Both authors would most likely agree with with statement?


Answer 1

Answer: The third one is the correct statement.

Explanation: The third one is correct because if you notice in passage 1 line 2 and Passage 2 line 1 both authors are expressing how Newspapers are not that popular anymore and are quite irrelevant since we have internet and how whatever happens on that specific day and hour or two later and article about it shedding more light about situation/ scandal etc comes whereas we read it a day after like how in passage two it states why read todays news tomorrow. (The author is talking about the news paper).

Answer 2

Both authors would most likely agree with this statement are newspapers are not as popular as they once were. Thus, the option (c) is correct.

What is newspaper?

The term “newspaper” refers to the print media. The term “traditional media” is frequently used to describe the newspaper. The newspaper is printed in six to 10 pages. A newspaper's benefit is that it is reliable, yet its drawback is that only educated people read it. The newspaper is published in the morning and evening. The newspaper is distributed daily and on a unique weekly basis.

The idea that traditional media, like newspapers, are outdated is mentioned in both sections. It's time for the current generation to start consuming media online and on television. It is uncommon for people to be interested in the newspaper, yet it covers all the sources, including sports, local, state, national, and international news that is based on facts.

Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on newspaper, here:


Related Questions

Which situation from “Initiation” is an example of internal conflict?

Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority.
Millicent struggles with her tasks during her sorority initiation week.
Millicent struggles with the big sister the sorority assigns her.
Millicent struggles with peer pressure from the sorority..



The correct answer is:

A) Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority. This sentence is the only one that really shows an internal debate or conflict on what to do.


hope this helps you pls mark as brainliest

The county cleared this path and paved it with packed gravel, so they would have a peaceful place to hike and bike.

Which of the following alternatives to the underlined portion would NOT be acceptable?

A. path, paving
B. path and then paved
C. path before paving
D.path pave



space ran out


Tiogolosado (not a real word just something I typed for no reason)

pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1) get over


3)found out


5)go round


7)melting pot

8)set up

9)keep up with

10)round about

I think this is the answer

Which inference can a reader make based on the
information in the excerpt?


Answer: What is the excerpt?


I can't answer because I do not know what the excerpt is.

what is oxymoron



hello, an oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction.



A set of contradictory words or phrases

Please help me from 1 to 24



























Can someone do a 8-10 lines riddle that isn’t from the internet? (need it in 3-4 hours )



I go everywhere you go

but I am never seen.

I have no scent or flavor

but I'm not always clean.

I do your body a favor

whenever I'm inbound;

you actually can't live without me,

so be thankful I'm around.

What am I?

Answer: Air.

(Use this if you want, made it up on the spot so mb if it's kinda cringe)

English múic was popular in america in 1960s



The British Invasion was a cultural phenomenon of the mid-1960s, when rock and pop music acts from the United Kingdom and other aspects of British culture became popular in the United States and significant to the rising " counterculture " on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.


3. What Romantic elements does Frankenstein contain?



In Frankenstein Shelley conveys many of the key characteristics of romantic novel through incorporating the love for nature, the yearning for isolationism and the freedom of emotion. One of the important elements in romanticism is being alienated from the rest of society.

I hope it helps!

Complete this sentences with abstract noun forms of the words in the brackets. 1.The people in this part of the city live in extreme...................... (poor)​



The people in this part of the city live in extreme poorness

Answer : Poverty


Aloud Accessibility
Speech Accessibility
Accept Reject
Comments Changes (1) Reviewing Pane
Write a 150 to 200 word response to the following questions:
Share at least 2 channels of effective communication that you learned in this class, and explain how they can
help you advance in your education and career
Which of the 5 steps in the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, editing) do you
anticipate will be the most challenging for you? What is your action plan for overcoming this challenge?
Share a resource from the center for writing Excellence that will support you in the writing process.
The written communication is very important especially in online classes.
The Organizational step in the writing process is the most challenging for me. I tend to spend a great
deal of time with this process
in the center for writina





Which of these is an example of a homophone?

the pen is mightier than the sword

the ball is in your court

pole / pole

bear / bare


Hello! A Homophone is a word that is pronounced the same, but has a different meaning, and it also must have different spelling.

A and B are both automatically incorrect because they do not fit the first requirements. C is incorrect because it is spelled the same way, which does not fit the second requirement. This means that Bear/Bare must be the correct answer. They are both pronounced the same way, yet they have different meanings and different spelling.

I hope this helps! :)


D. Bear / Bare


Homophone is a word that sounds the same but different spelling and meaning :)

Summary of poem her head by Joan Murray



The answer is The poem Her Head written by Joan Murray about a city called Natal Ekuvukeni in South Africa. The poem is about the draught it had and the adverse effects as a result of it. Due to the drought, many cattle and vegetation died and many women had to carry water from far away from wells for their household.

