What is the author's purpose in Common Sense?


Answer 1



To convince that colonists to break away from British rule.

Hope this helps!!

Answer 2
Answer :

Common Sense is a 47-page pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in 1775-1776 advocating independence from Great Britain to people in the Thirteen Colonies. Writing in clear and persuasive prose, Paine marshaled moral and political arguments to encourage common people in the Colonies to flght for egalitarian government.

Hope it helps ☺️

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Nicole wants to play the saxophone in the school band, but she feels too shy to audition.

What kind of conflict is this?



Internal conflict


This conflict is between Nicole and herself. This is called a self vs self conflict, or an internal conflict.

the answer is internal conflict

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good, ideas, brain,be able to summarize it

what does western business suit tell about the people who wear them​



it tells us that they are very professional


Write a letter to the principal pointing out at least three practice among student that should be discouraged


Answer: Cheating on a test, Being late to class, Interrupt someone, Sleep while class is in session

Explanation: These were the rules for the high school I went to. Also, I wrote 4 practices among students that should be discouraged because at my high school if I did more than I was expected to do I got extra credit.

Hope this helps :)


When planning a narrative essay, the writer should order events so that the ____ is developed in the middle of the essay.


Answer: Conflict
Because the middle of the essay is the climax which is the highest peak of the story meaning it will be CONFLICT and the rest of the story will be solving the conflict.
Hope This Helps

Turn in the passive voice

1. The interviewer asked me several questions

2. I am eating rice​



1) Passive voice:- Several questions were asked to me by the interviewer.

2) Passive voice:- Rice is being eaten by me.

Turn in the passive voice

1. The interviewer asked me several questions

2. I am eating rice


Passive voice:-

1. Several questions were asked to me by the interviewer.

2.  Rice is being eaten by me.

[tex]\sf{   }[/tex]

PlEASE HELP! What does a poem with meter have that a poem written in free verse lack?

a rhyme scheme

a regular rhythm

a word that is repeated

a definite mood



A free verse has rhyme but no rhythm. C. Because a free verse is prose, meter has no function. ... The poet adopts the rhythm of another poem for his own.

What does the prefix 'under' in the word "UNDERESTIMATE" mean?



1) verb- to estimate at too low a value, rate, or the like.

2) verb- to make an estimate lower than that which would be correct.

3) noun- an estimate that is too low.


hope this helps

Use the following sentence to identify the parts listed below. The white cat ran boldly up the stairs. adjective: adverb:




Adjective: white

Verb: ran

And just in case,

Adverb: boldly

Read the following poem and then respond to the question below:

"I'm Nobody! Who are you?" By Emily Dickinson

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

In this poem, Emily Dickinson describes what it is like to be "Somebody." In a paragraph of four to six sentences, explain how the poet feels about being "Somebody" and use specific examples from the poem to support your interpretation.


This sentence supports my answer '' How dreary – to be – Somebody!'' Dreary means are depressing/dull. Depressing/dull are not happy words. If the poet wanted to be ''Somebody'' they would have said something like How fantastic to be somebody. The poet strongly disapproves of being ''Somebody.''

What is the main message of I'm nobody who are you?

The poem may be summarised very simply as being about how it is actually quite nice to be a Nobody rather than a Somebody – that anonymity is preferable to fame or public recognition.

Learn more about Emily Dickinson here: brainly.com/question/25332344


According to Friedan, women were taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women who wanted _____.
to have husbands who could change diapers
to breastfeed and make fantastic snacks
to be poets, physicists, or presidents
to love themselves honestly



According to Friedan, women were taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women who wanted _____.

to be poets, physicists, or presidents.


The above assertion meant that women were not permitted to pursue careers.  They were taught to be satisfied with their roles in the family.  This is the argument that women should find fulfillment in their housework, marriage, sexual lives, and children.  Seeking higher education, pursuing careers, and involvement in political activism should be left for the male folks.  Friedan's argument was that the feminine mystique disadvantaged women greatly, both in their personal and professional lives.  Therefore, she advocated that women should seek personal achievement by pursuing professional careers.

C. to be poets, physicists, or make fantastic snacks

Adverbial Clauses Of Concession
Choose the correct answer

Although the colombian people have a good reputation abroad,...

A.They don't love our politicians.
B.They don´t love our coffe.
C.They don´t love our soap operas.
D.No choice.


The correct answer has to be D).


D. No choice


An adverbial clause of concession should be something that contrasts with the main idea. None of the three choices offered contrasts with the idea that Colombian people have a good reputation abroad. A person can have a good reputation and also not love our politicians, coffee, or soap operas--there is no contrast here that would justify the use of the word "although."




The first one: x= 3

The second one: b= 7

The third one: y= -2

The forth one: c= -3

Also, have a great day or night wherever your at. :)

What was the significance of the stonewall inn and surrounding neighborhood of greenwich village to the LGTBQ+ community in the 1960s


The June 1969 riots at New York City's Stonewall Inn marked a raucous turning point in the fight for LGBT rights. ... Police raids on gay bars were common, but on that particular night, members of the city's LGBT community decided to fight back—sparking an uprising that would launch a new era of resistance and revolution.

