layers of
make up the cell membrane.


Answer 1
Proteins and lipids make up the cell membrane. Only certain things can move through because cell membranes are mostly mad of lipids. Phospholipids are the most popular lipid in the membrane. These are made up of the outer and inner layers.
Answer 2

The cell membrane is composed of two main layers called phospholipid bilayer. Each layer is made up of phospholipids, which are a type of lipid molecule.

These phospholipids have a hydrophilic (water-loving) head and a hydrophobic (water-fearing) tail. The hydrophilic heads are attracted to water, while the hydrophobic tails repel water.

The phospholipid bilayer consists of two layers of phospholipids arranged in such a way that the hydrophilic heads face the outside and inside of the cell, while the hydrophobic tails are sandwiched in between. This arrangement creates a barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment.

In addition to phospholipids, the cell membrane also contains other molecules such as proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates. Proteins are embedded within the phospholipid bilayer and serve various functions, such as transporting molecules across the membrane or acting as receptors for signaling molecules.

Cholesterol molecules are interspersed between the phospholipids and help maintain the fluidity and stability of the cell membrane. Carbohydrates are attached to proteins or lipids on the outer surface of the cell membrane and play a role in cell recognition and communication.

Overall, the cell membrane is made up of phospholipids, proteins, cholesterol, and carbohydrates, all working together to regulate the passage of molecules in and out of the cell and to maintain the integrity and functionality of the cell.

To know more about phospholipids:


Related Questions

4. Estimate the size of the outlined (yellow) onion cell under high power (40x). Use the dFOV values calculated from question no. 3. 10 points​


The following formula is useful to determine the size of the cellSize of the object = FOV / Fit number = dFOV / Fit number. If you have this data, you can estimate the size of the onion cell. According to the values we used, the estimated size of this onion cell is 112 μm.


Cells are too small to measure their sizes, so to know their actual size, we can make mathematical estimations to know their sizes, or we can use software programs. In this case, we are estimating their size using the following formula,

Size of the object = FOV / Fit number = dFOV / Fit number

Size of the object = size of the cellFOV = eyepiece (mm)/objective magnification               Fit number = The number of times the object -cell- fits in the field of view

To answer this question, we will replace the terms in the given formula.

→ First, we will get the FOV value. From references, we can assume that

under 4X  ⇒ FOV = 4.5 mmunder 10X ⇒ FOV = 1.8 mmunder 40X ⇒ FOV = 0.45 mm

You can also calculate the FOV by using a millimeter paper or rule.

Note: We will use these values to replace terms in the formula, but you can use the dFOV value calculated in question no. 3.

→ Second, we will count the number of cells that fit the field. We can see about four cells across the field of view.

→ Finally, we will replace the terms in the formula.

Size of the object = FOV / Fit number

Size of the object = 0.45 mm / 4

Size of the object = 0.112 mm

Since we generally use μm when referring to cell sizes, we need to multiply 0.112 x 1000 to get the size of the cell expressed in μm.

Size of the cell (μm) = 0.112 mm x 1000 = 112 μm


Related link:

How does ATP supply energy for cellular activities?


ATP is able to power cellular processes by transferring a phosphate group to another molecule. This process is called phosphorylation

differentiate between Angiosperms and gymnosperm​



Angiosperms are vascular plants bearing the seeds in fruits or mature ovaries whilst gymnosperms are other types of the plant which bears the seeds directly on the sporophylls but without any cover.


Examples of gymnosperms include cypress,pine, redwood, spruce and ginkgo.

Examples of angiosperms include apple, banana,peach, cherry and orange.

Also, angiosperms are seeds producing flowering plants whose seeds are enclosed within an ovary.

Gymnosperms are also seeds producing non flowering plants whose seeds are unenclosed.

Hope it helps.

Please mark as brainliest .

how are enzymes, proteins, and amino acids related, and what is their role in a viral take over?



Amino acids are building blocks to proteins, and the combination and order of them determines what protein is actually being built. Then enzymes are a type of protein which facilitates or catalyses a process, such as the breaking down of molecules in your food. In a viral takeover, the virus uses your body's ribosomes to create viral proteins (consisting of amino acids). Viral enzymes actualy facilitate this by inserting viral DNA into the hostcell's DNA.


