BusCorp wants to introduce a new procedure to improve how customer requests are handled. This change will require employees to break old routines and adopt new role patterns. They decide to adopt two new programs, one in which employees learn how to work as teams as the company changes. The other involves forming task forces within the company to help determine ne customer service practices.
The formation of task forces to minimize resistance to change is known as:_______.
A. communication.
B. learning.
C. stress management.
D. negotiation.
E. employee involvement.


Answer 1


E)Employee involvement


Employee involvement can be regarded as taking part of employees in decision-making process that are crucial to the organization, so that the goals of the organization are met. When employees there is involvement of employees in making decisions, there will be some professional as well as personal stake gained by the employee in the organization as well as the organization overall success. As a result of this there would be increased productivity in part of employees because they will take part actively in various aspects that will bring about success of the firm.

Related Questions

The company's variable overhead costs are driven by machine-hours. What would be the total budgeted overhead cost for next month if the activity level is 2,400 machine-hours rather than 2,500 machine-hours? Assume that the activity levels of 2,500 machine-hours and 2,400 machine-hours are within the same relevant range. Group of answer choices





Missing word "Kerekes Manufacturing Corporation has prepared the following overhead budget for next month. Activity Level - 2500 Machine Hours - Variable Overhead Cost: Supplies 12,250 Indirect Labor ---22,000 Fixed Overhead: Supervisor 15,500 Utilities -- 5500 Depreciation --- 6500 Total Cost --- 61,750"

So, at activity level of 2500

Total variable overhead cost = Supplies + Indirect labor

Total variable overhead cost = $12,250 + $22,000

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250

So, at activity level of 2400

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250 * 2,400/2,500

Total variable overhead cost = $34,250 * 0.96

Total variable overhead cost = $32,880

So, at 2,400 hours

Total overhead cost = Variable overhead cost + Fixed overhead cost

Total overhead cost = $32,880 + Supervisor salary + Utilities + Depreciation

Total overhead cost = $32,880 + $15,500 + $5,500 + $6,500

Total overhead cost = $60,380

XYZ Co. expects to sell 26,000 pools for $15 each. Direct materials cost is $3 per pool, direct labor cost is $5 per pool, and manufacturing overhead cost is $1.62 per pool. The following inventory levels apply to 2019: Beginning inventory Ending inventory Direct materials 20,000 units 22,000 units Work-in-process inventory 0 units 100 units Finished goods inventory 1,800 units 2,600 units How many pools need to be produced in 2019





Total pools is equal to 26,000

Directable cost is equal to $5 per pool

Manufacturing overhead equals 1.62 dollars per pool

Direct costes equals $3 per pool

We add up this costs

5+1.62+3 = 9.62 dollars in total

In 2019 the total amount of pools that needs to be produced can be gotten by multiply 26000 with 9.62


= 250,120

The price elasticity of gasoline supply in the United States is 0.4. If the price of gasoline rises by​ 8%, what is the expected change in the quantity of gasoline supplied in the United​ States?
A. ​3.2%
B. ​+ 0.32%
C. ​+ 32.0%
D. ​+ 3.2%





Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in price

0.4 == quantity / 8  


If the absolute value of price elasticity is greater than one, it means demand is elastic. Elastic demand means that quantity demanded is sensitive to price changes.  

Demand is inelastic if a small change in price has little or no effect on quantity demanded. The absolute value of elasticity would be less than one

Demand is unit elastic if a small change in price has an equal and proportionate effect on quantity demanded.  

Infinitely elastic demand is perfectly elastic demand. Demand falls to zero when price increases  

Perfectly inelastic demand is demand where there is no change in the quantity demanded regardless of changes in price.

Saving is a leakage in the sense that:______.
a. saving is lost to the economy and ultimately leads to stagnation.
b. it often accompanies a trade deficit.
c. consumers spend less than their total income.
d. the financial system often makes negative profits.



The correct option is c. consumers spend less than their total income.


Saving is simply a portion of the total income that is not spent by the consumers on goods and services.

Saving is a non-consumption use of income which is leaked out of the circular flow of income and expenditure. Saving therefore makes the consumption lower than the total income.

Based on the explanation above, the correct option is c. consumers spend less than their total income.

