Cameron wants to be an x-ray technician he checks out the area he lives in and finds that there are three hospital systems close to him what does this tell Cameron

a.there are already too many x-rays technicians in the area
b.there plenty of jobs for x-ray technicians in the area
c.there is not a need for x-ray technicians in that job market
d.cameron will have to move to another job market to find a position


Answer 1
Answer is b there are plenty of x Ray technicians in the are

I hope this helps

Thank you
Answer 2

We can see here that the correct answer is: b. there plenty of jobs for x-ray technicians in the area.

Who is a technician ?

A technician is a skilled worker who specializes in a specific field or technical area, often involving the use and maintenance of equipment, technology, or systems. Technicians play a crucial role in various industries, such as healthcare, electronics, automotive, information technology, manufacturing, and more. They are responsible for performing tasks that require technical expertise, troubleshooting, repair, installation, or maintenance of equipment and systems.

The fact that there are three hospital systems close to Cameron's location suggests that there is a demand for x-ray technicians in the area. Multiple hospital systems likely require a significant number of healthcare professionals, including x-ray technicians, to serve the community.

Learn more about technician on


Related Questions

Write a silly story about a talking animal. Include dialogue in your story.



Winnie the Pooh


look him up, its as good as it gets ;)

By Rob John
‘Look at me!’ said the Hare to the other animals. ‘Just look how fast I can run.’
The Hare ran across a field as fast as he could. All the animals agreed that yes the Hare was very fast. The Hare ran back.
‘See,’ he shouted. ‘I’m not even out of breath.’
‘Yeah, that was fast,’ said a Fox.
‘So who wants a race?’ said the Hare. ‘Anybody think they could beat me?’
None of the animals spoke.
‘See,’ said the Hare. ‘You’re all too scared to even try.’
‘I’ll have a go,’ said the Tortoise.
The Hare laughed. ‘You? The slow- est creature in the whole world? I’m not wasting my time racing a Tortoise.’
‘What’s the matter?’ said the Tortoise. ‘Scared I might beat you?’
Some of the animals laughed at that so the Hare said, ‘Alright then, Tortoise. Let’s have a race...right now...then we’ll see who’s laughing.’
‘Not today,’ said the Tortoise. ‘We’ll race next week. Got to do a bit of training first.’
Next morning the animals watched the Tortoise do his ‘training’. First he did some gentle stretching exer- cises to warm himself up...
...and then he started to run.
‘Has he started running yet?’ asked the Fox.
‘Hard to tell with Tortoises,’ said the Badger. ‘He’s definitely moving.’
‘Is he?’ said the Fox.
‘Tortoise, are you sure about this?’ said the Crow. ‘I mean the Hare IS very fast and you...well...’

‘Don’t worry,’ said the Tortoise. ‘This is just day one. I’ll speed up. You’ll see.’
On the day of the race crowds of animals came to watch. The Tortoise slowly made his way to the starting line and then suddenly...
...the Hare arrived at top speed wearing a brand new track suit and four expensive-looking trainers.
‘The race starts here.’ said the Fox pointing to a line on the ground. ‘And ends at that tree on the other side of the field. First one to touch the tree is the winner.’
‘Right, let’s get on with it,’ said the Hare. ‘Ready Tortoise? Ready to see some real speed?’
‘I’m ready,’ said the Tortoise.
‘Ready, steady...go!’ said the Fox and the race began.
The Hare roared off then stopped and looked back. The Tortoise was still crossing the starting line. The Hare ran back to the Tortoise.
‘Didn’t you hear him say go? You can start, you know.’
‘I have started,’ said the Tortoise.
‘Look,’ said the Hare. ‘You’re going so slowly I’m going to have a rest. Might even have a little sleep. I’ll finish the race when I wake up and still beat you by miles.’
The Hare lay down in the sun and fell asleep. The Tortoise kept going. Slowly, steadily he moved across the field and by evening time he was getting close to the finishing tree. Still the Hare slept on and now the animals started to get excited.
‘You know what? I think he might win,’ said a Rabbit.
‘I can’t believe it,’ said the Badger. ‘The Tortoise might actually win.’
The animals started to get excited and as the Tortoise got close to the finishing tree they started to cheer.
‘Come on Tortoise,’ they shouted. ‘Nearly there. Keep going old friend. Keep going.’
But the noise of the cheering crowd woke up the Hare. He looked across the field, saw the Tortoise about to reach the tree and in a flash he was running.

