i. Your pronunciation is not so good


Answer 1
Neither is yours buddy

Related Questions

Which short story uses the flashback as its main structure?
“The House on Mango Street”
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
All of the above



"Girl" is a monologue which is like a character speaking to oneself uninterrupted. "An Occurrence at Owl Bridge" is a typical short story and uses a flashback structure.

Answer: C
Explanation: “An occurrence at owl creek bridge” that reflects back on the occurrence at owl creek bridge, which is considered a flashback.

Read the following paragraph:
"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies
from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie
texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language?
O Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
O Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.



Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.


  Subjective language is emotive language, which means the author is stating their opinion. The answer expresses the authors opinion on brownies from a mix being underrated. The other three answer choices use objective language, meaning the author is only stating facts or observations.

  Hope that helped!


A sales person lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of witch of the following?

A: direct persuasion
B: professional persuasion
C: emotional persuasion
D: indirect persuasion
E: unethical persuasion



E: Unethical persuasion


Because lying is unethical, this would be an example of unethical persuasion. You should always tell the truth, especially if it is about the effectiveness of a product because you can get in trouble for false advertising, and it can destroy your business.

Hope this was helpful :)

Where ____?
have you been
are you been
has you been
have you were

¿cual es lacorrecta?



Where have you been?


good luck, hope this helps.

Here’s just a filler answer so you can give the other guy brainliest. He got it right

Jobs contends that you need to love what you do in order to be great at it. Do you agree or disagree? Why​



I agree


I believe that if you don't like what you do, then you will start to slack off, and won't get any better at it. You work harder if you like your work, and therefore you need to like what you do. Don't go the path others what you to go, unless you want to.

Have you any idea............ ? a. What is his name b. what his name is My friend prefers coffee C. what name tea​





Bird flu is not as lethal to humans as to the birds true or false​


I think it's false

because it a virus and it is very dangerous to both human and bird species.

Which sentence is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia crossings a culinary wasteland?


The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal


The sentence that is an example of an objective summary from Cynthia Crossen's "A Culinary Wasteland" is: C. The purveyors and aficionados of fast food may not have convinced Mr. Schlosser that it isn't poisonous dreck, but it would have been interesting to hear their best case and the author's rebuttal.

In at least 200 words, discuss how Harriet Beecher Stowe’s upbringing and experiences led her to write an anti-slavery novel. Consider both her response to the major issues of her day and personal events in her life



Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist. She came from an American family with an ingrained Puritan tradition and resistance to slavery. Her most famous work is Uncle Tom's Cabin, which significantly influenced America and Britain in the fight against slavery. Harriet spent much of her life on the border of northern and southern parts of America, so all of her anti-slavery works are based on a fact she knew from childhood. Throughout her life, she contributed to the fight against slavery in America through her journalistic and literary activities.


At the age of twenty-one, Harriet Beecher Stowe was an American writer and abolitionist who moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. There, she met her husband, Calvin Ellis Stowe, and became heavily influenced by the abolition movement. Since she now lived on the border of Kentucky and Ohio, she was able to witness the horrors of slavery firsthand. This exposure to slavery had a great impact on her, an experience that would lead her to write Uncle Tom's Cabin. Furthermore, when she lost her 18-month-old son, she understood how it must feel like when the children of slave mothers were sold away to other slave owners. Stowe's family and Stowe helped their servant, a runaway slave, escape through the Underground Railroad. She was Christian, so this religious point-of-view and sense of morality act as an essential backdrop in writing Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet's entire life consists of events and experiences that led her to write her famous anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. During this time, there were many abolitionist movements. These movements may have played an essential role in influencing her. Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist who had fought for slavery, both with her words and actions.  

Hopefully, this helps.

Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set off an introductory phrase?


To make matters worse, Blake and Tricia were now locked out of the house.

how are the characters Jem and Dill the same in To kill a Mocking bird



As Jem and Dill grow older, they begin neglecting Scout and prefer to play by themselves in the tree house. Both boys are also competitive and argue with each other over trivial matters. Similar to most adolescents, Jem and Dill tend to bicker and disagree over insignificant things while still remaining best friends.


