Carboxyl phosphate (aka carbonyl phosphate) is the substrate that reacts with biotin to form the carboxylated biotin intermediate.

a. True
b. Fals


Answer 1


TRUE ( A )


Biotin is a coenzyme that reacts with carboxylase enzymes like Carboxyl phosphate in the formation of carboxylated biotin intermediate

Biotin is also an important for sensitive metabolic pathways ( example ; fatty acid synthesis and amino acid catabolism )

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cual es la causa para que los oceanos se expanden entre 3 y 10 cm por año



El calentamiento global causa que el nivel del mar se eleve, debido a que el hielo en las plataformas continentales se derrite y que el agua del océano se expande al calentarse.

In convergent evolution, unrelated species or different organisms evolve similar traits, even though they live in different parts of the world.





Convergent evolution is a type of independent evolutionary process by which unrelated species evolve similar structural features/traits that fulfill the same or similar functions. Convergent evolution generates analogous structures, i.e., structures that have similar functions in organisms that don't share a common ancestor with such phenotypic traits. An example of convergent evolution is the wings of insects (e.g., butterflies), birds and bats. Conversely, divergent evolution is a type of evolutionary process that creates homologous structures/traits in closely related organisms because such features were inherited from a common ancestor.

A population has adopted an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) in regards to cooperation or defection. If a new mutant strategy appears that causes an opposite behavior from the norm, which of the following will result?
A. The mutant strategy will not be able to increase in numbers in the population under the influence of natural selection.
B. Antagonistic pleiotropy will allow an equilibrium in which both strategies are maintained in the population.
C. The members of the population using the original strategy will act with aggression toward those exhibiting the mutant strategy.
D. The evolutionarily stable strategy will be displaced because of natural selection in favor of the mutant strategy.
E. Natural selection will maintain the mutant strategy because the variation in strategy may be useful in future environments.



A. The mutant strategy will not be able to increase in numbers in the population under the influence of natural selection.


An evolutionarily stable strategy (EES) can be defined as a strategy that is competitively superior to others strategies and cannot be replaced or invaded by any other strategy through natural selection, resulting in punishment for those who deviate from it. Thus, an EES may confer a higher reproductive/adaptive fitness than alternative strategies when it is adopted by most members of the population. Individuals having an ESS are 'spiteful' because they act not only to increase their payoffs but also to decrease the payoffs of their competitors. An EES is resistant to low levels of mutation when all individuals in the population have the same strategy. In game-theoretical terms, an ESS is a strategy such that if all the members of a population adopt this strategy, then no mutant strategies could invade the population under natural selection. In consequence, when all individuals of a population adopt an EES, mutant phenotypes cannot invade and displace the ESS.

Question 11 of 15
currents are caused by temperature and density differences.
A. Surface
B. Longshore
C. Deep
D. Tsunami



The current answer is - Deep.


If the water becomes denser, movement of water below the surface, and surface water is cool then Deepwater currents are formed. These currents are formed mainly due to differences in density, temperature and salinity.

These currents move towards the equator from the poles that carry cold water slowly than the surface water currents. It is due to density difference and temperature difference in the water.

A group of organ systems makes up a



Organs are grouped into organ systems, in which they work together to carry out a particular function for the organism. For example, the heart and the blood vessels make up the cardiovascular system.


Describe the structure and function of the following organelles: nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, and centrioles


Answer: A cell organelle is defined as a cellular structure which has a specific function. The structure and function of these organelles as explained below.


--> NUCLEUS: This is the largest and most important cell organelle. It is enclosed by a double- layered nuclear membrane with many pores. The structure of the Nucleus makes it the 'control center' of the cell. This, it contains genetic materials( chromosomes) which controls the Production of a new cell or the whole organism itself and it controls the type and quantity of proteins( enzymes) produced in the cytoplasm.

--> ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM(ER): this is a system of membrane-lined sacs that form channels throughout the cytoplasm. It's membrane is continuous with the nuclear membrane. There are two types of endoplasmic reticulum: rough and smooth. The rough ER packs and transports proteins made by ribosome while the smooth ER is involved in lipid and steroid synthesis.

--> GOLGI BODY: This is a stack of membrane-lined sacs. It is continuously formed at one end and broken off as bubbles or vesicles at the other end. These vesicles carry 'export materials' like enzymes and hormones which the cell makes.