The Tortoise heard the Hare thund- ering up behind him but he kept going...and going...and suddenly he was there. Just in time the Tortoise touched the tree with
his nose. He’d done it. The Tortoise had beaten the Hare fair and square.
‘There you go,’ said the Badger. ‘Slow and steady’s sometimes bet- ter than fast and flashy.’
‘Not fair,’ said the Hare. ‘I was asleep. We have to run the race again. It’s not fair.’
But no-one was listening to the Hare

Jonas has gone through a whirlwind of drama in the first nineteen chapters of this novel. If he were to have written a four-stanza poem about everything happening in his life in the nineteen chapters, what would it sound like?

From the novel "The Giver".



hihjj did fnf dheu Bhuj why you are not the intended addressee s and may get the information you need to do you in

I think that you should write about the dystopia and how he feels about it but definitely expand on the dystopia.

Which sentence should be revised to eliminate repetition??



the first one


because it is meaningless

Answer: C


Each excerpt can be rearranged and placed as it would be in a complete essay. The excerpt given as the third choice is repetitive of the first choice in the fact that it talks about limiting an internet users search results. The first excerpt is seen as coming after the last excerpt and flows quite a lot better than the last and the third. Happy learning! : )

need this rigth now plz help





because no where in the paragraph does it say that ALL junior college students choose to also go to a regular college, and the whole point of this paragraph is to tell the reader that it many people decide to go to a junior college first, because it’s cheaper. hope this helped

i think the answer is c

Nights and Dragons— From the memoir of author Abigail Prynne I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed. The text discusses the Chinese calendar by writing, "Dragons are included along with eleven real animals." What does that imply?
(A. Dragons are the only fake animal on the Chinese calendar.
(B. Dragons are not the only fake animal on the Chinese calendar.
(C. Dragons are real because all the other animals on the calendar are fake.
(D. Dragons are real because all the other animals on the calendar are real.



Well i guess dragons are the only fake animal on the Chinese calendar because we only mostly heard about dragon's in paper and other then that

d- dragons are real Bc all other animals on the calendar are real.

In the spaces to the left of each number write P for phrase, IC for independent clause, and DC for dependent clause.
______ 1. Under extreme pressure

______ 2. To turn to the right

______ 3. Knitting is difficult

______ 4. Who the best candidate will be

______ 5. In time of extreme danger

______6 Listen

______ 7. When I heard

______ 8. Until you told me

______ 9. I was chosen

______ 10. Whom he addressed

______ 11. Seen in the park

______ 12. Walk carefully

______ 13. Angered by that remark

______ 14. Before the exam

______ 15. Before he left

______ 16. On the floor were my books

______ 17. Jump

______ 18. Since swimming in the lake

______ 19. Riding home in the car

______ 20. Besides jogging

______ 21. After the dinner party

______ 22. Each answered

______ 23. Driving home

______ 24. Reading helps

______ 25. Giving him a lift

______ 26. Speak clearly

______ 27. Since few arrived

______ 28. No one saw

______ 29. Jumping is exhausting.

______ 30. Besides doing your work

______ 31. Until we leave

______ 32. That fell

______ 33. Where it fell

______ 34. Before crossing the street

______ 35. While we waited

______ 36. Have a great time

______ 37. Which is yours

______ 38. No one cared

______ 39. Left for dead

______ 40. Because they went​



1. P

2. P

3. IC

4. DC

5. P

6. IC

7. DC

8. DC

9. IC

10. DC

11. DC

12. IC

13. P

14. P

15. DC

16. IC

17. IC

18. P

19. DC

20. P

21. P

22. DC

23. P

24. DC

25. P

26. IC

27. DC

28. IC

29. IC

30. DC

31. P

32. IC

33. DC

34. DC

35. DC

36. IC

37. IC

38. DC

39. DC

40. DC

(The dude who wrote this was correct. I checked it on paper. I hope this helps you.)

