What system did the Olmecs develop to help them plant crops at the best time?
OA) writing
B) religion
C) counting
D) solar calendar


Answer 1




it helped show the position of the sun and when to plant crops

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mention any five strategies related to Road taken by the 13th five year plan.



Five-Year Plans of Nepal generally strove to increase output and employment; develop the infrastructure; attain economic stability; promote industry, commerce, and international trade; establish administrative and public service institutions to support economic development; and also introduce labor-intensive production techniques to alleviate underemployment. The social goals of the plans were improving health and education as well as encouraging equitable income distribution. Although each plan had different development priorities, the allocation of resources did not always reflect these priorities. The first four plans concentrated on infrastructure—to make it possible to facilitate the movement of goods and services—and to increase the size of the market. Each of the five-year plans depended heavily on foreign assistance in the forms of grants and loans


First Five-Year Plan

The First Five-Year Plan(1956–61) allocated Rs 330 million for development expenditures of which Rs 220 million were funded by international donors, partly under the Colombo Plan. Transportation received top priority with almost 30% of the budget allocation but rural development, including agriculture, village development, irrigation and forestry also received significant amounts.

Select the correct answer.
Lewis works as the head of an emergency services unit in the United States. He and his teammates use a geographic information system (GIS) quite often. Which benefit could the use of GIS provide to Lewis and his team?
It would help them predict natural disasters.
It would help them find the shortest and safest routes to reach hospitals during emergencies.
It would help them arrange for the necessary medical equipment required during emergencies.
It would help them to better handle queries related to emergencies.



B) it would help them find the shortest and safest routes to reach hospitals during emergency

how Democracy do
improve the quality of decision making?​


Democracy allows for citizens to create a nation in which they can choose a better environment. Without it, most people will feel as if the government they are living in is unfair.

what do you mean by lack of transparency​



Lack of transparency can have devastating effects that sometimes leave a permanent stain on a company or brand's image. Brands cannot thrive without the public's trust. A recent case that demonstrates the negative outcomes of failing to be transparent is the emissions scandal at Volkswagen.

Gary was trying on jeans in a department store when he saw himself in the mirror. He wasn't happy with what he saw, so Gary realizes he needs to watch what he eats so he can look good in the style of jeans he likes to wear. Which stage of change model is MOST consistent with Gary's behaviors





Gary seems to be in the contemplation stage of the change model. This is the stage in which the individual first sees and accepts the problem. This is when they begin to think about solving the problem and making decisions but have not yet taken the step and have not made any decisions or progress towards solving the problem. This is why it is one of the very early stages in the change model.

write the professional education of :
i. JTA
ii. Forester
iii. Ranger​



i.the aim of the program is to produce junior technical assistant (jta) in the field of agriculture (plant science), to provide services to the people as a demand of the country.

Ii.A forester is a professional in charge of caring for, planting and managing trees or forests. They are involved in a range of activities including restoration, conservation, timber harvest, and managing protected wooded areas.

eventos de la cultura chavin



Julio C. Tello, con el apoyo de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. El año pasado se cumplieron 100 años de aquel evento histórico ...

Jenni was startled by the sudden, loud barking made by a large black dog. Every time she saw a large black dog after that, she felt anxious and jumpy. She also began to feel the same way when she say any brown, medium sized doges. This change in her conditioned response is known as ___________.



this condition response is known as "phobia".

Differentiate between GDP and GNP in a sentence.


Gross national product is another metric used to measure a country's economic output. Where GDP looks at the value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, GNP is the market value of goods and services produced by all citizens of a country—both domestically and abroad.

The Crusades had which effect on Muslims in Europe?

A. Muslims became powerful nobles in European kingdoms
B. Muslims were pushed out of many parts of Europe.
C. Muslims were killed in pogroms across Europe.
D. Most Muslims in Europe became Christian.


