Beto is writing a literary analysis and reads this passage from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone.

Before the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799, no one knew how to read Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. Its meaning had been lost for almost 1400 years. But countless visitors to Egypt over the centuries had tried to decipher the mysterious symbols. This is the story of their attempts, and of how the Rosetta Stone finally enabled scholars to unlock the Egyptian past.

Which thesis best fits into Beto’s essay?


Answer 1




Answer 2


d. Giblin successfully proves that with the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, the ancient art of hieroglyphic writing became less mysterious.


Related Questions

Which of the following statements does NOT describe Unoka?
O He was the best drummer in the clan.
O He was lazy and improvident.
O He was Okonkwo's father.
O He constantly borrowed money that he did not repay.



He was the best drummer in the clan.


A essay example for chameleon by David L


Answer: High school students are a lot like chameleons. They love to blend into their surroundings. Walk down the halls of a high school and you will see exactly that: students trying to fit in. Similar to chameleons, high school students do it for the same reason—survival. Being singled out is a dangerous thing. In a place where reputation defines you, having anything jeopardize that reputation can prove dreadful. In my freshman year, I was in a group of friends who loved to talk about shoes. Our conversations consisted of shoes, Call of Duty, shoes, girls, shoes, shoes, and school. The more they talked about it, the more I saw sneaker trends everywhere I went. It wasn’t long until I figured out that all the “popular” kids had the most expensive sneakers, more specifically Jordans. Looking down at my plain, worn-out shoes, I knew I was no match. How could I expect to survive high school if I had nothing to show on my feet?

That night, I scrolled through page after page of Jordans. Different designs, different colors, but all well over $100. Which ones were cool? What designs were best? Didn’t that one senior wear these? He got a lot of attention at school. Maybe I should get the same. Nah, probably not. Maybe these? An hour into my search, I finally saw the pair I wanted—the Royal Blue 10s. This pair not only had my favorite color schemes (blue, white and silver) but they were, more importantly, “cool” enough for me to be recognized and accepted. In a jungle of trendsetters I was the chameleon trying to blend in.

I woke up at 7 a.m. on a chilly March Saturday morning. It was the day the Royal Blue 10s were being released.

I waited patiently outside the Champs store for two hours. All the guys around me had $100+ shoes. They discussed the newest releases and the sneaker trades as I stood there awkwardly in my $60 Nikes. I felt out of place, and even if I could fit in, I slowly realized I didn’t want to. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door opening. All heads turned toward the employee coming out of the store. Within 30 seconds, those outside in the cold jam-packed into the small store, dollar bills waving in the air. Stealthily sneaking toward the front, I got the shoes, paid, and quickly left with a vibrant smile on my face. Whatever doubt I had before had gone.

That Monday, I wore the shoes for the first time. As I slipped them on, I could feel the soft sole press against the bottom of my foot. The new shoe smell flew up my nose. I could just imagine the look of awe on everyone’s face, the compliments I would get, and most of all, the recognition. With a delicate hand, I wiped off a minor smudge on the side of the right one. A smile hit my face as I laced them up. Perfect.

There was a hop to my step that day and my head was held just a little bit higher. Looking around, I met everyone in the eye expecting to catch one of them staring at my shoes. First period passed. Nothing. Second period passed. Same thing. No compliments or anything. By lunch, I embraced my disappointment. I had imagined that I would be transformed into a new light, but as soon as I stepped through the school door I was still the same old freshman I was the week before. How could that be? I had the Jordans and everything. Were they really worth $160 and two hours of my time? Not once did I ask myself whether I truly wanted the pair. The shoes didn’t represent who I was, but I had imagined the shoes would help create a better me. What I failed to realize, however, is that when chameleons try to avoid being singled out, they don’t fit into their surroundings. They disappear.

Which two quotations provide sufficient and relevant evidence to support the author's claim in paragraph 4? c 'The Cybathlon arena is as different as its events. Yes, there is a racetrack around the floor, and seating along the outside for fans, but most of the action takes place along four parallel tracks in the center, each with rows of obstacles." (paragraph 7) "Many people can make their own breakfast, open doors while carrying bags, or get up from a deep sofa. These common tasks can be big hurdles, however, for people with prosthetic arms or legs, or those who use wheelchairs." (paragraph 8) "Through daily training, Kurs was able to transition from a wheelchair to leg braces and, recently, to an exoskeleton. Now she is a pilot in the Powered Exoskeleton Race. The exoskeleton event involves most of the same tasks as the leg race." (paragraph 16) "Wheelchairs are one of the world's oldest assistive technologies, and they can still do a lot to restore personal mobility...if the ground is flat. Navigating uneven pavement, riding over ramps, and traveling up and down stairs are still huge challenges for wheelchair users." (paragraph 17) “Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a way to move paralyzed muscles. When an electrical current flows through electrodes on the skin, O the muscles contract. By applying the current in certain patterns, FES can help people who are paralyzed to grasp, stand, and even walk." (paragraph 19)​


The answer is c ‘The Cybathlon arena is as different as its events. Yes, there is a racetrack around the floor, and seating along the outside for fans, but most of the action takes place along four parallel tracks in the center, each with rows of obstacles.’

