[tex]integrate \: ln(x) [/tex]


Answer 1


ln(x) = 1/x... It's a basic rule of Calculus.

Related Questions

The area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -0.51 is 0.6950. What is the area to the left of z = 0.51?




Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that area under the standard normal curve to the right of z = -0.51 is 0.6950

Thus, to get the area to the left, we just subtract 0.6950 from 1.


area to the left of z = 0.51 is;

P( z < 0.51) = 1 - 0.6950 = 0.305

A new car that is a gas- and electric-powered hybrid has recently hit the market. The distance traveled on 1 gallon of fuel is normally distributed with a mean of 65 miles and a standard deviation of 7 miles. Find the probability of the following events: a. The car travels more than 69 miles per gallon. Proba




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that :

Mean, μ = 65 miles

Standard deviation, σ = 7 miles

Probability that car travels more than 69 miles per gallon :


Z = (x - μ) / σ ; x = 69

Z = (69 - 65) / 7 = 0.5714

The probability :

P(Z > z) = P(Z > 0.5714) = 1 - P(Z < 0.5714)

P(Z > 0.5714) = 1 - P(Z < 0.5714) = 1 - 0.71614 = 0.28386

P(Z > 0.5714) = 0.28386

In figure above, if l1 | | l2 then value of x is:
a) 40°
b) 50°
c) 80°
d) 100°



its letter c so 80

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope this help

(sorry for the colors on the picture)


It is the 3rd answer

Its 3rd……! obviously

An office was built in the shape of a rectangle. If one side of the office measures 60 metres and the length is measured 4000 centimetres.

Calculate the perimeter of the office in meters.




Step-by-step explanation:







I need help please I don't understand




Step-by-step explanation:

This is a right triangle so we can use trig ratios.

We are asked to find a side when we know a angle adjacent to that side. And we are given a side opposite of that angle. We can use Tangent to find the side length.

[tex] \tan(40) = \frac{48}{x} [/tex]

Take the reciprocal of both sides.

[tex] \frac{1}{ \tan( 40) ) } = \frac{x}{ 48} [/tex]

Multiply both sides by 48.

[tex] x = \frac{1}{ \tan(40) } \times 48[/tex]

[tex]x = 57.2[/tex]

solve for x.
solve for x.
solve for x.




Step-by-step explanation:

A secant is a line segment that intersects a circle in two places. One property of a secant is the product of the lengths ratio. This ratio can be described as the following, let ([tex]inside[/tex]) refer to the part of the secant that is inside the circle, and ([tex]outside[/tex]) refer to the part that is outside of it. ([tex]total[/tex]) will refer to the entirety of the secant or ([tex]inside+outside[/tex]). The numbers (1) and (2) will be used as subscripts to indicate that there are two different secants.










Inverse operations,




The velocity of a bus increases from 72km/hr to 30m/s in 10 seconds. Calculate its acceleration



I think this will help you

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



C) 81 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

all quadrilateral's sum of interiror angles is 360 degrees

right angles are 90 degrees

call measure of angle C =y



y= 81

i need help with this



A) (-8, -16)

B) (0, 48)

C) (-4, 0), (-12, 0)

Step-by-step explanation:

A) the vertex is the minimum y value.

extremes of a function we get by using the first derivation and solving it for y' = 0.

y = x² + 16x + 48

y' = 2x + 16 = 0

2x = -16

x = -8

so, the vertex is at x=-8.

the y value is (-8)² + 16(-8) + 48 = 64 - 128 + 48 = -16

B) is totally simple. it is f(0) or x=0. so, y is 48.

C) is the solution of the equation for y = 0.

the solution for such a quadratic equation is

x = (-b ± sqrt(b² - 4ac)) / (2a)

in our case here




x = (-16 ± sqrt(16² - 4×48)) / 2 = (-16 ± sqrt(256-192)) / 2 =

= (-16 ± sqrt(64)) / 2 = (-16 ± 8) / 2 = (-8 ± 4)

x1 = -8 + 4 = -4

x2 = -8 - 4 = -12

so the x- intercepts are (-4, 0), (-12, 0)

evaluate : 8/-5+(4/-3)+1/3

Explain full steps
with easy method​




Step-by-step explanation:


Taking LCM of 5,3 and 3.