Answers of the following are

___P___ Under extreme pressure

____P__ To turn to the right

___IC___ Knitting is difficult

__DC____  Who the best candidate will be

____P__ In time of extreme danger

____IC__ Listen

___DC___ When I heard

____DC__  Until you told me

__IC____ I was chosen

___DC___ Whom he addressed

___DC___ Seen in the park

____IC__  Walk carefully

___P___ Angered by that remark

___P___  Before the exam

__DC____  Before he left

__IC____ On the floor were my books

___IC___  Jump

___P___ Since swimming in the lake

__DC___  Riding home in the car

____P__  Besides jogging

____P__  After the dinner party

___DC___ Each answered

___P___  Driving home

___DC___  Reading helps

__P____  Giving him a lift

__IC____  Speak clearly

___DC___ Since few arrived

___IC___  No one saw

____IC__  Jumping is exhausting.

___DC___ Besides doing your work

___P___ Until we leave

___IC___ That fell

___DC___ Where it fell

___DC___  Before crossing the street

___DC___ While we waited

___IC___  Have a great time

___IC___ Which is yours

___DC___  No one cared

__DC____ Left for dead

___DC___ Because they went

What are Independent Clause?

An Independent Clause also known as Main Clause that can stand by itself as a simple sentence. Independent Clause contains a subject and a predicate and makes sense by itself. A semicolon or a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction can be used to align independent clauses.

What are Dependent Clause?

Dependent clause lacks a complete notion, a dependent clause, also known as a subordinate clause, is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Dependent Clause has a subject and verb.

To learn more about Dependent Clause And Independent Clause here


Please help mee read this and summarize the story pleaseee read the whole thing




answer: your picture isn’t loading

explanation: i’m not sure what the picture or story is but to summarize a text just take some important details

true or false: An epic work is a story or poem that focuses on heroic characters that act out grand struggles.



I think the answer is False


Sorry if it is not:-(


It is true because epic means a long narrative poem about a larger-than-life hero

can someone please help me with this ​



Is it possible to easily end homelsessness in America? Homelessness is an economic problem. Homelessness lack access to health care and often have chronic illnesses, made worse by tough living conditions. sleeping outside in all weather, eating cheap starchy foods, and being in close quarters at social service agencies with other unhealthy people. Homelessness also causes negative effects like loss of self-esteem,  Becoming institutionalized, Increase in substance misuse. There are so many problems and we would be furthermore in-depth  So no it's not easily possible to end homelessness in America.


Please give brainly if this helped.

this is correct i just did it

Which of these best describes how to reduce wordiness in this sentence??


I’d choose the last one but it may not be correct.

The first one because the sentence has no need to know about when it was after New Years because you start your new year resolution after the New Years

someone please help me



epic 426

non epic 153 hope this will help you

what did u get for the answer??

I'm writing a book.
I can't decide the name of the lead character.
Luna or eurus



Luna sounds like a good name, what's the story about?


whoever u r i prefer curus

Which statement accurately describes a cause-and-effect relationship described in this excerpt?

Because Napoleon departs for France, the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt.
Because the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt, Napoleon decides to depart for France.
Because the French soldiers are tearing down a ruined wall in a fort, they discover the Rosetta Stone.
Because the French soldiers are searching for the Rosetta Stone, they tear down a ruined wall in a fort.


because the french soldiers are searching for the rosetta stone they tear down a ruined wall in a fort!
because the french soldiers where searching for rosetta stone they ended up tearing the wall

Match the definition to the word.


the act of forcing one to leave a group, often a means of punishment


pertaining to the Holy Scripture

Biblical (or biblical)

the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ


a dispute between people




disgrace or dishonor on a person


correctly, properly




pertaining to fables; amazing or incredible in nature


conforming to the rules of a language




fabulous: pertaining to fables; amazing or incredible in nature

biblical: pertaining to the Holy Scripture

christianity: the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ

grammatical: conforming to the rules of a language

brave: courageous

inaccessible: unreachable

expulsion: the act of forcing one to leave a group, often a means of punishment

duly: correctly, properly

defamation: disgrace or dishonor on a person

(you didn't give much clarification had to guess which ones were the words and definition)


pertaining to the Holy Scripture = Biblical (or biblical)

