Which of the following choices is not a successful invention from the late 1800s?

A the telephone
B the diesel engine
C. the gas engine
D the airplane


Answer 1




may 22 1906

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Which is a y-intercept of the continuous function in the table?


The legs idk I have no clue just need to answer 1 question

What is the name of the modern descendents of the Pueblo people


The descendents of the Ancestral Pueblo comprise the modern Pueblo tribes, including the Hopi, Zuni, Acoma, and Laguna.

what events influenced frida kahlo's life​


A chinease influencer


Well, she had a tumultuous marriage, and was also influenced by suffering triggered by the torment of her physical incapability (she had a little disability, look it up, it'll help you understand the incapability a bit more)


What was one of the reasons the businesses moved to the south



New opportunity


Reconstruction of the South, after the American Civil War, began in 1865, under President Andrew Johnson. The South's infrastructure and economy were in ruins. Cities had been destroyed and plantations were in poor shape if they were still standing. Some Northerners looked at the South and saw an opportunity.

Answer: Wages in the South were lower than wages in the North



Who taught the Romans the most about art, literature, and math?

Group of answer choices

The Latins

The Greeks

The Etruscans

The Egyptians


the greeks are . i just read this

choose a,b,c or d for EACH qestion
As a result of industrialization, many people moved from Text to speech
farms to cities.
the United States to Europe.
cities to small towns.
the West Coast to the East.
2. The assembly line lead to higher productivity because Text to speech
more goods could be created quickly.
more people were needed to finish a project.
people did not need to use machines.
goods could be shipped overseas.
3. Which of the following is an example of division of labor? Text to speech
Anthony built the car on his own.
Daniel and Clara both make toy cars.
Jenna cuts cloth, and Craig sews seams.
Gina teaches Clarke how to make a pair of shoes.
4. How did people's lives change during industrialization? Text to speech
Prices of goods dropped.
People had access to electricity.
Many people moved to cities.
all of the above
5. Because of industrialization, many businesses Text to speech
needed less workers.
became corporations.
used less resources.
built everything by hand.
6. Competition between companies around the world led to Text to speech
lower prices.
fewer goods.
lower productivity.
fewer corporations.
7. All of the following were effects of globalization EXCEPT Text to speech
companies opened stores in other countries.
goods could be shipped around the world.
factories began to use replaceable parts.
economies of different places became more connected.
8. How did the cast-steel plow change food production? Text to speech
It made plants grow quicker and larger.
It allowed farmers to easily work their fields.
It required more people to operate it.
It needed more time to complete its task.
9. Since 1915, the price of goods has Text to speech
risen because of deflation.
dropped because of deflation.
risen because of inflation.
dropped because of deflation.
10. Industrialization was a period in America and Britain in the 1700 and 1800s when Text to speech
goods cost more money.
more people worked on farms.
inventions change the lives of people.
countries fought each other in many wars.





thats all of them. Do your own online school noob

According to the study, what two factors contributed to Tutankhamen’s death



The famed pharaoh had a cleft palate and club foot, and died from complications from a broken leg and malaria. It also revealed that Tut's parents were brother and sister.


How will the military and financial aid that President Truman is requesting support Greece become a democracy (just like America’s government)?



In a dramatic speech to a joint session of Congress, President Harry S. Truman asks for U.S. assistance for Greece and Turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations. Historians have often cited Truman's address, which came to be known as the Truman Doctrine, as the official declaration of the Cold War.

Explanation: umm i tried my best to explain it  um hope you understand this XD




I want to say option D. is your answer

The racist laws that divided south africa were known as

A. assimilation
B. apartheid
C. jim crow laws
D. state rights


The answer to this question c

Which developmental stage of criminology viewed crimes and sins?


Activation, aggravation, and desistance are the three primary developmental processes of offending. Developmental criminology poses new questions and therefore encourages innovation in analytic methods that may help to describe and explain longitudinal changes in individuals offending.


classical criminology


the first phase in the development of criminology, known as classical criminology, laid the framework for further studies

What was the North’s main goal at the commencement of hostilities? *



To Restore the Union.


"From the outset of the rebellion in 1861, Lincoln's overriding goal had been to bring the Southern states quickly back into the fold in order to restore the Union.These members of Congress, known as Radical Republicans, wanted to remake the South and punish the rebels."

what is the nucklevee​


nuckalavee is a horse-like demon from Orcadian mythology that combines equine and human elements.


its a horse like demon from orcadian mythology


3. How does the Great Barrier Reef compare to Texas?



The Great Reef is roughly half the size of Texas.

