Some yoga poses are named after animals: cat, cow, camel, dolphin, and dog. Different people have different opinions on why these names are
used. After doing the poses what is your opinion?


Answer 1

Yoga gurus may have always lived is natural balance and drew inspiration from it, which is one hypothesis that has been put up. Several yoga postures are named just after animals that they were modelled .

Why are yoga positions named for animals and plants?

We are not aware of the sensations in our bodies because of our hectic schedules and high levels of stress. In order to learn to balance human emotions and stress patterns, it makes reasonable that the ancient yoga gurus would have decided to model their practise after the animals they watched.

Why are the names of yoga positions different?

The traditional language of instruction for yoga poses, or asanas, is Sanskrit. Sanskrit has been an important literary language in India for further than 2,000 years. It is also the sacred language of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. Several yoga postures bear the names of Indian and Hindu mythological saints, heroes, and sages.

To know more about hypothesis visit:


Related Questions

what is standard unit? why is it necessary.



We need standard unit for measurement to make our judgement more reliable and accurate. For proper dealing, measurement should be same for everybody. Thus there should be uniformity in measurement. For the sake of uniformity we need a common set of units of measurement, which are called standard units.


Standard Units are commonly used units of measurement, which help us measure length, height, weight, temperature, mass, and more. These units are standardised, which means that everyone gets the same understanding of the size, weight and other properties of objects and things.


Why is it necessary? We need standard judgement unit for measurement to make our judgment more reliable and accurate. Thus there should be uniformity in measurement. For the sake of uniformity we need a common set of units of measurement, which are called standard units. Nowadays, Si units in science and technology almost accepted universally.

What is a long term effect from drinking alcohol


Stomach cancer and lung cancer

How does aerobic capacity relate to cardiorespiratory endurance?



Aerobic Fitness or Cardiorespiratory Endurance - the ability to deliver oxygen and  nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustained periods of time.

Any activity you do  from taking a walk to washing the dishes it requires oxygen.

Regular aerobic fitness exercise increases your body's ability to use oxygen. How well  you use oxygen is termed your "aerobic capacity." When your aerobic capacity is high,  your heart, lungs and blood vessels efficiently transport and deliver large amounts of  oxygen throughout your body. Aerobic exercise helps you in your daily activities.


in other words they  are related

hope i helped

what produces cerebrum to protect brain from minor injury?


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a clear fluid that is produced by cerebrum to protect brain from minor injury.

CSF would be your answer

As the owner/manager of the food truck you will need to comply with all necessary legislation (laws). Correctly name and outline one law you must abide by relating to workplace safety. In Australia!



   Food Safety Hand washing


Sanitation is always important, and preparing food with unsanitary hands is unsafe for the consumer, and for you. Remember to wash your hands before AND after touching food, going to the restroom, or doing other tasks. It also helps stop the spread of diseases such as the Coronavirus, flu, and the common cold.

Well-being refers to the process of identifying one's state of health and taking steps to
improve it.
O True
O False



its true


Wellness refers to complete health, rather than just your physical health. Wellness is not only being free of disease, illness, or stress but also a

The best answer would be true

Which of the following statements best describes the program known as Medicaid?

A. It's a federal health insurance program for Americans who are above the age of 65.
B. It's a federal health insurance program that provides freedom to see any doctor you want.
C. It's a public health insurance program available to low income individuals and families.
D. It's a public health insurance program that provides medical coverage to uninsured children.​​


The correct answer is C. It's a public health insurance program available to low-income individuals and families.


Medicaid is the name of a government program in the United States that provides health services focused on helping low-income people. This program does not work the same in all states because in some it can cover all of the costs and in others only a part. Some of the services that Medicaid includes are laboratory and X-rays, children's health check-ups and treatment, family planning services and resources, adult dental services, adult medical and surgical services, among others. According to the above, the correct answer is C.


It's a public health insurance program available to low income individuals and families.


Hope this helps :)

Which lifestyle choice may contribute to the development of noncommunicable diseases?

taking the stairs
eating fast food
exercising regularly
eating fruits and vegetables


eating fast food is the correct answer
The answer is eating fast food

Deidra is speaking with a waiter at a restaurant. Their dialogue is shown at right. What communication style is Deidra using with the waiter?



Assertive communication style is being used.