Evaluate Metaphors for Making Things New
Which metaphor for life do you think creates the
best mental image? Check the metaphor you
agree with
a box of chocolates
a river
a maze
a puzzle


I would say a puzzle, because at first it’s not really anything, then you put it all together and it makes something new, you put the pieces together and get an image.

Answer: everything is correct lol


What is an omniscient point of view?



The Narrator. The third-person omniscient point of view occurs when the story is told by a narrator who is all-knowing and all-seeing.


a limited point of view


Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Add necessary commas to the following sentence.

You can find shoes furniture dishes fruits and vegetables at the market.

Make sure to type in the sentence exactly as given, with the necessary commas added.



You can find shoes, furniture, dishes, fruits, and vegetables at the market.


Add in commas after each item in the list(except for the last item)

how did early people calculate​



Early people used things like their fingers, notches in sticks, knotted threads, and stones to count and do rudimentary computations. To do arithmetic, most early societies developed some sort of counting board or abacus.


Q.3) Comment on ways in which the villagers regard Biju



what is the chapter name

What was the subject of Withencroft's sketch?



August Heat


Hope this helps!

your marks wil be good​



Do you mean?

5.) The further we get from the city, it becomes more quiet

Healthy families with good communication have no problems true or false ?





problems can be created from anywhere. no matter how healthy the bond is, there still will be problems. the family is known as healthy when they fight with those problem... that's a healthy family. so in conclusion, a healthy family does have problem but what makes them healthy is the ability to fight with those problems.

witch step basic to make an inferences



Step 1: Identify an Inference Question.

Step 2: Trust the Passage.

Step 3: Hunt for Clues.

Step 4: Narrow Down the Choices.

Step 5: Practice.


Recently that you bought a new phone. Wite a forum post, mention : where and when you bought it describe



Hello everyone, I have bought a new phone which is Samsung A72. The main reason I bought this phone is because of its fast and wireless charging. This phone offers various features like latest version of android, fast processor, octa core and its internal storage is 1TB. It also has feature of smart lock such as finger print and face detection. The price of this phone is very reasonable in terms of featured offered.

8. Which words would work best in tag phrases used to introduce a direct quote?​



The last one.

intimated, avows, thought, laughs


The words that can be used in the tag phrase to introduce a direct quote are according to, indicates, confirmed, comments etc. Thus, option 1st is correct.

What is Phrase?

Phrase is referred as the words or the group or collection of the words in the English language that gives some sense. A phrase can be short or long, it depends on the words. It may or may not include the pairing of the  subject and verb.

The example of the phrase can be such as - After the meal, On the table, At afternoon etc.

Tag phrase refers to the structural meaning of the text or the sentence. For instance, the abbr tag indicates that a word or phrase was abbreviated.

The following phrases can be used to preface a direct quote: in accordance with, suggests, affirmed, comments, etc.

Therefore, it can be concluded that 1st option is correct.

Learn more about Phrase here:



The flower lifted its face skyward to drink in the softly falling rain. This sentence is an example of _____.



it is an example of personification

Answer: Personification

4. He …….. books for children for years.
A. collected B. has collected C. collects D. will collect


A (collected) is the correct answer

Which of the following is a characteristic of a haiku?
A. It analyzes the personal life of the poet.
B. It is accompanied by a painting.
C. It explores nature and captures the essence of a moment.
D. It describes a natural phenomenon and its effect on people.



C. It explores nature and captures the essence of a moment.


I hope you have a nice rest of your day :)

Read this passage from chapter 5 of The Prince.

But when cities or countries are accustomed to live under a prince, and his family is exterminated, they, being on the one hand accustomed to obey and on the other hand not having the old prince, cannot agree in making one from amongst themselves, and they do not know how to govern themselves. For this reason they are very slow to take up arms, and a prince can gain them to himself and secure them much more easily. But in republics there is more vitality, greater hatred, and more desire for vengeance, which will never permit them to allow the memory of their former liberty to rest; so that the safest way is to destroy them or to reside there.

What is Machiavelli’s primary purpose in writing this passage?

A. to inform readers about the differences between principalities and republics
B. to entertain readers with exciting stories of historical wars, conquests, and rebellions
C. to convince readers that, to hold a conquered republic, a prince must ruin it or live there
D. to persuade readers that a prince must eradicate the royal family of a conquered principality



bro soory but i dont know


i think its d


i have no idea and sorry if im wrong

Click to read the passage from "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker. Then answer
the question
In the passage, what does the description of Dee imply about her?
A. She is flaky.
B. She is shy.
C. She is rich
D. She is fashionable.


She is fashionable is the description of Dee imply about her from Everyday Use, by Alice Walker. Hence, option D is correct.

What is the passage tells about the Everyday Use?

She is not mentioned in the novel, Grandma Dee is a highly important icon. The quilts are a particular favourite of Maggie's since they remind her of Grandma Dee.

Dee's colorful attire symbolizes her African ancestry.Maggie made an effort to save Dee when their home caught fire. Maggie burned herself during the process.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about passage tells about the Everyday Use, click here:



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