Select the correct answer. Which of these officials holds the highest position on the Supreme Court? A. the district justice B. the chief justice C. the appeals justice D. the associate justice



chief justice


i studdied and this is the correct answer

The chief justice holds the highest position on the Supreme Court, leading the court's proceedings, influencing its decisions, and representing the judicial branch at a national level. Therefore, option B is correct.

Chief justice refers to the highest-ranking official within the Supreme Court. As the head of the court, the chief justice holds significant authority and responsibilities.

They preside over court sessions, lead discussions on legal matters, and have the power to influence and shape judicial decisions. Beyond their judicial role, the chief justice also assumes administrative duties, such as assigning cases and overseeing the functioning of the court.

Their position carries immense influence in determining the court's direction, upholding the principles of justice, and ensuring the proper functioning of the judicial system at the national level.

Learn more about Chief justice here:



The following events are related to the United States’ conflict with Iran over oil. Drag them into the order in which they occurred, with the earliest on top.

The price of gas in the United States skyrocketed.

Iran decided to stop the shipment of oil to the United States.

Iran went through national turmoil that involved the United States.

The United States invested in new sources of oil and created oil reserves.



The following events are related to the United States’ conflict with Iran over oil. In order in which they occurred, they include:

1. Iran went through national turmoil that involved the United States.

2. Iran decided to stop the shipment of oil to the United States.

3. The price of gas in the United States skyrocketed.

4. The United States invested in new sources of oil and created oil reserves.



1. Iran went through national turmoil that involved the United States.  

2. Iran decided to stop the shipment of oil to the United States.  

3. The price of gas in the United States skyrocketed.  

4. The United States invested in new sources of oil and created oil reserves.


Just took the test :)

Read the following excerpt from “After the Winter” by Claude McKay. Some day, when trees have shed their leaves And against the morning’s white The shivering birds beneath the eaves Have sheltered for the night, We’ll turn our faces southward, love, Toward the summer isle Where bamboos spire the shafted grove And wide-mouthed orchids smile. Which words does the poet include to help the reader visualize the scene? “Some day” “against the morning’s white” “We’ll turn our faces” “Toward the summer isle”






the correct answer is b have a great day


Name at least three colonies or properties of the British Empire.



1. New England

2. Virginia

3. Maryland



New England, Virginia, and Maryland



Who gained control of Egypt from the Ottoman Empire and launched a series of military and economic
A. Selim III
B. Nasir al-Din
C. Muhammad Ali
D. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani



The correct answer is C. Muhammad Ali gained control of Egypt from the Ottoman Empire and launched a series of military and economic  reforms.


Mohammed Ali was the governor of Ottoman Egypt, and is considered the founder of modern Egypt and as father of the fatherland.

He was sent to Egypt with an expeditionary force when it was occupied by Napoleon, but before he arrived there the French had started to withdraw. He occupied the country, and in 1808 the Sultan recognized him as the governor. He reformed Egypt and expanded his territory with an army for which farmers were recruited. He wanted to make Egypt a strong economy, which allowed him to invest a lot of money in his army, to protect Egypt from the British and French.

Mohammed Ali organized the Egyptian government after the western example and reorganized the army. Although he always remained a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, he usually acted independently. He finally rebelled against the Sultan and defeated him twice, founding his own dynasty.


the answer is c


In ancient Athens, which of the following was one way in which citizens participated in the democratic process?

A.Citizens elected representatives who then decided on laws.

B.Citizens who spent the most money would receive the most power.

C.Citizens could serve as advisors to the president.

D.Citizens served on juries to decide court cases.



A.Citizens elected representatives who then decided on laws.


Male citizens in Athens could vote on all the decisions that affected the city and serve on juries. However, democracy was not open to everyone. Citizen women and children were not allowed to vote. Slaves and foreigners living in Athens (known as metics) were banned from participating in government.

citizens participate in a direct democracy whereby they themselves made the decisions by which they lived.

Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so. The officials of the democracy were in part elected by the Assembly and in large part chosen by lottery in a process called sortition.

Briefly explain with examples the hierarchical sequence of Bloom's taxonomy of stating instructional objectives



The answer is below


Bloom’s Taxonomy is a classification system developed in 1956, by educational psychologist Benjamin Bloom to categorize cognitive skills and learning behavior.