There are 5 communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, submissive, and manipulative. The one that best fits Deidra’s dialogue is Assertive as Deidrra's not being aggressive, he is not being submissive either, no one is being manipulative here, and lastly, he is for sure not being passive aggressive. The only style left is assertive :)

What happens when people go out in the sun in summer to tan for several hours a day without using any sunscreen?



we are become black . and we may suffer from many disease . and our face and body become dull .

You will probably tan or sunburn. If you do this many times for long enough, you may develop skin cancer

define glandular system​



all the glands of the body collectively.


Match each leadership skill to its advantage.

goal setting
change management
team building

helps the group adapt to new developments
helps individuals work together
while supporting each other
helps individuals measure their progress
helps the leader clarify team understandings



communication helps individuals work together

goal setting helps individuals measure their progress

change management helps the group adapt to new development

term building helps the leader clarify team understanding

What can be done to help maintain cardiovascular health?



To help prevent heart disease, you can:

Eat healthy.

Get active.

Stay at a healthy weight.

Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke.

Control your cholesterol and blood pressure.

Drink alcohol only in moderation.

Manage stress.

Exercise helps strengthen muscles.

A combination of aerobic workouts (which, depending on your fitness level, can include walking, running, swimming, and other vigorous heart-pumping exercise) and strength training (weight lifting, resistance training) is considered best for heart health.

Exercise helps strengthen muscles.

A combination of aerobic workouts (which, depending on your fitness level, can include walking, running, swimming, and other vigorous heart-pumping exercise) and strength training (weight lifting, resistance training) is considered best for heart health.

Common effects of cocaine include
Hallucinations, chest pains, and high anxiety
Headaches, stomach aches, and fatigue
Fatigue and chest pain
Clear vision, headaches, and stomach aches


I believe it’s hallucinations, chest pains, and high anxiety

Define health and explain how home is one of its scopes



Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in which disease and infirmity are absent.

Home is the foundation upon which their society is built. Home is the place where family members live who often has similar needs and interest. Fundamental behavior patterns such as eating, sleeping, as well as many emotional relation with people in different situations is laid at home. Within the home, parents are the principal educators. Most of the health education is done informally in the day- by- day give and take of relationships. And community health workers can provide health education to the parents about the best ways of living, care of child, keeping home and environment clean and so on. They can help the school going both through personal contacts and parent teacher organizations.

The answer above me is correct

HIV be transmitted by: saliva in the mouth (kissing)


Answer: False


- HIV can not be transmitted through saliva.

- HIV is usually transmitted through:

BloodSemen and pre-seminal fluidRectal fluidsVaginal fluidsBreast Milk

- HIV can not be transmitted through:

Air or waterSaliva, tears, or sweatSexual activities that do not involve the fluid exchangeShaking hands, hugging, sharing dishesMosquitoes and other insectsDrinking fountain

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Give constructive advice to a friend who is struggling with body image issues.


give them compliments and tell them they are pretty
Compliment them the internet is not real tell them that the way people look through a screen might not be the same in person it’s all a fake image they think they have to look like but don’t every body type is wonderful

Which provides the best example of someone negatively affecting their own time management?

A. Anita welcomes unscheduled visits throughout the day and enjoys them as surprise breaks.
B. Brix sets specific personal goals for each week that are separate from the "to do" list.
C. Oden sets aside a few hours each month to document how long tasks usually take to complete.
D. Samir thinks the term paper is going to take 10 hours but budgets for 12 instead.​



A. Anita welcomes unscheduled visits throughout the day and enjoys them as surprise breaks.


The rest of the answers focus on setting times for tasks or setting personal goals, all of which are effective time management skills. Option A does not manage their time well because she expects visitors and company, distracting her from setting up a schedule or managing her time well.

What types of mental health professionals are trained to treat mental disorders?


to add on to that they all have different specialties and age groups they work with :)
Psychologists. ...
Counselors, Clinicians, Therapists. ...
Clinical Social Workers. ...
Psychiatrists. ...
Psychiatric or Mental Health Nurse Practitioners. ...
Primary Care Physicians. ...
Family Nurse Practitioners. ...
Psychiatric Pharmacists.

b. For what game knee exercise helps the players?​


Some exercises will help knees for players would be:

Squats, sit to stand, lunges, straight leg lifts, side leg lifts, short arc extensions, step ups, calf raises, cycling.

An advertisement promises that a food product contains 100 percent of the
amount of vitamin C you need every day. How can you know whether this is a
true statement?