Belle ran a total of 510 meters directly toward school at a constant velocity. She ran one-third
of that distance in 85 seconds. What was her velocity?





her velocity was 90kph

fatty acids formula in diagram form



sorry but I don't understand your question here


What question are you asking here

The mechanical advantage of a lever is 4 What does it mean?​



Mechanical advantage MA is the ratio of output (generated by the machine)force to intput (applied to the machine) force. So MA=4 means that for example if you apply 100N then your machine will multiply that force and generate 400N.

Help me please!!! What does this picture mean



i think a cell is zoomed in


The variety of organisms within an ecosystem is characteristic of which type of diversity?
Genetic diversity

Ecosystem diversity

Species diversity

Regional diversity



Genetic diversity


The answer is the first one hope this helps

Although we think of land when we hear the word biome, there are also aquatic biomes. The abiotic factors that
influence life forms vary with location within ocean systems. Oceanographers divide the ocean into five broad vertical
zones as seen in the chart above. Compare the characteristics of the five zones. The giant tube worms, Riftia
pachyptila, pictured here, have a red "plume at the tip of their free end which is an organ for exchanging compounds
with the environment. The tube worm does not have many predators. If threatened, the plume may be retracted into
the worm's protective tube. The plume provides essential nutrients to bacteria living inside the worm. Tube worms
have no digestive tract, but the bacteria, which may make up half of a worm's body weight, convert the oxygen,
hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, taken in by the plume, into organic molecules on which their host worms feed.
Compare this information with the information in the chart. Where could these worms live?
The tube worms can only live where there is no light: zones 3, 4, and 5.
Only in the top-most two zones so the bacteria can use the light for
In any zone in the ocean, provided it was not too cold and there is enough
oxygen in the water
They tube worms are suited to live in the halad zone only, where there is
no light and it is extremely cold.



D)  They tube worms are suited to live in the halad zone only, where there is  no light and it is extremely cold.


Although these tube worms reside in the trenches of the Halad zone at the lowest layer, they survive in darkness and freezing temperatures. Additionally, there are other species of starfish that inhabit this area, thus the starfish are also companions.

Which factor can potentially increase a teenager’s alcohol use?



A teenager's decision to drink alcohol can be influenced by: early introduction to alcohol. exposure to adult binge drinking or alcohol dependence. access to alcohol from parents and others.

How are globes used?



Globes are used to look at places, without a device. You can think of a globe as a map of the world wrapped up into a ball. If you wanted to look at the United States, you could twist the globe, and see it, and surrounding places like Canada or South America.

In a different case, they are used for school geography. The students are asked to find a place and point to it on the globe.

Betty notices an acorn on the ground.She thinks it's a seed so she put it into a pot with soil and water.Eventually,she sees the plant growing upwards.she knows plants have cells and can do photosynthesis.Eventually, the tree grows and produces more acorns.

What characteristics of life did Betty not directly observe over time?

A.The tree has leaves that eventually produce the acorns.

B.The trees use carbon dioxide during the photosynthesis to produce food

C.the tree maintains homeostasis inside its cells.

D.The tree produces more offsprings over time



A.the tree has leaves that eventually produce the acorns

Cells are capable of reproducing themselves by cell division. For single celled organisms, cell division is essentially reproduction. For multicellular organisms, division is necessary for growth and renewal. Even though cell division is natural and necessary, what happens when the rate of cell division becomes too rapid and out of control? How can we get rid of such rapidly dividing cells in the human body?



Here are 5 important things you should know about cancer cells:

1. Everyone has cancer cells in their body. These cells are not detected in routine tests until they have multiplied and grown to billions of cells.

2. Cancer cells are present in the body about 6-10 times in a person's lifetime.

3. When the immune system is healthy, cancer cells will be destroyed, preventing tumor growth and formation.

4. When a person has cancer, it means that he or she may be suffering from severe nutritional deficiencies or due to toxic environmental factors, unhealthy lifestyles and diets.

5. An effective way to fight cancer is to starve cancer cells by not providing them with the food they need to proliferate and grow.

"3 golden rules" help kill cancer cells:

1. Diet to prevent cancer

It can be said with certainty that there is no better way to keep your immune system healthy than with a reasonable and scientific diet. So ask yourself the question "Do you really have a reasonable diet to prevent cancer?". And here are the essential suggestions.

