“But just the clatter of their bones, a rolling, rattling, carefree circus of mammoth polkas and mazurkas” contains which two literary devices?


Answer 1


A. Alliteration and Onomatopoeia


Onomatopoeia is when a word resembles the sound it makes such as boom or pow, and an alliteration is the repetition of certain sounds similarly to what I just did there ;)

Answer 2


The answer is A :)


Related Questions

Which is an example of personification?
A. Fear of heights was his Achilles' heel.
B. The storm attacked the roof of our home.
C. Her words were like a knife to his heart.
D. The night sky was a blank canvas.


the answer would be A

If the value of the US dollar goes up while the value of the Mexican peso goes down, the United States will be able to purchase goods for a
price. If the value of the US dollar goes down, an American tourist visiting Mexico will have
purchasing power.


If the value of the US dollar went up and the value of Mexican peso went down the US will be able to purchase goods for a LOWER price. If the value of the US dollar goes down an American tourist visting mexico will have a BAD or EQUAL purchasing power- because the us dollar is already worth more than a peso because a peso is around 10cents compared to a 1 dollar that is 100cents




I would assume that it would be "Admittedly, we cannot reuse or recycle all of the materials we can use in our daily lives" and "Other items are not biodegradable regardless of what we reuse them for, and that can create problems in the long run".

Solar energy is a/an …………… resource
A. convenient
B. dangerous
C. available
D. limited


Answer: Solar energy is a convenient resource

Solar energy is an available resource.

Based on the context of each sentence, choose the word that most closely matches the denotation of the underlined word.
The businessman was a parsimonious person, who could not bear to part with even a single dollar.
A. stubbornness
B. determination
C. greediness
D. stinginess





it's a synonym for parsimonious

its choice C greediness


Led by three young Black Minorca pullets, the hens made a determined effort to thwart Napoleon's wishes. Their method was to fly up to the rafters and there lay their eggs, which smashed to pieces on the floor. Napoleon acted swiftly and ruthlessly. He ordered the hens’ rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death. The dogs saw to it that these orders were carried out. For five days the hens held out, then they capitulated and went back to their nesting boxes. Nine hens had died in the meantime.

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

Which literary device does Orwell most use to support his purpose in writing in this passage?

A. characters, to show that what happens on the farm is fiction.

B. allegory, to show similarities between the farm and the Soviet Union.

C. point of view, to show how the characters think about the murders.

D. setting, to show that events in the Soviet Union may have been caused by the economy.


Allegory to show similarities between the farm and Soviet Union

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
Read the passage. Then choose the best way to complete the sentence.

Information in the passage _____________

introduces a problem and ends with a solution

follows a chronological order

illustrates a cause and an effect

compares and contrasts two things



follows a chronological order


Information in the passage follows a chronological order

The above is correct.

From the passage, we can see that it started from the arrival of Dan Hogan to the Grand Canyon in 1890. It then progressed to the time claimed the Orphan Mine and to the time he built the trails.

It moved to the time he sold the mine to Madeleine Jacobs in 1946. Then to the stoppage and closure of the mine in 1969.

This account supported with the years each event took place actually follows a chronological order.

Chronological order is known to be the order in which the events took place beginning from first to last.


Follows a chronological order


Correct answer for Plato / Edmentum

The ___ tenses are formed by adding am, is, are, was, or were to the present participle (the form of a verb that ends in -ing).

Select one:
a. perfect
b. progressive
c. perfect progressive
d. imperfect


c. perfect progressive

The perfect progressive tenses are formed by adding am , is ,are ,was ,were to the present participle ( the form of a verb that ends in - ing ) .

Hope it is helpful to you

The correct fill-in for the blank to describe the "ing" forms of words is given in option (C). Therefore, perfect progressive is the correct answer.

What is perfect progressive?

The progressive element is used to describe acts that take place as processes through time rather than in a single instant. The present participle or "-ing" forms of basic verbs are always used in the progressive aspect.

The perfect progressive tense, also known as the perfect continuous tense, is used to indicate that an action or event is, was, or will continue to occur (progressively), but that it will end or pertain to a later time (perfect).

First of all, keep in mind that action verbs are the only verbs that can be used with the progressive. The fact that we utilize the simple perfect forms to indicate completed quantities and the progressive perfect forms to emphasize the continuous duration of a single action mentioned is another significant distinction.