Dorsey Co. has expanded its operations by purchasing a parcel of land with a building on it from Bibb Co. for $89,000. The appraised value of the land is $26,000, and the appraised value of the building is $92,000.

a. Assuming that the building is to be used in Dorsey Co.’s business activities, what cost should be recorded for the land?
b. Indicate why, for income tax purposes, management of Dorsey Co. would want as little of the purchase price as possible allocated to land. (Select all that apply.) Land is a current asset. Land is not a depreciable asset. Land value will not reduce taxable income. Land is a depreciable asset. Land value reduces taxable income.
c. Indicate why Dorsey Co. allocated the cost of assets acquired based on appraised values at the purchase date rather than on the original cost of the land and building to Bibb Co. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the historical asset value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the book value. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.
d. Assuming that the building is demolished at a cost of $11,000 so the land can be used for employee parking, what cost should Dorsey Co. record for the land?



a. Cost of land = $19,610.17

b. Correct options are:

Land is not a depreciable asset.

Land value will not reduce taxable income.

c. Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.

d. Cost of Land = $100,000


a. Assuming that the building is to be used in Dorsey Co.’s business activities, what cost should be recorded for the land?

Total appraised value = Appraised value of the land + Appraised value of the building = $26,000 + $92,000 = $118,000

Cost of land = Purchase price * (Appraised value of the land / Total appraised value) = $89,000 * ($26,000 / $118,000) = $19,610.17

b. Indicate why, for income tax purposes, management of Dorsey Co. would want as little of the purchase price as possible allocated to land. (Select all that apply.)

Correct options are:

Land is not a depreciable asset. Note that an asset that is NOT eligible for tax and accounting purposes to register depreciation in compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules is considered NOT to be depreciable property. Since land s NOT eligible for tax and accounting purposes to register depreciation, it therefore not a depreciable asset.

Land value will not reduce taxable income. This due to the fact that land is not a depreciable asset as stated above.

c. Indicate why Dorsey Co. allocated the cost of assets acquired based on appraised values at the purchase date rather than on the original cost of the land and building to Bibb Co.

Appraised values are to be used because they represent the asset's current value.

The current value of an asset is the price at which it can be sold or settled as of the current date.

d. Assuming that the building is demolished at a cost of $11,000 so the land can be used for employee parking, what cost should Dorsey Co. record for the land?

Since it is assumed that the building is demolished, the addition of the purchase price and the cost of demolition will be recorded as the cost of land. This is because the demolition cost is the expense of preparing the land for its intended use. Therefore, we have:

Cost of Land = Purchase price + Cost of demolition = $89,000 + $11,000 = $100,000

Asset cost $35,000Prepaid Insurance $5,000Maintenance costs $3,000Accumulated Depreciation $10,000Book Value $________Based on the information above, the book value of the tractor is __________.a) $33,000b) $43,000c) $25,000d) $28,000


Okay, I’ll try to figure this one out for you

give me some time





A company issues $17200000, 9.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 10% on January 1, 2020. Interest is paid on June 30 and December 31. The proceeds from the bonds are $16904864. What is interest expense for 2021, using straight-line amortization





First, calculate the discount on the bond

Discount on the bond = Face value of bond - Proceeds from the bond = $17,200,000 - $16,904,864 = $295,136

Now prepare the bond amortization table

The Bond amortization table is attached with this answer please find that

Now calculate the Interest expense for 2021

Interest Expense = Interest Expense on June 30, 2021 + Interest Expense on December 31, 2021

Interest Expense = $845,493.63  + $845,628.31  

Interest Expense = $1,691,121.94

Interest Expense = $1,691,122

A contingent liability can be classified as all of the following except for a.Certain b.Probable c.Remote d.Reasonably possible


Answer: D


A contingent liability can be classified as probable, possible, and remote. Thus, option D is correct.

What is the contingent liability?

The contingent liabilities are liabilities that an entity may incur based on the outcome of an uncertain future event, such as the outcome of a pending lawsuit.

Contingent liabilities are also important for potential lenders to a company, who will consider these liabilities when determining lending terms.