Which of these words describes a sandy shore?

A. bacon
B. beach
C. below
D. break





What is an electrical energy transformation that you witness and experience every day? Describe this transformation.



energy transformations occur everywhere every second of the day. There are many different forms of energy such as electrical, thermal, nuclear, mechanical, electromagnetic, sound, and chemical. A toaster transforms electrical energy into thermal energy. 2. A blender transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy.




Waves can change directions in three different ways: reflection, refraction, and diffraction.


There are 3 types of waves.


which are:

Transverse Waves Longitudinal WavesSurface(Combo) waves

The first picture represents a Longitudinal Wave

3 ways waves move directions are:

Refraction: passing through one medium to anotherReflection: waves bouncing off another barriers Diffraction: bending around barriers and openings

The Last picture is Transverse

Which of these sentences contains an indirect object?

A. The doctors will give Charlie an operation.
B. Charlie is scared of the procedure.
C. He carries a rabbit's foot for luck.
D. The operation seems successful.


According to given sentence, the sentence contains an indirect object is option A: The doctors will give Charlie an operation.

What do you mean by Indirect Object?

An indirect object is defined as the object or the word that is helpful to gain the direct object. This is the opposite side of direct object.

On the other hand, the direct object is refers to as the object that collect the action create by verb.

According to given sentence, " the doctor will give Charlie an operation" here the word Charlie is considered as the indirect object and operation is a direct object and the doctor who give it to the Charlie.

The process starts when the action of particular sentence is moves from the subject with the help of verb, to firstly direct object and then to indirect object.

In other options like option B, C and D there was no indirect object is given as these include only direct objects.

Therefore, correct option is A.

Learn more about Indirect object, refer to the link;


Twice in this article the importance of having a "coherent" story is emphasized. What does coherent mean, and why is coherence
important for a story?



I think coherence means working together but I’m not sure



what is the context?


You can't really say the awnsers if you don't have any background knowledge unfortunately

Do you think Zimbardo's list of situations that seduce people into doing evil things is complete? Do you think there are other scenarios that might cause a good person to momentarily change their ways? Explain.


According to Philip Zimbardo, we can see that he stated that some of the things which seduced people to doing evil includes:

Quest for powerThe quest to obey a person of authority, etc.

Who is Philip Zimbardo?

He is an American psychologist who became very popular because of his 1971 Stanford prison experiment where he exposed some of the flaws in human psychology.

Stanford Prison Experiment

This was a social experiment that was meant to bring in random people to a prison and give some people more power as wardens, while others were mere prisoners.

This showed that a quest for power was a huge factor in making people act viciously to people who they are meant to be in charge of.

Read more about Stanford Prison Experiment here:

What does solid contact mean? Please help



solid contact means you are able to touch/meet in person!

So i was reading my favorite book series in english class and then my friend said "hey your sitting a bit close to me" and i replied "oh sorry but did you know theres more of these im boundary'd the next one!"





im dead now give me the points


my parents were in a sentence and they were very happy with the way I was doing it and they didn't have a great time after I got don't go out to the gym or to be a part of the ocean

Which line from the poem makes something seem human? Select one: a. to find the words, / to solve the mystery. b. The wind was kissing her / soft hair in a ponytail. c. Her smile was a dewdrop / for my morning rose. d. Dr. Robinson in a blue shirt / and khaki pants.





This is using personification- giving a non human character human traits.

Hope this helps:)

Which of the verbs are intransitive and transitive



Answer: i think that a intransitive verb is told and let i hope im right


hope i could help you

wat is The context of a word is

the definition of the word.
the circumstances in which the word is used.
the language the word comes from.
the reader’s prior knowledge about the word.



the circumstances in which the word is used




Read the excerpt from “On Women’s Right to Vote.”

The preamble of the Federal Constitution says:

We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. And we formed it, not to give the blessings of liberty, but to secure them; not to the half of ourselves and the half of our posterity, but to the whole people—women as well as men. And it is a downright mockery to talk to women of their enjoyment of the blessings of liberty while they are denied the use of the only means of securing them provided by this democratic-republican government—the ballot.