- Increase your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and foods high in fiber.

Eat more antioxidant foods: The fruits below are rich in antioxidants.

In addition, all vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamin A (carrot, papaya, tomato, sweet potato, pumpkin), vitamin C (orange, cherry, kiwi, strawberry), vitamin E (avocado, papaya). , cashews, peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds...) are also foods with strong antioxidant capacity to help prevent cancer.

- Increase vitamin D supplementation.

Vitamin D is a special vitamin that is more important than all other vitamins because of its "universal" effect on the body's immune system. Its biological effects are related to the expression of more than 3000 genes in the body.

In addition to the extremely important role for the musculoskeletal system, the role of vitamin D in the prevention of many cancers and infectious diseases has been scientifically proven.

More than 90% of vitamin D in the body is synthesized in the skin under sunlight. Very little is absorbed from the diet, so the daily diet cannot guarantee the full amount of vitamin D needed by the body.

A recent study by a joint research team between the 108 Central Military Hospital and the University of Tuebingen (Germany) published in the journal BMC Infectious diseases showed that about 90% of healthy people are deficient in this vitamin. plasma vitamin D concentration <30 ng/ml).

Research also shows that there is a strong association between vitamin D deficiency and liver cancer in patients infected with hepatitis B. So the simplest way to ensure that you do not have a deficiency is to take vitamin D supplements. daily dose of 10-20 (µg/day) for all ages.

- Do not eat a lot of sugar and sweets because this is a food source that helps tumor growth. Sugar, not protein, is what tumors need to grow, so people with cancer still need the protein found in meat to boost their health against cancer. However, it should be noted that you should not eat a lot of red meat but should eat chicken and fish instead of beef and pork.

2. Increase physical activity

This is the most important principle of strengthening the immune system that anyone can do. The largest study conducted by the National Cancer Institute (USA) on more than 1.4 million people found that regular physical activity reduces the risk of 13 common types of cancer in humans.

The link between physical activity and reduced risk of many types of cancer can be explained by several key mechanisms:

- Strengthen the immune system, prevent the growth and spread of infectious agents.

- Physical activities help increase metabolism, improve circulation and help transport oxygen to all organs. Cancer cells must not grow in an oxygen-rich environment because oxygen can kill cancer cells.

Lowering levels of hormones such as insulin, estrogen and growth factors are thought to be closely related to cancer formation and development.

- Control weight, prevent obesity: Obesity is a leading risk factor for many types of cancer, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases... It is estimated that more than 500,000 cancers are diagnosed each year. obesity-related diagnoses.

Increased blood flow to organs such as the liver, kidneys and intestines enhances the efficient elimination of waste products and toxins that can be potential causes of cancer from the body.

Why do you classify pteridophytes under Trachaeophyta?


Answer:Pteridophytes are called tracheophytes because they have vascular tissues

Which came first on planet earth, plants or animals



We do not know entirely for sure


The vast majority of evidence points towards complex multicellular plants and animals evolving around the same time 500 million years ago during the Cambrian period. However, simple single-celled prokaryotic bacteria has been around for nearly a billion years. Personally I think it is more likely for plants to have come first as they are simpler and there seems to be a bit for evidence for them being first, like the discovery of multicellular algae that could be up to 1 billion years old (algae is generally considered to be bacteria)

It may be analyzed that land plants first appeared about 500 million years ago. It was the time of the Cambrian period. At this time, the development of multicellular animals does not begin at a systematic level.

When did the first prokaryotic cell was formed?

The first prokaryotic cell was formed about 3.5 billion years ago. It was the time when no oxygen was present (anaerobic), the atmosphere was reduced, and the mode of nutrition was hetero chemotrophic.

The first eukaryotic cell was formed about 1.5 billion years ago which leads to the foundation of animal origination. It stimulates numerous changes with respect to the prokaryotic cell. But prior to that some land plants and fungi are already present which deliver the source of food to the developing living entities.

Therefore, according to researchers and scientists, it may be analyzed that the land plants exist before the animals through the help of the earliest fossils.

To learn more about Plants and animals, refer to the link:


Which term best describes this step of the investigate process





Ribosomes make what?



