- Nikolai Gogol, "The Nose"
What evidence from the text gives you the impression that Kovaloff is
intimidated by his nose?

A. "What do you want?"

B. "It seems to me strange, most respected sir"

C. "How can I get at it?"

D. "Pardon me, I do not understand what you are talking about."


Answer 1


A)  "What do you want?"


"You should know where you belong," says the text, implying that Kovaloff feels scared by his nose. Option A is the right response. Being intimidated is feeling fearful or unsure about a situation. This comment suggests that Kovaloff is definitely scared by his nose in this situation.

Related Questions

fill in the blanks with correct tense .I ______him at the bus stop everyday.​




pls mark as brainliest and follow

This could be two tenses:
1. I met him at the bus stop everyday.
This implies that you no longer meet him
2. I meet him at the bus stop everyday.
This implies that you continue to do this daily

Read the sentence.

You can take a bus tour or you can join a camel safari.

Which revision is correctly punctuated?

You can take a bus tour or, you can join a camel safari.

You can take a bus tour or you can join a camel safari.

You can take a bus tour, or, you can join a camel safari.

You can take a bus tour, or you can join a camel safari.



First option


You can take a bus tour or, you can join a camel safari. Commas are supposed to always go after the word that joins sentences.

U can take the bus tour or, you can join a camel safari is the correct option

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

What is the contracted form of the words in bold?

Do you think she will call?

Fill in the blank text field 1





I think she will call

An unforgettable dream



which dream what dream you saw that you cannot forgot.

write a letter within 100 words to the Postmaster of your locality information him about the loss of an important letter addressed to you and requesting him to help you get it ​





Hi please help me give my letter pls.......................................................

A table of contents will probably have ____ an index A. The exact same entries as B. Fewer entries than C. The same number of entries as D. More entries than



B. Fewer entries than

You have 3 coins. What is maximum and minimum amount of them? ​



Maximum: $3, or 300 cents

Minimum: 3 cents


Dollar coin is the largest coin, so the maximum amount is $3.

A penny is the smallest coin, so the minimum amount is 3 cents.

dkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk n






dkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk ndkd;vnsdknvknvlskvz;lkvnclk

from The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. Why does Juliet "rejoicéd more" than Romeus when she sees him in lines 457-517 of the poem? (a) She has missed him. Cheb) she believes he was dead. (d) She shows her emotions better. O d) She loves him more than he does her.​


From reading the poem, we can see that Julliet "rejoiced more" because she shows her emotions more intensely.

"The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet" is a narrative poem written by Arthur Brooke. According to the reading of this poem we can see:

The poem tells the story of Romeo and Juliet and their forbidden love.The poem was written before Shakespeare's play and served as an inspiration for Shakespeare.The poem presents a longer story, with Romeo and Juliet living a forbidden romance for months before they died.The poem has a different ending for some characters in the play, such as Nurse and Friar.

In lines 457-517 we are introduced to the moment when Romeo and Juliet are reunited after spending weeks without seeing each other. They both miss each other so much that they feel sick and both feel extremely happy when they see each other again.

Romeo is very happy to find Juliet, but Juliet is even happier. This is shown in the poem as a way to present the idea that Juliet can express her emotions better than Romeo, as was expected of female characters written at the time.

You can find more information about what a narrative poem is at the link below:


Why is interior monologue important in a biographical narrative?

It helps to establish the specific setting.

It helps create a logical sequence of events.

It reveals the character's changing feelings and emotions.

It clearly states the significance of the event to the writer.



It reveals the character's changing feelings and emotions


Being able to hear the author's interior monologue, or thoughts, allows you to better understand exactly what the author is going through, thinking, feeling, and other things. Hope this answer helped :)

Read the paragraph about Chicago and the paragraph’s central idea.

Chicago is a windy Midwest city with a reputation for cold weather and warm pizza. Chicago’s deep-dish pizza is famous worldwide. Chicago-style pizza was introduced by Uno’s Pizza in the 1940s, and now the style is imitated from coast to coast. This style of pizza is characterized by a thick layer of dough with a "springy” texture.

Central Idea: Chicago is recognized as the home of the famous deep-dish pizza.

Which detail is most important to include in a summary of this paragraph?

Chicago is a windy city located in the Midwest.
Uno’s Pizza in Chicago introduced deep-dish pizza.
Deep-dish pizza is now served around the country.
Chicago-style pizza has a thick dough with a springy texture.



Chicago-style pizza has a thick dough with a springy texture. aNSWER D


d Chicago-style pizza has a thick dough with a springy texture.





A sales person lying about the effectiveness of his product would be an example of witch of the following?

