Bijay ________ never ______ a competition in his life, but he always tries hard. (win) *​


Answer 1

Answer: Bijay has never won a competition in his life, but he always tries hard.

Hope it helps. Please mark me brainliest if this helps

Answer 2
Bijay has never won a competition in his life, but he always tries hard.

please mark brainliest

Related Questions

Give 5 examples of military personal



Their roles, pay, and obligations differ according to their military branch (army, navy, marines, air force, space force, and sometimes coast guard), rank (officer, non-commissioned officer, or enlisted recruit), and their military task when deployed on operations and on exercise.

I. Fill in the gaps with suitable words to make a conversation (3p/0.3 each) Customer: Book a table near the pool for 3, tomorrow night at 7p.m Agree with the water’s suggestion on table reservation Ask for the special dish of the day and the food for an Indian guest Finish the call Waiter: Ask for time of arriving at the restaurant, Suggest another table (table by the pool is reserved) Suggest the chef’s dish for two guests and food for the Indian guest Finish the call



I need help with this plZ ASAP



its ego clint your right


Do it in passive
1 They will give you the answer sheet and you are to write your name at the top of this sheet.
=The answer .....................................
2People believed that witches from nearby villages met in the woods when the moon was full. Witches from



An answer sheet will be given to you, and at the top of this sheet your name needs to be written.

It was believed that witches from nearby villages met in the woods when the moon was full.


What is the first step to take when evaluating the credibility of an argument?

A identify any claims by the argument’s author
B determine the relevance of the argument’s support
C identify the types of support used in the argument
D determine the completeness of the argument





the first step is to identify the main argument ie to know the cause of argument. the Reasons for argument and the main point being argued


identify any claims by the argument’s author


The first step is to identify any assumptions made by the author.

(Both answer and explanation are from the test!)

where is Japan's largest city located.​



I told her but she told that she is happy so I thought that there is no need to tell..

Bwt……Goyal are you coming to my house tomorrow??

Stuck on this problem
Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence.

The rhetorical appeal found in this excerpt of the speech is




It's really none of the choices. It appeals to Britain's determination to withstand whatever is thrown at her by a so far successful enemy. It appeals to the feeling Britain has about never giving up in the face of adversity.

The parallel construction is certainly very emotional. You have to pick pathos, but there is more happening. It is a quite determined effort.

Pick Pathos, but it is certainly incomplete.

Multiple choice
3 You _____ follow your doctor's pieces of advice if you want to get well soon.


will be able to

needs to






there must be should

Heyyyyyyy ur answer would be A) the first choice, should. Have a nice day/night!

As you read the passage below from the end of Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, think about how his words support the purpose of the speech.

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

What is Lincoln's goal in the conclusion of his speech?
to warn the South that the North intends to keep on fighting
to emphasize the importance of winning the war and proceeding as a united nation
to create a feeling of compassion for the widows and orphans of Civil War soldiers
to establish the conditions and terms of the end of the fighting



B) to emphasize the importance of winning the war and proceeding as a united nation


He argues why the country must mend. "to do all whatsoever may create and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with other nations," President Lincoln said at the close of his speech. That's his goal.

The theme expressed in this paragraph is that
even wise people do foolish things at times.
those who sacrifice for others are great people.
sacrificing one's most prized possessions is foolish.
wise people are often those with the fewest



Even wise people make foolish decisions.


The wisest of people mess up. That's what makes them wise, the times they mess up, they learn from it.

hi guy I need your help if you can help I will give you a lot o brainly

Read the excerpt from "Isaac and Casey."

Isaac’s life was as smooth as silk and as easy as falling off a log. To his friends, the house was an amusement park because of all the neat inventions. To Isaac, it was completely normal.

To interpret the metaphor in the excerpt, readers should connect what they know about amusement parks to determine

a how much fun Isaac’s friends had at his house.

b the number of rides Isaac had inside his house.

c how many people Isaac invited over to his house.

d the way that Isaac’s parents decorated his house



a how much fun Isaac’s friends had at his house.


a how much fun Isaac’s friends had at his house.


A how much fun Isaac’s friends had at his house.


Hope this helps uhhh please mark as branliest if correct

PLZ HELP THIS IS IF I PASS OR NOT Which of the following sentences is written in active voice?
A. The cake sat next to Franklin.
B. The song was sung beautifully.
C. The mistake was corrected before anyone noticed.
D. The review for the test was postponed until tomorrow.



the mistake was corrected before anyone noticed

What is the overall structure of “Where Do You Work? when kids had Adult Jobs”?


The text explores the problems experienced by children who worked in factories and the solutions that improved their situation.
The text focuses on economic developments that caused child labor to become a common practice and the resulting effects on children.
The text is organized by order of importance to highlight the most important aspects of child labor in the United States.
The text outlines the history of child labor in America in the chronological order in which child labor practices developed.