Sample Response: In The Great Fire, many people
acted heroically. These people were strangers to each
other. Even the rich and poor helped each other. Some
people acted selfishly instead of heroically; however,
these people made the strangers seem more heroic.
Which details did you use in your response? Check all
that apply.
instances of heroic behavior in the passage
instances of strangers helping each other
why the writer may have contrasted negative
behavior with heroic behavior



Yes all details were used. You could make it better using quotes or really specific examples.


how do you know that "the path to paper son" and "Louie share kim, paper son" are informtional texs? Give there examples.



The texts use a descriptive language.

Both texts make extensive use of adjectives

Both texts explain an event related to illegal immigration.


the pilot didnt know about the storm over the mountains. he certainly wouldnt have the taken in that direction
rewrite the sentence using if




If the pilot would have known about the storm over the mountains then would have not taken in that direction.

-we need the format - if...then...

-we need parallel writing - would have known...would have not taken ...

Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set up coordinating adjectives?


for me its number 1 ❤️

3. In July of that year the bulk of the fleet reached a small island off the coast of Virginia that was called Roanoke. After building a small fort on the north side of the island, the colonists initiated relations with a Native American tribe that lived on the island, the Aquascogoc. These natives showed little interest in building relations with the English colonists, and they soon parted company. After this encounter, however, the English noticed that one of their silver cups had gone missing, and they attributed its disappearance to the Aquascogoc. Grenville, the English captain, was furious. He believed that the Aquascogoc had stolen the silver cup. Whether or not this was true, angry exchanges followed and soon the English burned the Aquascogoc village. The English held their fort against the subsequent attacks of the natives.
summarise the most important part in the text ​



The English built a small fort on a small island off the coast of Virginia. The Aquascogoc, a Native American tribe, showed little interest in building relations with the English. Eventually, the English burned down the tribe's village after an argument over a stolen silver cup.



The Brits built a modest fort on a small island off the coast of Virginia. The Aquascogoc, a Native American tribe, had no desire to make contact with the English. The Brits finally burned down the tribe's village during a dispute over a stolen silver cup.

What is a fort ?

Forts are a well-known type of landmark all across the world. Apart from houses of worship, they also form some of the most ancient historical structures. The term "fort" derives from the Latin root fortis or forte, which meaning "strong" or "firm." Durg is the indigenous term for "fort," which is supposed to be derived from the Sanskrit word durgam, which means "tough." As a result, a fort may be defined as any building used or developed to defend an area by resisting foreign invasions.

Some of the oldest fortifications were not "constructed" in the traditional sense. They were made up of natural defences such as woods, rivers, and hills. Forts have historically been constructed utilising locally accessible materials and based on modern technological skills. The physical landscape of an area was also important in the construction of forts. For example, rugged terrains inspired the development of hill forts. In contrast, lengthy and huge walls around villages were built in the plains. Walls encompassed vast regions of population in early civilizations.

To know more about fort :


Write at least five statements from the reading. including quotes with page numbers, that contain the evidence that Carr is using to make his argument.



1 . The Net’s interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment.

2.What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. Whether I’m online or not, my mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.

3.We become, neurologically, what we think."(33)

4.In the quiet spaces opened up by the prolonged, undistracted reading of a book, people made their own associations, drew their own inferences and analogies, fostered their own ideas. They thought deeply as they read deeply.

5.Culture is sustained in our synapses...It's more than what can be reduced to binary code and uploaded onto the Net. To remain vital, culture must be renewed in the minds of the members of every generation. Outsource memory, and culture withers.

Rewrite the following sentences, using suggested
Question 33: You can do a lot of work on computer.
-> A lot________________________________________________________________
Question 34: Examinees should read the questions in the test carefully .
-> The questions _______________________________________________________
Question 35: Thanh gave a difficult question. Lan gave a more difficult question.
-> Lan’s question _______________________________________________________
help me





simple means we can do à lot of things without computer e.g from examp we can written letter without computer

Rewrite the sentences from active voice to passive voice:
1. Rita sings a song.
2. They opened the restaurant last year.
3. Granny told us an interesting story.
4. Call the doctor at once.
5. Everyone loved Mother Teresa.
6. The wolf chased the sheep.
7. Sujata drew a village scene.
8. Rakesh made special Kashmiri tea for everyone.
9. Neha's father praised her.
10. People formed a queue on the road.
11. Hanif drank the bitter medicine in one gulp.
12. We elected Balachandran as our team leader.
13. Santa Claus gave toffees to all the children in the shop.
14. Grandfather called up Ayushi to wish her on her birthday.
15. How did you make the curry?
16. Suman is reading a book.
17. Your mother taught us Mathematics.
18. Please keep quiet. 19. Who broke this dish of butter?
20. Neena will beat you at Badminton.
21. A little lamb followed Mary.
22. Tarun's mother loves him.
23. Do the boys make paper kites?
24. Rosy will stich the dress in a week.