Which key ideas can be found in this passage?

Select all that apply.

On Women’s Right to Vote

a. The constitution lists which specific groups of people have the right to vote.
b. The constitution states that the only people that are legal citizens are men.
c. The constitution identifies that all the “people,” not just men, have rights.
d. The constitution protects rights that people have naturally.



C and D


I believe it’s C and maybe D or B

Gatsby says that in the war, he was given a medal from every Allied government. He shows Nick
the medal he said he received from









I hope this helps you out

Locate the indefinite pronoun in the following sentence. Give each of the girls a practice ball. Give each of the girls practice





PLEASE HURRY What do the wolves symbolize in "Law of the Jungle"?THIS IS A TEST IM ON A TIME LIMIT


human beings

all wild beasts




Human Beings


Took test, got it right

Answer: (B) human beings.  is the answer

Explanation: i took the test and got 100% good luck to you

the distance around the park is 308.94 meters. if Nikki walks around the park twice,how many meters does she walk


I believe the answer is 617.88
if this is wrong please correct me other wise hope this helps :)

11. Maurice made a fervent plea for contributions to help the drought victims.
a. careless b. selfish c. comical d. intensely carnest



D. Intensely earnest


To solve this question, you need to know the definitions of the given words.

When someone is careless, they don't pay enough attention to what they're doing.When someone is selfish, they are concerned only about their own good or benefit.When someone is comical, they are amusing, funny.When someone is earnest, they show genuine and intense conviction.

Based on this information, we can conclude that Maurice is intensely earnest. She wants to help the drought victims and fully dedicated herself to the cause.

Which word is on the same page that starts with the word reduction and ends with the word resolute?



The answer is reemerge. I just did this.


help!!! I need to get a good score on this test. if not I fail this class, please help!!



You want me to write you a essay?

4. Do you think Ray’s idea of taking over Macdonald is a successful venture combining the idea-driven opportunities with the market-driven opportunities





Describe image one. You MUST have at least 3 complete sentences and at least 6 adjectives *


This image shows an average family sitting together with a scrumptious dinner layed in front of them. Clearly, they are passing the glass plates and bowls around for each to get a plentiful amount. Based on the lighting, it is sometime in the afternoon by the way the yellow light is shining onto the wooden table.

The adjectives are bolded^^^

What title does Morris have? In the Monkey’s paw.


The old man. His name is The old man


Sergeant-Major Morris


She served in the British Army in India and is the person who introduced them to the monkey's paw.

I hope this helped you!! If you need any further explanation feel free to comment!! If this was a good answer please consider leaving me a good review and/or brainliest!!  

Ok last one tehe thank you


Maybe b I’m pretty sure

*URGENT* In what order should the sentences be arranged to make a logical literary argument?

1. Nevertheless, some may argue
that the disloyalty Brutus shows
to his friend Caesar diminishes
his character.
2. For example, Brutus explains that
it was “Not that I loved Caesar
less, but that I loved Rome more.”
Therefore, although Brutus feels
badly about betraying his friend,
he knows it was the right
thing to do.
3. Brutus is a character who
symbolizes loyalty because of
his overall commitment to Rome.
4. In William Shakespeare’s play
Julius Caesar, Roman nobles,
including Caesar’s friend Brutus,
plot against Caesar.
5. However, Brutus’s goal of
supporting the common good for
his country justifies his actions.


The sentences are arranged to make a logical literary argument in order are be as follows.

What is the argument?

Arguments are demands backed by reasons that are supported by evidence. There are five highly relevant qualities of argument: Logical argument is a social process. Having a controversy involves two or more individuals responding to one another's claim and support for such a claim.

(4) In William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, Roman nobles, including Caesar's friend Brutus plot against Caesar

(3) Brutus is a character who symbolizes loyalty because of his overall commitment to Rome

(2) For example, Brutus explains that it was “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” Therefore, although Brutus feels bad about betraying his friend, he knows it was the right thing to do.

(1) Nevertheless, some may argue that the disloyalty Brutus shows to his friend Caesar diminishes his character.

(5) However, Brutus’s goal of supporting the common good for his country justifies his actions.

Therefore, Thus option (4,3,2,1,5) Sequence order is correct.

Learn more about the arguments here:


Example sentence of impertinent plz



You have to be very impertinent to make such an claim. Don't think me too impertinent for indeed I don't mean to be that! I think it is mere egotism, or impertinent at this time. ...


Answer: You could say something like,

"Nigel's impertinence always irritated his teacher, who couldn't get him to respect her no matter what she did."


To be impertinent is to be rude or to not show proper respect

I will give Brainliest
Answer only if you know
Which answer choice shows the most logical reasoning?