Christianity = the religion of the followers of Jesus Christ

the act of forcing one to leave a group, often a means of punishment = expulsion

conforming to the rules of a language = grammatical

disgrace or dishonor on a person = defamation

a dispute between people = argument

courageous = brave

pertaining to fables; amazing or incredible in nature = fabulous

Inaccessible = unreachable

correctly, properly = duly

Which statement best evaluates the effectiveness of the conclusion
Thesis Statement: My future job must include human interaction, a
nontraditional workspace, and teamwork.
Main Points:
1. Work with people
2. Work in a nontraditional workspace
3. Work in a place where coworkers share ideas
Conclusion: In the end, my future job will be one that allows me to
collaborate with my coworkers in dynamic and nontraditional
workspaces. If I am forced to sit behind a desk I will be extremely bored. Furthermore, I will be less productive if I am forced to work alone without the chance to discuss ideas with my coworkers. So the next time an adult asks me what I want to do when
I grow up, I will tell them a job without a desk, in an office full of
people. That's my dream job!

A. The conclusion is effective because it presents interesting information not addressed in the body paragraphs.
B. The conclusion is ineffective because it does not restate the thesis in a new way.
C. The conclusion is effective because it restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, and includes a satisfying close.
D. The conclusion is ineffective because it fails to leave the reader with a thought-provoking question.


I think the answer will be B because I’m smart and I know how to do that
The answer for this question is C.

which phrase is the most negative connotation: a garnish style, a bold style, or a gaudy style



a bold style


because it makes you speak well


The most negative connotation is a bold style. I'm not 100% sure but I got this exact same question on my test and I answered, 'A bold style'.


It helps you speak better and be better.

Solve this analogy.







teachers educate and politicians govern

Teacher is to educate as politician is to govern

Write a story that takes place on another planet. Underline (or all caps) the adjectives you use to describe the setting.



It was Alex's first day on planet RX after the emergancy evacuation. It was a quite UNUSAL planet and much different from Earth. Planet RX had a BRIGHT PINK sky that was FILLED with BLUE, FLUFFY clouds with HUGE dog-like animals flying through the air. The air had a SWEET smell to it, every time Alex inhaled it reminded her of candy and cake. The ground was very SMOOTH and it was SOFT like a pillow, it was also a very DARK RED color almost like blood. The weather on planet RX was very HOT and SUNNY; going out without any sunscreen or protection from the sun would usually lead to very PAINFUL burns and rashes all over the body. Alex had lots to learn about planet RX and she had to do it QUICKLY.  


E.t came to earth and touch a boys finger then rode his bike across the moon ( et summed up)

Why is page one of the story the importance of being earnest important?

Scene: Morning-room in ALGERNON'S flat in Half Moon Street
The room is luxuriously and artistically furnished. The
sound of a piano is heard in the adjoining room. LANE is
arranging afternoon tea on the table, and after the music has
ceased, ALGERNON enters.
ALGERNON. Did you hear what I was playing, Lane?
LANE. I didn't think it polite to listen, sir.
ALGERNON. I'm sorry for that, for your sake. I don't
play accurately — any one can play accurately — but I
play with a wonderful expression. As far as the piano is
concerned, sentiment is my forte. I keep science for
LANE. Yes, sir.
ALGERNON. And, speaking of the science of Life, have

you got the cucumber sandwiches cut for Lady Bracknell?

LANE. Yes, sir. (Hands them on a salver.)
ALGERNON. (Inspects them, takes two, and sits down on the
sofa.) Oh! ... by the way, Lane, I see from your book that
on Thursday night when Lord Shoreman and Mr. Worthing were dining with me, eight bottles of champagne are entered as having been consumed.

Yes, sir; eight bottles and a pint.

Why is it that at a bachelor’s establishment the servants invariably drink the champagne? I ask merely for information.






cuz its only 1 page so everything is important


A prompt—executive Bird is the Jay

by Emily Dickinson

A prompt—executive Bird is the Jay—
Bold as a Bailiff's1 Hymn—
Brittle and Brief in quality—
Warrant2 in every line—

Sitting a Bough3 like a Brigadier4
Confident and straight—
Much is the mien5 of him in March
As a Magistrate6—

legal officer
legal action
branch of a tree
army officer (British)

I Heard a Bird Sing

By Oliver Herford

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.

"We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,”
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.

Review the two poems. What literary device is used in "I Heard a Bird Sing" that is not used in "A prompt—executive Bird is the Jay"?

