What problems might occur if you give a president unlimited power, time, and money to fight an enemy?


Answer 1
Dude you could have a lot of problems like really bad ones that won’t end good
Answer 2

Answer: He could get drunk and forget who the enemy is, he might start trying to take over the world instead.

Explanation: When people receive unlimited power, they get too reckless and think they are unstoppable, therefore they start doing weird things that don't make sense to us.

Related Questions

What did George Washington to during the French and Indian war



He established an alliance between the British and the Iroquois Confederacy. He led militias and troops in battles that led to the start of the war

Please help me

Write a 1-3 sentence summary that highlights the key point of this fact below

The issues of slavery and central power divided the United Sates. Slavery was the law of the land, north and south, until the early 19th century. It was concentrated in the southern states, where slaves were used as farm laborers and formed the backbone of the southern economy. In the northern states, where industry drove the economy, many people believed that slavery was immoral and wrong. Southerners felt threatened by these northern "abolitionists” and claimed
that the common government had no power to end slavery against the wishes of the states. Eventually, southerners became convinced that the common government
would attempt to abolish slavery nation-wide. Eleven states left the United States
in the following order and formed the Confederate States of America: South
Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia,
Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee.



Abolitionists were an issue/threat to racist southerners. Sla

very was an issue in general. The issues of slavery affected people & the US in general

Which characteristic of government under the Roman Republic had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition?



hope this helps


Republic was the form of government that developed under the Roman Republic and it had the greatest impact on the democratic tradition. It is basically a type of indirect democracy in which the people had the right to chooses the people who had the power of making government decisions.

Which is NOT a characteristic of an oral tradition?
A. To entertain an audience. B. To instigate war Between tribes.
C. To preserve a cultures history.



to instigate a war between tribes


oral traditions teach younger generations history in an entertaining way

To Instigate war is not a characteristic of an oral tradition

Oral Tradition encompasses form of communications where information passed through different generations by word of mouth.

These tradition practice transmits knowledge, art, ideas and cultural material through oral means and are preserved by a generation and transferred to another.

Information transferred includes the likes of proverbs, tales, legends and so on and are common among the African tribe.

In conclusion, Oral tradition are used to entertain and preserves a history but are never used to causes war, rather, they are passed to the next generations.

Learn more about Oral tradition here


What is a manuscript?



The definition of a manuscript is a book that is written for submission to a publisher, or a book, play or other creative work that is written by hand instead of typed

manuscript is the work that an author submits to a publisher, editor, or producer for publication. In publishing, "manuscript" can also refer to one or both of the following: ... an accepted manuscript, reviewed but not yet in a final format, distributed in advance as a preprint.

Hope this helps :))


Did the Aztecs bungee jump?



I think yes


I'm not sure but hope it helps


never thought of that


now I need to know but probably not though but it would be cool

Match each description to the correct civilization.
conquered by
Francisco Pizarro

conquered by Hernán Cortés
located in the Andes

located in Central America
worshiped the sun god, Inti

worshiped many gods,
including Quetzalcoatl



The answer is below


1. The civilization that was conquered by Francisco Pizarro is - INCA

2. The civilization that was conquered by Hernán Cortés - AZTEC

2. The civilization that was located in the Andes Mountains - INCA

3. The civilization that was located in Central America - MAYAN CIVILIZATION

4. The civilization that was worshiped the sun god, Inti - INCA

5. The civilization that was worshiped by many gods, including Quetzalcoatl - AZTEC

By the late 17th century, the numbers of individuals emigrating to the colonies as indentured servants declined because


Answer: Europeans became aware of the cruelty of plantation masters and the high death rate of servant

Explanation: Is this what you meant?

In the Caribbean, the number of indentured servants from Europe began to decline in the 17th century as Europeans became aware of the cruelty of plantation masters and the high death rate of servants, largely due to tropical disease.

