Can someone help me write a poem using an object? It can be any object. And I will give Brainliest to the best one :) easy pts! Just please don't get it off G oogle


Answer 1


The Rivals

I heard a bird at dawn

Singing Sweetly On a tree

That the dew was on the lawn

And the wind was on the lea

But i didn't listen to him

For he didn't singing to me!

I didn't listen to him

For he didn't singing to me

That the dew was on the lawn

And the wind was on the lea!

I was singing at the time

Just as prettily as he!

I was singing all the time

Just as pretily as he!

About the dew upon the lawn

And the wind upon the lea!

So i didn't listen to him

As he sang upon a tree!

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Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wand'ring bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me prov'd,
I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd.



Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.

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Even though it looked like rain, Carmen didn’t take her umbrella.


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a circumstance in which you would recieve something belatedly would be if you order a christmas gift and it gets lost in the mail so they have to find it and it doesnt get to you until after christmas.


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Match the definition to the word.

1. to get involved in
2. of German origin; relating to Germany
3. expert in judging fine foods
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5. harm done in return for a wrong
6. an Old English poet



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A dash
of pilgrims
(a) spectators (b) field (c) class


A class of pilgrims…..

Someone plz help me :(


Answer: I think the answer is B.

Explanation: As i can remember a dangling modifier should have I at the story of it not sure though. (:

why does Isabel ask Becky if Madam Lockton had hit her head



could wake up with a big bump on her head and have a headache

How does the wording of many children's stories
contribute to gender-specific stereotypes?
A) Boys are mostly described as "good" while girls are
described as "naughty."

B) Girls are not referred to at all in most children's

C) Girls are described with words such as "pretty" and
"good," whereas boys are described as "brave" and

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It’s either 1 or 3, but based on the Actively Learn part, I’d guess it’s 1

4. Karl Marx said that 'religion is the opiate of the masses' (*opiate =drug). So knowing this, why do the pigs not like the
stories told by the raven Moses?

-animal farm chapter 2


Karl Marx said that "religion is the opiate of the masses." Knowing this, we can explain the reason why the pigs don't like the stories told by the raven Moses in the following manner:

- The raven Moses in "Animal Farm" represents the organized Church in the Soviet Union. His stories are about "Sugarcandy Mountain," the paradise where no one has to work.

- The pigs do not like the fact that Moses tells such stories because they want the other animals to think of Animal Farm as paradise. If Moses tells them about a better place, their conditions on Animal Farm will seem bad and unfair.

"Animal Farm" is a novella by George Orwell in which the characters and events serve as symbols.The story is a criticism concerning the Soviet Revolution in Russia. The pigs represent the Soviet leaders, while the other animals represent the Russian people.The raven Moses serves as a representation of the Church. His religious stories speak of a paradise - a place where all animals are happy and equal, and where no one has to work.The pigs try to stop Moses from telling such stories. They want the other animals to perceive Animal Farm as paradise.If they start believing in Sugarcandy Mountain, the animals may realize that their living and working conditions in Animal Farm are awful.

Learn more about the topic here:

What were the outcomes of the New York School Boycott In 1964



The Civil Rights Act of 1964, enacted five months after the New York City school boycott, included a loophole that allowed school segregation to continue in major northern cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and Detroit.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964, enacted five months after the New York City school boycott, included a loophole that allowed school segregation to continue in major northern cities including New York City, Boston, Chicago and Detroit. As of 2018, New York City continues to have the most segregated schools in the country.

2- The Dragon in Asian culture can be a symbol of:
A- love and tranquility
B- Wisdom and enlightenment



I believe is B Wisdom and enlightenment


The answer is a (b)

Please answer it soon as possible I will make you brainlist​


I dont know where my coat im so very cold

ok mother im gona buy a sugar and salt


Rendi: "It's very cold. Put on your coat"

Doni: "I can't Rendi, I forgot it at home."

mom: "siti, can you help me? please, buy some sugar and salt."

Siti: "Sugat and salt?, I'll be right back."

What is the symbolism of the map in Isabel’s dream?


Answer: Isabel's mood and feelings shift rapidly as shown symbolically with the bees that surround her. First of all, the bees don't only show anger.

Symbolism shown here is - The bees that circle Sabel serve as a representation of how quickly her emotions change. So first of all, the bees don't only display rage.

What is Symbolism?

The principle of symbolism holds that certain things stand in for other things. That is to say, we may look at something, like the color red, and determine that it signifies something more than the color red itself, such as passion, love, or devotion. Alternatively, there might be infidelity.

Metaphor: 5 Different Types of Symbolism with Examples. A metaphor is an implied comparison between two things without the use of a symbol or formula that is widely understood. Simile. In contrast to a metaphor, a simile expresses a parallel directly rather than implicitly. Allegory. Archetype. Myth.

To read more about Symbolism, refer to -


Someone plz help me D:


Answer: D

Explanation: hope this helps!

D should be write!! LMK if it help

Elie in night believes that remembering the
Holocaust will help ensure that this type
of atrocity does not occur in the future.
Do you think learning about historical
events can guide people to behave
differently? Explain.



Yes, but it depends on the approach.


You won't learn anything from history if you simply memorize and listen. The way it's taught is crucial. For example, if you say so and so died in the Holocaust, so and so was in this country, etc etc, you'll feel desensitized to what is being discussed. If you say John Albert died in the Holocaust, John Albert had two sons and a five year old daughter, and then go on to express the brutal ways he was treated as a result of being Jewish during the Holocaust, whoever is learning about the Holocaust is going to feel like it's much more real to them. It's a psychology fact.






