Camper's Edge Factory produces two products: canopies and tents. The total factory overhead is budgeted at $750,000 for the year, divided between two departments ----Cutting, $350,000, and Sewing, $400,000. Each canopy requires 2 direct labor hours in Cutting and 1 direct labor hour in Sewing. Each tent requires 1 direct labor hour in Cutting and 6 direct labor hours in Sewing. Production for the year is budgeted for 20,000 canopies and 10,000 tents.

a. Determine the total number of budgeted direct labor hours for the year in each department.
b. Determine the factory overhead allocated per unit of each product using the department factory overhead allocation rates using direct labor hours as the base.


Answer 1


Camper's Edge Factory

Departments                                  Cutting             Sewing

a. The total number of budgeted

   direct labor hours for the year  60,000            70,000

b. Products                                     Canopy          Tent

   Factory overhead per unit         $17.50            $40


a) Data and Calculations:

Total budgeted factory overhead = $750,000

                                               Canopy        Tent     Total

Direct labor hours  

Cutting                                       2                     1         3

Sewing                                       1                     6         7

Total direct labor hours            3                    7

Budgeted production units 20,000          10,000

Departments                              Cutting                        Sewing

Budgeted factory overhead  $350,000                     $400,000

Direct labor hours:

Canopy                                  40,000 (20,000 * 2)          10,000 (10,000 * 1)

Tent                                       20,000 (20,000 * 1)          60,000 (10,000 * 6)

Total direct labor hours        60,000                              70,000

Overhead allocation rates     $5.833                               $5.714

                         ($350,000/60,000)                              ($400,000/70,000)

Overhead per unit              $17.50 ($5.833 * 3)            $40 ($5.714 * 7)


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5-5 TIME TO REACH A FINANCIAL GOAL You have $33,556.25 in a brokerage account, and you
plan to deposit an additional $5,000 at the end of every future year until your account totals
$220,000. You expect to earn 12% annually on the account. How many years will it take to
reach your goal?



22 is the right answer bro fgjjfycugyvyygyghu

Two investment centers at Marshman Corporation have the following current-year income and asset data:
Investment Center A Investment Center B
Investment center income$525,000 $635,000
Investment center average invested assets$4,600,000 $3,050,000
The return on investment (ROI) for Investment Center A is:________.


Answer: 11.41%


Return on assets refers to the amount of income earned per capital invested. It is calculated by the formula:

= Net income / Average assets invested

ROI for Center A will therefore be:

= 525,000 / 4,600,000

= 0.1141

= 11.41%

Alyeska Services Company, a division of a major oil company, provides various services to the operators of the North Slope oil field in Alaska. Data concerning the most recent year appear below: Sales $ 17,700,000 Net operating income $ 5,300,000 Average operating assets $ 35,100,000 Required: 1. Compute the margin for Alyeska Services Company. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) 2. Compute the turnover for Alyeska Services Company. (Round your answer to 2 decimal places.) 3. Compute the return on investment (ROI) for Alyeska Services Company.


Answer:Profit margin = 29.94%

 Asset Turnover =0.50

Return on investment (ROI) =15.09%



Sales for the year =  $ 17,700,000

Net Operating Income =  $ 5,300,000

Average Operating Assets =  $ 35,100,000

a)Profit margin = (Net operating income/Net sales ) x 100%

= $5,300,000/$17,700,000 x 100%  = 29.94%.

This shows that the Alyeska Services company has ability to turn income to profit by  29.94%

b.  Asset Turnover =  Total Sales/ Average Total Assets  = $17,700,000/$35,100,000 = 0.50

c. Return on investment (ROI) =Net income/Total investment  x 100%

 = $ 5,300,000/ $ 35,100,000 x 100% =15.09%

If a firm was receiving subsidies from its government to produce and lower its operating costs, what may happen when going to sell its products to other countries



Government subsidies some countries soften bed

ai là người giàu nhất thế giới



Jeff Bezos


Jeff Bezos là người sáng lập Amazon và có giá trị tài sản ròng là 205 tỷ USD

Đây là danh sách các nhà vận chuyển tiền được xếp hạng:

Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon and has a net worth of $205 billion Here's a list of billionaire's ranked:

Money spent on groceries is an example of a/an


Expense. Hope this helped!