Note:if you need to ask any question please let me know.

Given: PSTK is a rectangle
Area of PSTK=562m^2
Find:PS, PK



See picture below

Step-by-step explanation:

Let PK be the length and PS be the width of the rectangle.

Then LW =562

Assuming O is the center of the rectangle then ∠KST = ∠STO = 75/2

Hence tan ( 75/2 ) = PS/PK

Now solve the system of the equations


tan ( 75/2 ) = PS/ PK

Hello, have anyone can help me to solve this question?



24 days LCM

prime factor :

4- 2, 2


12- 2,2,3

largest factors- 2,2,2,3

2*2*2*3 = 24

Step-by-step explanation:

after allowing 20% discount an article is sold for rs.672 levying 12% VAT, find its market price​


The market price is Rs. 750 which was obtained by creating a mathematical relationship from the given parameters.




Let the MARKET PRICE = m


market price * (1 - discount) * (1 + VAT) = price sold

m * (1 - 20%) * (1 + 12%) = 672

m * (1 - 0.2) * (1 + 0.12) = 672

m * 0.8 * 1.12 = 672

0.896m = 672

m = 672 / 0.896

m = Rs. 750

Learn more :


The Market Price of the product is RS. 750.

The Market Price is calculated by dividing the components associated to Discount, which is less than 1, and the Value Added Tax, which more than 1, to the Resulting Price.

[tex]c_{M} = \frac{c_{R}}{\left(1-\frac{r_{D}}{100} \right)\cdot \left(1+\frac{r_{T}}{100} \right)}[/tex] (1)


[tex]c_{M}[/tex] - Market price, in monetary units.

[tex]c_{R}[/tex] - Resulting price, in monetary units.

[tex]r_{D}[/tex] - Discount rate, in percentage.

[tex]r_{T}[/tex] - Tax rate, in percentage.

If we know that [tex]c_{R} = 672[/tex], [tex]r_{D} = 20[/tex] and [tex]r_{T} = 12[/tex], then the market price is:

[tex]c_{M} = \frac{672}{\left(1-\frac{20}{100} \right)\cdot \left(1+\frac{12}{100} \right)}[/tex]

[tex]c_{M} = 750[/tex]

The market price of the product is RS. 750.

Maritza is comparing cell phones plans and notices that verizon offers a plan that is $60 for 10GB of data and $12 for each extra GB of data ore month. Create an expression to model this situation



60 + 12 * g, with g representing the number of extra gigabytes

Step-by-step explanation:

First, we know that Maritza has to pay $60 for 10GB of data, no matter what. Therefore, the base cost of the cell phone plan is 60 dollars, and all extra costs must be added to that. Currently, our expression is therefore 60 + something = cost of cell phone plan.

After that, the plan costs $12 for each gigabyte of data past 10 GB. This means that, for example, if Maritza uses 11 gigabytes, the plan will cost 60 (the base amount) + 12 for each gigabyte past 10 GB. There are 11-10=1 extra gigabytes, so the cost is 60 + 12 * 1 = 72 dollars. For each extra gigabyte, 12 dollars are added, so we can represent this as

60 + 12 * g, with g representing the number of extra gigabytes

Simplify. (x2+2x-4)+(2x-5x-3)​



Step by Step Solution

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Simplify ——


Equation at the end of step









Equation at the end of step




(((2x2 - 5x) - ——) + 2x) - 3





Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction

3.1 Subtracting a fraction from a whole

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using x2 as the denominator :

2x2 - 5x (2x2 - 5x) • x2

2x2 - 5x = ———————— = ———————————————

1 x2

Equivalent fraction : The fraction thus generated looks different but has the same value as the whole

Common denominator : The equivalent fraction and the other fraction involved in the calculation share the same denominator




Pulling out like terms

4.1 Pull out like factors :

2x2 - 5x = x • (2x - 5)

Adding fractions that have a common denominator :

