Can somebody help me with world history ?


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im pretty sure?

In opposition to British Rule, the Founders of the United states chose to set up a national government . Create a Graphic organizer that's lists the purposes of government in one column , in the second column , describe how our society mighty operate today without a government . Consider Specific Functions of Goverment such as leadership , maintataning order, and providing public services ,etc .



the Founders of the United states chose to set up a national government


In opposition to British Rule, "the Founders of the United States chose to set up a national government."

During the period when the British still rules America, the British style of government was a combination of monarchy and Parliamentary involving the King, House of Lords, and House of Commons.

However, having witnessed the power held by the British King, the American founding fathers felt the need to do something different in their new nation, hence, they chose to set up a national government.

who found out how round the world is


2,000 years ago, ancient greeks discovered that the Earth was round. Specifically, Eratosthenes calculated the Earth’s circumference to prove the Earth was a sphere.

Compare maps of the world in ancient times with current political maps.

Use the maps below to answer the following question.

Compare the two maps. Which geographical feature formed the western boundary of the Plains Native American cultural region?
he Appalachian Mountains
the Rocky Mountains
the Mississippi River
the Pacific Ocean


The correct answer is B. The Rocky Mountains.


Maps show landforms in the United States, including the Great Plains, the Plateau, the Rocky Mountains, the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, the Appalachian Mountains, among others. In both maps, the location of the great plains and their western border, the Rocky Mountains (brown on the map to the right), which divide the plateau, the great basin, and the southwest plains, coincide. According to the above, the correct answer is B. The Rocky Mountains.

Eventually the French got tired of killing and bloodshed, they turned on their own "leader" Robespierre and had him executed, the killing soon stopped. Why do revolutionaries and radical leaders often "eat their own", meaning, why do radical groups often remove the early leaders of the cause?



Due to anger toward the leaders.


Radical groups often remove the early leaders of the cause because the radical groups think that these early leaders lead them in the wrong direction. They are no longer their supporters in the cause and wants him to be dead so that the cause can be eliminated and a new leadership arise that lead them the right path on which they can better their lives and achieve the growth and development as a nation.

El nuevo orden mundial, desde 1991 se caracterizó por: I. Cambios territoriales en Alemania y Europa del Este. II. La caída del fascismo. III. El inicio del intervencionismo económico por medio del plan Marshall. I II III I y II I, II y III



I. Cambios territoriales en Alemania y Europa del Este.


El nuevo orden mundial, desde 1991 es caracterizada por la queda de la Union Soviética, lo que originó cambios territoriales en Alemania(reunificación) y Europe del Este(las antigas Repúblicas Soviéticas se convirtieron en países independientes).

Entonces, la resposta en países independientes es dada por opcion I.

La caída del fascismo se dio al fin de la segunda guera, así como el inicio del intervencionismo económico por medio del plan Marshall..

Which of the following pieces of legislation was also known as the Wager Act?


Wagner Act is also known as "Labor Relations Act." It is the most important piece of labor legislation enacted in US history. It created a national labor relations board and recognized as the right of the workers to organize and bargain collectively.

Which of these was not a consequence of the end of free grazing?
The cattle industry in Texas was virtually destroyed as an economic factor.
Cattlemen had to buy their grazing land.
Cattle drives were no longer needed to get cattle to market.
Cattle breeds in Texas were improved.



The cattle industry in Texas was virtually destroyed as an economic factor.


The cattle industry in Texas was not destroyed as an economic factor as this was not a consequence of the end of free grazing.

Free grazing is the system whereby cattle rearers are able to graze their cattle on any available piece of grass on the country.

While many businesses had to be
converted for the war effort during
WWII, each still managed which of the
A. a profit
B. a deficit
C. wage decreases



A. a profit


While many businesses had to be

converted for the war effort during

WWII, each still managed to make A PROFIT.

This is because many American firms were working well or again, compared to Great Depression period before the war.

During this period, many American companies are into the production of defense-related commodities such as aerospace and electronics or atomic energy. Americans were able to supply European countries during this period, in the subsequent years after, thereby making more sales and more profits.

