Mini wants to buy a scooter for Rs 62,000 . She has only Rs 19,000 with her, so she decides to take a loan from a bank for the remaining amount. The bank offers Mini three loan schemes as shown below. Mini has to return the loan amount with interest in equal monthly instalments

2) Which among the given schemes offers a monthly instalment of less than Rs 5000. ?

a) Scheme A
b) Scheme B
c) Scheme C
d) Both Scheme A and Scheme B​


Answer 1

I think scheme c Rs48,000 is the answer

Related Questions

the line parallel to 2x – 3y = 6 and containing (2,6)
what is the equation of the line ?


First, write out the equation in slope intercept form.

-3y= -2x+6

y= 2/3x -2

The slope of the equation is 2/3, m.

Substitute the slope and coordinate into y=mx+b. Since it’s parallel, the slope remains the same.

6= 2/3(2)+b

6= 4/3+b


y= 2/3x + 14/3

Tìm thể tích của khối bao bởi mặt z=5+(x−4)^2+2y và mặt x=3,y=4 và mặt phẳng tọa độ.


Step-by-step explanation:

ccxiddidificifificici i i ivi i i i i i i i iivvii iix9difi

f(x) = - 2x
g(x) = 8x^2 - 5x + 7
Find (f • g)(x).


9514 1404 393


  (f•g)(x) = -16x^3 +10x^2 -14x

Step-by-step explanation:

  (f•g)(x) = f(x)•g(x) = (-2x)(8x^2 -5x +7)

Use the distributive property:

  (f•g)(x) = -16x^3 +10x^2 -14x

Solve for x.
–5(–2x – 5) – 2 – 1= -12




Step-by-step explanation:

–5(–2x – 5) – 2 – 1= -12







Step-by-step explanation:

Open the brackets

10x +25 -2 - 1= -12

Collect the like terms

10x = -12-25+2+1

10x = -34

Divide both sides by 10

Therefore,x = -34/10 = -3.4

2. What is the length of AB? Round your
answer to the nearest hundredth.



The required length of AB is 7.28 units.

I need help to fine the statement that is true



option A

Step-by-step explanation:

wx and zy making 90 angle with each other therefore they are perpendicular.

wx and ab making 0 angle with each other therefore they are parallel

Which expression is equivalent to (3 squared) Superscript negative 2?




Step-by-step explanation:



Show your work in details if you can, I have a hard time understanding this.


[tex] \begin{cases} \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: - \: \frac{1}{2} \: m \: = \: - 9 \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: - \frac{1 \: m}{2} \: = \: - 9 \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: - 1m \: = \: - 9 \: \times \: 2 \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: - 1m \: = \: - 18 \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: m \: = \: \frac{ \cancel- 18}{ \cancel - 1} \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: m \: = \: \frac{18}{1} \\ \\ \large\bf{\green{ \implies}} \tt \: m \: = \: 18 \: \\ \end{cases}[/tex]

Which equation is represented by the graph?



I don't knowledge bro sorry! Will give brainly!



Step-by-step explanation:

189² = 215² + 123² - 2(215)(123)cos x°

35,721 = 46,225 + 15,129 - 52,890 cos x°

35,721 = 61,354 - 52,890 cos x°

52,890 (cos x° ) = 25,633

cos x° = 25,633 ÷ 52,890 ≈ 0.4846

x° ≈ 61.01°

Find the measure of TU
A. 8
B. 12
C. 14
D. 11



D. 11

Step-by-step explanation:

First apply the secant-secant theorem to find the value of x.


VU(TU + VU) = VW(BW + VW) (secant-secant theorem)


(7)(x + 4 + 7) = (9)(-2 + x + 9)

7(x + 11) = 9(7 + x)

7x + 77 = 63 + 9x

Collect like terms

7x - 9x = 63 - 77

-2x = -14

Divide both sides by -2

x = 7

✔️Find TU

TU = x + 4

Substitute get value of x

TU = 7 + 4 = 11



Step-by-step explanation:

Louise has a hard time keeping her workspace clean at her job. She tries, but it just ends up getting messy again. Which of the following is a likely outcome of her consistent messiness? O a) She will have fewer safety issues. b) She will feel more productive. c) Customers will think she is very busy. O d) She will have a hard time focusing.


Option C

Customers will think she is very busy

A messy desk indicates that the person is very busy.

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

What is the surface area of this figure in square centimeters?



9514 1404 393


  A.  96

Step-by-step explanation:

The surface area is the sum of the areas of the two triangular bases and the areas of the three rectangular lateral faces.

  A = 2(1/2)bh + PH

where b is the base of the triangle, h is its height, P is the perimeter of the triangle, and H is the height of the prism.

