and cervical nodes in the neck are these regions.

A connective tissue capsule surrounds the normal lymph node, which is split into lymph nodules. The lymph nodules are surrounded by lymph sinuses, which are dense collections of lymphocytes and macrophages.

Hence, node are the reservoir of the lymph and immune cell.

To know more about Macrophages.


Our sense of taste originally was thought to involve only the following four
A) sweet, salty, starch, and bitter.
B) salty, fatty, bitter, and sweet.
C) sour, bitter, sweet, and starchy.
D) bitter, sweet, sour, and salty.
E) fruity, fatty, silky, and coarse.



D) bitter, sweet, sour, and salty


Our sense of taste originally was thought to involve only the following four sensations: bitter, sweet, sour, and salty. These four sensations are the primary tastes that humans can detect, and they are thought to be the basis of our sense of taste. Other tastes, such as fat and umami (savory), are thought to be detected by other senses, such as touch and smell.

Answer: C


11 of 52
Prokaryotes contain no


Answer:Prokaryotes contain no

Explain why the potential energy increases when ice starts to melt and becomes liquid water.
Enter your answer in the space below.
swer inside this box




While the ice melts kinetic energy is being added to the particles. This breaks the bond and causes a change of state making the solid become a liquid.

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