Which of the following The holding-period return (HPR) on a share of stock is equal to(s) the level of real interest rates? I) The supply of savings by households and business firms II) The demand for investment funds III) The government's net supply and/or demand for funds


Answer: D. I, II, and III.


The demand for investment funds determines the demand for loanable funds and when this is higher than the supply, the rate increases. The reverse it true. It therefore affects real interest rates.

The savings of households and business firms are the source of loanable funds so if these are high relative to demand, the rate will decrease. The reverse is true.

Government demand for funds will increase interest rates as the supply will decrease when the government borrows massively. The reverse is true.

All three therefore impart real interest rates.

If the price of oil, a close substitute for coal, increases then:

a. the demand curve for coal will shift to the right.
b. equilibrium price and quantity of coal will not change.
c. supply curve for coal will shift to the right.
d. demand curve for coal will shift to the left.
e. supply curve of coal will shift to the left.





Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good.

if the price of a good increases, the demand for the substitute increases and if the price of the good reduces, the demand for the substitute increases.

If the price of oil increases, it becomes cheaper to buy coal. As a result, there would be a rightward shift of the demand curve for coal. As a result, the equilibrium price and quantity would increase

XYZ has two divisions: South and West. Overall net operating income is $26,900. South Division's segment margin is $42,800 and West Division's segment margin is $29,900. What is the amount of the common fixed expense not traceable to the individual divisions?
a. $45,800.
b. S56800.
d. $72,700.



a. $45,800.


The computation of the common fixed expense not traceable is given below

Combined segment margin of two divisions ($42,800 + $29,900) $72,700

Less: net income -$26,900

Non traceable fixed cost $45,800

Hence, the amount of the common fixed expense not traceable to the individual divisions is $45,800

Therefore the option a is correct

Pureform, Inc., uses the weighted-average method in its process costing system. It manufactures a product that passes through two departments. Data for a recent month for the first department follow:

Units Materials Labor Overhead
Work in process inventory, beginning 64,000 $64,800 $27,900 $34,600
Units started in process 609,000
Units transferred out 630,000
Work in process inventory, ending 43,000
Cost added during the month $856,330 $343,735 $426,740

The beginning work in process inventory was 85% complete with respect to materials and 70% complete with respect to labor and overhead. The ending work in process inventory was 65% complete with respect to materials and 25% complete with respect to labor and overhead.

a. Compute the first department's equivalent units of production for materials, labor, and overhead for the month.
b. Determine the first department's cost per equivalent unit for materials, labor, and overhead for the month.



Pureform, Inc.

                                                            Materials    Labor      Overhead

a. Equivalent units of production       657,950    640,750     640,750

b. Cost per equivalent unit                  $1.4           $0.58           $0.67


a) Data and Calculations:


Work in process inventory, beginning 64,000  

Units started in process                     609,000

Units available for processing           673,000

Units transferred out                         630,000

Work in process inventory, ending     43,000

                                                                 Materials    Labor      Overhead

Work in process inventory, beginning   $64,800   $27,900     $34,600

Cost added during the month             $856,330  $343,735   $426,740

Total production costs for the month   $921,130   $371,635  $430,200

Equivalent units of production:

                                                            Units    Materials    Labor    Overhead

Units transferred out                     630,000   630,000  630,000   630,000

Work in process inventory, ending 43,000     27,950      10,750      10,750

Equivalent units of production                       657,950  640,750   640,750

Cost per equivalent unit:

                                                               Materials    Labor      Overhead

Total production costs for the month   $921,130   $371,635  $430,200

Equivalent units of production              657,950    640,750     640,750

Cost per equivalent unit                         $1.4           $0.58           $0.67

Accurate Metal Company sold 36,500 units of its product at a price of $340 per unit. Total variable cost per unit is $179, consisting of $172 in variable production cost and $7 in variable selling and administrative cost. Compute the manufacturing margin for the company under variable costing.