What was the impact of the Griswold Connecticut ruling?
O Couples were required to keep mamage vows private.
O Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private
O Couples were expected to obey state law regarding marriage
O Couples were encouraged to regard their marriage as sacred



B) Couples were allowed to keep their marriage decisions private


Mark me as Brainliest if this answer helped

what were the personal liberty laws and what were they meant to do



Personal Liberty laws were passed by northern state governments to counteract the provisions of the Fugitive Slave Acts and to protect escaped slaves and free blacks settled in the North. It was meant to protect African-Americans from being kidnapped and captured as fugitive slaves.

What happened after 1872 that led to a decline in violence against African Americans?
A. The federal government took legal action against many members of the Ku Klux Klan.
B. Many southern blacks chose to take advantage of new educational opportunities.
C. Southern black congregations became increasingly involved in local communities.
D. The Ku Klux Klan abandoned violent tactics to focus on electoral strategies to obtain their goals.





many European black people were forced to engage in federation

Which new state was created as a direct result of the Civil War?
O California
O Missouri
O West Virginia
South Dakota


Mark brainliest please

Answer is :

West Virginia is the only state formed because of the Civil War.


West Virginia is the only state formed because of the Civil War. Just as North battled South in the country, West confronted East in Virginia. The two regions formed a single state in name, but not in geography, economy, climate, descent of its residents or way of life.

Que paso con la construcción del canal por los franceses? pls



El trabajo difícil y peligroso y los problemas financieros insuperables finalmente condenaron el esfuerzo francés por construir un canal al nivel del mar y los inversores quedaron devastados financieramente cuando la empresa se liquidó en 1889. Los trabajadores perdieron aún más con un estimado de 20.000 muertos.


O domínio da metrópole portuguesa sobre sua colônia na América submeteu os colonos a condições impostas que, na maioria das vezes, oportunizaram apenas os interesses de Portugal. A exploração excessiva que era realizada por Portugal teve seus reflexos de descontentamento a partir do final do século XVII. Neste, ocorreu apenas um movimento de revolta, mas foi ao longo do século XVIII que os casos se multiplicaram. Entre os principais movimentos nativistas podemos destacar a Revolta dos Beckman, a Guerra dos Mascates, a Guerra dos Emboabas e a Revolta de Filipe dos Santos. Sobre essas revoltas, pesquise em diferentes fontes e preencha o quadro abaixo com as informações solicitadas.



A Revolta dos Beckman de 1648 ocorreu no

Maranhão, seu motivo foi a foi a insatisfação

coletiva com a Companhia de Comércio do

Maranhão, que controlava os preços dos

produtos na região, prejudicando a todos os

maranhenses de São Luís, prejudicando os

agricultores locais.

Os irmãos Beckman, fazendeiros ingleses,

iniciaram uma revolta que conseguiu

atacar as instalações da CIA de Comércio

do Maranhão e a capital da Capitania,

apossando-se dos suprimentos. Porém a

Coroa Portuguesa logo enviou reforços que

prenderam os responsáveis, punindo-os.

A Guerra dos Mascates aconteceu em

1710 na província de Pernambuco, sendo

que mascates eram os comerciantes, que

confrontaram os senhores de engenho.

Pode-se dizer que houve uma vitória

simbólica dos mascates e a anistia dos

envolvidos pela coroa portuguesa.


hope it helps u

What role do themes play in historians' efforts to organize information about the past? A. They help historians focus on the effects of one important idea on different societies over time. B. They help historians decide whether or not a primary source is credible. C. They allow historians to better understand how earlier historians interpreted past events. D. They make it possible for historians to gain a deep understanding of a particular region.



a )they help historians focus on the effect of one important idea on different societies over time

The themes play an important role in historians' efforts to organize information about the past because they help historians focus on the effects of one important idea on different societies over time. Thus option (a) is correct.

Who are historians?

Historians are scholars who study and write about the past. They use a variety of sources, including written records, artifacts, and other forms of evidence to construct a narrative of past events and to analyze their significance.