Check the label the average human needs 65-90 milligrams of vitamin c a day

ASAP!: Please answer the 6 questions in the image above for the scenario!

John and Sarah have known each other since elementary school. They've been pretty good friends since. John has loved Sarah ever since he can remember, but Sarah has never seemed interested because John is such a good friend. He has been there for Sarah through different relationships hearing Sarah complain or talk about how much she loves this person or that person. At a party one night Sarah drinks a few beers and approaches John. She asks him to go upstairs with her. He loves her and wants a relationship, not a one night fling. What can John say or do at this point?



No! The person should not do this as they do not have proper consent. the person is drunk and does not know what they are doing


Which is a first responder?

Coast Guard officer
incident commander
social service worker
emergency medical technician


Emergency Medical Technician, also known as an EMT. They are the people who show up in the ambulance.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

AIDs is not curable but preventable disease. explain.​


AIDS is not curable because their is not a cure made for it yet but you can prevent getting aids by using a condom while having intercourse

Contrast how optimism and pessimism affect your assessment of a situation


-Everyone experiences stress differently
-How someone reacts to a stressor depends on how they assess the situation:
-Is the situation a threat to my well-being?
-Do I have the necessary resources to meet the challenge? (Time, energy, skills, and experience)

Describe a balanced one-day menu. Make sure that it meets the daily requirements for the five food groups.



I'm vegan and this is what I typically eat in a day!


Breakfast - Oatmeal with berries, soy milk, and nuts

Grains: Oats are gluten free, whole grain, and contain many important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Fruits/vegetables: Berries are chock full of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants

Dairy & alternatives: Soy milk is a good alternative to dairy as it is high in protein and omega 3 fatty acids

Proteins: Nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts are a good source of plant based protein

Lunch - Chickpea pasta with green peas and leeks sauce + side of frut

Grains/legumes and proteins: Chickpeas are an excellent legume to eat. They are high in protein, fiber, and vitamins/minerals. Chickpea pasta is a healthier alternative to regular white flour pasta.

Vegetables: Green peas, broccoli, spinach, and leeks are rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium.

Dairy & alternatives: Soy cooking cream to make the sauce creammyyy

Fruits: Oranges are so refreshing and sweet so I typically eat oranges. The vitamin C content also helps you to absorb the iron from the vegetables.

Dinner - Lentil curry with vegetables and brown rice

Grains: Brown rice is a good alternative to white rice, which is more refined and starchy. Brown rice also has more nutrients and fiber.

Vegetables: Cauliflower, sweet potato, tomatoes

Dairy & alternatives: Coconut milk

Proteins: Lentils are very high in protein and iron

Dessert - Chocolate peanut butter oatmeal blondies

*this is dessert so obviously it isn't the healthiest, but I think that to have balance, you should allow yourself to eat a treat!

Grains: Oatmeal - I love oatmeal so i eat it a lot

Fruit: I typically eat these with berries like raspberries

Dairy & alternatives: Plant based milk

Proteins: Peanut butter  

Hope this helps! Best of luck <3

how are how r health population and environment education interrelated with economic and political aspects​



health is wealth of the country so it is related with economic and political aspects of a country

One of the major risks of gestational diabetes is:



macrosomia/ Large babies


that is what I think about the answer

Having diabetes after baby is born. During pregnancy you can end up getting diabetes so you have to get tested using a Glucose Test. There’s a one hour one and a three hour one. They usually test for gestational diabetes because it can usually lead to type 2 diabetes after pregnancy

mention the values that develop through olymic movement


Answer:The three values of Olympism are excellence, friendship and respect.


They constitute the foundation on which the Olympic Movement builds its activities to promote sport, culture and education with a view to building a better world.

As treatment for his disease, Ven is avoiding tobacco and alcohol, eating calcium-rich foods, and lifting weights. Which disease is he most likely being treating for? cancer osteoporosis type 2 diabetes cardiovascular disease



b). Osteoporosis


'Osteoporosis' is described as the disease in which the bones become extremely porous and are subject to fracture. Since the bones get weak in this disease, the treatment of this disease primarily aims to regain the strength of the bones and prevent them from being lost completely. This is the reason that weight-lifting exercises are paid special emphasis during the treatment of this disease along with high-intake of calcium and calcium-rich foods for enhancing the bone strength. The focus is also laid on avoiding alcohol and tobacco products as it may cause side-effects like disbalance in the turnover and mass of the bones leading to fracture. Thus, option b is the correct answer.




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