A contingent liability is a potential future liability, such as pending lawsuits or honouring product warranties. If the liability is likely to occur and the amount can be reasonably estimated, it should be recorded in a company's accounting records.

Therefore, There are three types of contingent liabilities: probable, possible, and remote. So, option D is correct.

Learn more about the contingent liability, refer to:



A U.S. investor has borrowed pounds, converted them to dollars, and invested the dollars in the United States to take advantage of interest rate differentials. To cover the currency risk, the investor should:


Answer: C. Buy pounds forward.


The investor borrowed in pounds which means that they would have to pay back in pounds. They would therefore need pounds at the end of the investment period but need to be sure of the rate they are converting back to so as to reduce currency risk.

The way to cater for this risk would be to buy pounds in the forward market at a guaranteed rate so that when they are to pay back the pounds, they buy it at the rate they agreed to in the forward market, regardless of what the rate is in the spot market when they want to pay back the pounds.

Holmes Company produces a product that can be either sold as is or processed further. Holmes has already spent $96,000 to produce 2,425 units that can be sold now for $81,500 to another manufacturer. Alternatively, Holmes can process the units further at an incremental cost of $255 per unit. If Holmes processes further, the units can be sold for $415 each. Should Holmes sell the product now or process it further


Answer: Holmes should process it further to make a profit of $306,496


If Holmes sells now, the selling price would be:

= Amount sold for / No. of units

= 81,500 / 2,425

= $33.61

If the company processes further and sells at $415, they will get a profit per unit of:

= 415 - 255

= $160 per unit

Incremental revenue is:

= (160 - 33.61) * 2,425 units

= $306,495.75

Holmes should process it further.

The following costs were incurred in May:

Direct materials $42,200
Direct labor $32,800
Manufacturing overhead $25,400
Selling expenses $18,800
Administrative expenses $40,200

Conversion costs during the month totaled: __________



the conversion cost is $58,200


The computation of the conversion cost is shown below:

The conversion cost is

= Direct Labor + Manufacturing Overhead

= $32,800 + $25,400

= $58,200

Hence, the conversion cost is $58,200

It is the combination of the direct labor and the manfacturing overhead

DMC Company manufactures a standard and a custom version of a boat engine. Overhead costs include a significant amount of indirect labor and other costs related to moving materials and setting up machines for each batch of engines that are produced. The rest of the overhead is mostly facility-based. The actual activity for a year was as follows:

Total Standard engines Custom engines
Engines produced 3,000 2,500 500
Machine hours 6,000 4,800 1,200
Batches of products 200 100 100

DMC has used machine hours in the past to allocate all overhead costs. Which of the following statements is true given the data above, if DMC used machine hours as the allocation base for the current year?

a. DMC under allocated overhead costs to the standard engines.
b. DMC paid more for overhead costs than if it used activity-based costing.
c. DMC over allocated the overhead costs to the standard engines.



Hence the correct option is option c. DMC over-allocated the overhead costs to the standard engines.


DMC over-allocated the overhead costs to the quality engines

All overheads have now been allocated within the ratio of machine-hours used i.e. 4:1

If however, ABC system were used, overheads associated with found out would are allocated within the ratio of batches i.e. 1:1

And hence, more overheads would are allocated to custom engines and fewer to plain engines.

The amount purchased overheads will remain equivalent. The systems are only used for the allocation of overheads.

Which of the four costs relevant to aggregate production planning is the most difficult to accurately measure?



Backordering Costs.


This is the correct answer I hope this helps.

The following four costs are included in the overall production plan:

initial production expensescosts related to variations in manufacturing rateKeeping inventory expenses.Costs of back ordering.What is aggregate production?

An aggregate production function holds constant all other production factors, like as capital, natural resources, and technology, and connects the entire output of an economy to the total amount of labor engaged in that economy.

A stands for the technology component. It is a gauge of overall economic production. K represents the economy's entire non-human capital input. It is expressed in terms of money or monetary units. L represents the total workforce in the economy.

These are the four cost which are most difficult to measure aggregate production.