4.2 Adding up the two equivalent fractions

Add the two equivalent fractions which now have a common denominator

Combine the numerators together, put the sum or difference over the common denominator then reduce to lowest terms if possible:

x • (2x-5) • x2 - (3) 2x4 - 5x3 - 3

————————————————————— = —————————————

x2 x2

Equation at the end of step



(2x4 - 5x3 - 3)

(——————————————— + 2x) - 3





Rewriting the whole as an Equivalent Fraction :

5.1 Adding a whole to a fraction

Rewrite the whole as a fraction using x2 as the denominator :

2x 2x • x2

2x = —— = ———————

1 x2

Polynomial Roots Calculator :

5.2 Find roots (zeroes) of : F(x) = 2x4 - 5x3 - 3

Polynomial Roots Calculator is a set of methods aimed at finding values of x for which F(x)=0

Rational Roots Test is one of the above mentioned tools. It would only find Rational Roots that is numbers x which can be expressed as the quotient of two integers

8 to the power of 6 divided by 8 to the power of 2




Step-by-step explanation:


First step is to solve the exponents

8 to the power of 6 is 262144

8 to the power of 2 is 64

Then divide 262144 by 64 : 4096


it is a law of axponent that is a to the power m divided by a to the power n = a to the power m-n

so 8 to the power 6-2

= 8 to the power 4

that will be 4,096

What would your position on the circle (cos q, sin q) be after rotating 72degrees from the point (1,0)?

A=(.97, .25)
B=(.31, .95)
C=(.95, .31)
D=(.25, .97)



B=(.31, .95)

Step-by-step explanation:

When your at the point (1,0) you are at 0 degrees (cos 0, sen 0) = (1,0).

So at 72 degrees you moved 72 degrees (cos 72, sin 72) = (.31, .95)

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length. If the perimeter of the rectangle is
20 units, write a pair of linear equations to model the above situation, assuming the length to be l units
and the breadth to be b units.
Equation 1 :
Equation 2 :


Here, we are to find the length and the , breadth of the rectangle

The length of the rectangle = 7 units and Breadth of the rectangle = 3 units


length = l units

Breadth = b units

Perimeter of the rectangle = 20 units

length is the distance measured along the longest dimension of an object

width is the wideness of an object

perimeter refers to the total measurements of an objects

The breadth of a rectangle is 4 units less than its length


Length = l


b = l - 4

Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + breadth)

20 = 2{l + (l - 4)

20 = 2(l + l - 4)

20 = 2(2l - 4)

20 = 4l - 8

20 + 8 = 4l

28 = 4l

l = 28/4

l = 7

b = l - 4

b = 7 - 4

b = 3 units

Read more:


Find the value of x in the given
right triangle.




Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin x = 7/10

Taking the inverse sin of each side

sin^-1 (sin x) = sin^-1(7/10)

x = 44.427

Rounding to the nearest tenth

x = 44.4

[tex]3-\sqrt{x} 1-16x^{2}[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

This equation turns out to be a quartic. I'm not sure what should be done with. I can't believe you were asked to find its roots which are unbelievably complex. Here is a graph with the only 2 points that are easily found. If I am not solving what you need, please leave a note.

question 3&4 help me please



3. (1-7/9)÷2 = 2/9÷2 = 1/9

reciprocal of 1/9 is 9

4. x+2/x=3

if you solve it, you get x = 1 and x = 2, so last option, 1 and 2, is the answer

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Triangle XYZ is isosceles. The measure of the vertex angle, Y, is twice the measure of a base angle. What is true about triangle XYZ? Select three options.



A. Angle Y is a right angle.

B. The measure of angle Z is 45°.

E. The perpendicular bisector of creates two smaller isosceles triangles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the measures of base angles X and Z. 2x is the measure of vertex angle Y.

x + x + 2x = 180°

x = 45°

2x = m∠Y = 90°

The triangle is an isosceles right triangle which has base angles of 45°.