Answer: $6,132,000


The manufacturing margin for the company under variable costing will use the variable production costs only as these are the variable costs incurred during manufacturing:

Variable manufacturing margin = ( Sales price - Variable cost per unit) * number of units

= (340 - 172) * 36,500

= 168 * 36,500

= $6,132,000

Tan Corporation of Japan has two regional divisions with headquarters in Osaka and Yokohama. Selected data on the two divisions follow: Division Osaka Yokohama Sales $ 9,400,000 $ 24,000,000 Net operating income $ 752,000 $ 2,400,000 Average operating assets $ 2,350,000 $ 8,000,000 Required: 1. For each division, compute the return on investment (ROI) in terms of margin and turnover. 2. Assume that the company evaluates performance using residual income and that the minimum required rate of return for any division is 18%. Compute the residual income for each division.



1. Osaka ROI 32 %

Yokohoma ROI 30%

2.Osaka Residual income $329,000

Yokohoma Residual income $960,000


1. Computation for return on investment (ROI) in terms of margin and turnover.

Using this formula

ROI = Net operating income/Average operating assets

Let plug in the morning

Osaka ROI = 752,000/2,350,000

Osaka ROI =32 %

Yokohoma ROI = 2,400,000/$ 8,000,000

Yokohoma ROI =30%

Therefore for return on investment (ROI) in terms of margin and turnover is :

Osaka ROI 32 %

Yokohoma ROI 30%

2. Computation for the residual income for each division.

Using this formula

Residual income = Net operating income - Required return

Let plug in the formula

Osaka Residual income= 752,000 - (2,350,000*18%)

Osaka Residual income= 752,000-423,000

Osaka Residual income = $329,000

Yokohoma Residual income = 2,400,000 - ($8,000,000*18%)

Yokohoma Residual income = 2,400,000-1,440,000

Yokohoma Residual income= $960,000

Therefore the residual income for each division is:

Osaka Residual income $329,000

Yokohoma Residual income $960,000

Why do tourism business have market cost for the printing​



Launching tourist ventures involves overcoming two major hurdles: first, the venture must be

financed; and second, demand must be generated. In particular, the marketing of tourism and

hospitality ventures provides special challenges, the ability to reach the target market and convince

them to travel to remote locations being a critical success factor (Dolli, N.; Pinfold, J.F., 1997). Thus,

the main issue related to the marketing of tourist services is not their production, but their sale and

promotion, so as to ensure that all the consumers’ needs are comprehensively satisfied. (Nistoreanu,

P., 2006).

It is in this context that both the producers as well as the suppliers (intermediaries) of tourism services

should take into consideration the fact that a touristic product is sold only if there is a demand on the

market for that particular product. This means that suppliers have the possibility to either offer what is

requested on the market, responding to the consumers’ needs, or to stimulate or generate the demand

for a certain product so as to facilitate the selling of that product. In both cases, however, the

producers and suppliers need to apply a promotion strategy, through which potential clients may be

informed with regard to the offer on the market, as well as induce the clients’ desire to consume a

certain product.


Company XYZ is working on a marketing strategy for a new oral hygiene product and just discovered that XYZ's biggest competitor is launching a very similar product a month later. In conducting a SWOT analysis, the launch of the competitor's product represents an opportunity.

a. True
b. False



XYZ Company

In conducting a SWOT analysis, the launch of the competitor's product represents an opportunity.


b. False


The launch of the competitor's product represents a threat to XYZ Company.  It reduces XYZ Company's market competitiveness and profitability.  XYZ Company may even be driven out of the market by the competitor, thus leading to massive loss for the company.  However, threats must be overcome and turned into opportunities for future product development.

A beautiful bridge is being built over the river that runs through a major city in your state. The cost of the bridge is estimated at $600 million. Annual costs of the bridge will be $200,000, and the bridge is estimated to last a very long time. If accountants in city hall use 3% as the interest rate for analysis, what is the annualized cost of the bridge project



$18.20 million


Net present value = Initial cost + (Annual cost/3%)

Net present value = $600 million + $200,000/3%

Net present value = $600 million + $6.67 million

Net present value = $606.67 million

Annualized cost = Net present value * 3%

Annualized cost = $606.67 million * 3%

Annualized cost = $18.20 million

So, the annualized cost of the bridge project is $18.20 million.

