Need an answer ASAP please!
1. Traditional African societies that were mini-states often featured
A. large empires.
B. expansive colonies.
C. multiple ethnic groups.
D. single religions.


Answer 1


i think the answer is B. expansive colonies

Answer 2
I think B
Is a good answer
Hope its help for your questions

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In which section of land were the British encouraging American Indians to fight American settlers



Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Great Lakes area

The five relationships that Confucius describes help society to be ordered. The first person is subservient and respectful to the second.

Select all correct ones
wife to husband

All of the above or below

ruled to ruler

friend to friend

younger brother to older brother

son to father



All of the above or below


I took the quiz :D

Mark me brainliest pls

In what manner was the genocide carried out?



according to United Nations General Assembly, genocide is defined by

killing members of a group

causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of a group

deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of Life calculated to bring about its physical destruction

imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group

forcibly transferring Children of the group to another group

how did the arrival of europeans affect both native american and european culture



European colonization of North America had a devastating effect on the native population. ... The natives, having no immunity died from diseases that the Europeans thought of as commonplace. They also brought guns, alcohol and horses. The effect of these was to change the way of life for the Native Americans.


 The arrival of the Europeans affected the Native Americans because they brought guns, horses, and alcohol. The Native Americans showed the Europeans how to fertilize crops and make farming easier.  

The Europeans brought diseases that Native Americans were not naturally immune to due to never being exposed to the sickness like Europeans did, and many Native Americans died. Europeans would (much later) end up stripping Native American children of their culture with Indian boarding schools, remove the Native Americans from their land and move them to different countries to try to make more room for European settlers, and were generally not very nice to the Native Americans.  

What year was the first civil war



Apr 12, 1861 – Apr 9, 1865


The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States fought between states supporting the federal union and southern states that voted to secede and form the Confederate States of America

What is true about the Republican Party during this time ?


Its 21st-century ideology is American conservatism, which incorporates both social conservatism and fiscal conservatism. The GOP supports lower taxes, free-market capitalism, restrictions on immigration, increased military spending, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, deregulation, and restrictions on labor unions.

05.04 New land

50 points

Your task is to create an advertisement encouraging people to move west in the 1800s. However, the law demands truth in advertising. You must be honest about the move.

Step One: Choose a format.

Your advertisement may be:

song lyrics

text for a newspaper advertisement

Write your song or advertisement. Include this information:

why people should go

where they should go

how to get there

what to bring

what life will be like

who they may meet

possible dangers

You should be creative in your advertisement, but also honest. Review this learning object for help creating a persuasive argument. Even though these tips are designed for a written argument, the same ideas apply to other kinds of communication, like commercials, songs, and speeches.


This is what you should do to write the advertisement:

Choose the format: a song or a text. For example, let's select a text for a newspaper advertisement.Do a research about living in the west in the 1800s.Write the text (or song) including some specific information mentioned in the exercise instructions.

The West in the 1800s

There are many characteristics from the West during those years that you can use to make a fun advertisement.

For example:

"Move to the West!

Are you looking for fun, making friends... and enemies, discovering how much you can drink during one night?

The West is the place for you!

Here you will find a very different type of life, you will never get bored and you will learn new skills everyday.

We'll be waiting for you!!"

Check more information about the West in the 1800s here

An argumentative thesis differs from an explanatory thesis because it:
A. includes citations for all the sources that support it.
B. must propose an idea that can be challenged by the reader.
C. summarizes the main point of an original essay.
D. cannot be based on generalizations of any kind.


A. Includes citations for all the sources that support it.

What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?



The Federalist Papers were written and published to urge New Yorkers to ratify the proposed United States Constitution, which was drafted in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787

The Federalist Papers is considered one of the most significant American contributions to the field of political philosophy and theory and is still widely considered to be the most authoritative source for determining the original intent of the framers of the US Constitution.

Choose the true statement about events that led to uncovering President Richard Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal. President Nixon confessed to wrongdoing in order to avoid an impeachment hearing. An anonymous source implicated the White House to two Washington Post reporters. President Nixon refused to release the content of the subpoenaed White House tapes to Congress in any form. The Federal Bureau of Investigation ordered wiretaps on all telephones in the White House, including the president.



Choose the true statement about events that led to uncovering President Richard Nixon's role in the Watergate scandal.


The government never wiretapped Nixon. Actually, their investigations were limited due to obsructions from President Nixon.

Nixon ended up releasing the tapes to his Watergate scandal.

He also resigned right before he could be impeached.

Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncovered the scandal thanks to an anonymous whistleblower they called Deep Throat.

where did president George Washington live in rocklandcounty new yorkwhere did President George Washington live in Rockland County New York ​



new York i think I don't know

The Selective Service was designed to



On May 18, 1917, Congress passed the Selective Service Act, which authorized the Federal Government to temporarily expand the military through conscription. The act eventually required all men between the ages of 21 to 45 to register for military service.

How does anasi influence children ?



i hope this helps <3


Anansi was a very smart but mischievous (troublesome) god who was changed into a spider by his father Nyame for not giving up his mischievous ways. Anansi stories are often funny and teach kids  lessons about the consequences of making bad choices, and that it's much better to be smart than to be strong.

Which of the following was a well known abolitionist?
A. Sullivan Ballou
B. Wendell Phillips
C. Jefferson Davis
D. Abraham Lincoln


jefferson davis was a abolitionist

One of the principles stated in the Declaration of Independence is that government should
O have unlimited power to rule the people
be based upon the consent of the governed
O guarantee economic equality among citizens
be led by educated citizens


I’d think be based upon the consent of the governed

La filosofía es una ciencia?



filosofía es una ciencia


What did the Chinese people believe in?