1.) benefits

2.) original

3.) seasick

4.) civilizations

5.) essential

please I appreciate your help thank you very much blessings


Must, could, must, must, have, must, have, been, should, have, must

1. Delicious Chinese food-..
what’s the noun


the noun is the word food


Chinese food if it is a whole word


Define circulatory system in your own words


Circulatory system is an organ system responsible for transporting materials throughout the entire body example of the materials are water,nutrients and oxygen to all the numerous body cell and remove waste product such carbon dioxide that the cells of the body produce

Why do you think it was important for Lincoln to appeal to both ethos and pathos in his address?

Must be 2 paragraphs of 4-6 sentences each

Must include 2 text specific examples



It was important for Lincoln to appeal to both ethos and pathos in his address because


Ethos is the character/credibility of one's self, if Lincoln couldn't sell his ethos as the President of the United States at the time, he would be kicked from his position immediately. Gaining ethos gives the audience a reason to believe them because you know- he's the president.

Pathos is to use emotions/passion to persuade and sell your point. In his speech, Lincoln uses pathos when addressing the soldiers and people who were lost. He reallys pulls you in- emotional soundtrack and all- when he reminded everyone on what beliefs this country was founded on and all that jazz.


Ethos shows characters, but pathos shows emotions.

it is important for a president like Abraham Lincoln to show he has good character and credibility, so people trust him. it is also good to show emotions so that people know he cares about the world.

Sorry, everyone. This will be my last time giving free pooints. People are keep reporting me, so I am not going to post any more free pooints after this. Look like you all have to earn the pooints rather than free pooints. Hope you all best of luck. : )





have a good or night




Which type of advertising appeal is used in the above advertisement?
loaded words
glittering generalities
celebrity endorsement

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




C. Glittering generalities


It is an advertisement appeal in which they tell is that if we use their product, it will bring a change in our life.

Here, being at the head of the class by using Neat-O binders is the change in life that they are suggesting we will have if we use their product.

So, here glittering generalities advertising appeal is used

What different cultures celebrate thanksgiving differently?



1. African-American:

“As an African-American whose mother is half-Jamaican, for Thanksgiving my mom usually makes a nice big Turkey, chicken with dressing (which means stuffing), ox tails, pot roast, baked macaroni and cheese, rice and peas, candied yams, potato salad, deviled eggs, collard greens, cabbage, and either lasagna or baked ziti.  For dessert my mom makes 2 sweet potato pies and banana pudding. My immediate family eats at home first and we make a plate for my grandmother and family friends who live close by. Then we go over to my grandma’s house where a lot of my extended family go to spend Thanksgiving and there’s usually similar food at her house.”

2. Korean:

“For thanksgiving, it is only my immediate family which includes me, my two sisters and my parents. We just chill and talk about what’s new because me and my sisters don’t live with my parents anymore. For dinner, we have roast beef ham, mashed potatoes, and a couple different casseroles and for dessert we have pecan pumpkin pie. We also go to bed early for black Friday.”  -Jess W.

3. Jamaican:

“My great aunt makes Thanksgiving dinner, and we eat Jamaican food but with a huge turkey. Usually, my family from Jamaica will come up too, so it’s a lot of people in a really small house. We eat rice and peas, baked macaroni and cheese which is kind of spicy, banana bread, breadfruit, and rum cake. After dinner we rant about American politics and the adults smoke cigarettes and drink wine and then us college kids will usually drink the rest of it.”  -Ellie F.

4. Indian:

“For Thanksgiving, as an Indian and vegetarian, we don’t eat the normal Thanksgiving food. We usually make a big meal with salad, lasagna, etc. We have family come over for lunch and then watch a movie at home or we eat lunch as a family and then go to a get-together at a friend’s house.”  -Janvi J.

6. Puerto Rican

“I live in Puerto Rico, so a Puerto Rican Thanksgiving typically includes rice and beans, turkey seasoned like pork called paction (Pavo means turkey and lechon means pork). We also have morcillas, a type of sausage, and a dessert like flan, coquito, and arroz con leche.​” –Alexis H.

6. Portuguese:

“Both my parents and their families descend from Portugal, with my siblings and I being the first generation to be born in the United States. My parents didn’t really know what Thanksgiving was until after they had arrived to the U.S. and my sister and I brought home stories about this tradition. But they’ve adopted it as their own, making sure that our family is together on that Thursday. We have a turkey with gravy, filled with stuffing. We don’t have cranberry sauce or any sort of pies, but we do have mashed potatoes (and roasted potatoes because those are my favorite). We also have white rice and a salad, which we have at every other meal during the year. This is all followed by some sort of dessert, either a chocolate cake or chocolate chip cookies and some sort of store-bought cookie that my parents want to try. It isn’t much, especially for a holiday that’s always advertised as one where you need to loosen your belt. But for something that my parents adopted from scratch, it’s Thanksgiving to me.” -Diana C.


Hope this helps!

Name examples of primary sources and secondary sources.



Primary Sources





Secondary Sources

Article critiquing the piece of art

Book about a specific subject




Primary sources: speeches, poems, diaries, autobiography

Secondary sources: textbooks, biographies, dictionary, journal article

What does Okonkwo's response reveal about his character?


What are the options? Because I read this story in 9th grade and forgot




What kind of question is this?

Explanation: :>


15 points yay


have a nice day

Quien es Anna en “La Niña alemana”



Anna Rosen is Hannah's great-grandniece. When she receives a mysterious letter from the estranged Hannah, she travels to Havana to meet her and there, listens to Hannah's tale


Anna Rosen es la bisnieta de Hannah. Cuando recibe una misteriosa carta de la distanciada Hannah, viaja a La Habana para encontrarse con ella y allí, escucha el relato de Hannah.

Hey! I could use sm help


The answer would be c !
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