Brainliest if you help me ….


Answer 1
-15 is the answer your welcome

Related Questions

Find the area of the shape:







Step-by-step explanation:

please mark me as brainliest

arshad's father bought x sweets .(x-4)were eaten by children and 20 were many sweets did his father bring




Step-by-step explanation:






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24 sweets

Step-by-step explanation:

Remaining sweets = 20

x - 4 = 20

Add 4 to both sides.

x = 20 +4

x = 24

Scott and Ashley each improved their yards by planting daylilies and ivy. They bought their
supplies from the same store. Scott spent $170 on 12 daylilies and 13 pots of ivy. Ashley spent
$172 on 14 daylilies and 2 pots of ivy. What is the cost of one daylily and the cost of one pot of



x = cost of daylily = $12

y = cost of ivy = $2

Step-by-step explanation:


x = cost of daylily

y = cost of ivy


12x + 13y = 170


14x + 2y = 172

12x + 13y = 170 (1)

14x + 2y = 172 (2)

Multiply (1) by 14 and (2) by 12

168x + 182y = 2380 (3)

168x + 24y = 2064 (4)

Subtract (4) from (3) to eliminate x

182y - 24y = 2380 - 2064

158y = 316

y = 316/158

y = 2

Substitute y = 2 into (1)

12x + 13y = 170 (1)

12x + 13(2) = 170

12x + 26 = 170

12x = 170 - 26

12x = 144

x = 144/12

x = 12

x = cost of daylily = $12

y = cost of ivy = $2

What is the surface area of a cube measure 8 c/w?​




Step-by-step explanation:

if 8 is the edge using the formula



the third term and the fifth term of a geometric progression are 2 and 1/8 respectively. If all terms are positive, find the sum to the infinity of the progression​



42 + 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

First, to calculate the sum of an infinite geometric series, our formula is

a₁/(1-r), with a₁ being the first term of the series and r being the common ratio. Therefore, we want to find both a₁ and r.

To find r, we can first determine that 2 * r = a₄ and a₄ * r = a₅, as the ratio separates one number from the next in a geometric series. Therefore, we have

2 * r * r = a₅

2 * r² = 1/8

divide both sides by 2 to isolate the r²

r² = 1/16

square root both sides to isolate r

r =± 1/4. Note the ± because r²=1/16 regardless of whether r = 1/4 or -1/4. However, because all terms are positive, r must be positive as well, or a₄, for example, would be 2 * (-1/4) = -0.5

Therefore, r = 1/4 .

To find the first term, we know that a₁ * r = a₂, and a₂ * r = a₃. Therefore, a₁ * r² = a₃ = 2

a₁ * 1/16 = 2

divide both sides by 1/16 to isolate a₁

a₁ = 2 * 1/ (1/16)

= 2 * 16

= 32

Plugging a₁ and r into our infinite geometric series formula, we have


= 32  / (1-1/4)

= 32/ (3/4)

= 32/ 0.75

= 42 + 2/3


please explain how do you get the answer​




Step-by-step explanation:

angles in a quadrilateral add to 360°. 360-(114+76)=5x =170°. 170°/5 = 32°. x=32°

angles on a straight line add to 180°.

2x = 64°. 180-64=116°. y=116°.

y-x = 116-32 = 84°



Step-by-step explanation:

The inner angles of a quadrilateral all add up to 360. This means we can write the following

[tex]114 + 76 + 3x + 2x = 360\\190 + 5x = 360\\5x = 170\\x = 34[/tex]

Now that we have x we can find y. Notice that y and 2x are on the same line. Any line cutting another straight line will create two angles that add up to 180.

Therefore we can write

[tex]2x + y = 180\\2(34) + y = 180\\y = 112[/tex]

Finally computing y - x

[tex]y - x = 112 - 34 = 78[/tex]

the tub started with gallons of water




Step-by-step explanation:

Please help me solve this problem




they wanted you to compute using x as 3

-2*3 + 2 = -4

Step-by-step explanation:

đồ thị hàm số có bao nhiêu tiệm cận




Step-by-step explanation:

Correct gets 5 stars and brainliest



13 mi

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use the Pythagorean theorem

a^2+b^2 = c^2  where a and b are the legs and c is the hypotenuse

5^2 +12^2 = c^2

25+144 = c^2

169 = c^2

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(169) = sqrt(c^2)

13 = c

I need HELP ASAP!! Please explain how to solve the problem




Step-by-step explanation:

The general format for the equation of a circle is the following:


Where [tex](h,k)[/tex] is the center of the circle and ([tex]a[/tex]) is the circle's radius. Please note, that the circle ([tex](x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=a^2\\[/tex]) has a center that is (h) units to the right of the origin, and (k) units above the origin.

