Why do plaintiffs sometimes reach settlements before a civil trial begins?
A. To prevent a prosecutor from showing evidence against them
B. To give the judge a chance to reach a verdict in their favor
C. To avoid being found guilty of a crime by the jury
D. To make sure they get at least part of what they want


Answer 1

Answer: Choice D)  To make sure they get at least part of what they want



Let's go through the answer choices to see which are true and which are false.

A) False. The plaintiff is the one doing the prosecution or bringing the case against the defendant. The plaintiff is not on trial.B) False. For many cases, a judge isn't involve in the settlement process. In those cases, the two parties directly negotiate together to settle the dispute. In cases where a judge is involved with a settlement, their powers aren't as strong as compared to a courtroom setting. C) False. Again, the plaintiff isn't the one being accused of the crime. That would be the defendant.D) True. Court cases take a very long time to reach their conclusion. Not only that, they're very costly as well (in terms of money, time and resources). Not to mention the stress they bring about also. All of these factors sometimes lead people to go for a settlement even if they know they have a 100% airtight case against their opponent. Settlements are often the easier route and they allow people to get something rather than nothing. Keep in mind that even if there is an airtight case, there might be some technicality that allows to defendant to be found not guilty.

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