Check out the link below to learn more about perfect progressive;



Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.

The traders who came up from Italy offered items they had bought [from] Muslims, which were not available in Europe: fruits such as oranges, apricots, and figs; dyes such as cochineal, which produces a rich red; rare fabrics such as cotton and raw silk. Many of the fabrics that we know of today came to Europe via the Muslims, and their names still show their origins: damask from Damascus, muslin from Mosul, gauzes from Gaza.

Which inference does this passage best support?

Traders brought not only sugar but also other valuable items to Europe.
The most popular items for traders to buy were various fruits and fabrics.
Most types of cloth are named after where they are from instead of what they look like.
After seeing cloth from other lands, Europeans worked to produce similar fabrics.



Traders brought not only sugar but also other valuable items to Europe.


As well as other valuables, traders also brought sugar to Europe. Various fruits and fabrics were the most popular for traders to purchase. Cloth is most commonly named after where it is produced, rather than how it looks. Seeing various types of cloth led Europeans to seek to manufacture more like it.


the answer is A


Which part of Helen Keller's The Story of My Life is the best example of exposition?
A. When Keller describes how her previous weeks had felt like being "at sea
in a dense fog"
B. When Keller describes all the new words she learns from Miss Sullivan
C. When Keller describes her "tussle over the words 'm-u-g' and 'w-a-t-e-r" |
with Miss Sullivan
D. When Keller describes the realization she has about words when the
water runs over her hand
2 of 2


Answer: D when Keller describe how her previous weeks had felt like being at sea in a dense fog


I got it right

Hernandez Rodrigo "Eating Healthy and You" The Journal of US Health and Medicine
Which is the correct way to cite a quotation in the body of his paper using MLA style



(Ridrigo, 68)

Explanation: Give last name then page number.

I have done voluntary work for three years A.I have started to do voluntary work three years ago B.I started to do voluntary work three years ago



B). I started to do voluntary work three years ago.


The second option correctly transforms the given sentence into the past using past indefinite tense. Past indefinite tense is employed to denote the actions that occurred or happened at a particular point of time in the past('started to do voluntary work three years ago'). It is framed using 'subject + V2 + object.' While present perfect tense is employed to denote an action that began in past but still progressed till now. Such actions carry their effects in the present which cannot be possible in the given context as the action took place entirely in the past. Thus, option B is the correct answer.


Marvin Harris writes that Indians are irrational for treating cows as sacred.

Question options:


Marvin Harris tells us that an easy explanation for India's devotion to the cow, and the one most Westerners and Indians would offer, is that cow worship is an integral part of Hinduism. Many Western observers believe that an absurd devotion to the mother cow pervades Indian life.
True, it is true.very true.




occasion - the speech was delivered on November 19 , 1863,after the Battle of Gettysburg

audience - the speech addressed all the citizens of United States

subject - the bravery of Union soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg was the speech topic

speaker - the speech was delivered by Abraham Lincoln

purpose - the speech was part of a ceremony to honor soldiers who died at the Battle of Gettysburg

How is music connected politics? Will give brainliest :)





Music can be a way to express anti-establishment or protest themes.

In both music and political campaigns, you can protest and advocate for something you believe in.

___ is a way of showing that one thought in a sentence is not as important as another.
Select one:
a. Conjunction
b. Subordination
c. Preposition
d. Exposition


Answer: Subordination


A conjunction is a part of speech which helps in connecting words, clauses or phrases together e.g. and, if, but.

A preposition is a word that is used before a noun, or pronoun to show direction, location, time, or place, Examples are at, in, on, of.

An exposition refers to the comprehensive description of an idea. It is a detailed description of an event.

Subordination uses conjunctions to connect a dependent clause to the independent clause which brings about a complex sentence. It shows that one idea isore important than the other.

Select the correct answer.
Authors often include multiple themes in their writing. Two themes expressed in this passage are

the quest for success can be daunting, and self-assurance is essential for facing challenges.
it is important to feel superior to others, and fame and fortune push a person to work hard.
the quest for mastery in a skill can be challenging, and having friends makes life easier.
it is important to follow family traditions, and hard work does not always lead to positive results.