A company is considering eliminating a department that has an annual contribution margin of $33,000 and $66,000 in annual fixed costs. Of the fixed costs, $16,500 cannot be avoided. The annual financial advantage (disadvantage) for the company of eliminating this department would be: Multiple Choice ($33,000) $33,000 ($16,500) $16,500





Calculation to determine The annual financial advantage (disadvantage) for the company of eliminating this department would be

First step is calculate the Avoidable fixed costs

Avoidable fixed costs = $66,000 − $16,500

Avoidable fixed costs = $49,500

Now let determine Segment Margin

Contribution Margin $33,000

Less Avoidable fixed costs $49,500

Segment Margin ($16,500)

Therefore The annual (disadvantage) for the company of eliminating this department would be ($16,500)

Rachel is preparing to open her own raft rental business, cleverly named Rachel's Rafts. She figures out that her fixed costs will be $7,500 and her unit variable costs are $2 per raft. She plans to rent all 2,500 rafts she has on hand. What is Rachel's breakeven price



selling price= $5


Giving the following information:

Fixed cost= $7,500

Unitary variable cost= $2

Break-even point= 2,500 units

The break-even point is the number of units to sell to cover the fixed costs. At this level, net income is zero.

So given the costs structure and 2,500 units to sell, the selling price that provides the break-even point is:

Break-even point in units= fixed costs/ (selling price - unitary variable cost)

2,500 = 7,500 / (selling price - 2)

2,500selling price - 5,000 = 7,500

2,500selling price = 12,500

selling price = 12,500 / 2,500

selling price= $5

During its most recent fiscal year, Raphael Enterprises sold 270,000 electric screwdrivers at a price of $17.10 each. Fixed costs amounted to $729,000 and pretax income was $999,000. What amount should have been reported as variable costs in the company's contribution margin income statement for the year in question





Sales units = 270,000 units

Sale Price = $17.10

Fixed cost = $729,000

Sales Value = 270,000 * $17.10

Sales Value = $4,617,000

Contribution Margin = Sales- Fixed cost

Contribution Margin = $4,617,000 - $729,000

Contribution Margin = $3,888,000

Variable Cost = Contribution margin- Pretax income

Variable Cost = $3,888,000 - $999,000

Variable Cost = $2,889,000

So, $2,889,000 is the amount that should have been reported as variable costs in the company's contribution margin income statement for the year in question.

Ice Co stock has a beta of 1.85, the current risk-free rate is 5.10 percent, and the expected return on the market is 15.10 percent. What is Ice Co's cost of equity





According to the capital asset price model:

cost of equity = risk free + beta x (market rate of return - risk free rate of return)

5.10 + 1.85 x (15.10 - 5.10)

= 5.10 + (1.85 x 10)


Mott Company's sales mix is 3 units of A, 2 units of B, and 1 unit of C. Selling prices for each product are $37, $47, and $57, respectively Variable costs per unit are $30, $31, and $34, respectively. Fixed costs are $456,000. What is the break-even point in composite units?
a) 1.239 composite units
b) 1357 composite units
c) 2763 composite units
d) 4,606 composite units.



6,000 composite units


                                                 A    B     C      Total

Selling price per unit              37   47    57  

Less: Variable cost per unit   30   31     34

CM per unit                              7     16     23  

Sales mix                                  3     2       1

CM per sales mix                    21    32    23    76

Break even in composite unit = Fixed cost / CM per sales mix

Break even in composite unit = $456,000 / 76

Break even in composite unit = 6,000

At the end of the first year of operations, 6,400 units remained in the finished goods inventory. The unit manufacturing costs during the year were as follows:
Direct materials $75
Direct labor 35
Fixed factory overhead 15
Variable factory overhead 12
Determine the cost of the finished goods inventory reported on the balance sheet under (a) the absorption costing concept and (b) the variable costing concept.



Results are below.


Giving the following information:

The unit manufacturing costs during the year were as follows:

Direct materials $75

Direct labor 35

Fixed factory overhead 15

Variable factory overhead 12

Number of units= 6,400

The absorption costing method includes all costs related to production, both fixed and variable. The unit product cost is calculated using direct material, direct labor, and total unitary manufacturing overhead.

The variable costing method incorporates all variable production costs (direct material, direct labor, and variable overhead).