A: direct persuasion
B: professional persuasion
C: emotional persuasion
D: indirect persuasion
E: unethical persuasion



E: Unethical persuasion


Because lying is unethical, this would be an example of unethical persuasion. You should always tell the truth, especially if it is about the effectiveness of a product because you can get in trouble for false advertising, and it can destroy your business.

Hope this was helpful :)

46. I think he .......................................... the gold medal.
A. will win B. is going to win C. wins D. is winning
47. Tomorrow it ................................ in the North.
A. will rain. B. is going to rain C. rains. D. is raining
48. Look! The cloud is black. It ...........................................
A. will rain B. is going to rain. C. rains D. is raining
49. In 2011 there ................................. more cars.
A. will be B. is. C. are. D. would be
50. I think Dennis ...................................... this cell phone.
A. likes. B. will like C. is going to like. D. is liking 51. I ............................................ a party this Sunday. I have already invited my friends.
A. will have B. have C. am having D. had
52. She ......................................... to paint her house. She bought a lot of paint.
A. paints B. will paint C. is painting D. is going to paint
53. I don’t think Robert ....................................... the examination.
A. is going to pass B. is passing C. will pass. D. won’t pass
54. Why are you turning on the television? - I …………………… the news.
A. am going to watch. B. will be watched C. going to watch D. will watch
55. There's an ______ film on at the local cinema.
a. interest b. interesting c. interested d. interestingly
56. The children were ...................... by Walt Disney films.
A. fascinating B. fascinated C. fascination. D. fascinate
57. The actress has a ...................... smile.
A. fantastical. B. fantastic. C. fascinating. D. fascinated
58. People all over the country were ...................... by the news of the victory.
A. excited B. interesting C. fantastic D. exciting
59. The baby was ...................... of being left alone in the room.
A. terrible. B. terrified C. terrific D. terrifying
60. What a ...................... experience!
A. terrified B. terrify C. terror. D. terrifying
61. Don’t let the children see ...................... films.
A. horror. B. horrifying C. horrified D. horrible
62. We were ...................... by the terrible accident.
A. horrible B. horror C. horrific D. horrified
63. He finds action film .............​



a will win

b going to rain

c will rain

d would be

e will like

f am having

g is painting

h is going to pass

I am going to watch

j interesting

k fascinate

l fantastic

m excited

n terrified

o horror

p horrible

Which U.S. National park is the oldest located cast of the Mississippi River?​



In 1919, Acadia became the first national park established east of the Mississippi River.

How can I improve my communication skills?


Answer: try talking to more people it will improve itself

Explanation: Hope it helps


Click this photo.And you can see full.

Hopefully it is hepfull

Hamadi 1.what is the problem the protagonist faces?



In this story, both main character´s father and her friend Hamadi come for a region turn by conflict. Hamadi is from Lebanon, a country devastated by a 16-year civil war.

could you explain to me about differents from of and from and give example setences​



what sorry what you are saying is what I do not understand what you are saying

read the excerpt from "under the raven's wing." the very next day, clues began appearing on its website. george wilkes, the publicity director, predicted that the treasure hunt would bring thousands of new visitors to the park. pedro wants to connect something in the excerpt to his own knowledge. he likes puzzles and games. which subject from the passage would he most likely connect with? websites publicity directors treasure hunts parks



treasure hunts


According to the excerpt, there would be a treasure hunt at the park that would bring thousands of visitors to the park and since Pedro likes games and puzzles he would be very much interested in the treasure hunt. Treasure hunts involve puzzles that make use of clues and hints to point to where the treasure might be, usually with the help of a map to navigate the geographical area where the treasure is located.

6 ANS.SE weer...........The fact that he is very old man; he still leads very active life ​



ummmmm i think it might be:


all though he is an old man, he is still very active

11. If you come to England, it will be a good ________ for you to improve your English.

A. opportunity B. advantage C. experience D. possibility


Answer: A. opportunity

Explanation: Its A because your going to get the "opportunity" to be able to improve somethings your not good just like in this question in this case its English but sometimes it can e other things too.

If you come to England, it will be a good opportunity for you to improve your English. Hence option A is correct.

What is opportunity?

Opportunity is defined as an event or circumstance that allows you to do something you want to do or need to do, or the potential to do something. Everybody encounters several opportunities during their lives, but only a select few take advantage of them. Opportunities are what give life meaning, and depending on how you react to them, you can either prosper or suffer. It can be challenging to seize an opportunity at times.

England is the best place to learn good English because in England each and every people speak in English as English is there native or national language and they speck English very fast and very fluently.

Thus, if you come to England, it will be a good opportunity for you to improve your English. Hence option A is correct.

