can you name some examplea of ethiopian historical and cultural heritages​


Answer 1


Ethiopia is a country that is multi-cultural and intra religious. Religion has a significant impact on Ethiopian culture. The Orthodox Church controls the population's economic, intellectual, and social lives. Until Haile Selassie's deposition in 1974, it was the emperor court's and leadership's official religion.

Some cultural heritages were;

AksumLower Valley of the Omo (1980) Rock Hewn Churches, Lalibela

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Define and explain violence against women and children .



Violence against women and girls is defined as any act of gender-based violence that results in or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental harm or suffering to women and girls, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.

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मानव संसाधन प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरु बिना अकल्पनीय छ, र यो ती स्रोतहरु को कारण यो जीवन मा कुनै पनि जीवन आराम संग आराम गरीरहेको छ सटीक छ। प्राकृतिक संसाधनहरू केहि पनि र प्रकृतिबाट प्राप्त सबै चीजहरू हुन् र हामी द्वारा प्रयोग गरिन्छ, मौलिक हावा, पानी र सूर्यको प्रकाशबाट शुरू गरेर जैविक तत्त्वहरू जस्तै जीवाश्म ईन्धन, खनिज, काठ, आदि।

प्राकृतिक स्रोतहरू जुन जीवित जीवहरूबाट प्राप्त हुन्छन् वा अन्ततः जीवित जीवहरूको कारण गठन हुन्छन् जैविक तत्त्वहरू, जसलाई वन, चरा, जनावर, माछा, वा अन्य समुद्री जीवहरू, जीवाश्म ईन्धनहरू भनिन्छ (किनकि ती जैविक पदार्थहरूको क्षयका कारण गठन हुन्छन्)। , आदि। प्राकृतिक संसाधनहरू जो प्रकृतिको निर्जीव तत्वहरूलाई जनाउँदछन् एबियोटिक संसाधनहरू भनिन्छ। अजैविक स्रोतहरूको उदाहरणहरू सूर्यको किरण, हावा, टाइड, माटो, खनिज, आदि हुन्।

Some offenders are thought to differ from noncriminals in that they show chronically low levels of autonomic arousal and weaker physiological reactions to stimulation. How is this problematic


Answer:Durkheim thought that life without moral or social obligations becomes ... A procedure in which one learns to associate a new response with a stimulus. ... century, involved an attempt to correlate criminal behavior with certain physiological traits. ... non- criminals in that they show chronically low levels of autonomic arousal ..


What could Canada have done in the late 1800’s to build a stronger identity?


by building a national identity, i’m probably wrong

Which of the following elements is a component of a rite of passage?

ChoiceA.,a formal separation from the general population

ChoiceB.,a marginal or transitional state

ChoiceC.,entry into the status of adulthood

ChoiceD.,all of the above

Answer D



D. all of the above


In short, we can define a rite of passage as a special event in a person's life that marks changes in life and modifies the status that this person carries within the community to which he belongs. The rite of passage, therefore, is a state of transition for an individual, when he becomes separated from the general population.

Most rites of passage are related to the passage of an individual from childhood to adulthood. The Bar Mitzvah is an example of this, as it is the ceremony that marks the moment when the individual begins to be considered an adult in Jewish communities.

The Answer  will be:

D. all of the above


When we can define a rite of passage as a special event in a person's life that it marks will change in life and also,  we modify the status that this person is carried within the community to which is he belongs. Thus, The rite of passage, therefore, is a state of transition for an individual, when they are have become separated from the general population.  When Most rites of the passage are related to the passage of an individual from the childhood period to adulthood. and then The Bar Mitzvah is the best example of this, so, as it is the ceremony that marks the moment when the individuals are beginning to be considered an adult in Jewish communities.

Learn more about:

Size of particles:
Size of particles:
Size of particles:



Size of clay, sand and silt are given below.


Size of Clay particles: The size of clay particle is smaller than 0.002 mm in diameter.

Texture: Feels Sticky.

Color: Yellow to red.

Size of Sand particles:  The size of sand particles is 0.0625 millimeters  to 2 millimeters diameter.

Texture: Feels gritty.

Color: Pale cream to golden

Size of silt particles: The size of silt particles is 0.002 to 0.05 mm in diameter.

Texture: Have smooth or floury texture.

