Biological method involves all the following except

(a) data collection (b) observation (c) proportion (d) experiment​


Answer 1
Its c you are very welcome

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Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are opposing pathways in that they begin or end with the same metabolites and share common intermediates and/or enzymes. Yet, for energetic reasons, the two processes cannot be the exact reverse of each other. How is this possible



Due to difference in their products.


Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are not exact reverse to each other because in glycolysis, glucose is converted into pyruvate, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), NADH, protons i.e. hydrogen ions and water whereas in gluconeogenesis, pyruvate is converted into glucose and glycogen. So due to  the formation of different products of each process we can say that glycolysis is not exact reverse of gluconeogenesis.

Which of the following would be examples of abiotic factors in a mountain river ecosystem?
fish, algae, and sand

sand, water, and fish

sand, water, and minerals

water, fish, and algae


Sand , water , and minerals

What is the Constant of “which bait works best for a fly trap?”



Mix scraps of meat (the older, the better) with something sweet. Lots of people swear by using rotten fish or shrimp, which probably work best because they smell so much. Bait for Fruit Flies: Use fruit (the riper, the better), apple cider vinegar, fruit juice, syrup, wine, beer, or any combination

answer h and i urgently
no explanation needed ​



h. I think option c growth of an organism in not true

I think its the best answers

Which of these organelles is NOT in animal cells?

Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cell Wall


Cell wall is not found in animal cells

oil-rich countries in the middle east cover about 4% of earth's total land area but posses about 48% of the world's known oil reserves. what is the main reason for high concentration of reserves in this part of the world?


The correct answer is A. Geological processes.


Oil is a hydrocarbon of fossil origin by geological processes that transforms large amounts of organic matter deposited on anoxic bottoms of seas or lake areas of the geological past, which were later covered by heavy layers of sediment. This causes organic materials to be transformed into oil by the heat and pressure of the upper layers. However, this phenomenon does not occur in all parts of the earth because in some, as in the case of the Middle East, there were large amounts of organic matter that became an oil reserve. So the correct answer is A.

which best describes a bacterium


a unicellular prokaryote



Bacteria are a type of biological cell. They constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats. Wikipedia


a member of a large group of unicellular microorganisms which have cell walls but lack organelles and an organized nucleus, including some that can cause disease.

Genetic variation is more commonly found in sexually reproducing organisms, as compared to asexually reproducing organisms, because
1 point
in asexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations
in sexual reproduction the gametes formed are all genetically identical
in asexual reproduction the gametes formed are genetically different
in sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations



In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations


In sexually reproducing organisms, there are two parents who create genetically diverse offspring.

This occurs because the gametes of the two parents combine to create very unique genetic combinations, which lead to increased genetic variation.

On the other hand, asexually reproducing organisms reproduce without a partner.

Their offspring are identical clones to the parent, so they have much less genetic variation.

So, the correct answer is that In sexual reproduction gametes fuse to lead to new genetic combinations.

Which capacity makes living beings to adjust in hard environment


The biological referred to as Adaptation makes living beings to adjust in exhausting atmosphere.

Adaptation, in biology, is that the method by that species measure suitable their several atmosphere, thanks to Natural Selection’s method ensuing into patrimonial variation over many generations.

What is Adaptation?

According to Evolution, Adaptation method is that the process underneath that organisms suits the present atmosphere in conjunction with the modifications thanks to change in atmosphere.

Adaptation is connected with the idea of evolution that was propounded by Darwin and Wallace.

According to Wallace, the evolution of organisms was supported 2 factors: Adaptation and dynamic atmosphere.

To develop the idea of evolution by survival, Wallace and Darwin targeted not solely on straightforward adaptation however additionally proceeded more to clarify however organisms adapt and evolve.

Biologically Adaptation will be in 3 forms:

- Psychological kind

- generative kind

- sequence Frequency

Psychological form- associate degree animal or plant adapt by adjusting consistent with its immediate atmosphere.

Example- modification in temperature or metabolism with a rise in altitude

Reproductive form- method of adaptation thanks to genetic variations among people that is customized i.e. having larger success in—a specific environmental context.