The Crusades were a series of wars between Christians and Muslims during the Middle Ages. Western European Christians sought to gain control of Palestine, the land where Jesus lived, died, and according to Christians, was resurrected, from the Muslims. While Christian Crusaders never achieved more than temporary control of Jerusalem, the Crusades had many lasting effects on Western European societies. These effects profoundly changed the lives of Western Europeans. One of the many effects of the Crusades was that the pope and the kings of Western Europe became more powerful. In addition, Europeans began to trade with the Middle East. Trade increased as Western Europeans began to buy products like sugar, lemons, and spices. Naturally, increased trade led to increased cultural diffusion. Crusaders and traders learned about Arab art, architecture, medicine, and mathematics. Since the Arabs were very advanced in science and mathematics, Western European knowledge increased. Finally, after traveling to the Middle East, may Western Europeans began to see their small villages as uninteresting and even boring. Many Western Europeans began to seek adventure. Exploration increased.

What is socialzatoin ?How socialzation formation? justifiy the statement.​


Answer: The act of adapting behavior to the norms of a culture or society is called socialization.

Who votes in a direct democracy


everyone votes on everything


In direct democracy, people decide on policies without any intermediary.

define.human resources.​



those resources which is made by human is called human resource.


Human resources refers to the human power or skill or knowledge required for carrying out any work


It is also called workforce or mind power

it is observed that respect for older adults is greater in


Yes they are more old

Jot down some points how you inspire a bad friend to be a good friend


A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed below:

Be kind to themLive a good example for them to emulateSpeak to them courteously and advice them regularlyEncourage them and motivate the to become better

Meaning of a Friend and Inspiring a friend

A friend can be defined as an individual that shares similar goals and interest with you. A friend can also be an individual that is not related to you by blood but you are fond of him or her

Inspiring a friend refers to influencing a friend to act, reason, respond and see things as you do

In conclusion, A few Points on how to inspire a bad friend to be a good friend is listed above

Learn more about A friend : https://brainly.com/question/11912853


the most funny answer will get brainliest
have fun!
​get your points (;



Knock Knock.

Who's There?


Pigeons who?

No silly, pigeons coo.



Harry said to Marge, "I have a ring once owned by Marilyn Monroe. Would you like to buy it for $500?" Marge pays for the ring, but the next day a friend tells her that Harry had recently purchased the ring at a local department store. Marge enjoys wearing the ring and wears it constantly for twelve months. Finally, she goes to Harry and says, "Here is the ring you lied about. Give me my $500." Most likely Marge will:



Most likely Marge will not get her money back.


Most likely Marge will not get her money back. This is because, despite her anger towards finding out where the ring came from she still decided to wear the ring for a certain amount of time, instead of immediately returning it. Due to taking so long to disafirm the contract between her and Harry, it is automatically taken as if she had affirmed the contract. Therefore, Harry does not have any obligation to return the $500 back to Marge.

How many years ago was WWI (1914 A.D./C.E.)?


Answer: the answer is c.e



WWI was about 107 years ago


2021 - 1914 = 107

If the researchers in the third study wanted to test the influence of aging on context-dependent memory effects, they could:A.show the faces to the older adult participants in one room, then move half of these participants to a new room to identify faces.B.show the faces to all participants in one room, then move half of the participants in each group to a new room to identify faces.C.provide background information about the faces to half of the older adult participants while faces are being memorized.D.provide background information about the faces to half of participants in each age group while faces are being memorized.


This question seems to be incomplete. However, there is enough information to find the right answer.


B.show the faces to all participants in one room, then move half of the participants in each group to a new room to identify faces.


Context-dependent memory refers to information that is more easily recalled when the subject is in the same context where encoding and retrieval took place. Meaning, for example, that being in the same room where the patient was first introduced to a new face would make it easier for him to recognize it again. In this example, the room difference could be context-dependent, so showing the faces to all the participants in one room, and then moving half of them to a new room would be the best way to test the influence of aging on context-dependent memory effects.

The faculty at Sherwood Elementary School has met to discuss peer-tutoring ideas to incorporate into their classrooms due to students' poor performance on the recent standardized achievement scores. One teacher suggests that a committee of teachers first identify students' areas of need and then target other students excelling in those areas that would be available to serve as tutors. Which peer tutoring program does this sound most like



Hence the answer is  PALS that is Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening


The faculty at Sherwood Elementary School has met to discuss peer-tutoring ideas to incorporate into their classrooms due to students' poor performance on the recent standardized achievement scores. One teacher suggests that a committee of teachers first identify students' areas of need and then target other students excelling in those areas that would be available to serve as tutors. Which peer tutoring program does this sound most like PALS that is Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening and K indicates it is given in Kindergarten.