The given circle has a center at [tex](-1,-4)[/tex], moreover, its radius is (3) units. Therefore, one must substitute these points into the equation of a circle and simplify to find its equation:





Step-by-step explanation: Let's first determine the center of the circle

which is represented by the red dot and it has the coordinates (-1, -4).

The radius of the circle is a segment that joins the center of the

circle to a point on the circle and all radii of a circle are congruent.

The radius of the circle shown here is 3.

Now, the equation of a circle is (x - h)² + (y - k)² = r² where

(h, k) is the center of the circle and r is the radius.

Now we plug all our given information into the formula.

So we have [x - (-1)]² + [y - (-4)]² = (3)².

Notice that I changed the parentheses in the formula to brackets

so that we wouldn't be dealing with too many sets of parentheses.

Changing the brackets back to parentheses,

our equation is (x + 1)² + (y + 4)² = 9.

A student simplified the rational expression
using the steps shown.
(x^2/5 • x^4/5 / x^2/5)^1/2 = (x^6/5/x^2/5)^1/2=(x^3)^1/2=x^3/2
Is the answer correct? Explain.



Does the answer help you?


[tex]\textbf{No, the answer is not correct }[/tex].

Step-by-step explanation:

The student didn't use the quotient of powers property correctly. Instead of subtracting, the student divided the exponents within the parenthesis. So, x to the two-fifths power is the correct simplified form.

[tex](\frac{x^{2/5}\times x^{4/5} }{x^{2/5} } )[/tex]

[tex]=(\frac{x^{6/5} }{x^{2/5} } )^{1/2}[/tex]

[tex]=x^{6/5-2/5} )^{1/2}[/tex]

[tex]=(x^{4/5} )^{1/2} =x^{2/5}[/tex]


Find the first five terms. Please solve



a1=3, a2=6, a3=12, a4=24, a5=48

Step-by-step explanation:


a10=a*r^9=1536, r^3=8, r=2 and a=3

a1=3, a2=6, a3=12, a4=24, a5=48

How many people can Liam buy lunch for



At most, Liam can only buy lunch for 6 people.

Step-by-step explanation:

It isn't going to be a decimal answer because there can't be half of a person

All you have to do is divide 50 by 8 and round down because you don't want to spend more than 50 dollars.

Writing it mathematically, it would be:

p [tex]\leq[/tex] 6

pls help, and explain. I will give brainliest



Nicole should take 13 1/8 cups of snack mix.

Step-by-step explanation:

If a serving size is 7/8 and Nicole wants to take 15 serving sizes (15 7/8's), then we must multiply 7/8 by 15:

15 × 7/8

Write 15 over 1 (15 = 15/1) to make the calculations easier:

15/1 × 7/8

Multiply the numerators and denominators separately:

15 × 7 / 1 × 8

105 / 8

Instructions don't say you have to do this but I will convert this improper fraction into a mixed number:

105/8 = 13 1/8

Please someone tell me the answer of these questions




Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a rectangle is 18cm . if the length is (x+2), find it's width.​



W = 7 - x

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is P= 2L + 2×W , where L is the length and W is the width.

If L = (x+2) , replacing L with the expression x+2 we have

P= 2×(X+2) + 2W ⇔ 18 = 2x + 4 + 2W ⇔ 2W =18 - 2x - 4 ⇔ 2W = 14 - 2x

⇔ W = 7 - x

Match function with its corresponding graph



Step-by-step explanation:

We can see that there are roots at (-2,0) and (-1,0)

also, the root at (-2,0) should bounce right off

and the root at (-1,0) should go through

With all that being said it has to be B

A garden is rectangular with a width of 8 feet and a length of 10 feet. If it is surrounded by a walkway 2 feet wide, how many square feet of area does the walkway cover?



The rea of walk way is 32 ft^2.

Step-by-step explanation:

width, w = 8 feet

length, L = 10 feet

width of walkway, d = 2 feet

length of outer, L' = 10 + 2 + 2 = 14 feet

Area of outer, A' = L' x w = 14 x 8 = 112 ft^2

Area of inner, A = L x w = 10 x 8 = 80 ft^2

The area of walkway = A' - A = 112 - 80 = 32 ft^2

The rea of walk way is 32 ft^2.