Bloom’s Taxonomy identified six levels within the cognitive domain, from the simple recall or recognition of facts, as the lowest level, through the more complex and abstract mental levels, to the highest order, classified as evaluation. These six levels are: (1) knowledge, (2) comprehension (3) application, (4) analysis, (5) synthesis, and (6) evaluation

1.   KNOWLEDGE: this is the lowest of the taxonomy, where by people simply memorize, recall, list, and repeat information. For example: a child memorizing multiplication table such as 2 x 2 = 4

2. COMPREHENSION: . this is where people get to classify, describe, discuss, and explain information. For example: an individual being able to explain how 2 + 2 = 4

3. APPLICATION: at this third stage, people demonstrate, interpret, and apply what they have learned and are able to use the information to solve problem For example :an individual applying knowledge of mathematics such as addition and subtraction, in performing transaction.

4. ANALYSIS: this is a stage where people assess, relate, contrast, and distinguish what they have learned with other information. For example: an individual analyzing what s/he knew or similar knowledge, such as Mathematics with Statistics or Physics.

5. SYNTHESIS: this is a stage closer to the highest level, where people create a structure or pattern from diverse elements, and are able to put parts together to form a whole. For example: an individual creates or define a hypotheses on a particular subject.

6.  EVALUATION: The top most stage, where people make judgments about the value of ideas or materials at their disposal.

For example: when an individual must have tested his hypotheses, he can either make it a principle or theory from it, modified it for another theory or finally discard it.

Which statement accurately describes one constitutional restriction on presidential power?



The answer is B. The constitution limits presidents to two four year terms in office

How does the American work week compare to the rest of the world? Is this better for US or them? Defend your answer with facts.​


Answer:  full-time worker in the United States works 47 hours a week, one of the highest figures in the world, and significantly higher than the rates in Western Europe


what is a casual relationship in a text​



Casual relationship in a text ?????????????????

answer: what are you trying to say with casual relationship? this has nothing to do w any subjects

Assignment is due today, here it is.
Rank the achievements from 1 (most significant) to 6 (least significant):

· Aztec Chinampas

· Aztec Causeways

· Incan Suspension Bridges

· Incan Terraces

· Mayan Calendar

· Mayan Step-Pyramids



Aztec Chinampas-- 6

· Aztec Causeways-- 5

· Incan Suspension Bridges-- 4

· Incan Terraces-- 2

· Mayan Calendar-- 1

· Mayan Step-Pyramids-- 3


The achievements of Mayas, Incas and Aztecs ranked from the most significant to least significant:

Mayan CalendarMayan Step-PyramidsAztec ChinampasAztec CausewaysIncan Suspension BridgesIncan Terraces


The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas were the three great peoples of the early Americas, their history stretches from very ancient times to just a few centuries ago.

The Mayans made breakthrough advances in writing, astronomy and architecture; the Aztecs adapted earlier pyramid designs to build their stone temples and adapted the Mayan Calendar; and the Incas showed great skills in engineering.

The Mayan architectural and technological achievements are the most significant, and their ideas and practices influenced the other Mesoamerican groups.

The Aztecs adapted many ideas from earlier groups, notably the Mayan Calendar and temple-pyramids.

The Incas also borrowed and improved upon ideas from the earlier cultures, but faced their own unique challenge of managing the largest empire in the Americas.

Which of the following is an essential part of making a rational choice


what are your answer choices?


Answer Choices.


the renaissance in western europe was a period noted for



MRCORRECT has answered the question


The Renaissance was a fervent period ofEuropean cultural, artistic, political and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages. Generally described as taking place from the 14th century to the 17th century, the Renaissance promoted the rediscovery of classical philosophy, literature and art.

How did the sacred texts known as the Vedas affect the beliefs of the people in India?
it became the basis for Hinduism

it was written in Sanskrit

it was written by one person

it became the basis for Buddhism



it became the basis for hinduism


they were written in sanskrit and became the first works of literature for hinduism

What was the main goal of the space race



The goal wasn't really to get into space, or land on the moon. The goal was to test nuclear weapons to attack each other.

According to the quotation, what did President Reagan
believe about economic growth?
Free-trade associations would end competition.
Increased trade barriers would help the economy.
Increased production and fair trade would help the
Trade barriers and roadblocks would make trade


According to the quotation, President Reagan believe that Increased production and fair trade would help the economy.

President Ronald Reagan came up with Free-Market Economy to boost American Economy during 1980s, at that time the USA economy was going through persistent high inflation.

The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy were:

To reduce the growth of government spending, Reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax,Reduce government regulation,And tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation.

The importance of the economic policy of President Reagan are as follows:

The exponential GDP growthRise in employment in nonfarm sectorAnd controlling the Inflation.

Learn More about Reagan Economic policies: https://brainly.com/question/11296626

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