Learn more about aggregate production, here:



INTC just paid an annual dividend of $3.40 a share and is expected to increase that amount by 2.2 percent per year. If you are planning to buy 1,000 shares of INTC in two years, how much should you expect to pay per share if the market rate of return for this type of security is 14.8 percent at the time of your purchase



the price of the share is $28.18 per share


The computation of the price of the share is given below

Dividend at year 1

= 3.4% ×(1 + 2.2%)

= 3.4748

Dividend at year 2

= 3.4748 × (1 + 2.2%)

= $3.55

Now the price of the share is

= ($3.55) ÷ (14.8% - 2.2%)

= $28.18 per share

Hence, the price of the share is $28.18 per share

At the end of the day, the cash register's record shows $1,250, but the count of cash in the cash register is $1,245. The correct entry to record the cash sales is
A) Debit Cash $1,245; Credit Sales $1,245.
B) Debit Cash $1,245; debit Cash Over and Short $5; credit Sales $1,250.
C) Debit Cash $1,250; credit Sales $1,250.
D) Debit Cash $1,250; credit Sales $1,245, credit Cash Over and Short $5.
E) Debit Cash Over and Short $5, credit Sales $5.



B) Debit Cash $1,245; debit Cash Over and Short $5; credit Sales $1,250.


If the cash register's record shows the amount of $1,250 while the count of cash in the cash register shows the amount of $1,245 which means that the Cash is Over and Short by $5.

Therefore the correct entry to record the cash sales is to Debit Cash For $1,245; Debit Cash Over and Short for $5 and Credit Sales for $1,250.

Debit Cash For $1,245

Debit Cash Over and Short $5


Credit Sales $1,250

(To record cash sales)

A foreign company has offered to buy 75 units for a reduced sales price of $320 per unit. The marketing manager says the sale will not affect the company's regular sales. The sales manager says that this sale will require variable selling and administrative costs. The production manager reports that it would require an additional $20,000 of fixed manufacturing costs to accommodate the specifications of the buyer. If Fruit Computer Company accepts the deal, how will this impact operating income



an increase in the operating income by $16,322


The computation of the impact in the operating income is given below:

Variable cost of 75 units (1300000 × 75 ÷ 12700)   7,678

Sale price of 75 units (75 × 320)  24,000

Increase in operating income (24000 - 7678)   $16,322

hence, the impact in the operating income is that there is an increase in the operating income by $16,322

According to the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996, the severity of the penalty for computer crimes depends on the value of the information obtained and whether the offense is judged to have been committed for each of the following except __________.
a. to harass
b. for purposes of commercial advantage
c. in furtherance of a criminal act
d. for private financial gain



Option a: To harass


The National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996 did modified which computer fraud and abuse act.

Computer Crime

This is simply regarded as any form of violations of criminal law regarding the knowledge of computer technology for their perpetration, investigation, or prosecution.  It is often called cybercrime. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) is set up by the government as a federal law stating and showing the civil liability for gaining unauthorized access to a computer and causing damage to any computer. it  acts, states and formalizes laws to fight threats from computer related acts and offenses.

The forms of cybercrime against individuals includes  harassment, Phishing, Pharming, Fraud, and Identity Theft.

The annual benefits of $4000 every year for three years may be obtained for an investment on a production equipment costing $20,000 with a salvage value of $5,000. If MARR is 6%, choose the right equation to determine the NPW.A) NPW = 20,000(F/P,6%,3) + 4,000(F/A, ^%, 3) + 5000B) NPW = -20000 + 4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3)C) NPW = 20,000(P/F,6%,3) + 4000(F/A,6%,3) + 5000D) -20000(P/F,6%,3) +4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3)



The right equation to determine the NPW is:

= B) NPW = -20000 + 4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3)


a) Data:

Present value cost of production equipment = $20,000

Annual benefits = $4,000

Period of useful life = 3 years

MARR = 6%

Salvage value = $5,000

Present Value Annuity Factor for annual benefits for 3 years at 6% = 2.673

Present Value Factor for Salvage Value after 3 years at 6% = 0.840

Present Value Factor for the initial cost of investment = 1

Therefore, to obtain the NPW of the investment, the correct equation is:

B) NPW = -20000 + 4000(P/A,6%,3) + 5000(P/F,6%,3)

where NPW = Net Present Worth

P/A = Present Value Annuity Factor

P/F = Present Value Discount Factor

Classify the following markets as perfectly competitive, monopolistic, or monopolistically competitive, and explain your answers.