Color:​ Beige to black.

Explain TWO possible advantages of BOTH print media and electronic media for
creating awareness of human rights violations.




if a government shuts down the radio and tv airwaves


if a government shuts down the news media

people can print their own literature news and censored books

like samizdat in the old soviet union

and distribute it


with internet/cell phone technology

people can be citizen journalists

and send messages/videos via their mobile phones

about whats really going on

and send them to foreign countries for broadcast

Janice suffers from depression and has started jogging daily. She is hoping this will reduce her depression. It may, considering that repetitive physical exercise increases:_________
a) serotonin.
b) norepinephrine.
c) oxytocin.
d) dopamine.


Janice has begun running every day since she has depression. She believes that doing this will help her feel better. Given that frequent exercise raises dopamine levels, it could. Option D is correct.

What is the dopamine?

A neuromodulatory chemical called dopamine has a variety of crucial functions in cells. It is an organic substance that belongs to the phenethylamine and catecholamine families.

About 80% of the catecholamines in the brain are made up of dopamine. A person can experience happiness, pleasure, and motivation thanks to dopamine. Dopamine levels in the brain spike when you feel good about what you have accomplished.

Therefore, option D is correct.

Learn more about the depression, refer to:


What three parts will you find in the US Constitution and state constitution


The right answer is:

the Preamble, seven articles, and amendments.

Explain how the sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5 can be implemented in gender parity



Answer to the following question is as follows;


SDG 5 focuses on achieving real and lasting equality for women in all area of women and girls' lives, including

(1) closing gender gaps,

(2) ending sexual violence against women,

(3) stopping early and sexual slavery, and

(4) ensuring equitable participation and possibilities.

What does the anit-federalist writer argue?



The government should put most power in the hands of the states. the government would run smoothly with separation of powers. the US should become a monarchy to concentrate its power. US should give legislative and executive powers to the same person.


What does development mean?


advancement or growth

Which river system helped the world’s earliest known civilization develop?


Mesopotamia. It was created after regular trading started relationships between multiple cities and states around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

State and briefly explain the three competences that are expected from Good citizen?​



The Citizenship competencies are the grouping of cognitive, emotional and communicative abilities, knowledge and attitudes that together enable each citizen to act in a constructive manner in a democratic society.


Your welcome! :)

The three competences that are expected from a good citizen include:

Respecting and defending human rights

Contributing actively to a peaceful coexistence

Participating responsibly and constructively in the democratic processes

Respecting and defending human right is an important characteristics because every individual has the right to do certain things such as who to worship and associate with and infringing on such rights makes one a bad citizen,

Others include ensuring we coexist peacefully with one another and also making sure we vote for the right/candidates of our choice during the electoral processes of the area.


In a market economy, decisions about which goods are produced are based
A. what the local community has made for generations.
B. what the government decides is important for society.
Ο Ο Ο.
C what health care organizations suggest will be best for citizens.
D. what businesses believe will generate the most profits.



B what the government decides is important for society .

• Write names of any two most prominent communist leaders of China (i need answer ASAP!!!



Mao Zedong,

Zhou Enlai

Deng Xiaoping


Hua Guofeng,Zhao Ziyang

Why was the War Measures Act passed?


What she said was right!

Which of the following is NOT a main duty of the Speaker of the House?


answer is a
hope this helps

define the concept impact study and give 2 relevant examples of impact studies that can be conducted​



Answer. An impact study is a research conducted to observe and understand the effects of introduction of a new policy or strategy. A new policy, for example a law, may have outcomes that were both expected and unexpected. An impact study helps in understanding these

does culture and race mean the same thing?


“In basic terms, race describes physical traits, and ethnicity refers to cultural identification. Race may also be identified as something you inherit while ethnicity is something you learn.”

why do we need repair gadgets




We need to repair a gadget in order to avoid buying a new one. It is very practical since it will save you money and also teach a person on how to fix a certain machine by learning the basics.

We need to repair a gadget in order to avoid buying a new one. It is very practical since it will save you money and also teach a person on how to fix a certain machine by learning the basics.

What were the effects of the teachings of mujjaddid al Fathani band shah waliullah on the reform of muslim society? what do these movement have in common with the current reform movement?



Good effects.