The perpendicular bisector of line XZ creates two smaller isosceles triangles with acute angles of 45°


The answers are A B E

Step-by-step explanation:


Write the following expression in exponential form:

1.6 × 1.6 × 1.6 × 1.6

1.6 × 4
1.6 + 4




Step-by-step explanation:

1.6 is multiplied by itself 4 times. This is represented in exponential form as


The graph of a line is shown below. What is the equation of the line, in slope-intercept form, that is parallel to this line and has a y-intercept of 1?



[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope -intercept form: y= mx +c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept.

Parallel lines have the same slope. Let's find the slope of the given line.

Given points: (-2, 0) and (0, -3)

[tex]\boxed{slope = \frac{y1 - y2}{x1 - x2} }[/tex]

slope of given line

[tex] = \frac{0 - ( - 3)}{ - 2 - 0} [/tex]

[tex] = \frac{0 + 3}{ - 2} [/tex]

[tex] = - \frac{3}{2} [/tex]

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + c[/tex]

Given that the y- intercept is 1, c= 1.

[tex]y = - \frac{3}{2} x + 1[/tex]

Marking brainliest

If a job interview says “tell me about yourself” what do u say



I start to say from my name,age,family,qualifications and etc.


In your response, do the following:

1. Mention past experiences and proven successes as they relate to the position.

Begin by rereading the job description. Take note of the required skills that you have, and identify recent stories that demonstrate them . Ideally, you should draw primarily from recent professional experience; however, volunteer work can also support your narrative while demonstrating a commitment to your community.

2. Consider how your current job relates to the job you’re applying for.

Is it a more senior role? If so, explain how you are taking on more responsibilities in your current position. If you are making a lateral transition to a role with different skills, describe how your current skills translate into the new position.

3. Focus on strengths and abilities that you can support with examples.

When you start building the script of each example, focus on details and outcomes that you can quantify if possible. For example, stating that you “improved customer service” is less impactful than “increased customer service response rates each quarter by 10–15%.” If you don’t have the exact information, estimate a realistic value.

4. Highlight your personality to break the ice.

Since the “Tell me about yourself” interview question is about getting to know you, it’s a good idea to share your personality with your interviewer—but not personal details. You may want to briefly mention hobbies that demonstrate intellectual development and/or community engagement (e.g., reading, music, sports league, volunteering) or those that showcase personal discipline and achievement (e.g., learning a new skill, training for a half marathon). Discussing personal interests is a good way to wrap up your response while maintaining a professional tone.

5. Format your response.

For your response to be clear and concise, you’ll want to make sure you organize your answer following a format or formula. There are two common formulas you may consider:

Present, Past, FuturePast, Present, Future

Both of these formulas work for your response, but you may choose one over the other based on the roles from your experience that are most relevant to the position you're interviewing for. For example, if your most recent role highlights many of the skills and qualifications that are required for the role you’re interviewing with, you may want to lead with the present. However, if you're making a career transition and your past experience is more closely related to the role than your current position, you may want to lead with your past.

What is the answer when you evaluate m + p - p2 ÷ 6; use m = 5 and p = 6 ?




Step-by-step explanation:

m + p - p^2 ÷ 6

Let m = 5 and p=6

5 + 6 - 6^2 ÷ 6

Exponents first

5 + 6 - 36 ÷ 6

Then divide

5 + 6 - 6

Then add and subtract from left to right



PLEASE HELP!! Important test!! Option 1 isn't coming up so if you could try to solve others that would be great!




Step-by-step explanation:

Func 2 is -2

Func 3 is 1

Func 4 is 8

Func 1 is unknown

what is the answer? I need help!! please and thank you




Step-by-step explanation:

27%=0.27 and sqrt(2)<2.75

Challenge: For a particular job, the Amax Employment Agency charges a fee that is equal to 15% of the first
month's pay. If the job pays X dollars annually, express the agency fee algebraically.



0.0125x or x/80

Step-by-step explanation:

Salary: x dollars per year

To find the pay per month, we divide the annual pay by 12.

The monthly pay is x/12

15% of the first month's salary is

15% of x/12 = 0.15 * x/12 = 0.0125x = x/80

Answer: 0.0125x

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