--> MITOCHONDRIA: This is a sausage-shaped body surrounded by a double-membrane layer. The inner membrane is folded to form partitions which project into the inside of the mitochondria. The energy producing reactions of cellular respiration take place in the mitochondria. It is thus often called the cell's 'power- house'.

LYSOSOMES: These are small round sacs that contains digestive enzymes which break down structures and substances. They are also involved in the transport of materials in and out of the cell.

RIBOSOME: These are found on the surface of rough endoplasmic reticulum and are sites for protein synthesis of the cell.

CENTRIOLE: Two rod-like centrioles are found at right angles to each other in an animal cell. They are found near the nucleus and seem to be concerned with cell division.

why it is important that we have an understanding of geologic time



Time is a very important variable in geology because the exact timing of spatially separated events allows us to reconstruct the surface and surface conditions of the ancient earth. Geologic time spans are considerably more difficult to comprehend than historical time spans because they are so incredibly long.

One reason is so that we can fully understand how geological processes that seem impossibly slow can produce anything of consequence. For example, we are familiar with the concept of driving from one major city to another: a journey of several hours at around 100 km/h. Continents move toward each other at rates of a fraction of a millimetre per day, or something in the order of 0.00000001 km/h, and yet, at this impossibly slow rate, they can move thousands of kilometres. Sediments typically accumulate at even slower rates — less than a millimetre per year — but still they are thick enough to be thrust up into monumental mountains and carved into breathtaking canyons.

Another reason is that for our survival on this planet, we need to understand issues like extinction of endangered species and anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change. Some people, who don’t understand geological time, are quick to say that the climate has changed in the past, and that what is happening now is no different. And it certainly has changed in the past. For example, from the Eocene (50 Ma) to the present day, Earth’s climate cooled by about 12°C. That’s a huge change that ranks up there with many of the important climate changes of the distant past, and yet the rate of change over that time was only 0.000024°C/century. Anthropogenic climate change has been 1.1°C over the past 100 years, and that is 45,800 times faster than the rate of natural climate change since the Eocene.

A chemical interferes with a cell's ability to make proteins. Investigations reveal that the cell parts responsible for making proteins are in working order. The cell can also
encode instructions for making proteins, but those instructions are not being carried out. The chemical appears to affect the communication between the
A Cell wall and Nucleus
B Nucleus and Ribosomes
C Mitochondria and Chloroplasts
D. Endoplasmic reticulum and Lysosomes





What is a sacrolemma?



the fine transparent tubular sheath which envelops the fibres of skeletal muscles.

Osmolarity tells you the concentration of solute particles in solution, osmolarity cannot always tell you the direction of water movement across a membrane.

a. True
b. False



a. True


Osmolarity is a measure of solute concentration, that is, it indicates how much solute there is in a liquid. As we know, osmosis is the movement of solute across the cell membrane, where the solute passes from the more concentrated side to the less concentrated side. Osmolarity is directly linked to this concept, but it is not able to indicate the direction of movement of the solute. This is because the solute will only pass through the membrane if it is a penetrating solute. Non-penetrating solutes do not have the ability to move through the membrane, even though the osmolarity of the liquid is high.

A student constructs a Venn diagram to compare the organelles in plant and animal cells.
Venn Diagram of Plant and Animal Cells
Animal Only
Plant Only
Which organelle should be listed under "Animal Only" in the diagram?


Animal cells have centrosomes and lysosomes which plant cells don’t have

Organelle which is present in only plant cells are chloroplast, centrioles are present only in animal cells. The organelles present in both cells are ribosomes, nuclei, and mitochondria.

What are organelles?

The cell parts are called cell organelles. There are both membrane-bound and non-membrane-bound organelles in these cell organelles, which are found within the cells and have distinct structures and functions. The direction and capability productively for the ordinary working of the cell.

Depending on whether or not they have a membrane, the various organelles that are found within the cell are divided into three groups. The types are double membranes, single membranes, and no membrane organelles.

Therefore, organelles perform biochemical functions.

Learn more about organelles, here:


What was one major effect of urbanization on British society during the
Industrial Revolution?
O A. Urban citizens were forced to drink unsanitary and polluted water.
B. Improved living conditions resulted in a decline in the mortality
O C. Governments passed strict regulations to reduce the levels of
D. Wealthy corporations relocated their factories to rural areas.



B is the answer

B. Improved living conditions resulted in a decline in the mortality


Hope it helps

The major effect of urbanization is improved living conditions resulted in a decline in the mortality rate during industrial revolution.

What is industrial revolution?