  A = (3 cm)(4 cm) +(3 +4 +5 cm)(7 cm) = 12 cm² +84 cm²

  A = 96 cm²

The surface area of the triangular prism is 96 square cm.

What is the following sum? Assume x20 and 20.
W x ² + 2 / x 374 + xy ſy
0 x ²7² ſy- 2xy?
0 2xy ſy + 2xy ² x
0 4xy dx
o 2xyxy
وی در مورد



The right answer is the 2nd one

hope it will help :)

The given sum is option B. 2xy√y + 2xy²√x.

What are Expressions?

Expressions are mathematical statements which consist of two or more terms and terms are connected to each other using mathematical operators like addition, multiplication, subtraction and so on.

Given expression of sum is,

√(x²y³) + 2√(x³y⁴) + xy √y

We have to find the sum.

√(x²y³) = √x² √y³ = x√y³ = x√(y²)√y = xy√y


2√(x³y⁴) = 2[√x² √x √(y²)²] = 2x√x y² = 2xy²√x

Substituting these,

√(x²y³) + 2√(x³y⁴) + xy √y = xy√y + 2xy²√x + xy √y

                                          = 2xy√y + 2xy²√x

Hence the equivalent sum is 2xy√y + 2xy²√x.

Learn more about Expressions sum here :


How many terms of the series 2 + 5 + 8 + … must be taken if their sum is 155


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of terms of an arithmetic series is ...

  Sn = (2a +d(n -1))·n/2 = (2an +dn^2 -dn)/2

For the series with first term 2 and common difference 3, the sum is 155 for n terms, where ...

  155 = (3n^2 +n(2·2 -3))/2

Multiplying by 2, we have ...

  3n^2 +n -310 = 0 . . . . . arranged in standard form

Using the quadratic formula, the positive solution is ...

  n = (-1 +√(1 -4(3)(-310)))/(2(3)) = (-1 +√3721)/6 = (61 -1)/6 = 10

10 terms of the series will have a sum of 155.

Answer: 10 terms

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displaystyle \ \Large \boldsymbol{} S_n=\frac{2a_1+d(n-1)}{2} \cdot n =155 \\\\ \frac{4+3(n-1)}{2} \cdot n =155 \\\\\\ 4n+3n^2-3n=310 \\\\ 3n^2+n-310=0 \\\\D=1+3720=3721=61^2\\\\n_1=\frac{61-1}{6} =\boxed{10} \\\\\\n_2=\frac{-61-1}{3} \ \ \o[/tex]

A farmer weighs a dozen chicken eggs. The heaviest egg is 56 g. ​


Step-by-step explanation:


what is your question?

Step-by-step explanation:

please tell full questions

Question 20 plz show ALL STEPS and hurry PLEASE



(a) You will get ten

Step-by-step explanation:

single cell = 3 min

30 min = ?

30 divided by 10 = 3

Have a good day!

Four people share a taxi to the airport the fare was $36 and they gave the driver a tip equal to 25% of the fair. If they equally share the cost of the fair tip, how How much did each person pay?




Step-by-step explanation:

Total money given to the taxi driver=36+25% of 36=45

Each person will pay (45/4)=11.25

Find the unit rate.
1/3 kilometer in 1/3hour



1 kilometer in 1 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

unit rate is km(kilometer) per hour(hr)

1/3 km = 1/3 hr

multiply both sides by 3

1 km in 1 hour

2/5 = 6/ = 10/30 = 14/

Please tell asap





Step-by-step explanation:

2/5 = 6/x

Cross multiply:

2x = 5*6

x = 15


10/30 = 14/x

10x = 30*14

x = 420/10

x = 42.

SI unit of areaWhat is the SI unit of area ​


square meter is the SI unit of area.


find each measurement indicated round your answers to the nearest tenth. Part 1d. NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW!!!



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Sine rule in all 3 questions


[tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{b}{sinB}[/tex] , substitute values , firstly calculating ∠ B

[ ∠ B = 180° - (78 + 49)° = 180° - 127° = 53° ]

[tex]\frac{a}{sin78}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{18}{sin53}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

a sin53° = 18 sin78° ( divide both sides by sin53° )

a = [tex]\frac{18sin78}{sin53}[/tex] ≈ 22.0 ( to the nearest tenth )


[tex]\frac{c}{sinC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{35}{sinC}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{45}{sin134}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

45 sinC = 35 sin134° ( divide both sides by 35 )

sinC = [tex]\frac{35sin134}{45}[/tex] , then

∠ C = [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] ( [tex]\frac{35sin134}{45}[/tex] ) ≈ 34.0° ( to the nearest tenth )


Calculate the measure of ∠ B

∠ B = 180° - (38 + 92)° = 180° - 130° = 50°

[tex]\frac{a}{sinA}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{b}{sinB}[/tex] , substitute values

[tex]\frac{BC}{sin38}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{10}{sin50}[/tex] ( cross- multiply )

BC sin50° = 10 sin38° ( divide both sides by sin50° )

BC = [tex]\frac{10sin38}{sin50}[/tex] ≈ 8.0 ( to the nearest tenth )

Rs 600 will gave Rs 90 simple interest at 5 % per annum. ​


Step-by-step explanation:




time = I × 100/p×r

= 90×100/600×5

= 3 years.