Cómo está formado el pueblo dominicano


La República Dominicana es un país situado en el Caribe, ubicado en la zona central de las Antillas; ocupa la parte central y oriental de la isla La Española. Su capital y ciudad más poblada es Santo Domingo. Limita al norte con el océano Atlántico, al este con el canal de la Mona, que lo separa de Puerto Rico, al sur con el mar Caribe, y al oeste con Haití, que es el otro país situado en La Española. Con 48 448 km² y una población superior a los 11 millones de habitantes, es el segundo país más extenso y poblado de los insulares caribeños, por detrás de Cuba.

Eres dominicana o dominicano?

How did women gain during the WW2? African-Americans as well?



During the Second World War, women proved that they could do "men's" work, and do it well. With men away to serve in the military and demands for war material increasing, manufacturing jobs opened up to women and upped their earning power. Yet women's employment was only encouraged as long as the war was on.

What happened on January 15, 1991?



Iraqi troop withdrawal deadline from occupied Kuwait expires, making way for Operation Desert Storm

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Mmmm pon la cita bíblica si no no se puede.

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Write a paragraph explaining how the arab spring was an expression of nationalism in the arab world. use details from the lesson and the assignment to support your answer



The Arab Spring was when citizens overthrew their dictatorial governments. The uprisings and unrest led to protests and demonstrations. Some governments used violence to end protests. Citizens sought better living conditions. Because of this, regime change occurred in Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Egypt. These events led to a civil war in Syria. The US believed that the world should support the protesters.


credit to guy above it worked

The outbreak of Arab Spring was seen as the stage for the rise of Arab nationalism as the people of different Arab nations were facing same issues.

Arab Nationalism

The idea of Arab Nationalism was first started in 19th century but gradually ended because of regional, cultural and political reasons. Many people who promoted this idea blaimed the regional differences for its failure.

With the outbreak of Arab Spring, for the first time people of different Nations and regions felt united because of corruption, poverty and Violent dictators, hence many thought Arab Spring will be the catalyst to create Arab Nationalism.

Learn more about Arab Spring here:

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how could internal dissent have contributed to the outbreak of world war 1



Internal dissent could have contributed to the outbreak of World War I because, some leaders entered the war in attempt to suppress disorder in their respective countries.


Labor strife, class division, questioning of power, and fear of revolution as a result were contributing factors that influenced leaders' decision to partake in the war.

FIN N Mwhat is that mean ​



an native and inhabitants of Finland

fin n is a masculine name

How did innovations in transportation impact urban areas?
Select all correct answers
It helped factory owners save money on wages.
It helped the expansion from cities to suburbs,
It helped them expand
It helped the government decrease expenditures in cities
Please help!



- It helped the expansion from cities to suburbs.

- It helped them expand.


The ways that innovations in transportation impacted urban areas were:

It helped the expansion from cities to suburbs,It helped them expand

How was innovation in transport important ?

Innovations in transportation, such as the automobile and the electric streetcar, made it possible for people to live further away from their jobs. This led to the growth of suburbs, as people moved to the outskirts of cities in search of more affordable housing.

Innovations in transportation also helped cities expand by making it easier for people to move around. This was especially true for cities that were located on rivers or coasts, as these cities could now be connected to other parts of the country by water and rail.

Find out more on transportation at


Which of the following WWII
advancements allowed submarines to
be tracked during naval battles?


C. sonar

Sonar was developed during World War I as an aid in finding both submarines and icebergs. Major improvements were made on this technology during World War II, and eventually scientists adapted the highly sensitive equipment for use in oceanographic research. There are two types of sonar: active and passive

Sonar was developed in WWI to help locate icebergs and submarines

But in WWII scientists futher developed sonars which now helps in oceanlogical advancement and research