What is the Integrating Life Dimension of Success?



It simply means using your success to impact yourself and your society


What does the prefix 'under' in the word "UNDERESTIMATE" mean?



1) verb- to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like.

2) verb- to make an estimate lower than that which would be correct.

3) noun- an estimate that is too low.


hope this helps

Select the best answer to describe this group of words.
Stop talking so loudly.
1.) fragment with no predicate
2.) simple sentence with an understood subject
3.) fragment with no subject
4.) compound sentence with an understood subject



3. Fragment with no subject




why do you think shapespeare included this prologue to start his play



it tells the audience exactly what is going to happen in the play.


The obvious function of the Prologue as an introduction to the Verona of Romeo and Juliet can obscure its deeper, more important function. The Prologue does not merely set the scene of Romeo and Juliet.

please arrive early for us to start the meeting on time. (so that)


Please arrive early for us so that we can start meeting on time.

what is the suitable adverb of the river flows​



Maybe stream


river and stream are pretty close so maybe try that

List four things we learn about Nicole Renard in this extract


Nicole was:
Seemed nice to be around


Nicole Renard '17 became a dancer at age 2 and competed in her first pageant while in fifth grade.

Little did she know then that she'd dance across the Miss America stage as Miss Washington on Sept. 10.

Soon after she began her pageant career, Renard won National American Miss.


I haven’t written to him for 3 weeks.
= The last time………………………………………………………………
It’s months since we decorated this room
=We haven’t…………………………………………...................….
I didn’t know how to swim until I was 17 years old.
=Not until..................................................................................



1. I wrote to him was 3 weeks ago.

2. decorated this room for months.

3. Not until I was 17 years old did I know how to swim.

What is most likely Mr. White's final wish?
A. To go back in time and never make the first wish
B. To undo his wish to bring his son back to life
C. To end his own suffering in death
D. To get revenge on the fakir?



How is anyone supposed to know the answer for that without a passage?

I just did that the answer is A because mr. white wanted to go back in time beAcuse if him making a terrible wish

Read these sentences from the excerpt:

What he most dreaded, that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good, to be diligently sought; and the argument which he so warmly urged, against my learning to read, only served to inspire me with a desire and determination to learn.

Which statement best explains why the author uses parallel structure to advance his purpose?

a . to illustrate the need for the slaves and slave owners to come together to end slavery

b . to stress the author's belief that reading and writing are important skills for gaining freedom

c . to show how the author disagrees with slave owners about the issue of slavery

d .to provide more details that support the claim that reading and writing are necessary for freedom



to stress the authors belief that reading and writing are important skills for gaining freedom


The author was talking with rythm and later started talking of reading and writing instead of slaves




Beneficiary; A Person Who Receives A Profit Or An AdvantageExplanation:HOPE THIS HELPS!✨✨✨

Remember that an inference is information given in a story that is not directly stated by the author, but it is still very important in order to understand a story. Place a checkmark next to each inference the reader needed to make in order to understand "The Cask of Amontillado":

Montresor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.

One reason Montresor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.

Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.

Montresor leads Fortunato down into the catacombs where many people were buried.

Montresor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.

Montresor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.

No one ever found Fortunato, who Montresor buried alive down in the catacombs.

Montresor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him.


not sure sorry i’ll try

What is the mistake in this sentence? “Henry’s vacation was filled with runnning, biking, and swimming.”




The only mistake I see is the running only has 2 ns not three.

The comma after biking used to be optional, so it is not really an error, but I would check the grammar book you are using. Rules change.

It used to be incorrect to put a word between the verb and to. Now one word is permitted, which my teacher would have given me a week's detention for doing.

So not to go would have been considered correct

to not go was considered wrong, but now it isn't. Things change.