20 facts about venus​



1.A day on Venus is longer than a year

2.Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being further away from the Sun

3.Unlike the other planets in our solar system, Venus spins clockwise on its axis

4.Venus is the second brightest natural object in the night sky after the Moon

5.Venus has 90 times the atmospheric pressure of Earth

6.Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty

7.Venus was the first planet to have its motions plotted across the sky, as early as the second millennium BC

8.We tend to say ‘Venusian’ not ‘Venerian’

*I am an eight (12345678)letter word,every body keep me a secret, my 234 is a name of an animal,my 45678 is a dangerous weapon,ladies cannot do without my 128,communication can not be established without my 5678,you need my 1234 to be a good student.what am I?*​


Ha noobda thanks for the point

In two or three paragraphs, analyze the structure of The Way to Rainy Mountain and show how the structure affects the impact of that book. How did the same structure affect your project's impact?



    In Navarre Scott Momaday's The Way to Rainy Mountain, he attempts to reconnect with his American Indian (Kiowa) history by traveling to Rainy Mountain, Oklahoma, to visit his late grandmother's grave. Momaday is a professor of English at the University of Arizona and holds degrees from both the University of New Mexico and Stanford University.

    Despite the fact that Momaday is a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, critic, and academician, this critic believes that his flow of writing has disappointed the reader and that he has possibly lost his ability to connect with his readers because he fails to describe his feelings in detail, especially in nostalgic writing.

Write a part of speech for each word in the sentence.

1. He likes pizza

2. Eww! Worms are gross!​


Did this come with any other instructions


1. He - pronoun

likes - verb

pizza - noun

2. Eww! - interjection

worms - noun

are - verb

gross - adjective


1. He is a pronoun. Pronouns are words used to substitute nouns. Examples are : 'Sarah' could be substituted for 'she'; and 'the dog' could be substituted for 'it'. In the above examples, 'Sarah' and 'the dog' are both nouns because 'Sarah' is a name of a person and 'the dog' is a name of a thing(according to the definition of a noun as the name of a person, animal, place or thing).

- 'Likes' is a verb because it describes a state of being. A verb is a word used to describe an action or a state of being.

- Pizza is a noun. Like explained earlier, a noun is a name of a person, animal place or thing. Food also falls into this definition.

2. Eww! - This is an interjection. An interjection is a word that usually carries strong emotions or conveys reactions. An interjection is the only part of speech that does not need to be included in a sentence. It can stand as a sentence on its own.

- 'worms' is a noun.

- 'are' is a verb. It is a type of verb called a linking verb. 'Is' and 'was' are also verbs. These verbs also describe actions or they link the other words to the action words in the sentence.

- 'gross' is an adjective. Adjectives are used to describe nouns and pronouns. 'Gross' has been used to describe how the reader sees the worms.

Needed in 2 minutes ASAP


1. Eating fast food often can cause long-term side effects, such as heart disease and diabetes.

2. The more fast food you eat, the more attached to it you become, futher increasing the risk of long term side effects aforementioned.

3. Fast food often have little nutritents, so nothing substantive is actually going into your body.

1.      Examine the final lines of the poem: “Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run.”​



this is "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew  Marvell

help me please............................................




it. good. bye


i think so

it is D number

making connection between related words

had walked on the beach before dinner.--Is an example of what verb type?

simple past

past perfect

past participle

past progressive



I think it is past perfect

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities. Short essay




Fans could effectively use social media to support their idols by commenting kind and influentual comments on their post. They could also use their platforms to boost an influencers content by reposting or sharing it with other individuals.

If he _______ ill yesterday, he would have taken part in the football match.

A. hasn’t been B. hadn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. weren’t


If he hadn't been ill yesterday, he would have taken part in the football match.

Answer is B.
B. Hadn’t been ( = had not been)
If he hadn’t been ill yesterday, he would have taken part in the football pitch.

What is the subject of the following sentence? “Jay skied all day."
A. skied
B. all
C. The subject is implied
D. Jay



A) Jay is the answer definitely

The correct option is D. Jay is the subject of the following sentence.

A sentence's subject is the person, place, or thing that is doing the activity described in the sentence. The topic indicates what or who is being discussed in the statement. In addition to a noun or pronoun, the simple subject may also contain modifying words, phrases, or clauses.

How do you identify a subject and a verb in a sentence?

Typically, the topic is a noun, such as a person, place, or thing. Typically, the predicate is a sentence that contains a verb, or a term that designates an action or state of being. For instance, "ran" and "is" are both verbs. Placing the pronouns "he" or "she" before the word makes it simple to tell subjects from verbs.

The subject of a sentence or clause is also known as the naming portion. The subject typically comes before the predicate to indicate (a) the subject of the phrase or (b) the person or thing that conducts the action.

The noun or pronoun that is either carrying out the activity of the phrase or experiencing a state of being is the subject of the sentence.

Learn more about the Subject here:


With officers in night, he would march to the canteen like a guardsman. (Annotate)


With officers in the (a) night, he (b) would march to the canteen (c) like a guardsman. (d)

(a) The article "the" is missing before the word night.