Gene frequency- the method of adaptation happens through associate degree ultimate modification within the sequence frequency relative to blessings bestowed by a selected characteristic, like the coloration of wings within the moths.

Organisms will adapt to associate degree atmosphere in several ways in which. they will adapt biologically, which means they alter body functions

Example- individuals living at high altitudes have evolved changes in their body chemistry and may survive at high altitudes for a brief time as a result of their bodies raise their levels of hemoprotein.

They can additionally exhibit activity adaptation.

Example of activity adaptation is however emperor penguins in Antarctica foregather to share their heat within the middle of winter.

What is theory of Natural Selection?

The theory of survival was given by Darwin in 1859.

Natural selection is that the method through that populations of living organisms adapt and alter.

Individuals in an exceedingly population square measure naturally variable, which means that they're all completely different in some ways in which.

This variation means some people have traits higher suited to the atmosphere than others. people with adaptive traits—traits that provide them some advantage—are a lot of seemingly to survive and reproduce.

These people then pass the adaptive traits on to their offspring. Over time, these advantageous traits become a lot of common within the population.

Through this method of survival, favorable traits square measure transmitted through generations.

Natural selection will cause phylogeny, wherever one species offers rise to a replacement and clearly completely different species. it's one among the processes that drives evolution and helps to clarify the range of life on Earth.

To learn more about Adaptation and Natural Selection here


which structure will be found in the nucleus of body cells in a woman?

a) x allele

b) x chromosomes

c) y allele

d) y chromosome


The x chromosomes are found in the nucleus of body cells in a women. Thus option b is correct.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are defined as a thread like structure located in the nucleus of every cell in our body and are formed of tightly coiled DNA surrounding proteins.

Chromosomes plays very important role in human body.

The primary purpose of chromosomes is to transport DNA and genetic information from parents to offspring.

It play a vital role during cell division.

They keep DNA from becoming twisted and damaged.

There are basically two types of chromosomes.

AutosomesSex chromosomes

Thus, the x chromosomes are found in the nucleus of body cells in a women. Thus option b is correct.

To learn more about chromosomes, refer to the link below:


Identify the graph that matches each of the
following stories:
a. I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up.
b. Things went fine until I had a flat tire.
c.I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late.



A. 4, B. 2, C. 1


by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed into
smaller pieces is called
a. emulsification b. chemical digestion
c. absorption de mechanical d
5. The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is the
a. esophagus. b.epiglottis
c. peristalsis. d. pancreas.
5. The hard, outer coating of the tooth is called
a, a molar.
b. enamel.
c. an enzyme. d. dentin
- The building blocks of proteins are
a. enzymes. b. minerals,
c. amino acids, d. molecules
5. Which of the following vitamins is made by the body?
a. vitamin D- b. vitamin A c. vitamin C d. vitamin B
. Having too little of the mineral iron can cause
a. rickets.
b. goiter.
c. anemia d. beriberi.
The wavelike motion that moves food through the digestive tract is called
a. emulsification b. digestion. c. oxidation d. peristalsis.
. The enzyme that digests proteins is called
a. gastric juice. b. pepsin. c. chyme. d. lipase.
Food leaves the stomach in a thick, liquid form called
a. chyme. b. bile с. pepsin.
d. saliva
The movement of food molecules from the digestive system to the blood is called
a. emulsification. b. chemical digestion. c. absorption d. peristalsis.
Gastric juice contains all of the following except
a. hydrochloric acid
b. mucus c. pepsin
d. bile
The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller food
molecules is
a. chemical digestion. b. oxidation c. mechanical digestion d. absorption
d. mouth
Fats are digested in the
a. large intestine b. small intestine. c. stomach.
Poor nutrition caused by an unbalanced diet is called
a. rickets. b. anemia. c. malnutrition
d. goiter.
The fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine are called
h cilia
d. villi.
c. bile



by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed into

by which large pieces of food are cut and crushed intosmaller pieces is called:

d. mechanical digestion

5. The tube that connects the mouth to the stomach is the:

a. oesophagus

5. The hard, outer coating of the tooth is called:

b. enamel

- The building blocks of proteins are:

c. amino acids

5. Which of the following vitamins is made by the body?

a. vitamin D- b. vitamin A c. vitamin C

. Having too little of the mineral iron can cause:

b. goitre

The wavelike motion that moves food through the digestive tract is called:

d. peristalsis

Gastric juice contains all of the following except:

d. bile

The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller food

The process by which large food molecules are broken down into smaller foodmolecules is:

c. mechanical digestion

Fats are digested in the:

b. small intestine

Poor nutrition caused by an unbalanced diet is called:

c. malnutrition

The fingerlike projections on the lining of the small intestine are called:

b. villi



d. mechanical digestion

a. esophagus

b. enamel

c. amino acids

a. vitamin D

c. anemia

d. peristalsis

b. pepsin

a. chyme

c. absorption

b. mucus

a. chemical digestion

b. small intestine

c. malnutrition

b. villi

Not 100% sure on some of these but very positive on most of them :) Hope this helps.


Where do convection currents occur atmophere



Convection takes place in the atmosphere, in the oceans, and in Earth's molten subcrustal asthenosphere.


Approximately how many mutations occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases?
A. 2
B. 2000
C. 200
D. 20



Modern methods indicate that the mutation rate is roughly one to two mutation per 10,000 genes per generation.

In human cells, approximately TWO (2) MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

The mutation rate (u) refers to the occurrence of new mutations in a given nucleotide sequence over time.

In human cells, the mutation rate is approximately 10⁻⁴ per generation.

Therefore, in a DNA sequence that has 10,000 base pairs of length, this value is equal to 2 mutations per generation (u = 2 / 10,000 = 10⁻⁴).  

In conclusion, approximately 2 MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

Learn more in:

state te type of cell devision of cross section tips of onion root.​


mitosis and/or meiosis is the anwser

Carbohydrates info
B. Composed of:
C. Monomer:
D. Polymer:
E. Functions:


A: Carbs
B:Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
E: Provides energy to the human body.

Is a ping pong ball a nonliving or living thing and why



A ping pong ball is nonliving because it does not have a brain or living cells. It is plastic.

Using the following nucleotide sequence, predict the complementary strand sequence:






The predicted the complementary strand sequence for 5'-TTAAACCCGTTGGAAC-3' is 3'-AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5'.

What is DNA?

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is a double helix molecule composed of two complementary strands.

According to the base pair rules, Adenine pairs with Thymine and Guanine pairs with Cytosine.

In conclusion, the predicted the complementary strand sequence for 5'-TTAAACCCGTTGGAAC-3' is 3'-AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5'.

Learn more about base complementarity here:



Your answer would be AATTTGGGCAACCTTG-5′


Does anyone know the answer for 1?


The correct answer of question number 1 is D. Sill

What is one of the causes of mechanical weathering?

A. acid rain
B. oxidation
C. animal actions
D. carbon dioxide


C. animal actions

Others are chemical examples.

i think your answer might be animal actions

What is the correct structure of ATP? A. Ribose sugar, Adenine base, 3 Phosphate groups B. Triglyceride head, Ribose sugar, 3 fatty acids C. Ribose sugar, Phosphate group, Nitrogen Base D. Deoxy Ribsose sugar, Adenine base, 3 Phosphate groups



The correct structure of ATP is

A. Ribose sugar, Adenine base, 3 Phosphate groups


The structure of ATP is a nucleotide, consisting of a nitrogenous base (adenine), a ribose sugar, and 3 serially bonded phosphate groups.

Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases. Give one example of each​



hope this helps helps you a lot

my handwriting is bad sorry for that bhai

•Differentiate between virus and viroids.​


Viruses (Virus particles or virions) are usually units consisting of nucleic acids and coat proteins called capsids.

Viroids consist only of RNA, i.e. they contain no protein at all. Except for a few cases, viruses are not surrounded by a membrane.