Here are some examples of answers:

1. A song was sung by Rita.

2. A restaurant was opened last year by them.

3. An interesting story was told by granny.

Now use these, and this website:

to help you with the rest.

The way I like to remember it, is to take the first noun and the second noun and switch them, then alter the verb tense and sentence structure to make it make sense.

1. The song was sung by Rita.

2. The restaurant was opened last year.

3. An interesting story was told by Granny.

4. The doctor was called at once.

5. Mother Teresa was loved by everyone.

6. The sheep were chased by the wolf.

7. The village scene was drawn by Sujata.

8. The special Kashmiri tea was made by Rakesh.

9. Neha was praised by her father.

10. The queue was formed by people on the road.

11. The bitter medicine was drank by Hanif in one gulp.

12. Balachandran was elected as team leader.

13. The children in the shop were given toffees by Santa Claus.

14. Ayushi was wished a happy birthday by Grandfather.

15. How was the curry made by you?

16. The book is being read by Suman.

17. Mathematics were taught to us by your mother.

18. Let yourself be quieted.

19. The dish of butter was broken by whom?

20. You will be beat at badminton by Neena.

21. Mary was followed by a little lamb.

22. Tarun is loved by his mother.

23. Are the paper kites made by the boys?

24. The dress will be stitched by Rosy in a week.

Good luck! Have an amazing day!

choose the correct answer (off, into under ,round, across , towards )4. As the students were getting ---- into the room the headteacher told them to come---him​



As the students were getting off into the room,the headteacher told them to come towards him

9. "dogs"
Which of the following is the correct possessive form of the bold word?

After throwing the tennis balls, both dogs owners waited for their pets to retrieve them.

A. dog’s

B. dogs’s

C. dogs

D. dogs’



D. dogs' hope you got answer




Dogs is plural, so A and C are incorrect.

C. doesn't even have a apostrophe!

B. doesn't make sense and is improper for plural.

When apostrophizing plurals, you do it after the "s", like cats' teeth.

II. Verb form
1. (rain). It’s likely _______this afternoon.
2. (work). I hope you will get used to _________in this new condition soon.
3. (submit). It’s high time they ___________ their test papers.
4. (do). My mother is busy _______the laundry.
5. (take). In the event of fire, which way _____we ____ to get out?
6. (hand). Jim was the first student _________in his paper.
7. (practice - play). I spend an hour ___________ _______ the piano.
8. (be). __________to Da Lat several times, I decided to travel to Son La.
9. (repair). There’s no use ________this laptop.
10. (come). Jim as well as his siblings ______ just _________back from the UK.



1. It's likely to rain this afternoon.

2. I hope you will get used to working in this new condition soon.

3. It's high time they submitted their test papers.

4. My mother is busy doing the laundry.

5. In the event of fire, which way would we take to get out?

6. Jim was the first student

7. I spend an hour practicing playing the piano.

8. Going to Da Lat several times, I decided to travel to Son La.

9. There's no use repairing this laptop.

10. Jim as well as his siblings just came back from the UK.


I am not 100% sure about number 1 and 8 I would need more instructions but I hope that this helps. :D

a witty concise proverb like saying is called



aphorism pun witticism. A witty, concise proverb-like saying is called an aphorism.

The answer is Aphorism.

An aphorism is a brief saying or phrase that expresses an opinion or makes a statement of wisdom without the flowery language of a proverb.

Aphorisms are often used to teach a lesson while speaking in plain terms. For example, “A bad penny always turns up” is an aphorism for the fact that bad people or things are bound to turn up in life. We just have to deal with them when they do.


The Nazi used propaganda to get the support of German citizens. The Nazi's used sophisticated advertising techniques and
the most current technology of their time to spread the messages. Once in power, Adolf Hitler created a Ministry of Public
Enlightenment and Propaganda to shape German public opinion and behavior. The propaganda used by used by the German
Nazi party was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power. Joseph Goebbels was key to the Nazi use of
propaganda to increase their appeal. Goebbels joined the nazi party in 1924 and became the Gauleiter for Berlin in 1926.
Goebbels used a combination of modern media, such as films and radio, and traditional campaigning tools such as posters and
newspapers to reach as many people as possible. It was through this technique that he began to build an image of Hitler as a
strong, stable leader that Germany needed to become a great power again.



The Nazis used propaganda to influence German citizens to support them, not only that but they used advertising, and the different technological resources in order to broadcast these messages. Furthermore, after Hitler was in power, he constructed the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda to set more people The Nazi's used sophisticated advertising techniques and  the most current technology of their time to spread the messages. Once in power, Adolf Hitler created a Ministry of Public  Enlightenment and Propaganda to once again sway the public.  