Dramatic irony


A prompt isn’t the answer

melissa has chosen a career in business administration what would be a good job market for melissa.

a. a bustling city with many businesses
b.a rural area with lots of farms
c.a coastal town
d.a concentrated manufacturing district


A., since her degree is in business, there are more opportunities for her to get the money she deserves.


A bustling city with many businesses would be the ideal place for her, looking at her career she would be able to profit more from a city with many businesses who could come to her for help regarding different problems.


Use the excerpt below to answer the question.

That the inhabitants of the English colonies in North-America, by the immutable laws of nature, the principles of the English constitution, and the several charters or compacts, have the following RIGHTS:

. . . That they are entitled to life, liberty and property: and they have never ceded to any foreign power whatever, a right to dispose of either without their consent.

—Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, 1774

In the Declaration of Independence, one of the rights listed in this excerpt was replaced with which of the following as an unalienable right?

Group of answer choices

rule by democracy

expression of ideas

pursuit of happiness

freedom to worship



rule by democracy


if im right please add me brainly


rule by democracy


***50 POINTS***
Give a definition for the following 5 words:
-Moral Values:
-Economic Values:
-Political Values:
-Social Values:
-Human Rights:



Moral values- a certain type of guideline that we humans set for ourselves based on what is ethical and good

Economic Values- are things considered when making a purchase or selling something, these are considered to see if the transaction is really worthwhile

political values- a political value is what we consider to be important to us when choosing a political figure to represent us

social values- is the importance we place on experiences and people around us

human rights- rights that we consider a belief that every person is entitled to simply because they are people

These are definitions to my understanding and might not be what you're looking for, let me know if it helped!


Moral values are relative values that protect life and are respectful of the dual life value of self and others.

economic value is a measure of the benefit provided by a good or service to an economic agent.

In a written story, the dialogue is different then the rest of the story because _. punctuation marks are used,sentinses and paragraphs are used, and periods are used. please hurry I need help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have to go feed my horse


Sentences and paragraphs
Just ignote this im only doing this so that i message people

Find the root and its meaning in the word below. Use a dictionary if necessary.



7.absence of


Root: 3.
Meaning: Health




hffggfy uyhjifbuyg yggjigf yygggh uhggghgg hhgg

Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.

Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.

Which of the following statements best describes this paragraph?

The paragraph contains categories of comparison.
The paragraph contains a simile.
The paragraph contains no text connections.
The paragraph contains an analogy.


I just woke you so much lol lol I’m bout to go get home and now I need some money to do my hair and then
um, i think the answer is “the paragraph contains a comparison

Fahrenheit 451 HELP!
symbol, metaphor, simile, allusion, and foreshadowing.
(Give examples and page numbers!)


Answer: easy peasy

Explanation: G O O G L E is the best answer

Figurative Language

Connotations: Snake (literal animal), connotation is the negative (snake-not very loyal with a negative connotation). Think about a positive, negative or neutral connotation.

Simile: Uses like, as, than, or resembles.
Ex: Her hair bounced like a spring.

Metaphor: A comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as.
Ex: Her eyes shot moon beams into me.

Personification: Giving human-like qualities to inanimate objects.
Ex: The wind whispered warnings to turn back.

Imagery: Descriptive language that appeals to the five senses— needs either sight, sound, smell, touch, taste.
Ex: Light, foamy clouds tickled the crisp, blue sky.

Symbolism: When something is used to represent a deeper meaning.
Ex: It is now his darkest hour
He bled Stars and Stripes.

Civil Disobedience

Part 2:

Thoreau’s ideas had a profound effect on a man named Gandhi. Gandhi, was a leader in India who worked to end British rule. He led India to independence and inspired many to non-violent forms of protest and resistance. He fought to end poverty, worked to expand women's right to vote, and built bridges between ethnic and religious groups. Like Thoreau, he lived simply, owned very little, and ate a vegetarian diet. In India, Gandhi's form of protest was called the "non-cooperation movement." He urged Indians to boycott British education systems and leave government jobs. The movement was very popular, and in part to stop its spread, the British controlled government arrested him. After a few years, he was released and became active in politics again. He inspired many to follow him on marches to protest various taxes. On one such march, thousands followed him 240 miles over 24 days to the sea to protest a salt tax. This march set the example of non-violent resistance to the government that others in the country followed. Eventually India won independence from Britain, in large part because of Gandhi work.