What is meant by Santan religion ? Mention the importance teachings of Hinduism.​


Sanatana dharma, in Hinduism, term used to denote the “eternal” or absolute set of duties or religiously ordained practices incumbent upon all Hindus, regardless of class, caste, or sect. kattyahto8 and 16 more users found this answer helpful.

For which type of programs would the government most likely use a cost benefit analysis? Select three options

A. Changing a school lunch program
B. Building a large or small corner house
C. Hiring new police officers and firefighters
D. Planning when to repave a road
E. Hiring new teachers for a school





Peggy's use of foul language decreased because it was followed by the loss of her $5 weekly allowance. Taking away Peggy's allowance served as ________ for her foul language. Select one: secondary reinforcement positive punishment negative reinforcement negative punishment


Answer: The answer is negative punishment!


It can't be positive because she is in trouble, and we know it has to be a punishment.

What is development?​


Development refers to any positive change that improve the life or living standards of people.

Any 5 effects of drug addiction on individual
Any 5 effects of drug addiction on society
Any 5 effects of drug addiction on family ​



Side effects of drug addiction may include:

Increased strain on the liver, which puts the person at risk of significant liver damage or liver failure. Seizures, stroke, mental confusion and brain damage. Lung disease. Problems with memory, attention and decision-making, which make daily living more difficult
1.) •Risk of cancer
•Risk of liver problems
•Risk of lung problems
•Risk of depression
•Risk of anxiety

2.) •Less jobs
•More hospitalised people
•More gang crime
•Economic problems
•More homelessness

3.) •Intoxicated home
•Others may get addicted
•Less money
•May distress others
•Mental health

five fold health hazards prevalent in Nepal



In developing countries like Nepal, acute sanitation problems and various water borne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera and typhoid threaten the disaster affected poor and vulnerable people, especially due to the lack of safe drinking water, medicines and hygienic foods.

specify what religion exist in Nepal and how they coexist side-by-side with unique religious tolerance and temperature​


Nepal was the last Hindu Kingdom in the whole world and the last Hindu country as well. But now it is secular and all the religions are equally treated and given same facilities however some Hindu religious sites have been strictly prohibited for the people of other religions. But talking about the religious tolerance, Nepal is an example to the whole world about it.

Firstly, here the main religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. Even some people who are not from Hindu religion support Nepal to be Hindu country. Because there are many countries that have Buddhism or Islam or Christianity as their main religion but not Hindu country, and also the number of Hindus are decreasing day by day.

Secondly, here Hindus celebrate Id of Muslims, Muslims put red tika on the occasion of Dashain, the greatest Hindu festival in Nepal. They also visit gumbas and stupas that belong to the Buddhism. And also the people belonging to Buddhism do the same. Christians also celebrate Teej, Dashain, Tihar and all other religions celebrate Christmas. In Nepal, rather than taking their religion as a priority people take humanity and nationality as the main priority. They know how to remain in the harmony with each other.

People of different religion, regardless of the religion enjoy their happiness and share their sorrows mutually. So this best describes the religious tolerance in Nepal.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

A) Chúng ta không bao giờ nên dùng phương pháp suy đoán trong dự báo vì không thể đánh giá được độ chắc chắn của các dự báo này Đúng hay sai



Đây là sự thật.


Điều này đúng bởi vì chúng ta nên luôn sử dụng những cách không suy đoán để dự đoán dự báo, vì mọi người dựa vào các kênh tin tức dự báo vì thời tiết ảnh hưởng rất nhiều đến cuộc sống của họ.

Mention any four means and resources necessary for the infrastructures of development.



Any four means and resources needed for infrastructure of development are raw materials, labor, capital, and power sources. .


raw , materials , labour, capital , power and sources

Positive punishment is the introduction of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior and negative punishment is the withdrawal of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior. Select one: aversive; aversive pleasant; aversive pleasant; pleasant aversive; pleasant



Positive punishment is the introduction of a(n) aversive stimulus following a behavior and negative punishment is the withdrawal of a(n) aversive pleasant stimulus following a behavior. Select one: aversive; aversive pleasant; aversive pleasant; pleasant aversive; pleasant


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