A. Religion that emphasizes reincarnation
B. Religion that entails ending human suffering through reaching the enlightenment
C. Religion founded by the prophet Muhammad and is taught by the Koran
D. A non-theistic religion that celebrated human potential and self-improvement


The answer is A!

Hope this helped you! Please follow my account & rate my answer 5, thanks!


..B as Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are considered the “three pillars” of ancient Chinese society. As philosophies and religions, they not only influenced spirituality, but also government, science, the arts, and social structure.

To what area did Euclid contribute to Western civilization?
A Mathematics
B Drama
C Sculpture
D Philosophy



A: mathematics.


Mostly mathematics.

If you dislike geometry, you can blame Euclid for that. He is likely the father of all branches of geometry.


A: Mathematics


There are two kinds of geometry: Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Using logic, geometry is mathematics and both kinds of geometry have Euclid's name in it. Therefore, Euclid contributed to Western civilization in the mathematics field.

What is one major reason governments create laws?
O A. To give some citizens special privileges
OB. To maintain order in communities
O C. To stop citizens from voting
O D. To reduce the power given to juries



B. To maintain order in communities



Option (B) To maintain order in communities

Lee is in customer service. How can she best support her internal customer, Dan? O al Prioritize other tasks and customers O b) Ask him a lot of personal questions O c) Give him her full attention when he's speaking O d) Check with him before completing basic tasks



B i think


8. The following excerpt is from President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When, on March 11, 1941, the Lend-Lease Act first became law, Britain stood virtually alone
before the tide of Axis aggression, which had swept across Western Europe. Everywhere the
peace-loving peoples of the world were facing disaster. But the passage of the Lend-Lease Act
gave firm assurance to those resisting the aggressors that the overpowering material resources of
the United States were on their side.

Which factor contributed to the extension of the act discussed in this excerpt?

A. Allied nations needed supplies to continue the war effort against Nazi Germany.

B. Neutrality prevented Americans from boarding ships belonging to nations at war.

C. Reparation payments from former Allied nations were suspended by executive order.

D. The Kellogg-Briand Pact called for participants to refrain from warfare to resolve conflicts.



The Answer is A


This is because the UK was all alone fighting against Nazi Germany ever since the fall and surrender of France so Churchill asked FDR to join the war while FDR wanted to stay neutral but at the same time help their Allies and also citizens in America were against joining in. Not only that, the Lend Lease Act also reached to the Soviet Union and China.

Which of the following is not true of railroads during the late nineteenth century?


Available Options

A. led to new managerial forms and techniques

B. was often capitalized beyond what was needed

C. opened new territories to commercial agriculture

D. accelerated the growth of some older cities and created new ones

E. was financed by private corporations without government assistance


was financed by private corporations without government assistance


Considering the available options, the statement that is not true of railroads during the late nineteenth century is that railroads "was financed by private corporations without government assistance."

This is evident when eighty percent of the transcontinental railroads that were built between 1869 to 1900, were developed with assistance from the federal government through land grants.

This was after the United States Congress passed the Pacific Railway Act, in 1862, which granted the authorization of the transcontinental railroad construction.

Which of the following events caused an increase in public support of the
International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union?
A. Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
B. Homestead Strike
C. Haymarket Affair
D. Pullman Strike


It has to be a it is the only option

Q: What was Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?



The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was Lincoln's plan to reintegrate the Confederate states back into the Union, granting presidential pardons to all Southerners (except political leaders) who took an oath of future allegiance to the Union



The Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction was Lincoln's plan to reintegrate the Confederate states back into the Union, granting presidential pardons to all Southerners (except political leaders) who took an oath of future allegiance to the Union.


need help please with these​



In my opinion Americans were limited by education .




Which best states how ideas from classical philosophy were apply to renaissance government



A.) Ideas from classical philosophy were used to improve the structure and organization of government.

Explanation: i took the test


A) Ideas from classical philosophy were used to improve the structure and organization of government.


Edge 2022

with more women seeking work, and jobs openly
defined by sex, what would you predict would happen in the 1960s?


I believe it’s the equal pay movement. Meaning you get the same amount of pay regardless of gender

How many years has China been in history since the Xia Dynasty


China is one of the world's four ancient civilizations, and the written history of China dates back to the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BC), over 3,000 years ago

Each state sends a different number of representatives to the House of Representatives depending on the population of the state A) true B) False

I feel like it’s b but need a second opinion


This is actually true!

The number of members in representing each state should be proportionate to the populations of their respective states.

Hope this helps!

Q: Which of the following BEST describes Reconstruction? Select one: O a. It was a short period of time when African Americans enjoyed new rights. These rights were quickly taken away. O b. Reconstruction was the time period leading up to the Civil Wa O c. It was a period of cooperation between Republicans and Democrats. O d. It was a period of cooperation between the Northern and Southern states.​



a. It was a short period of time when African Americans enjoyed new rights; these rights were quickly taken away.

Option A: It was a short period of time when African Americans enjoyed new rights. These rights were quickly taken away.

What is Reconstruction ?

Reconstruction refers to the period following the Civil War of rebuilding the United States. The Reconstruction era was the period after the American Civil War from 1865 to 1877, during which the United States grappled with the challenges of reintegrating into the Union the states that had seceded and determining the legal status of African Americans.

Civil war and Reconstruction

As a result of the Union victory in the Civil War and the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution (1865), nearly four million slaves were freed. The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) granted African Americans citizenship, and the Fifteenth Amendment (1870) guaranteed their right to vote.

Thus, Reconstruction is best described as  a short period of time when African Americans enjoyed new rights. These rights were quickly taken away.

Learn more from here-


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