a. wooden no. 2 pencils
b. copper
c. local telephone service
d. peanut butter
e. lipstick


If you want to answer asked Siri

Expected Return American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) recently paid a $.42 dividend. The dividend is expected to grow at a 15.90 percent rate. At the current stock price of $24.47, what is the return shareholders are expecting?





according to the constant dividend growth model

price = d1 / (r - g)

d1 = next dividend to be paid

r = cost of equity

g = growth rate

24.47 = (0.42 x 1.1590) / (r - 0.1590)

24.47 x (r - 0.1590) = 0.487

(r - 0.1590) =0.01989

r = 0.1789 = 17.89%

Write a Story for Kumquat​


When I was a kid, growing up on Friends Ave, I absolutely loved kumquats. We didn't have a tree, but there was a family a few streets down that did and I was brave enough to go and knock on their door and ask if we could pick some. They are quite tart and borderline sour, but wonderfully delicious. The skin is mild, which perfectly compliments the inside. I see them at the markets here, but I never buy them because they are a bit expensive and besides, it's much more thrilling when you can pick them yourself. Several months ago I started working for a wonderful family in Beverly Hills as a personal assistant one day a week. While I was up there yesterday, we went out walking in the backyard and there I saw the sweetest little kumquat tree. Now, I had heard about the kumquats before from one of the housekeepers who I once saw making some delightful kumquat-ginger jam. She even gave me a little spoonful to try, which was amazing. I was told I was more than welcome to pick some for myself. You mean it? I get to pick my very own?? So I did. Twenty-plus years later, I finally got to pick my very own kumquats again. It was such a thrill. I eat them whole and have been snacking on them for 2 days. They also had some loquat trees which I had never heard off before, but I picked one or two of those and I'm still undecdided on whether or not I like them. The texture reminds me a lot of an apricot, but with 2-3 medium sized seeds in the middle. I picked a few limes and two pumellos and love having all this fruit around.


homeworklib On January 1, 2024, an investor paid $311,000 for bonds with a face amount of $375,000. The stated rate of interest is 8% while the current market rate of interest is 10%. Using the effective interest method, how much interest income is recognized by the investor in 2024 (assume annual interest payments and amortization)





Calculation to determine how much interest income is recognized by the investor in 2024

Using this formula

Interest income=Face amount *Current market rate of interest

Let plug in the formula

Interest income=$375,000*10%

Interest income=$37,500

Therefore how much interest income is recognized by the investor in 2024 is $37,500

Suppose Dansko Integrated has the following results related to cash flows for 2020:

Net Income of $6,800,000
Increase in Accounts Payable of $200,000
Decrease in Accounts Receivable of $800,000
Depreciation of $1,600,000
Increase in Inventory of $300,000
Other Adjustments from Operating Activities of $400,000

Assuming no other cash flow adjustments than those listed above, create a statement of cash flows with amounts in thousands.

What is the Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities?


The Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities is $9,500,000.

Net Operating Activities

Net Income            $6,800,000                                              


Increase in Accounts Payable of $200,000

Decrease in Accounts Receivable  $800,000

Depreciation of $1,600,000

Less Increase in Inventory ($300,000)

Other Adjustments from Operating Activities of $400,000

Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities $9,500,000

Therefore the Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities is $9,500,000.

Learn more about Net Operating Activities here:https://brainly.com/question/24228333


Georgetown Retail Outlet provided the following financial information: Accounts Receivable balance as of 1/1/2017 $110,000 Accounts Receivable balance as of 12/31/2017 $120,000 Net Credit Sales for the year 2017 $839,500 Cost of Goods Sold for the year 2017 $486,910 Calculate Accounts Receivable Turnover.a. 7.30 days.b. 344.83 days.c. 01.06 days.d. 50.00 days.


Answer: 7.3 times


The Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio is an activity ratio that shows how well a company collects the debts owed to it as well as how well it gives out credit.

It is calculated by the formula:

= Net Credit sales / Average Accounts Receivable

= 839,500 / ( (110,000 + 120,000) / 2)

= 839,500 / 115,000

= 7.3 times

Suppose you pay $50 to enter into a raffle with $1,000 prize. If you have a 3% chance of winning comma the expected value of your ticket is________.