Gandhi's model of resistance and reform was creative, appealing, and successful. As a result, Dr. Martin Luther King looked to Gandhi when the time came to find a way to resist segregation in the South. The lunch counter protests, famous for the passive response to anger, and even violence, aimed to end the separation enforced by laws in some regions of the South. King also organized walks, marches, and bus rides that were meant to bring attention to the issues facing African Americans. These forms of protest were directly modeled on Gandhi's, but King took them straight to the source of oppression. Where Gandhi's protests created awareness and built momentum, King's protests were in the face of great hatred and fear. The passive, non-violent protests were ultimately effective, mainly because the passive response to violence cast the opposition as brutes. However, change came slowly and at the cost of many lives. King remained committed to peaceful protest, however, until his death. King learned from Gandhi, expanding on what worked, applying old techniques to a new problem. Gandhi owed his philosophy, in part, to a New England poet who loved the woods.

Based on the bolded paragraph, which line shows the success of Gandhi work?

Eventually India won independence from Britain, in large part because of Gandhi work.
After a few years, he was released and became active in politics again.
… thousands followed him 240 miles over 24 days to the sea to protest a salt tax.
Like Thoreau, he lived simply, owned very little, and ate a vegetarian diet.



Yes mate it does





i did the text

In the spaces to the left of each number write P for phrase, IC for independent clause, and DC for dependent clause.
______ 1. Under extreme pressure

______ 2. To turn to the right

______ 3. Knitting is difficult

______ 4. Who the best candidate will be

______ 5. In time of extreme danger

______6 Listen

______ 7. When I heard

______ 8. Until you told me

______ 9. I was chosen

______ 10. Whom he addressed

______ 11. Seen in the park

______ 12. Walk carefully

______ 13. Angered by that remark

______ 14. Before the exam

______ 15. Before he left

______ 16. On the floor were my books

______ 17. Jump

______ 18. Since swimming in the lake

______ 19. Riding home in the car

______ 20. Besides jogging



1. DC 2. P 3. DC 4. IC 5. P 6. DC 7. P 8. P 9. DC 10. IC 11. DC 12. DC 13. P 14. DC 15. DC 16. P 17. DC 18. P 19. P 20. Dc


1 P
2 IC
3 DC
4 DC
5 DC
6 P
7 IC


Read the following scenario: Cinderella's stepmother has forbidden her to go to the ball until all of her chores are done. Cinderella enlists the help of her animal friends to get her chores done and make a dress for the ball. Which outcome would best describe this scenario?

The character defeats the problem.
The character learns to live with the problem.
The problem defeats the character.
The character does not learn from the problem.