Answer: d


Authors often include multiple themes in their writing. Two themes expressed in this passage are the quest for success can be daunting, and self-assurance is essential for facing challenges. Thus option (A) is correct.

Who is an author?

An author is one who is the source of some form of intellectual or creative work; especially, one who composes a book, article, poem, play, or other literary work intended for publication.

Usually a distinction is made between an author and others (such as a compiler, an editor, or a translator) who assemble, organize, or manipulate literary materials.

Sometimes, however, the title of author is given to one who compiles material (as for publication) in such a way that the finished compilation can be regarded as a relatively original work.

Learn more about an author here:



In a recent gymnastics competition, Team A scored 30 points less than four times the number of points that Team B scored. Team C scored 61 points more than half of the number of points that Team B scored. If Team A and Team C shared in the victory, having earned the same number of points, how many more points did each team have than Team B?



Team A and Team C scored 74 points, that is, 48 points more than Team B, which scored 26 points.


Since in a recent gymnastics competition, Team A scored 30 points less than four times the number of points that Team B scored, and Team C scored 61 points more than half of the number of points that Team B scored, if Team A and Team C shared in the victory, having earned the same number of points, to determine how many more points did each team have than Team B, the following calculation must be performed:

Team A = 4B - 30

Team C = 1 / 2B + 61

4B - 30 = 1 / 2B + 61

4B - 1 / 2B = 61 + 30

3.5B = 91

B = 91 / 3.5

B = 26

Team A = 4 x 26 - 30 = 74

Team C = 0.5 x 26 + 61 = 74

Therefore, Team A and Team C scored 74 points, that is, 48 points more than Team B, which scored 26 points.

Consider the themes present in Animal Farm and explain how these themes relate to the impossibility of the survival of Animalism on Animal Farm.


Solution :

Animal Farm is a novella by the great writer George Orwell. The Animal Farm speaks about the tale of down trodden animals present in the Manor farm. The animals in the farm are oppressed by their masters who take over the farm.

In the beginning of the novel, we are given the idea that the life of the animals in the farm are full of freedom and plenty and later we are shuttered by the cunning and ruthless elite emerges which controls the farm.

The novella is said to be a critique of the revolutionary Russia and the idealism of betrayed by corruption and power.

One of the themes in this novella is to show how easily some pure ideals became corrupt. The novel starts with a old character of a Major who represents to Karl Marx and he is telling animals on his farm of Orwell how powerful it will be to use the language and the propaganda when they are used to control the society.

I need help plzzz this worth a lot of my grade !



The answer is A


He refers back to when the founding fathers founded this land on Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Which is what the Declaration of independence is based on.

Question 9 of 36
Which story premise is the best example of magical realism?
O A. A wizard plunders an ancient dungeon for the secret of how to
tame dragons.
B. Aliens from outer space invade Earth, and only Capybara Man can
stop them.
C. Bo discovers the lost city of Atlantis but can't find a gas station
D. At the battle of the bands, the Lizards face off against Uranium


C. Bo a discovers the lost city of

What are two functions of ellipses?

to set off interesting but unnecessary information
to show a trailing off of a thought
to mark omitted words in a quotation
to introduce a quotation



1. To show an omission of a word or words (including whole sentences) from a text

2. To create a pause for effect

3. To show an unfinished thought

4. To show a trail off into silence

Hope this helps


To show a trailing off of a thought.


I took the quiz I got it right.

Why did Jonathan suspect the army officer? (Civil Peace)​



Which statement summarizes Thoreau’s rebuttal to a counterargument he mentions in the excerpt?
There is more reason to rebel against the government now than there was in 1775.
Now is not the time to resist the government, because it is not behaving tyrannically.
It is the duty of every American to right any wrong they see in their government.
People should not help to stop rebellions in the South



A. There is more reason to rebel against the government now than there was in 1775


I went threw this test so I know

Thoreau's rebuttal to a counterargument he mentions in "Civil Disobedience" is that voting and elections are not enough to ensure a just government, as they merely give citizens the illusion of participation and control. Hence, option C is correct.

What was Thoreau's rebuttal ?

Thoreau argues that individuals have a responsibility to actively work towards creating a just government and that this requires direct action and resistance to unjust laws and policies.