Which of the following are characteristics of the baroque period? 
- Emotion and religious fervor

- Psychological exploration and virtuosity

- Movement, spender and ornate styling

- All of the above



“Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, vitality, movement, tension, emotional exuberance and a tendency to blur distinctions.” so the answer should be — all of the above


Marvin Harris writes that Indians are irrational for treating cows as sacred.

Question options:


Marvin Harris tells us that an easy explanation for India's devotion to the cow, and the one most Westerners and Indians would offer, is that cow worship is an integral part of Hinduism. Many Western observers believe that an absurd devotion to the mother cow pervades Indian life.
True, it is true.very true.

Which statement summarizes Thoreau’s rebuttal to a counterargument he mentions in the excerpt?
There is more reason to rebel against the government now than there was in 1775.
Now is not the time to resist the government, because it is not behaving tyrannically.
It is the duty of every American to right any wrong they see in their government.
People should not help to stop rebellions in the South



A. There is more reason to rebel against the government now than there was in 1775


I went threw this test so I know

Thoreau's rebuttal to a counterargument he mentions in "Civil Disobedience" is that voting and elections are not enough to ensure a just government, as they merely give citizens the illusion of participation and control. Hence, option C is correct.

What was Thoreau's rebuttal ?

Thoreau argues that individuals have a responsibility to actively work towards creating a just government and that this requires direct action and resistance to unjust laws and policies.

Thoreau's critique of representative democracy in "Civil Disobedience" centers around the idea that citizens should not be satisfied with merely electing representatives to make decisions for them. Thoreau believed that individuals have a responsibility to make decisions for themselves and to act on their own conscience rather than relying on others to do so for them.

Thoreau criticized the idea of majority rule in representative democracies, arguing that the majority is not always right and that individuals have a duty to resist unjust laws even if they are passed by a majority.

He believed that individuals should not wait for the government to change or reform itself, but should instead take action to change the system themselves.

Find more on Thoreau's rebuttal:



Which word signals a cause?
O then
O since



Which word signals a cause?


O then

O since

O therefore✓

The "since" word signals a cause. The correct option is C.

How do you identify a preposition?

In order to establish a connection between nouns, pronouns, and other sentence components, prepositions typically come before a word or pronoun. Prepositions require memorization in order to be understood because they are frequently brief words that denote direction or location.

In English, prepositions show how a noun or pronoun is related to another word or phrase. The subject and verb must come before the preposition when using one, and a noun should come after it. A verb should never come after a preposition.

The preposition "since" denotes a cause-and-effect link between two occurrences or actions. When the word "since" appears in a phrase, it denotes that the second event or action is a result of the first. To put it another way, the cause and effect are the initial occurrence and action, respectively.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about prepositions here:



What best expresses the main idea of the passage



the last option he was a talented man that was hurt by his beliefs

What is one of the criticisms of Reality TV, according to the article “To Tell the Truth”?

a. It represents only a small number of Americans.

b. It encourages people to disconnect from reality.

c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.

d. It is far too violent for most audiences.


Answer: c. It’s less realistic than it pretends to be.


Reality television claims to follow the real lives of individuals as they go about their daily lives. The truth is however, it is not always realistic and a lot of the things that happen in these shows are not real.

Shows only sell when there are dramatic scenes that pull crowds and in real life, drama does not always happen. Reality shows are therefore forced to produce their own dram and pass it off as real events so that they can get more viewers.




Other Questions
From the list below, select the items that are classified as a materials activity. (You may select more than one answer. Single click the box with the question mark to produce a check mark for a correct answer and double click the box with the question mark to empty the box for a wrong answer. Any boxes left with a question mark will be automatically graded as incorrect.) Raw materials used Raw materials beginning inventory Raw materials purchases Work in process beginning inventory Goods manufactured Direct labor used Factor overhead used Analyze one of three poems - "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson,Sonnet 50 by William Shakespeare, or "Grievance" by Amy Lowell - and then write anew poem that uses the same meter, rhyme scheme, and form as the one youanalyzed. 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