Absorption method:

Unit product cost= direct material + direct labor + total unitary overhead

Unit product cost= 75 + 35 + 15 + 12

Unit product cost= $137

Total ending inventory cost= 137*6,400

Total ending inventory cost= $876,800

Variable costing method:

Unit product cost= direct material + direct labor + variable overhead

Unit product cost= 75 + 35 + 12

Unit product cost= $122

Total ending inventory cost= 122*6,400

Total ending inventory cost= $780,800

he next dividend payment by Savitz, Inc., will be $5.05 per share. The dividends are anticipated to maintain a growth rate of 5 percent forever. If the stock currently sells for $43 per share, what is the required return





Current Price = Expected Dividend / (Required Return - Growth Rate)

Required Return = (Expected Dividend / Current Price) + Growth rate

Required Return = ($5.05 / $43) + 5%

Required Return = 0.1174419 + 0.05

Required Return = 0.1674419

Required Return = 16.74%

Miscavage Corporation has two divisions: the Beta Division and the Alpha Division. The Beta Division has sales of $300,000, variable expenses of $152,100, and traceable fixed expenses of $70,300. The Alpha Division has sales of $610,000, variable expenses of $335,800, and traceable fixed expenses of $131,900. The total amount of common fixed expenses not traceable to the individual divisions is $133,200. What is the company's net operating income


Answer: $86700


The net operating income is used in knowing the profitability of an investment. The net operating income is gotten by subtracting the expenses from the revenue.

Based on the information given in the question, the net operating income is $86700. Kindly check the attachment for further details.

When looking to advertise a new business online, what is one of the major benefits of display ads?


When looking to advertise a new business online, what is one of the major benefits of display ads?
They are seen by everyone.
They have higher click-through rate.
They can come in many different formats.
They don't cost too much to set up.

Name 2 of the 4 structures a business can have



4 Types of Legal Structures for Business:

   Sole Proprietorship.    General Partnership.    Limited Liability Company (LLC)    Corporations (C-Corp and S-Corp)

At December 31, Amy Jo's Appliances had account balances in Accounts Receivable of $308,000 and in Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts of $910 (credit) before any adjustments. An analysis of Amy Jo's December 31 accounts receivable suggests that the allowance for uncollectible accounts should be 4% of accounts receivable. Bad debt expense for the year should be: Multiple Choice $13,230. $12,320. $11,410. $11,911.



Its investment bankers have told Donner Corporation that it can issue a 25-year, 8.1% annual payment bond at par. They also stated that the company can sell an issue of annual payment preferred stock to corporate investors who are in the 40% tax bracket. The corporate investors require an after-tax return on the preferred that exceeds their after-tax return on the bonds by 1.0%, which would represent an after-tax risk premium. What coupon rate must be set on the preferred in order to issue it at par? (hint: a portion of dividends are tax-exempt for corporate investors).


The coupon rate must be set at 9.77%

The after-tax return on the bonds is:

= Annual payment rate * ( 1 - tax rate)

= 8.1% * ( 1 - 40%)

= 4.86%

The investors would like an after-tax return on preferred stock that is more than their bond return by 1% so they would like a preferred return of:

= 4.86% + 1%

= 5.86%

If the Preferred must be issued at par, its coupon rate must be equal its before-tax yield:

= After tax yield / ( 1 - tax rate)

= 5.86% / ( 1 - 40%)

= 9.77%

More on this type of question can be found at


9.77 is the correct answer

i think this helps u

When marginal revenue equals marginal cost, the firm a. should increase the level of production to maximize its profit. b. may be minimizing its losses rather than maximizing its profit. c. must be generating positive economic profits. d. must be generating positive accounting profits.


When marginal revenue is equal to the marginal cost, then the firm should increase the level of production to maximize its profit.

Marginal revenue simply means the increase in revenue that a company makes as a result of selling an additional output of good. Marginal cost is the cost that a company incurs for production of one extra unit of good.

It should be noted that when the marginal cost if a firm is more than the marginal revenue, it means that the firm is producing too much.

When the marginal revenue of the firm equals the marginal cost, then the firm should maximize its profit.

The correct option is A.