Thoreau's critique of representative democracy in "Civil Disobedience" centers around the idea that citizens should not be satisfied with merely electing representatives to make decisions for them. Thoreau believed that individuals have a responsibility to make decisions for themselves and to act on their own conscience rather than relying on others to do so for them.

Thoreau criticized the idea of majority rule in representative democracies, arguing that the majority is not always right and that individuals have a duty to resist unjust laws even if they are passed by a majority.

He believed that individuals should not wait for the government to change or reform itself, but should instead take action to change the system themselves.

Find more on Thoreau's rebuttal:



mester 1 (2020-2021)
Which statement best summarizes the main idea of the
This excerpt is from Mark Twain's last novel, in which he
describes the life of Joan of Arc through a fictional
character. Read the passage, then answer the question
that follows.
On the steps of the church stood a stranger, a Burgundian
priest, who was telling the people news which made them
weep, and rave, and rage, and curse, by turns. He said
our old mad King was dead, and that now we and France
and the crown were the property of an English baby lying
in his cradle in London. And he urged us to give that
child our allegiance, and be its faithful servants and well-
wishers; and said we should now have a strong and stable
government at last, and that in a little time the English
armies would start on their last march, and it would be a
brief one, for all that it would need to do would be to
conquer what odds and ends of our country yet remained
under that rare and almost forgotten rag, the banner of
When the king of France died, the English claimed
France as their own.
O A Burgundian priest claimed that France actually
belonged to England.
O People rioted when the priest claimed that France
now belonged to England.
O Joan uttered the only harsh words of her life when
she learned that England had claimed France.





bc its right

Statement best summaries the main idea of the passage is Joan uttered the only harsh words of her life when she learned that England had claimed France.Thus the correct answer is D.

Who was Mark Twain's?

Mark Twain's is well known for his contribution in the literature of the america . He is a writer, publisher as well as  also write on the concept of humour.

The main idea of the passage describes the Joan uttered the only harsh words of her life when she learned that England had claimed France.

Learn more about Mark Twain's, here:



How do Romeo and Juliet feel once they discover each other's identities in Romeo and Juliet?
A. Confused
B. Devastated
C. Furious
D. Excited


Romeo and Juliet are feeling confused letter A

Which sentence uses the colon correctly?
A. He wanted: one thing from his family, reconciliation.
B. He wanted one thing: from his family, reconciliation.
C. He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation.
D. He wanted one thing from: his family reconciliation.



C)  He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation.


When using a colon, make sure you have a complete phrase preceding it. "He desired one thing from his family," could stand alone. Reconciliation is the only goal, thus the colon.


C. He wanted one thing from his family: reconciliation


The clouds gathering on the horizon were an inauspicious sign for the outdoor class, so rather than risk getting caught in a downpour, Dara decided to bring the class indoors.

Based on context clues in the sentence, what is the most likely meaning of inauspicious?




Unfavorable possibly


It seems to fit best when swapped with inauspicious




I took the test and got it right

He held the pose for almost fifty seconds and then he picked up his box and came on to the porch and dropped down on the bottom step. “Lady,” he said in a firm nasal voice, “I’d give a fortune to live where I could see me a sun do that every evening.”


Do you have any questions?

Write a letter to your
friend, tell him about
your mothern trip.​




Dear sharmin,

How are you? I hope you are well. In your last letter you wanted to know about my visit to Z’s house. I am sorry for delay to write you.

You know that during last vacation I paid a visit to Z’s house. It was a great experience for me. Z’s house is about 20 kilometers from my house. I went there by bus and it took me about 1 hour to reach there. Z was waiting in the bus stand to receive me. Their house is beside the stand. We I reached there, his parents cordially received me. I stayed there for two days only. Z’s mother is a very affectionate lady. She made different types of Pithas and other foods for me. I enjoyed them very much. They have a big pond where we swam together. We together played and visited different places. Z has a younger sister who is very sweet. She behaved with me as her own brother. Z’s father bought me a nice dress. I can never forget the memory of this visit.

It’s all for today. Please pay a visit to our house whenever you get chance. Waiting for your reply.

Your loving friend

Sujon ahmed


Sujon ahmed

Village: A

Post: B

P.S: C

District: D




Village: A

Post: B

P.S: C

District: D

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