At a particular restaurant, each slider has 225 calories and each chicken wing has 70 calories. A combination meal with sliders and chicken wings has a total of 7 sliders and chicken wings altogether and contains 1110 calories. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of sliders in the combination meal and the number of chicken wings in the combination meal. Define the variables that you use to write the system.




Step-by-step explanation:

i  remember  doing something like this but mines had the word onion rings .

(06.01)A scatter plot is shown:

A scatter plot is shown. Data points are located at 1 and 8, 2 and 7.8, 3 and 7.4, 4 and 6.5, 5 and 5.4, 6 and 4.5, 7 and 3.1, 8 and 2, 9 and 1.

What type of association does the graph show between x and y?

Linear positive association
Nonlinear positive association
Linear negative association
Nonlinear negative association



Step-by-step explanation:

If you plot those coordinates in your calculator in the stat plot function under "stat", you will see that the dots are almost but not quite in a straight line going from upper left to lower right. This indicates a strong negative linear association, third choice down.


D. Nonlinear Negative Association

Step-by-step explanation:

9. Find the remainder when the polynomial: p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1 is divided by (x - 2)
pls it's urgent



answer is 21..............


p(x) = x⁴ + 2x³- 3x² + x - 1

Factor of p(x)



Then by using synthetic division

What's 672 divided by 32


the answer is 21, blessup my friend stay groovy

Can someone help me on this please


I’m pretty sure it would be K because it is a constant with units of dollars per square foot.
Hope this helps :D

y=8200(0.96)^x growth or decay find



This would be a .04 or 4% decay.....

for every "time unit" (x in this case) you will be multiplying

the amount by .96 ... in other words if you started with one dollar

the results would be 96 cents... after two "time" steps you would have

only 92 cents (.96 *.96)

Step-by-step explanation:

Helpo pleasssse
On my hw I have a parabola that opens down with its vertex at (-3,-6)......
For the range would I say that {yER | y > -6} OR {yER | y < -6} ????
I'm just confused from the negative numbers


Answer: The range is  [tex]\{y \in \mathbb{R}\ | \ y \le -6\}[/tex]


The parabola opens down, forming a "frowny face" in a way (just without the eyes). Or you can think of it as a hill or mountain. This means that the vertex (-3,-6) is at the top of that mountain. It's the highest point of that parabola.

The range is the set of all possible y values. We see that y = -6 is the largest it can get. So y = -6 or y is smaller than this. We would then write [tex]y \le -6[/tex] to describe all the possible y values.

Therefore, the range is [tex]\{y \in \mathbb{R}\ | \ y \le -6\}[/tex]

This translates to "y is a real number such that y is -6 or smaller".

So the second answer you wrote is close, but you forgot the "or equal to" portion of the inequality sign.

See below for a visual example of what's going on.

A. -5x+4y=-20
B. -5x-4y=-20
C. -5x+4y=0
D. 5x+4y=-20


A is the answer because, when graphing, we use y= mx + b
So the first step is to change the equation into that.
We know m = the slope and b = the y-intercept

m = y1-y2/x1-x2 ( I decided to use the intercepts)

The rest is on the paper, and sorry I wasn't neat with my working

sin x = 4/5, cos x = 2/5 find the value of tan x​



2 is the answer . the explanation is in the attachment .

which inequality is represented on the number line shown?


Answer: A x> -2

Step-by-step explanation:

A giant pie is created in an attempt to break a world record for baking. The pie is shown below:

What is the area of the slice of pie that was cut, rounded to the nearest hundredth?



Area of the slice of pie = 22.09 ft²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the slice of pie = Area of the sector of the circle with the central angle 45°

Area of the sector = [tex]\frac{\theta}{360^{\circ}}(\pi r^{2} )[/tex] [Here, r = radius of the circle]

                              = [tex]\frac{45^{\circ}}{360^{\circ}}(\pi )(\frac{15}{2})^2[/tex]

                              = 22.09 ft²

Area of the slice of pie = 22.09 ft²



Step-by-step explanation:

A = πr^2(x/360) d = 15

Since r is half of diameter this means that r = 15/2 =7.5

so Lets use the Area of Sector formua

A =3.14(7.5)^2 (45/360)

A =3.14(56.25) (45/360)

A = 176.625 (45/360)

A = 176.625 (0.125)

A = 22.078125

rounded to the nearest 10th would make it 22.08

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