Read related link on:

When comparing the results of using the direct, sequential, and reciprocal services methods of allocating support department costs to production departments, which of the following statements is true for a manufacturing company that has a total of $1,500,000 in support costs to allocate?
a.The reciprocal services method allocates more than $1,500,000 to the production departments.
b.The reciprocal services method can be viewed as a compromise on accuracy and difficulty in allocating the $1,500,000 because it considers some, though not all, inter-support-department services and is easier to compute than the direct method.
c.The direct method yields the most accurate allocation of the $1,500,000.
d.The sequential method can be viewed as a compromise on accuracy and difficulty in allocating the $1,500,000 because it considers some, though not all, inter-support-department services and is easier to compute than the reciprocal services method.


Answer: d. The sequential method can be viewed as a compromise on accuracy and difficulty in allocating the $1,500,000 because it considers some, though not all, inter-support-department services and is easier to compute than the reciprocal services method


For a a manufacturing company that has a total of $1,500,000 in support costs to allocate, it should be noted that the sequential method can be viewed as a compromise on accuracy and difficulty in allocating the $1,500,000 because it considers some, though not all, inter-support-department services and is easier to compute than the reciprocal services method

On-Time Delivery Company acquired an adjacent lot to construct a new warehouse, paying $31,000 in cash and giving a short-term note for $278,000. Legal fees paid were $2,220, delinquent taxes assumed were $15,700, and fees paid to remove an old building from the land were $20,800. Materials salvaged from the demolition of the building were sold for $4,600. A contractor was paid $939,400 to construct a new warehouse. Determine the cost of the land to be reported on the balance sheet.



the cost of the land that should be reported on the balance sheet is $343,120


The calculation of the cost of the land that should be reported on the balance sheet is given below:

= cash payment + Short term note payable + legal fees paid + delinquent taxes + fees paid for removing out the old building - salvage value

= $31,000 + $278,000 + $2,220 + $15,700 + $20,800 - $4,600

= $343,120

hence, the cost of the land that should be reported on the balance sheet is $343,120

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In 1970, Frye and Edidin published research describing the mobility of plasma membrane proteins. They fused mouse and human cells together, creating a hybrid cell, and then examined the localization of mouse and human proteins over time. Initially mouse and human proteins were each restricted to one-half of the heterokaryon, but over time the mouse and human proteins mixed, with each being present over the entire cell surface. What technique did Frye and Edidin likely use to examine the mouse and human proteins Question 1 of 1010 PointsThis is a person's knowledge about the sequence of events in a specific settingA. DialogueB. PropositionC. ScriptD. Discussion HELPPP PLZZZZ DUE SOONnnn What do you notice about the absolute value of thedifference between the two numbers of -5 and -1 Find the measure of the third angle of a triangle if the measures of the other two angles are given.35.5 and 82.6A. 66.8B. 58.4C. 61.9D. 31.9 Unit 5 ExamIn the early 1900's, the Boxerswere upset that the United Stateshad interfered with what country?A. CubaB. chinaC. Philippines D. Spain We depend on oil and gas for nearly 3/4 ____ our energy requirement. A.of B.about D.for You work for a roofing company and must order the correct number of tiles to complete the final side of the roof. It is in the shape of a trapezoid. The numbers of tiles in each row form a sequence. We know we will have 20 rows to complete the job. The first row has ten tiles. Each row has two more tiles than the previous row. Is this sequence arithmetic or geometric? Explain the importance of technical education providing organization in nepal. plz say simple and correct answer. 12. Convert 30.283 into a degree-minute-second format.O A. 18 16' 98"B. 18 28' 30"C. 30 16' 58"D. 30 28' 30" account question Please help with this just tell me A B C or D. A therapist should not combine subjective and objective measures during assessment ? True or false what is the lcm of two numbers if one number is a multiple of the other Which of the following was NOT a type of power that the Constitution granted to the national government ? When pony and Johnny are in trouble,Pony tells us.Dallas Winston could do anything.What specific evidence from this chapter supports Ponys statement. The book THE OUTSIDERS CH.4 The sampling distribution of a statistic _________. Group of answer choices gives all the values a statistic can take gives the probability of getting each value of a statistic under the assumption it had resulted due to chance alone is a probability distribution all of the options plz help brainliest to correct answer suppose that this decade begins on 1 january 2020 which is wednesday and the next decade begins on 1 january 2030. how many Wednesday are there in this decade? A local rental car agency has 200 cars. The rental rate for the winter months is 60%. Find the probability that in a given winter month fewer than 140 cars will be rented. Use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial distribution.