Viruses (Virus particles or virions) are usually units consisting of nucleic acids and coat proteins called capsids. Viroids consist only of RNA, i.e. they contain no protein at all. Except for a few cases, viruses are not surrounded by a membrane.






..nok nok tera bhai aaya

Cells in the human body carry out different functions. Which cells help the body fight off diseases and remain healthy? Choose the two that apply.


Phagocytes and lymphocytes

Mary likes sour foods, and she decided to eat a slice of lemon. As she bit down on the lemon, she felt an uncomfortable squeezing-type sensation in her cheek as one of her salivary glands emptied its secretions into her mouth. Which of the three pairs of salivary glands did she feel


She felt the parotid.

I'm 99% sure this is right lol

The evolutionary history and development of whales has been hotly debated. Recently there has been a major shift in our understanding of the processes used to detail whale evolution. This indicates that: Group of answer choices A) Aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence. B) Gaps in the fossil records will never allow us to fully understand evolution. C) Scientists studying evolution typically present ideas with very little evidence, leaving it to others to find proof of their ideas. D) Much of the science of evolution is based on speculation that can easily be changed when scientists think of new ideas.



Aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence


The whole idea of evolution has to do with the fact that organisms developed into their present form from simpler life forms. According to Oxford dictionary, evolution is; ''the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth.''

Evolution depends on evidence from fossil records. Evidences that support the theory of evolution continue to be amassed as science advances. Hence, aspects of evolution are constantly being challenged and explored in light of new evidence.

For this reason, the evolutionary history and development of whales is being hotly debated and there has recently been a major shift in our understanding of the processes used to detail whale evolution.

If you were running an experiment to determine the color of light at which beans grew best, what would be the variable?
Group of answer choices

the number of beans plants in the experiment

the amount of water you give the beans

the color of the light under which each bean is grown

the height to which you let the sprouts grow



The number of beans in the experiment


I hope it helps choose me the brainer

What effects are produced on environment by industry?​



climate change, loss of natural resources, air and water pollution and extinction of species.industrial processes can have negative environmental impact.


Answer two questions in detail and get brainliest!

1.Explain what makes a scientific experiment reliable. Be sure to include at least three reasons to support your answer.

2.During research, why is it important to use peer reviewed evidence when collecting background information during a scientific investigation?



1:When a scientist repeats an experiment with a different group of people or a different batch of the same chemicals and get very similar results then those results are said to be reliable.Reliability is measured by a percentage if you get exactly the same results every

time then they are 100% reliable.

2.The peer reviewer determines whether the introduction provides sufficient background information on the research topic, and ensures that the research question and hypothesis are clearly identifiable.

Explanation:I really hope this helped you in any way (pls tell me if I did anything wrong)

The Punnett square illustrates a cross for color of the flower.
Based on the phenotypes and genotypes of these offspring. It is clear that purple flower color allele is
and the parents are
ntum. All rights reserved.



All right reserved

Human skin color is a good example of polygenic (multiple gene) inheritance. Assume that three "dominant" capital letter genes (A, B and C) control dark pigmentation because more melanin is produced. The "recessive"alleles of these three genes (a, b & c) control light pigmentation because lower amounts of melanin are produced.

hope it will help

Here, from the cross of the purple and white flower, all offspring are purple, which indicates that the purple color is dominant in nature and is present in Option A.

What is Punnett Square?

The Punnett square is a tool used to predict the probability of offspring inheriting specific alleles from their parents. If all of the offspring exhibit the same phenotype (such as purple flower color), it is likely that the parents both carried at least one dominant allele for that trait. This would mean that the purple flower color allele is dominant. Here, the parents are both purple and white, so all the offspring are dominant in nature.

Hence, from the cross of the purple and white flower, all offspring are purple, which indicates that the purple color is dominant in nature and is present in Option A.