Calculation to determine the expected value of your ticket

Using this formula

Expected Value =∑ payoff *Probability

Let plug in the formula

Expected value of ticket =950 ∗.03+(−50) ∗(100%-3%)

Expected value of ticket =950 ∗.03+(−50) ∗.97

Expected value of ticket=−20.

Therefore the expected value of your ticket is $-20

The expected value of your ticket is -$20.

What is the expected value?

The expected value is the summation of the multiplication of some random values with their probabilities of occurring.

The expected value estimates the chance that a favorable outcome will result.

Note that the cost of entering the raffle must be incurred whether the prize is won or not.

Data and Calculations:

Cost for raffle = $50

Prize for raffle = $1,000

Probability of winning = 3%

Probability of losing = 97% (100% - 3%)

Expected value of winning = -$20 ($1,000 x 3% -$50)

Thus, the expected value of your ticket is -$20.

Learn more about probabilities and expected values at https://brainly.com/question/10675141

Which of the following statements regarding EBITDA is correct: Select one: a. A defined term in GAAP b. None of the listed answers c. A proxy for net income d. A proxy for operating income e. All of the listed answers



b. None of the listed answers


EBITDA means earnings before interest , tax, depreciation and amortization, whereas operating is the gross profit minus all operating costs, since depreciation and amortization, which are operating costs would have been deducted in arriving at EBITDA, it means operating income and EBITDA are not the same.

Net income is gross profIt minus interest,tax ,depreciation and amortization, hence, it is a far cry from EBITDA.

Note also EBITDA is not recognized by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as a performance measure

On September 1, Ziegler Corporation had 57,000 shares of $5 par value common stock, and $171,000 of retained earnings. On that date, when the market price of the stock is $15 per share, the corporation issues a 2-for-1 stock split. The general journal entry to record this transaction is:


Answer: No entry required


A stock split does not change the overall value of equity so will not have any effect on the Equity accounts of the company.

Equity is also recorded by its total value in the financial statements and not the number of shares the company has. There will therefore be no entry to record that the number of shares has increased and because the total value does not change, neither does equity.

The LIFO inventory cost flow assumes that the cost of the newest goods purchased are: A. assumed to be the first ones sold. B. assumed to be the first ones included ending inventory. C. not included in cost of goods sold or ending inventory. D. assumed to be the last ones to be sold.


Answer: A. assumed to be the first ones sold.


Last in, first out is a method that's used in inventory such that the items that are produced recently will be the ones that will be sold first.

Using this method means that the goods recently produced or bought will be the first to be sold and recorded as cost of goods sold. This therefore means that the report on the inventory will be the lower cost of the old products.

Therefore, the LIFO inventory cost flow assumes that the cost of the newest goods purchased are assumed to be the first ones sold.

Mitchell waited until July 5, 2019, to file his 2018 Form 1040 return. He did request an extension and paid 90% of the anticipated balance due on April 15, 2019. His remaining balance due on his 2018 return is $88. What is his failure to file penalty



The answer is "$0".


Following are the Tax code of the IRS, taxpayers high school ask that their return on their tax return be extended on a deadline but must thus pay at least 90% of all tax owed, so how they can suffer the nonpayment penalty.

All remainder of the taxes being paid should be paid by the additional due date set by the taxpayer. Companies will have to pay the tax interest just after the due date if they do not pay.

For this reason, M requires timely prolongation and pays 90% of the remainder by the due date. Therefore, 'M' won't be obliged to pay any taxman's failure-to-pay penalty. Therefore, M fails to file $0.

Specter Consulting purchased $8,900 of supplies and paid cash immediately. What general journal entries will Specter Consulting make to record this transaction? Assume the companyâs policy is to initially record prepaid and unearned items in balance sheet accounts?



Debit Supplies $8,900; Credit Cash $8,900


Based on the information given the general journal entries that Specter Consulting will make to record this transaction assuming the companyâs policy is to initially record prepaid and unearned items in balance sheet accounts will be :

Debit Supplies $8,900

Credit Cash $8,900

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