The Industrial Revolution was the shift to new industrial methods in the United Kingdom, continental Europe, and the United States from around 1760 until between 1820 and 1840.

The major effect of urbanization is improved living conditions resulted in a decline in the mortality rate during industrial revolution.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding industrial revolution, visit:


The fact that _____ is electronegative gives a water molecule a partial positive side.





In a molecule of water ie H20, Oxygen is more electronegative and hence attracts more electrons to itself making Hydrogen partially positive ‍♂️

Write any two demerits of local system of measurement.​



) It's easier for younger people to change than older people. (3) It ignores, and devalues cultural differences, expressions, and idioms, based on imperial measurements. For example: can a British pub be truly British without "Pints of beer"? - "Half a litre of beer" doesn't quite have the same ring to it!

1. cannot be used in international trade.

2. cannot be used in scientific experimemts.....

Count the number of breaths you take in a minute and compare it with the number of times a fish opens and closes its mouth



Don't know sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Phân tích chức năng của các hệ cơ quan chính ở cơ thể cá; các biểu hiện
rối loạn chức năng và ứng dụng các biện pháp kĩ thuật nhằm năng cao
năng suất nuôi trồng thủy sản



Nâng cao kiến ​​thức về hệ thống miễn dịch niêm mạc cá sẽ tạo điều kiện cho ... Tuy nhiên, có một số thách thức quan trọng để phát triển năng suất, ... Đầu tiên, kết quả thu được trong những năm đầu sẽ được phân tích, và điều này ... cơ quan và liên tục với các lớp lót của tất cả các lỗ trên cơ thể và cũng bao phủ các vây. và Cá cũng có thể sửa đổi cấu trúc mang để đáp ứng với độ mặn, thiếu oxy, hoặc axit hóa ... chưa rõ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe biển và sản lượng nuôi trồng thủy sản. ... để mở các hệ thống trong đó chất lượng nước là một chức năng trực tiếp của môi trường.

Explain how sunlight is the primary source of energy for your own life


Answer: ok...


The continual input of energy, mostly from sunlight, sustains the process of life. Sunlight allows plants, algae and cyanobacteria to use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates. This process is the fundamental source of organic material in the biosphere.

Organism A
Offspring 1
Offspring 2
The diagram below represents a form of cellular reproduction
As a result of this process, offspring 1 and offspring 2 will have *
(2 Points)


Answer: A


they will have different traits because they will each have different dna but the same amount of genes

Offspring 1 and offspring two will have the same number of genes but different traits. So, the correct option is A.

How the same number of genes?When a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes with genetic information to the offspring. This means that each cell of the offspring's body has 23 chromosomes that contain instructions for their development, including their traits.

What are the different traits?Parents pass on traits, such as eye color and blood type, to their offspring through their genes. Some health conditions and diseases can be passed on. Sometimes, one characteristic has many different forms. For example, blood type can be A, B, AB, or O.Eye color is based on the amount of pigment melanin in the iris. Every gene has an allele from its parents, so many variations are possible.  Because of this, even if parents have blue eyes, offspring can have brown or green eyes, or one offspring can have blue, and others can have different eye colors from their family.

Thus, we can conclude that two offspring will have the same genes but different alleles.

You can learn more about traits here:


Science is concerned with explaining natural phenomena, based on observation, experiments, and evidence. Other questions are best answered by using other forms of knowledge and understanding, such as art, philosophy, or religion. Read each topic and select the topics for Science.
Select ALL that apply.

behavior of alligators

meaning of existence

black holes

deep-sea vents

the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

ghosts, goblins, and other creatures in stories





behavior of alligators

black holes

deep sea vents

the Aurora Borealis

Behaviour of alligatorsBlack holesDeep-sea ventsThe Aurora Borealis

What is natural phenomena?

Any event or an occurrence that happens on its own without any human intervention is termed as a natural phenomena.

Natural phenomena harms the nature as well as life on earth.

Common examples of natural phenomena include thunder storms, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricane etc.

Some majestic natural phenomena include blood rain, Northern lights and luminous water in the world.

Natural phenomena can sometimes be destructive in nature and are therefore responsible for loss of lives and property.

It is almost impossible to predict the occurrence of any natural phenomena.

However, the negative outcome of natural phenomena can be managed with special disaster management operation

Thus, natural phenomena could only be observed and understood in science.

Learn more about natural phenomena, here:


What bacteria was the first one on the Earth?



anaerobic heterotrophic bacteria


Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, started out on Earth quite a while ago. Possible fossil examples have been found in rocks that are around 3500 million years old, in Western Australia. and make me brainlist

What would you say is the most significant result of the technology revolution in archaeology ?