Historians may specialize in different fields, such as political, social, cultural, economic, or intellectual history, and they may focus on different regions and time periods.

The  themes help historians focus on the effects of one important idea on different societies over time in the past. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about historians here:



Which of these Fair Deal reforms did not happer?
O A. A higher minimum wage
B. Providing more social security benefits
O c. Public housing for the poor
O D. A national health insurance program


The correct answer is letter D

Why is it useful for historians to craft historical narratives?




Why is it useful for historians to craft historical narratives?

- Narratives draw on ancient historical traditions rather than modern


The Cotton Gin
Andrea Brecheen

The cotton gin was one of the most amazing and tragic inventions of early America. The cotton gin is credited to the brilliant and creative American inventor Eli Whitney. Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production. The cotton gin simplified the process of removing the cotton from the seeds, a process formerly done by hand.

As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales just 20 years later. Because of the increase in production, the farmers in South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue. This new reliance on cotton increased the need for slavery. More slaves were needed to farm the ever expanding cotton plantations. If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.

Read the passage. Which sentence from the text is an opinion that needs more support to be considered valid?

As a result, Southern plantations increased their production of cotton from 750,000 bales in 1830 to 2.85 million bales. . ."
If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.
"Because Whitney's invention made cotton harvesting easier, it allowed farmers in the South to increase production."
"Because of the increase in production, the farmers in South became even more dependent on cotton for revenue."


“Because Whitney’s invention—“ not really a valid point

“If Whitney had known the effects his invention would have on slavery, he never would have created it.“

This is purely opinion without any proof to back up that Whitney was anti slavery

the first battle of the revolutionary war?


Vas happenin!
Hope your day is going well
The first battles to be fought in the Revolutionary War were Battle of Lexington and Concord. They were fought in 1775 on April 19.
Hope this help *smiles*
Battles of Lexington and Concord
The Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775, kicked off the American Revolutionary War (1775-83)

Hope this helps :)) Good luck

William Pitt Pontiac James Oglethorpe Olaudah Equiano William Cosby Jonathan Edwards John Peter Zenger 1. survived the Middle Passage 2. founder of Georgia 3. Ottawa war leader 4. British Secretary of State 5. wrote Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 6. German-born printer of a colonial weekly journal 7. victim of Zenger's pen 8. Great Awakening preacher 9. founded the first mission in San Diego 10. wrote Two Treatises of Government 11. wrote Poor Richard's Almanack



Please find the complete solution in the attached file.


The key factor in the decision of the United States to enter World War I was its long-standing friendship with Great Britain. its desire to acquire German colonies in the Pacific. the political ambition of Woodrow Wilson. Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against the United States.



Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against the United States.


The world War I (WWI) was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

The key factor which prompted and influenced the decision of the United States of America to enter World War I (WWI) was because Germany resumed the use of unrestricted submarine warfare against the United States.

A subchaser also known as a submarine chaser refers to a little but very fast naval vessel which was designed specifically for anti-submarine warfare during the World War I.

During the World War II by late 1942, the German submarines (U-boats) were destroyed by the U.S Navy subchasers in the Atlantic. The subchasers that was used by the U.S Navy were the SC-497 class and PC-461 class subchasers which had anti-aircraft guns and machine guns.

Why would an increase in energy costs reduce aggregate supply?
Select one:

a. consumers are more willing to buy goods
b. the cost of production increases
c. the cost of production decreases
d. budget surpluses usually occur then


This is because the cost of production increases.

As the law of supply states, when there is an increase in cost of production there will be a fall in supply.

What is the purpose of checks and balances?



Checks and balances are a principle of government in which each different branch of government can make sure one branch does not get too powerful through a system in which they check their actions.


Hope it works!!!!

canten alguna historia de 5 párrafos pls no tengo nada es para un trabajo




(En Cinco Parrafos)

Es una vida un casquillo de bala

talvez la misma que nos cuadra,

anterior al soplido seco de muerte.

Esa vida, la misma, una cabala

que con la suerte fuerte ladra,

para conseguir como no obtenerte.