There was a great effects of the teachings of mujjaddid al Fathani band shah waliullah on the reform of Muslim society by making the Muslim society more religious. The people study the Holy book and follow the golden teachings of Islam which betters their life. This movement have in common with the current reform movement because both movement produces a good change in the society so that's why we can say that both have common features.

19. Dweck believes that children who receive feedback praising their efforts at formulating effective solutions after their successes will generally adopt _____ in achievement contexts. A subsequent failure should cause these youngsters to _____.


Answer: performance goals; try all the harder to succeed


According to Carol Dweck view on mastery-oriented achievement, He established that children or adolescents who receive process praise feedback after succeeding in a task, often extends those praises into formulation of effective problem-solving strategies.

Furthermore, he described that their top priority often becomes competencies improvement.

However, subsequent failure at a new task should propel the children to understand the needs to work harder and proffer a better solution.

A distinct group of individuals who share something in common with each other (e.g. language, religion, etc.) that they do not share with mainstream culture.

a. Culture Club

b. Dominant culture

c. Subculture

d. Counter culture


I think the answer would be c. subculture

Why did South Carolina begin to create a system of technical colleges after World War II?
The colleges were created as part of the "white flight" idea to fight integration.
To attract foreign investment and supply an educated and trained workforce to the growing industry jobs.
Citizens called for the technical colleges to learn more about technology and inventions.
They needed the colleges to meet increased demand for agricultural education.


Answer: To attract foreign investment and supply an educated and trained workforce to the growing industry jobs.


The era after WW2 was one of growth in the economy and especially in industry. For people with tertiary qualifications, there was a chance of making a lot more money but at the time, not a lot of Americans had said tertiary qualifications.

States like South Carolina tried to solve that problem by creating technical colleges to give their people tertiary education that would educate them for industrial jobs. They hoped that having such skilled labor would attract foreign investment.

1111 unread replies.1111 replies. Search the web for ethical standards in the Human Services field, then find at least 5 Scriptures describing how we should treat others and care for them. Compare and contrast the Human Service ethics standards with biblical standards. How are they alike



Respecting the dignity and welfare of all people, promoting self-determination.


Respecting the dignity and welfare of all people, promoting self-determination, honoring all cultures, advocating for social justice, and acting honesty and objectivity are the ethical standards in the Human Services field. We should treat people with good behaviour and respectfully. The Human Service ethics standards alike with biblical standards because both give preference to humans as well as talk about good behaviour and giving respect.

Compare and contrast democracy and Republic



Republic is a government form while democracy is a concept ( a thought)

In a republican government laws are formulated by the elected representatives. It allows greater freedom and prosperity and  serves the common welfare.

While in democracy the rules and laws are formulated directly by the voting majority


Republic is a government form while democracy is a concept ( a thought)

In a republican government laws are formulated by the elected representatives. It allows greater freedom and prosperity and  serves the common welfare.

While in democracy the rules and laws are formulated directly by the voting majority

A tendency to overestimate the extent to which a stranger's violent behavior stems from his or her aggressive personality best illustrates



Fundamental attribution error


Due to the fundamental attribution error, people tend to have the belief that others do bad things due to the fact that they are not good people. This theory explains the tendency for us to judge other people harshly but when we are guilty of the same unethical behavior, we tend to want to easily get ourselves off the hook.

describe the social achievement from 2063 Bs to till now​



The politics of Nepal functions within the framework of a parliamentary republic with a multi-party system.[1] Executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and his/her cabinet, while legislative power is vested in the Parliament.


this is from some one else and i am sorry for coping but i needed to answer one more person i hope you understand.

how do religious organizations have supported communities affected by human rights violation in gender based violence​



they influence the masses through teaching


because the religious leaders and marriage counsellors of the office of religious affairs are influntial in the field of family guidance and marriage and couple reconciliation

The religious organizations have supported communities that were affected by human rights violation in gender based violence​ as they were influences the messes through teaching.

What is human rights violation?

A human rights violation is defined as the denial of the freedom of thought and movement. In this concept, all humans are lawfully entitled.

Persons can break these interests, but civilization's government frequently brush off underprivileged people. Religious organizations have aided communities impacted by human rights violations in gender-based violence by influencing the messes through education.

Therefore, As they were influencing the kids through education, human rights violations in gender-based violence occurred.

Learn more about the violence, refer to:


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