The answer is that the character defeats the problem
The character defeats the problem because she still ends up going to the ball
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Why is free press a cornerstone of a democratic society how to not addUse methods to: 1. Get a String from the user at the command line 2. Populate an ArrayList of Character data (the wrapper class), with each char in the String represented as a separate Character element in the ArrayList 3. Output each Character to the command line, each on a separate line space into my array list express the following in standard form 1) 5,94,00,00,00,0002) 6892.25 Plz tell Too many objects inside a laboratory fume hood can disrupt the airflow and possibly compromise you safety. Which of the following are considered best practices in the use of a laboratory fume hood?a. Open the sash as much as possible b. Work at least 25 cm inside the hood c. Use fast, quick movements to limit your exposure d. Place objects to one sidework on other side e. Use a raised along the back of the hood (4,-5) with slope of 2 What is \redD{\text{A}}Astart color #e84d39, start text, A, end text, end color #e84d39 rounded to the nearest ten? x.(9x-1).(x+2)-x(3x-1).(3x+1) Which shows two triangles that are congruent by ASA? A gift wrapped box that wants to become a human in comic strip form mine is a Chamaeleon and a human who is helping to get her into a human form Two friends go to a Mexican restaurant for lunch. One friend orders 1 soft taco and3 burritos and his bill was $8.75. The other friend's bill was $10.00 and he ordered 4soft tacos and 2 burritos. What is the cost of a taco and what is the cost of aburrito?The cost of a taco is:The cost of a burrito is: hey can u help me in my hw Human activities also cause the earth quake explain and plz don't write the thing not related 2 the question. PLEASE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!! Edgar Allan Poe The great American writer Edgar Allan Poe is known for his haunting poetry and his literary criticism. His skill as a critic had great influence on the writing of his time; it also earned him enemies. Poe led a life that can only be described as tragic, yet he left an indelible mark on American literature. Considering its tone and language, who would be the most likely audience for this passage How To Demonstrate Successful Leadership In The Workplace By Dionne Mahaffey, Founder of The Life Purpose Coaching Institute As with all skills, some of us are more adept at leadership than others. However, if you find yourself lacking in this area, keep in mind that your current struggles may be taking you down the pathway to eventual success. You can leverage the key fundamentals of successful leadership in order to impact your team and become the leader you desire to be. Successful leaders are effective communicators. In fact, communication will most likely be the major building block of your success in leadership. What makes a communicator effective, exactly? I have found the following guidelines to be helpful: Always consider all angles before crafting your message. Think about the "who," "what" and "how" of the situation. Keep the following questions in mind: What is the issue at hand? How can it be solved? Who am I asking to take action? What are the possible obstacles? What tools will I need to provide to make the process easier? Make sure your message is understood. Anyone can deliver a message, but not everyone confirms that the message is understood. Dont hesitate to repeat yourself to make a point. Always ask your team members if they have any questions or comments. Wait five-to-10 seconds before moving on in order to give your team time to process the information and formulate responses. Manage and prevent conflicts with consideration and purpose. Handle conflict between employees immediately. Otherwise, you risk the creation of a toxic environment where employees fail to see you as a capable leader. Stay a step ahead and strive to prevent conflict by observing your employees and learning their emotional triggers. For example, consider your employees working styles: some are very methodical, plugging along to the end. Others procrastinate and then rush to accomplish everything at the last minute. A way to avoid conflict is to pair employees with similar working styles. Give specific and appropriate praise for individual and team efforts. When you specifically state what you appreciate, your praise should translate as being authentic, not as an empty gesture. For example, The candid testimonials you gathered gave us valuable insight on the product that we wouldnt have had otherwise. This conveys exactly what impressed you, and offers the bonus of reinforcing desired behavior.Title of Text: How to Demonstrate Successful Leadership in the WorkplaceAuthor: Dionne Mahaffey ---------------Subject: Occasion: Audience: Purpose: Speaker: Tone: 13 Water is pulled up from a well in a bucket on a rope. The rope winds on a cylindrical drum 15 cm in diameter. It takes 28 turns of the drum to pull the bucket up from the bottom of the well. How deep is the well? (Use the value 2 for m.) A developer purchased two 135-front-foot lots for $22,900 net each and divided them into three lots of equal front footage. The developer sold the lots for $230 per front foot. Calculate the developer's percentage of profit (round to the nearest whole percentage point). Find f(-3) if f(x) = x2 .Type a numerical answer in the space provided. Do not type spaces in your answer. Positive punishment is the introduction of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior and negative punishment is the withdrawal of a(n) ________ stimulus following a behavior. Select one: aversive; aversive pleasant; aversive pleasant; pleasant aversive; pleasant Complete the passage with the conditional perfect forms of the verbs provided in parentheses.Fill in the blanks:Cuando estaba en Puerto Rico, fui a la casa de una amiga para cenar. Llegu muy puntual a su casa. La madre de mi amiga an no habapreparado la cena. Despus me di cuenta de que era sobreentendido que los invitados llegaban con un poco de retraso a los eventossociales en Puerto Rico. Si alguien me lo hubiera dicho, no ______ (llegar) tan en punto. Despus de media hora, Victoria tambin lleg. Nossentamos a comer y cuando acab el primer plato, la madre de mi amiga me ofreci una segunda porcin. No la acept ya que estaba llena.Ms tarde supe que era mala educacin. Si lo hubiera sabido, ______ (aceptar) una segunda porcin. Despus de comer, me desped y mefui. Luego Victoria me dijo que era costumbre que los invitados se quedaran un rato ms para charlar. Yo no ______ (salir) tan temprano desu casa. A la maana siguiente Victoria me cont que tuvo que volver sola a su apartamento. Si me hubiera dicho que le daba miedo ir solapor la calle, le ______ (ofrecer) llevarla ya que tena auto. PLZZZ HELPPP, IF NOT 100% SURE PLZ DONT ANSWERBRAINLIEST TO FIRST AND CORRECT ANSWER, THX TO SECOND AND CORRECT ANSWER