A square steel bar has a length of 5.1 ft and a 2.7 in by 2.7 in cross section and is subjected to axial tension. The final length is 5.10295 ft . The final side length is 2.69953 in . What is Poisson's ratio for the material



The Poisson's ratio for the material is 0.0134.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Poisson's ratio ([tex]\nu[/tex]), no unit, is the ratio of transversal strain ([tex]\epsilon_{t}[/tex]), in inches, to axial strain ([tex]\epsilon_{a}[/tex]), in inches:

[tex]\nu = -\frac{\epsilon_{t}}{\epsilon_{a}}[/tex] (1)

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = l_{a,f}-l_{a,o}[/tex] (2)

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = l_{t,f}-l_{t,o}[/tex] (3)


[tex]l_{a,o}[/tex] - Initial axial length, in inches.

[tex]l_{a,f}[/tex] - Final axial length, in inches.

[tex]l_{t,o}[/tex] - Initial transversal length, in inches.

[tex]l_{t,f}[/tex] - Final transversal length, in inches.

If we know that [tex]l_{a,o} = 61.2\,in[/tex], [tex]l_{a,f} = 61.235\,in[/tex], [tex]l_{t,o} = 2.7\,in[/tex] and [tex]l_{t,f} = 2.69953\,in[/tex], then the Poisson's ratio is:

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = 61.235\,in - 61.2\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{a} = 0.035\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = 2.69953\,in - 2.7\,in[/tex]

[tex]\epsilon_{t} = -4.7\times 10^{-4}\,in[/tex]

[tex]\nu = - \frac{(-4.7\times 10^{-4}\,in)}{0.035\,in}[/tex]

[tex]\nu = 0.0134[/tex]

The Poisson's ratio for the material is 0.0134.

The area between z=.34 and z=1.93




0.36693 - 0.0268 = 0.34013

Step-by-step explanation:

z=.34 and z=1.93

0.34  0.36693

1.93           0.0268

Please help! Thank you!!!!!


9514 1404 393


f(x) = x² -3g(x) = 6x +7h(x) = 3^x

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) is copied from the problem statement.

g(x) is a symbolic representation of the English wording, using x to represent "a number."

h(x) is the exponential function that corresponds to the geometric sequence in the table. It has a common ratio of 3, and a multiplier of 1 at x=0.

Which phrase describes the linear relationship between the x and y values shown in the table?

x l y
8 l 2
9 l 3
10 l 4

A. y is 6 times x
B. x is 6 times y
C. y is 6 less than x
D. y is 6 more than x


9514 1404 393


  C. y is 6 less than x

Step-by-step explanation:

It is not hard to check.

  A. 6 times x is 6×8 = 48, not 2

  B. 6 times y is 6×2 = 12, not 8

  C. 6 less than 8 is 2; 6 less than 9 is 3

  D. 6 more than 8 is 14, not 2


The relation described in C matches the table.

solve the inequality y-6>/2y-4



Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve your inequality step-by-step.

y - 6 > 2y - 4

y - 2y > -4 + 6

-y > 2

now divide by -1 and inequality sign changes

-y/-1 < 2/-1

y < -2

What lines are parallel?



Parallel lines are lines that never intersect or touch

No image? No help. Sorry if this doesn’t help

i will give brainliest help please



SA = 52 square meters

Step-by-step explanation:

First, the equation I'll be using for this problem is SA=2(wl+hl+hw)! Our width is 4m, our length is 3m, and our height is 2m. To begin to solve this problem we are going to input these values in to the equation above.

SA = 2(4 × 3 + 2 × 3 + 2 × 4)

Next, we are going to multiply our values inside the parenthesis based on the PEMDAS strategy (if you have any questions about this, feel free to ask below :).

SA = 2(12 + 6 + 8)

Now, we can add our values inside the parenthesis.

SA = 2(26)

Finally, all we have to do is distribute the 2 outside of the parenthesis to inside the parenthesis.

SA = 52 square meters

Hope this Helps! :)

Have any questions? Ask below in the comments and I will try my best to answer.


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