Quiere como conquistarte sin medidas,

escondiendo amores pecaminosos,

como las teas de ocote prendidas.

Bailara a tus sones sobre los cosos,

y las brasas viejas pondrán confundidas

a los retoños de los ojos humosos.

Canta antes que la vida se acabe

canta con la suavidad de los sones

viene el final y todo se acerca

la libertad se ha conseguido con amor.


Briefly describe the
weaknesses of the Articles
of Confederation.


The Articles of Confederation is the new government we formed after we separated from England. It is a government that isn’t ruled by a king but it’s people. The states had the power to make laws. While those laws would be different in other states this would start the weakness in this government. Allowing across the country an unset form of laws. Everyone is doing their own thing.

What forces does Mao identify as those that the peasants will overcome


imperialism, militarism, corrupt officialdom, village bosses, and evil gentry.

What types of society do we live in today?


Explanation: Democracy Republic Capitalism

When Herbert Hoover took office in 1929, he brought to the presidency strong opposition to progressive ideals. decades of experience in elected office. principles of self-reliance and limited government. few credentials to lead a prosperous nation.



principles of self-reliance and limited government.


Herbert Hoover did not want to involve the government in any kind of actions against Depression, so the government stayed back. This is a sign of limited government.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

Describe the different hypothesis (Nebular Hypothesis, Planetesimal Theory, and Tindal Theory) explaining the origin of solar system.



Nebular Hypothesis:

According to this theory, the Sun and all the planets of our Solar System began as a giant cloud of molecular gas and dust. Then, about 4.57 billion years ago, something happened that caused the cloud to collapse. This could have been the result of a passing star, or shock waves from a supernova, but the end result was a gravitational collapse at the center of the cloud.

From this collapse, pockets of dust and gas began to collect into denser regions. As the denser regions pulled in more and more matter, conservation of momentum caused it to begin rotating, while increasing pressure caused it to heat up. Most of the material ended up in a ball at the center while the rest of the matter flattened out into disk that circled around it. While the ball at the center formed the Sun, the rest of the material would form into the protoplanetary disc.

The planets formed by accretion from this disc, in which dust and gas gravitated together and coalesced to form ever larger bodies. Due to their higher boiling points, only metals and silicates could exist in solid form closer to the Sun, and these would eventually form the terrestrial planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Because metallic elements only comprised a very small fraction of the solar nebula, the terrestrial planets could not grow very large.

Planetesimal Theory:

The planetesimal theory, put forth by Viktor Safronov in 1941, explains planet formation in the early solar system from accretion of small bodies, growing in size as gravity attracted more and more objects. As the small bodies orbit, their gravity is very weak and they must rely on non-gravitational forces to stay together, such as radiation pressure and the emission of thermal photons.

Growth of the small planetesimal caused the strength of its gravity to increase. Growth to approximately one kilometer in size allowed the gravity of planetesimals to attract objects to them, increasing their size to seeds for planetary formation.

Collisions were common during the formation of the solar system and planets. Planetesimals continually collided and destroyed each other, but some planetesimals were able to withstand the impacts and grow, eventually forming into planets.

In contrast, the giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed beyond the point between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where material is cool enough for volatile icy compounds to remain solid (i.e. the Frost Line). The ices that formed these planets were more plentiful than the metals and silicates that formed the terrestrial inner planets, allowing them to grow massive enough to capture large atmospheres of hydrogen and helium. Leftover debris that never became planets congregated in regions such as the Asteroid Belt, Kuiper Belt, and Oort Cloud.

Tidal Theory:

involving the approach near the Sun of another star. This set up tidal forces, and the instability of the Sun resulted in part of its mass being torn off to form the planets. The theory was proposed by Sir James H. Jeans (1877–1946) and Sir Harold Jeffreys.

Nick and Andy are brothers and they study at the same school. Nick usually walks from home to scholo in 40 minutes



Can you pease send the rest of the Question?


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