Facts: Chefs wear a hat to work. Jorge wears a hat to work.
Conclusion: Jorge must be a chef.
Facts: Students must take Algebra I before they can take Algebra II. Dara is currently taking Algebra II.
Conclusion: Dara has taken Algebra I in the past.
Facts: People who are on a diet lose weight. Brian lost weight.
Conclusion: Brian is on a diet.
Facts: All islands have beaches. California has beaches.
Conclusion: California must be an island.


Answer: students must take Algebra I before they can take Algebra II. Dara is currently taking Algebra II. Conclusion: Dara has taken Algebra I in the past.

The others don't make sense because lots of other occupations wear hats, construction, fast food workers, etc. You don't have to be on a diet to lose weight, you can lose weight through working out, or sickness. Islands do have beaches but not all beaches are on islands.

Which person is an example of a flat character?
A. A car salesman who tries to bully people into buying a car
B. A scared child who discovers that he has great strength of
C. A spoiled teen who grows into a caring and sympathetic adult
D. A businessman who learns to respect the people who work for him



A. A car salesman who tries to bully people into buying a car


The reason for this is everyone else changes character and the option A remains the same!

I hope this helps! If correct please mark brainliest answer:)

Stay safe, God bless and happy studying!

Other Questions
what is literature the legacy of? HELP ME PLEASEEEEEKim has $250 to spend on a rental car for her trip. The rental car company charges a fee of $130 plus $0.10 per mile. Kim used the inequality to calculate the maximum number of miles, m, she could drive the rental car.Which inequality expresses the maximum number of miles Kim can drive the car?m < 3,800m < 120m < 380m < 1,200 Use the variable, n, to write an expression for seven less than a number. True or False. a radius is a segment that connects any point on the circle to the center of that circle. PLEASEE HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINIEST ANSWER FOR WHOEVER ANSWERS THIS FIRST After chest compressions with coordinated ventilations are started, the heart rate should be assessed:______.A. After 60 seconds.B. After 30 seconds.C. After 90 seconds. Which of the following could NOT be the measures of the angles of a triangle?A. 600-60-60O B. 70-50-70OC. 40-400-100D. 30-120-30 60 percent of a number is 66. Which proportion best represents this relationship. The embryonic period begins with _____ and lasts for _____ weeks.fertilization; threeimplantation; siximplantation; eightfertilization; thirty-six The sum of two numbers is 225. The difference of the same two numbers is 35. Find the 2 numbers. Another one! As always, (as you can see) I need help I need to check my answers for hw. WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! DUE TODAY!!! I WILL GIVE THANKS, FIVE STARS< AND EVERYTHING!!! Please and thank you. Which two quotations provide sufficient and relevant evidence to support the author's claim in paragraph 4? c 'The Cybathlon arena is as different as its events. Yes, there is a racetrack around the floor, and seating along the outside for fans, but most of the action takes place along four parallel tracks in the center, each with rows of obstacles." (paragraph 7) "Many people can make their own breakfast, open doors while carrying bags, or get up from a deep sofa. These common tasks can be big hurdles, however, for people with prosthetic arms or legs, or those who use wheelchairs." (paragraph 8) "Through daily training, Kurs was able to transition from a wheelchair to leg braces and, recently, to an exoskeleton. Now she is a pilot in the Powered Exoskeleton Race. The exoskeleton event involves most of the same tasks as the leg race." (paragraph 16) "Wheelchairs are one of the world's oldest assistive technologies, and they can still do a lot to restore personal mobility...if the ground is flat. Navigating uneven pavement, riding over ramps, and traveling up and down stairs are still huge challenges for wheelchair users." (paragraph 17) Functional electrical stimulation (FES) is a way to move paralyzed muscles. When an electrical current flows through electrodes on the skin, O the muscles contract. By applying the current in certain patterns, FES can help people who are paralyzed to grasp, stand, and even walk." (paragraph 19) Help me please pleasessssss Whats 10.53+14.5+6.9+6.3+6.8Show all your work or else don't answer at all. Ok I know about the vertical Line thing but this has got me confuzled! Can someone help! Will give crown to first answer that is correct! Which substance is harmful in drinking water at any amount?A) NitratesB) PesticidesC) CharcoalD) Coliform Bacteria Which of the verbs are intransitive and transitive tolddoletdiptradedbe Given h(x) = -x + 2, solve for x when h(x) = -3.;-; Integration of Knowledge & Ideas (c) Generalize - What does the final paragraph tell you about the relationship between the writer & her mother & their relationship with the city? Explain *the story called museum indians Helpp me pls for this one