(b) "he" is the subject of this sentence. The subject is rather undefined, vague, and needs to be investigated for one to have a clearer understanding of what this snippet is all about.

(c) "the canteen": This is another mystery noun in the above sentence. It begs the question of location. It also raises the question of why the "he" would match off to a canteen in the night.

(d) "like a guardsman": This is a simile that electrocutes the imagination. In this sentence, the three words above, besides acting as a simile and imagery (both of which are literary tools), functions as an Adverbial Clause which serves to qualify the verb march.

The only instruction given in the question is to Annotate.

To annotate means to give more meaning to, to explain, to interpret, or to make more meaningful.

Please note that an adverbial clause is a dependent clause that while functioning as an adverb, qualifies another adverb, a verb, or even an adjective.

By way of further annotation, it suffices to say (with respect to the Grammatical Person) that the sentence above is reported in the third person singular.

For further information about annotation please see the following link:

ei 7-1
Which method would result in highest probability for any of the results?
O rolling a die
O flipping a coin
O spinning a wheel with 4 different colors
Opicking a red marble out of a jar of 10 different colored marbles


flipping a coin, the only one with a 50/50 change to get a result you want

Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Read the following sentence and then answer the question:
I packed up my dog and his two toys he has to travel with both of them or else he whines and we went to the beach.
Which of the following is a correction for the punctuation in this sentence?
Oi packed up my dog. And his two toys he has to travel with Both of them or else he whines. And we went to the beach
Oi packed up my dog, and his two toys. He has to travel with both of them, or else he whines, and we went to the beach
O packed up my dog and his two toys (he has to travel with both of them or else he whines), and we went to the beach
O packed up my dog (and his two toys) he has to travel with both of them or else he whines, and we went to the beach
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Read the following excerpt from Robert Louis Stevenson's Essay in the Art of Writing and answer the question
There is nothing more disenchanting to man than to be shown the springs and mechanism of any art Al
Previous Question



I packed up my dog and his two toys (he has to travel with both of them or else he whines), and we went to the beach.

complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. 1.if my aunt comes to visit, she ____ (give) us a present. 2. if it doesn't rain, we ___ (go) to the beach. 3. if it ___ (snow) to nights we will make a snowman tomorrow. 4. if you don't try, you ____ (not succeeded). 5. if you ___ (bring) the sand wishes for the picnic, i will bring the drinks. 6. if he talks too long, his parents ___ (not lef) him use the phone. 7. he will turn on the heater if it ___ (get) too cold. 8. you won't understand the questions unless you ___ (read) the book.​



will give

will go


will not succeed

will bring

will not



1. will give

2. shall go

3. snows

4. will not succeed

5. bring

6. will not let

7. gets

8. read

How can write a composition to discuss the meaning of the following statement: We don't see eye-to-eye on how to raise children.​



I hope it's helpful for you


as with all compositions there should be an introduction a body and a conclusion


you can start by introducing the fact that you are not agreeing on how children are being raised and within the body go on to give some examples of how you don't see eye-to-eye and in conclusion you can wrap it up with how you have settled your differences and just agree to disagree

What do the actions of the humans in this passage most reveal about their motivations and values?



weres the passege????


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find the lcm of 10ab,15abc and 20bc PORFA AYUDARMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 99. What was the problem with some of the e-mails?Select one:a.They were incorrectly addressed.b.They were e-mailed on the wrong date.c.They were missing information.d.They were sent multiple times. Yu t no khng nh hng n quyt nh thm nhp th trng?A. Chi ph vn chuynB. Hng ro thu quanC. Nguy c chnh trD. Gi tr sn phm In the last hundred years, traveling _____ (become) much easier and more comfortable. In the 19th century, it _____ (take) two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip _____ (be) very rough and often dangerous. The situation _____ (change) a great deal over the last century. Now you can fly from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours. What are the task of welfare economist what are the components of blood One book is 4cm thick, find out how many such books can be placed in a space of 53cm. Nina is making pink candles to use as decorations on Valentine's Day. She melts red and white wax together and pours them into a heart-shaped mould. Then, she melts double the amount of red wax and double the amount of white wax together and pours them into a flower-shaped mould. Which candle is a lighter shade of pink? Define Guidance and Gunselling in theperspectives of five & authers and clearlystartedfrech the taleronsthe key differences and similarities my sister lives in London........ .a. so is mine b. so does mine c. so do I d. so is i An object moves 100m in 5sec, Calcutta speed.pls answer my question! Please help !!!!!!!!!!! Question 8 plz show ALL STEPS 5765865876+5737555586= which technological advancement had the greatest impact on the growth of the U.S. after the civil war and why ? In tag question this sentence, 1)I am doing my mock examination how do you calibrate a thermometer? True or False? While climate appears to significantly influence the atmosphere, the effects of climate change are easy to see over large areas of the Earth, and on plant/animal species. Can you please help me