To learn more about opportunity. refer to the link below:



How to write a letter to mr.Eric thomas for inspiring me in formal format. *note this is a homework


wtn seolpevei neormarlly

what's oast simple mean?​



Do you mean past simple? If so the answer is below

The Past Simple tense, also called the Simple Past, is used for past actions that happened either at a specific time, which can either be given by a time phrase (yesterday, last year, etc.) or could be understood from the context.


The Past Simple tense, also called the Simple Past, is used for past actions.


The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not important.

2. if my granny ( be ) younger , she ( not forget ) so many things
3. William is such a naught boy ! if he ( do ) that again , i (get) angry with him!
4 if i ( have ) more noney , i ( buy) a house. i wish i had more money!
5 if Kate (not tell) him anything , he (never / find out) . Now it's too late !
6 Robert and Harry (not know) the truth if we ( not tell) them . Let's keep the secret!
7. I ( help) you with your project if you ( ask) me , but since yo didn't say a word , now it's too late !
8. I'm thinhking of cleaning the windows later . (you /give ) me a hand if i (need) your held?
9. Helen ( work) harder, she ( get ) promoted , but she's a very lazy person
10. you ( not feel ) so tired if you ( sleep) more . you should go to bed earlier



1. this story needs put in order and fixed

Below are the words that best completes the sentence, by putting the correct word form in the brackets:

2. if my granny were younger , she would not so many things

3. William is such a naught boy ! if he did that again , i would get angry with him!

4 if i had more money , i would buy a house. i wish i had more money!

5 if Kate did not tell him anything , he never would have known . Now it's too late !

6 Robert and Harry do not know the truth if we do not tell them . Let's keep the secret!

7. I would help you with your project if you asked me , but since yo didn't say a word , now it's too late !

8. I'm thinking of cleaning the windows later .could you give me a hand if i needed your held?

9. Helen would work harder, if she got promoted , but she's a very lazy person

10. you would not feel so tired if you slept more . you should go to bed earlier

Read more here:


Which of the following is not a supporting detail of the poem?



Whichever detail is unnecessary.


Which sentence from a text is an example of comparing?

There are two apples in the basket.
Apples are good to eat.
Both apples are bright red.
One apple is larger than the other.



The last sentence from the text is an example of comparing. "One apple is larger than the other."


It is comparing because there are 2 objects being compared, and they are stating the differences or the different characteristics. Hope you understand :)


On apple is larger than the other.


Definition of compare:

compare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.


Which should you include in a conclusion to an argument essay?


A. interesting or surprising information
B. supporting facts and data
C. a tie back to the introduction
D. a summary of the main ideas


D and C are both needed in a good conclusion


C and D


A is incorrect because no new information should be added in the conclusion or else it will confuse the reader.

B is incorrect because that is actually the body or the appendix not the conclusion.

punctuate the following : On march 21 1985 our community held its bicentennial



On March 21, 1985, our community held its bicentennial.


Find mistakes
1. If there will be too much garbage, the air will be seriously polluted
2.What a pity. I have to look at my little brother, so I can't go to the cinema tonight



If there [is] too much garbage, the air will be seriously polluted.

What a pity[,] I have to look at my little brother, so I can't go to the cinema tonight.


Any sentence with if at the beginning is usually present tense.

Commas always go after "What a pity".

I also did not see periods at the end of both sentences.

I am a vegetable that sits where humans sit. What am I?
I enjoy shopping a bit too much. What am I?
I am a bird that eats the flesh of art. What am I?
I do some of this and some of that, but never all of this or all of that. What am I?


a little

Based on previous knowledge of Greek values, what prediction can best be made about Antinous's future? Antinous's friends will rally around him, and he will be victorious in battle. Antinous will gain great power and win the heart of Penelope at last. Antinous's friends will turn on him, and he will suffer for his actions. Antinous will become a poor man and wanderer like Odysseus.



Antinous's friends will turn on him, and he will suffer for his actions.


Odysseus finally returns to Ithaca in disguise and begins plotting his revenge against the suitors who have taken over his palace and are trying to force Penelope to marry one of them.

What is Greek Mythology?

Greek mythology is a collection of stories, beliefs, and traditions originating from ancient Greece. These myths feature gods, heroes, and other mythical creatures, and were an integral part of the ancient Greeks' religious and cultural beliefs.

Greek mythology is full of colorful characters and tales of adventure, romance, and tragedy.

The gods and goddesses of Greek mythology were believed to have control over natural phenomena such as the sun, moon, and weather, as well as human affairs such as love, war, and destiny.

Some of the most well-known figures from Greek mythology include Zeus, the king of the gods; Hera, his wife and queen of the gods; Poseidon.

The god of the sea; Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty; Apollo, the god of music and the sun; and Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war.

Learn more about Greek mythology here



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