Ribosomes make protein

the statment "the worm is 2 centime=eters long" is an?





The worm is being described to be 2 centimeters long.

about paramosium? explain it ​



Paramecium is a genus of eukaryotic, unicellular ciliates, commonly studied as a representative of the ciliate group. Paramecia are widespread in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments and are often very abundant in stagnant basins and ponds

Paramecium is a unicellular organism with a shape resembling the sole of a shoe. It ranges from 50 to 300um in size which varies from species to species. It is mostly found in a freshwater environment.

It is a single-celled eukaryote belonging to kingdom Protista and is a well-known genus of ciliate protozoa.

As well, it belongs to the phylum Ciliophora. Its whole body is covered with small hair-like filaments called the cilia which helps in locomotion. There is also a deep oral groove containing not so clear oral cilia. The main function of this cilia is to help both in locomotion as well as dragging the food to its oral cavity.

In which phase of mitosis is division of the nucleus completed

A. Metaphase
B. Telophase
C. Prophase
D. Anaphase




Happy to help :)

In telophase, the cell is nearly done dividing, and it starts to re-establish its normal structures as cytokinesis (division of the cell contents) takes place.

1. Explain why bacteria able to survive in almost any environment.


I believe this is because they are one cell organisms at a constant homeostasis


because the bacteria is evolve so quickly that they can even adapt to use crude oil like some insect

Land reform and land colonization can have negative effects on the environment and have controversial social ramifications.
Why are these strategies used, even when they have negative effects?
A. They are the cheapest way to increase productivity.
B. Their purpose is to increase the global food supply and reduce malnourishment.
C. If these strategies are not used, pest management will become a severe issue that will destroy many crops.
OD.Chey are needed to implement genetic modification of crops.


Answer:B. Their purpose is to increase the global food supply and reduce malnourishment.


The purpose of land reform and land colonization is to increase the global food supply and reduce malnourishment. So, the correct option is B.

What are land reforms?

Land reforms mean the changes made or the changes that are needed to be made in order to ensure that agricultural land is fairly distributed. This is a change in the methods or rules of land ownership, management of owned land and how those methods further impact the public and economy in general.

This simply means the redistribution of agricultural land so that only a certain section of society cannot enjoy the benefits of land ownership.

This process has negatively impacted the environment as the unskilled settlers have been put in charge of managing agricultural land. They are unaware of the environmental impact that various activities can cause. For example burning of firewood, poor animal husbandry practices, land degradation etc.

Therefore, these reforms are used even when they have negative effects on the environment with the intent to increase the global food supply and reduce malnourishment.

Read more about land reforms,






Homeostasis, from the Greek words for "same" and "steady," refers to any process that living things use to actively maintain fairly stable conditions necessary for survival. The term was coined in 1930 by the physician Walter Cannon.

Examples include thermoregulation, blood glucose regulation, baroreflex in blood pressure, calcium homeostasis, potassium homeostasis, and osmoregulation.


Homeostasis refers to the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment (regulating hormones, body temp., water balance, etc.). ... As the body works to maintain homeostasis, any significant deviation from the normal range will be resisted and homeostasis restored through a process called a feedback loop.


Hi there :)



A property of cells, tissues, and organisms that allows the maintenance and regulation of the stability and constancy needed to function properly.

- In simple terms,  Homeostasis is any self-regulating process by which an organism tends to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are best for its survival. If homeostasis is successful, life continues; if it's unsuccessful, it results in a disaster or death of the organism.

Hope it helps :)

Cause-affect about timer companies and clear cutting?

Pls help


Answer: it can destroy an area's ecological integrtiy in a number of ways

Help me please it’s science



you need to put the question first


Someone plz help me :(





Answer: I believe your answer should be A

Explanation: Hope this helps!

How do cells affect the size of an organism?

As animals grow in size, they produce more cells.
As cells expand or shrink, the size of an organism can change.
More cells can produce more chemical energy, allowing animals to get larger.
Larger cells produce larger-sized organisms.


As animals grow in size, they produce more cells

Are male butterflies and moths the same species?



Explanation: No they are not.

Which statement correctly describes the relationship between thermal energy and particle movement?



The more heat energy an object has, the more particle movement that occurs.


The hotter an object is, the faster the particles move, the colder a object is, the slower.

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