Improvement of preservation techniques.


The most significant result of the technology revolution in archaeology is the improvement of preservation techniques used for archaeological sites. Modern technology also allows researchers to go to a site in order to find out  the answers of additional questions. Modern archaeologists are fighting climate change, discovering how cultures evolved with the passage of time, and using technology to better understand human evolution.

How do transitional fossils help explain the evolutionary steps that took place to produce modem organisms?​



Transitional fossils show how a particular taxa accumulated adaptations to fit particular environment​s and/or ecological niches


Transitional fossils are fossilized remains of taxonomic groups/species that illustrate an evolutionary transition between a known version of a taxa/species and the current taxa/species. Transitional fossils are fundamental because they can be clearly differentiated from the ancestral group as well as of its derived descendant group. For example, there exist transitional fossils known as "mammal-like reptiles"(i.e., therapsids that gave rise to the true mammals), which are clearly different from current mammals.

What is a working copy of DNA that leaves the nucleus of the cell? And is read by organelles called that connect amino acids together to make proteins



Messenger RNA


Why do plants store their food?



Storing the food helps them to use it in winter and survive because there is very little sunlight available and so they photosynthesis less. When they have extra food they store it in their seeds and when the seed grows it gets it's food from the plant until the plant is able to photosynthesis and produce its food.


The main reasons being- survival, growth and reproduction

A plant can have green (G) or yellow (g) leaves. It can also have a long (K) or
short (k) stem. A scientist is preparing a Punnett square for a dihybrid cross
of a plant with a genotype GGKk. What possible gametes can the plant


Here ya go hoope this helps

All of the following are examples of the functions of connective tissues except



can you please show the options

In the SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate - polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) method, separation takes place on the basis of:_____________

a. charge only, because all particles have different charges, but the same mass.
b. the sieving action of the gel, because all particles have the same charge, but different masses.
c. the sieving action of the gel, because all particles have approximately the same charge/mass ratio, but different masses.
d. the chemical nature of the buffer used as the electrolyte.





Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is a method of separating molecules based on the difference of their molecular weight.

Name three different cells in a leaf that contain chloroplast. Please help​


The LEAF as a photosynthetic organ includes the following cells which contains CHLOROPLASTS

the palisade mesophyll

• the spongy mesophyll and

• the stomatal guard cells

The LEAFS are the main organ of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants manufacture their food in the presence of sunlight. This takes place in the CHLOROPLASTS of these plant. CHLOROPLASTS are structures that contains chlorophyll which traps in energy from the sunlight.

The mesophyll tissues are located between the upper and the lower epidermis of the leaf. The palisade mesophyll, which is found at the upper part, contains numerous CHLOROPLASTS and is the main site of photosynthesis in the leaf.

The spongy mesophyll is located at the lower part of the epidermis. They are irregularly arranged with air spaces between them which are linked to the stomatal openings. They also contain CHLOROPLASTS.

The stomatal guard cells are a pair of bean-shaped cells which controls the opening and closing of stomata. These cells contains CHLOROPLASTS which contributes to the movement of stomata.

Therefore the three different cells of the leaf that contains CHLOROPLASTS are the palisade mesophyll, the spongy mesophyll and the stomatal guard cells.

You can read more about CHLOROPLASTS through the link below:

If you walk through a busy crowd and feel a few different people bump and push past you as they walk by, which skin receptors would be activated?



Mechanoreceptors would be activated


The skin is a complex organ that is found covering the entire surface of the human body. The mechanoreceptors are responsible for the sense of touch, that is, the capture of pressure on the skin. They are the Meissner corpuscles and the Vater-Pacini corpuscles, which are made up of nerve endings and connective tissue, in other words, they are receptors that are stimulated by muscle contraction and pressure on the joint elements. It allows to know the position of the body and the degree of contraction of the muscles.

6) In Medieval times a ruler told the peasants that they were free to take anything from the forest that had fallen, branches, trees, leaves etc. But they were not to take any live standing trees. Within a few years the forest was dying. Why



Due to lack of nutrients in the soil.


Within a few years the forest was dying because there is no nutrient is present in the soil which can trigger the growth and development of the sol. The fallen parts of trees such as branches, tree and leaves etc are decomposed by decomposers such as bacteria and fungi which turn the fallen materials into nitrogenous materials which can be used by the plant for its growth and development.

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