Using the map, what fact can
be made about the relocation
of Japanese-American during
World War II?
A. Most of the camps can be found in the
B. Most camps can be found in the
Western interior of the United States
C. California was the only state that had



it was because they were splitted by there commanders so they had to relocate

Franklin Roosevelt differed significantly from Herbert Hoover in that Roosevelt did
not believe that the federal government had the authority to employ millions of
people or create legislation that would interfere with America's financial institution.
In addition, he refused to spend money the federal government did not have and
would not pass any legislation that put the federal government into deficit spending.
True or





roosevelt DID believe the government had the authority to employ

he did it via Works Progress Administration wpa

roosevelt DID spend government money

This graph shows US revenue and expenditures between 1980 and 2010. A graph shows the U S Government and Expenditures from 1980 to 2010. The money spent and money received generally follow the same trend, but the money spent is generally higher than the money received. Around 2008, the amount of money spent increased and money received decreased. Which statements describe what this graph indicates about government spending? Check all that apply. The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending. The government spends too much money. The government should produce more money to cover spending. The government almost always spends more than it collects. The government needs to lower taxes to cover spending.



a) The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending.
b) The government spends too much money.
d) The government almost always spends more than it collects.


Using the yellow line to represent government spending, we can see that the government is now spending more money than it is bringing in via taxation and fee collection. Revenue inconsistencies are shown by the blue line in the graft. For the duration of this 20-year dataset, the government's revenue consistently overspends.

Check all that apply. (Check your order of your options please.)

a) The government needs to raise taxes or cut spending.

b) The government spends too much money.

c) The government should produce more money to cover spending.

d) The government almost always spends more than it collects.

e) The government needs to lower taxes to cover spending.



Explanation:took on edge

How do the rights of individual students compare with the rights of the school to maintain a safe environment? What expectation of privacy should exist in public schools?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The rights of individual students can be compared with the rights of the school to maintain a safe environment in that both desire to maintain privacy in their personal lives and establish a clear difference in what is the school as an education center, and what is the personal life of the student and its right to remain that way.

In that sense, the school as an educational institution has the right to keep its privacy safe, taking care of the employees that work on its premises.

That is why there is a high expectation of privacy in public schools. There is no need to expose critical information that is managed and controlled by the school administration. Parents deserve the proper "customer" service and the right answers to their requests.

In the case of students, they deserve respect for their private lives. If there is an issue with a student, the school has the proper channels to take care of the situation and resolve it in the most discrete way.

Name 3 events that occurred leading to America’s involvement in World War II



1) Japanese perl harbor attack 1942

2) fear of nazi Germany and the fall of Britain

3) pressure from Congress after perl harbor attack


The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor.

Japanese Control of China and Asia.

Germany's Aggression and Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Sinking U.S. Ships.

Fear of German Expansion and Invasion.



Match each word with the phrase that best defines it
1. the power of one branch to reject a proposal
from another branch.
2. the idea that no one branch has power over
the entire government.
-checks and balances.
3. a set of beliefs and rules for a society or for
a political or social organization.
-popular sovereignty.
4. the idea that a government's power comes
from the people.
-separation of powers.
5. a system in which the branches of
government keep power in check.




1. the power of one branch to reject a proposal


Popular Sovereignty: The idea that a government power comes from the people.
Veto: The power of one branch to reject a proposal from another branch.

Checks and Balances: A system in which the branches of government keep powers in check.

Separation of Powers: The idea that one branch has power over the entire government.

Constitution: A set of beliefs and rules for a political or social organization.


One cause of the Panic of 1819 was Select one: a. decreased foreign demand for American agricultural goods.


Answer: new management practices within the Bank of the United States.


The Panic of 1819 was regarded as the first widespread financial crisis that occured in the United States.

The Panic of 1819 was due to the banking crisis which occured after economic crises in the country which was a result of the warfare between Great Britain and France.

Explain TWO reasons why some Grenadians were unhappy 2 with Galry's government​



because of fhfjfj

19 xjd

The graph shows the percentage of Americans living in urban settings from 1790 to 1990. If the trend continues, what is the likely percentage of people who will live in urban settings in the year 2030?



D. more than 80%


If urbanization trends continue will be over 80% in 2030, in fact, it could well be over 90% if the trend accelerates. This fast urbanization rate is mostly driven by growing and better economic opportunities in the cities, and to a lesser extent, by cultural aspects and lifestyle choices.

How did nationalism contribute to global conflicts following Wold War 1
A. It contributed to the outraged felt by many ethnic groups that did not have their own independent states
B. It slowed the process of globalization in impoverished countries
C. It contributed to the establishment of global human rights organizations
D. It motivated European powers to tighten their control over their colonies


D. It motivated eurpean
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