Learn more about the Punnet Square here.


complete question is below

The Punnett square illustrates a cross for color of the flower (purple- parent, white -parent). Based on the phenotypes and genotypes of these offspring (all purple), it is clear that purple flower color allele is

A.) Dominate


C.) recessive

Other Questions
What effect will replacing x with (x4) have on the graph of the equation y=(x3)2 y = ( x 3 ) 2 ? Select the correct text in the passage.Which detail best develops the character of the narrator, Jane Eyre, in the excerpt?excerpt from Jane Eyreby Charlotte BrontIn the following excerpt, the narrator, Jane Eyre, describes an interaction with her nursemaid, Bessie.Bessie asked if I would have a book: the word book acted as a transient stimulus, and I begged her to fetch Gulliver's Travels from the library.This book I had again and again perused with delight. I considered it a narrative of facts, and discovered in it a vein of interest deeper than whatI found in fairy tales: for as to the elves, having sought them in vain among foxglove leaves and bells, under mushrooms and beneath theground-ivy mantling old wall-nooks, I had at length made up my mind to the sad truth, that they were all gone out of England to some savagecountry where the woods were wilder and thicker, and the population more scant; whereas, Lilliput and Brobdignag being, in my creed, solidparts of the earth's surface, I doubted not that I might one day, by taking a long voyage, see with my own eyes the little fields, houses, and trees,the diminutive people, the tiny cows, sheep, and birds of the one realm; and the corn-fields forest-high, the mighty mastiffs, the monster cats,the tower-like men and women, of the other. Yet, when this cherished volume was now placed in my hand-when I turned over its leaves, andsought in its marvellous pictures the charm I had, till now, never failed to find-all was eerie and dreary; the giants were gaunt goblins, thepigmies malevolent and fearful imps, Gulliver a most desolate wanderer in most dread and dangerous regions. I closed the book, which I daredno longer peruse, and put it on the table, beside the untasted tart.Bessie had now finished dusting and tidying the room, and having washed her hands, she opened a certain little drawer, full of splendid shredsof silk and satin, and began making a new bonnet for Georgiana's doll. Meantime she sang: her song was-"In the days when we went gipsying,A long time ago."I had often heard the song before, and always with lively delight; for Bessie had a sweet voice. --at least, I thought so. But now, though her voicewas still sweet, I found in its melody an indescribable sadness. Sometimes preoccuniad with I need help with this please!!!! please help!California is the best place to live is an example of ____.a: actuationb: policy c: factd: emotione: value How do you know that a liquid exerts pressure? Find two consecutive even numbers whose sum is 758. The graph of [tex]y = ax^2 + bx + c[/tex] is a parabola. The axis of symmetry is [tex]x = -b/2a[/tex]. What are the coordinates of the vertex? have this glass of coconut juice into passive How many grams of HSO are contained in 2.00 L of 6.0 M HSO?Please explain and show work. Compared to CDs, basic savings accounts are ____ liquid and have ____ interest rates? A less higher B more higher C less lower D more lower Jared works at a clothing store and is listening to a customer complain about a shirt he purchased that's damaged. Which behavior can Jared exhibit to show good communication skills with the customer? O a) Stopping the customer to quickly explain the store's return policy b) Repeating back what he has heard once the customer is done speaking Od Asking the customer how the shirt was damaged O d) Promising the customer a full refund even though it's against policy Write a program that asks the user to enter in a username and then examines that username to make sure it complies with the rules above. Here's a sample running of the program - note that you want to keep prompting the user until they supply you with a valid username: A patient prescribed a metered dose inhaler will find it A. works for lower (not upper) respiratory diseases only. B. should be filled with medication in aerosol form only. C. is filled with medication used to administer a fixed amount of medication per inhalation through the mouth. D. should be filled with medication in powder form only. why is the fuse used in a circuit called safety fuse? Write the exponential function that passes through (-1, 27), (0, 9), (1, 3). In the diagram below, ABC DEF. Complete the statement AB __A. BCB. DFC. FED. DE find the value of x in the diagram below According to the graph of the rational function y equals 4 over the quantity x squared minus 4 end quantity which of the following statements is/are true? The function is even. The function is increasing for all values in the domain. There is a horizontal asymptote along the x-axis. I only I and II only I and III only I, II, and III help again geometry similarity transformations Please I need help! What were some similarities and differences between Native American cultures in the Great Plains and the East?