Joseph Goebbels was essential to active  propaganda to advance peoples opinions of them. Goebbels joined the Nazis in 1924 and became an official for Berlin in 1926.  Goebbels used both modern technology and traditional campaign tools such as posters and  newspapers to gain as many followers as possible. It was with this that they built an image of Hitler as an intelligent and capable leader of the public.

A change of heart How has Craig’s family influenced him?



is there any type of options ???

Thank you so much for your help today


it’s number b i think that’s the answer

What does Elie decide when he can't wake his father on the train to Buchenwald?
He will need to abandon his father.
He will try to escape when the train stops.
He will begin to take clothing from the dead in the train car.
There is no longer any reason to live.



He will try to escape when the train stops.

What according to narrator must we do if we fall ?​



It's only when one becomes pessimistic and gives up that he or she fails. The narrator warns against bowing out in the face of failure. He urges readers to endure and persist despite failures and losses.


Posing artistically ~


Be optimistic !!!

Other Questions
The names of the top-five recruits who qualifixed were announcedTrue or False name one SEZ incentive which promotes industrialization? A fencing company charges $22per foot to install a wood fence around a rectangular pool area that is 20 feet wide and 38 feet long? pls help me What is antitrust laws what is meant by reactive elements x+x=0x-25x=0x=4x4x-4x=1 What are the advantages of Radio waves over micro waves? 27) through: (-3,0), slope3 Please Help!!! Thank you!find x The role of a joint congressional conference committee is to A. review of decisions made by the United States Supreme CourtB. provide oversight of the executive branchC. decide which bills can not be amended by the full HouseD. resolve differences in bills passed by the House and the Senate from Angela's Ashes. Which of the following is a central idea of the excerpt? a) Two patients are isolated in a hospital due to unknown illnesses and must rely on one another to make it through a difficult situation. b) A boy and a girl bond and read poetry together until he is moved away from her for talking c) A patient and a nurse are at odds until he learns to respect her. d) A sister and nurse run a hospital with harsh demeanors and punish the be patients for their bad behavior. Which expression is equivalent to 24x+72?24(x72)negative 24 times open paren x minus 72 close paren24(x3)negative 24 times open paren x minus 3 close paren24(x+3)24 times open paren x plus 3 close paren24(x+72) calculate the length of wire. WILL MARK BEST Which of the following was the major effect of the NeolithicRevolution?The establishment of sedentary village communitiesO A decline in total populationAn increase in the use of bronze toolsoThe spread of a migratory way of life Can someone answer these questions Ill give brainliest please THIS IS LITERALY 100 points ill do brainliest if its helpful , please helpAccording to geographers estimates, two out of three people in the world will live in a city by the year 2030. This migration to urban centers creates an increase in urban populations, resulting in the formation of megacities. Geographers define a megacity as any city with a population of more than 10 million people. Today, there are over 30 megacities in the world. Use the internet to research the names and locations of the worlds megacities. Then pick two cities, research them further, and create a profile about them. For each city, include the following information: location brief history of the city population density problems currently facing the city what city planners are doing to address the citys problems what city planners could be doing differently About how many people were killedby the atomic bomb in Nagasaki?A. 200,000B. 75,000C. 300,000 HELP ME SOLVE THIS PLEASE Assume, for this question only, the following: During the negotiations Juan guaranteed Sarita that the business had turned a profit in each of the past 5 years. Actually, it lost money in each of those years, although Juan did not know that. When Juan made the statement about the business's profitability, however, Sarita was conferring with her attorney and did not hear it. Her friend Harry, who was observing the negotiations, heard Juan's statement. Before long, when Sarita realizes what a bad deal she's made, she laments the fact to Harry. When Harry inquires how a business that had been profitable under Juan was suddenly losing money, Sarita is confused. They finally realize that Harry heard Juan's misstatement about the business's profitability and Sarita did not. Even so, Sarita is thrilled. With Harry as her key witness, she seeks to rescind the sale agreement claiming innocent misrepresentation. Which of the following is true? A. Rescission, because Juan intended to defraud Sarita. B. No rescission, because Juan's claims of the business's profitability would not have been material to Sarita if she had heard them. C. No rescission, because Juan lacked sufficient knowledge of the false nature of his statement and did not intend to trick Sarita. D. Rescission, because Juan's claims of the business's profitability would have been material to Sarita if she had heard them. E. No rescission, because Sarita did not actually rely on Juan's false statement about the business's profitability. A block of mass 2 kg is launched by compressing a spring of force constant 1200 N/m. The block slides on a frictionless surface, up a 1 meter tall ramp, then it enters a region of rough surface. It comes to a stop after traveling 3 meters over the rough surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the rough surface is 0.40.Required:a. How many forces end up doing work on the block from release to stop?b. What is the total non-conservative work done on the block?c. What is the change in the spring potential energy of the block?