Change into passive:
1)He opened the door.


Answer 1


he opens the door will be the answer

Answer 2


The door was opened by him.


hope it helps<3

Related Questions

2. In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur ......misunderstanding
. A. because of B. because C. for D. of​



The answer is Because of

Mark me as brainlist

In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur because of misunderstanding. Option A is an appropriate response.

When because of can be used in a sentence?

"Because of" is a two-word preposition that means "as a result of"

To introduce reasons, you can use either because or because of. "Because of" is a preposition, a verb + ing or a noun is typically immediately after it. "Because " it is a conjunction, a subject and verb come after it.

For example- Because of her sickness, Zara didn't go to the school.

                      I was late because of the traffic.

Because of is a preposition, a verb + ing or a noun is typically immediately after it. In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur because of misunderstanding." Because of " is followed by verb +ing.

Hence, option A is an appropriate response.

To learn more about preposition


pls help 3-8 question








Thanks for asking

All the employees were asked …………..the meeting on Saturday.
C.attending attend'


.to asistir'


The best way to complete the sentence is "All the employees were asked to attend the meeting on Saturday." (option D)

Why is "to attend" the best option?

The verb "to ask" is followed by another verb preceded by "to" when it expresses a request. The structure is basically "to be asked to do something." Since letter D is the only option that presents a verb preceded by "to", it is the correct answer:

"All the employees were asked to attend the meeting on Saturday."

Learn more about completing sentences here:

How BPT1501 benefited you​



BPT1501 was useful to me in that the module is like a toolkit and doing the module equips me with skills that enables me to gather tools to use as a teacher.

how many member in ASEAN?



There are 10 members, which consist of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

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lol what you are saying ?lolo

have a great day


what exactly are you asking ?

identify the types of devices you can use to access your online classroom. Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using each device for coursework. Which device(s) will you primarily use for school and why?



Some devices i can use to access my online classroom is a computer, laptop, phone, and Tablet. If i would have to choose one of these devices to access my online classroom i would use a pc or laptop...why? Well because when using a pc or a laptop you have many more advantages than using your phone or tablet to access your online classroom. One of the many advantages when using a pc/laptop is you can have many tabs open and not get too distracted when doing your work, as on the other hand you don't really have that advantage with the phone or tablet. Also with the pc/laptop another advantage is that mostly all the applications you use in class you can easily access them through just searching them up, instead with the phone or tablet im pretty sure it is going to ask you to download the applications and that will take you about a minute or two. Therefore, i would rather use a pc/laptop for my online classes.

(hope this helped :) im sorry if it didn't)


Read this sentence from Paragraph 2 of the passage.
Congressional legislation passed between 1916 and 1925 enabled construction of a national
highway system of which Route 66 would become the primary east-west artery,
What does the metaphorical use of artery MOST LIKELY suggest?
a structure of roads resembling an aspect of human activity
B.O a convenient arrangement for conducting the flow of traffic
c. a vital method for transporting goods and services
a natural connection linking separate locations


i believe the answer is C

Congressional legislation passed between 1916 and 1925 enabled the construction of a national highway system of which Route 66 would become the primary east-west artery a vital method for transporting goods and services has the metaphorical use of Artery. Hence, option C is appropriate.

What is the meaning of a Metaphoric?

A metaphor seems to be a figure of speech whose, for the sake of rhetorical effect, addresses a single topic while simultaneously addressing another. It could offer clarification or reveal unnoticed connections between two dissimilar ideas.

A similarity or resemblance is suggested by something that involves, invokes, or is meant to be understood as a metaphor, something that is used symbolically to symbolize another thing: The insurgents now have a figurative green light to use violent methods to further their imperial goals as a result of our foreign policy error.

Your words can come to life by using metaphors. Frequently, you may employ a metaphor to help the reader relate to your subject or to simplify a difficult concept.

Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about the Metaphor here:


Which of the following sentences is written in passive voice? A. The cat was bought by a rich family. B. The pilot apologized for the delay. C. The car crashed into the side of the bridge. D. The reason for the decision was clear to everyone.


I think the answer is d since a passive voice will be hear for a reason

The sentences which is written in passive voice is, The cat was bought by a rich family.

What is passive voice?

The passive voice is someone's received action.

Because passive voice is the experienced action by a person or object, and passive voice is formed when what is happening is identified first and then who caused the doing. Thus, the sentences which is written in passive voice is, The cat was bought by a rich family.

Hence the correct option is, A. The cat was bought by a rich family.

To know more about passive voice:


What cultural norm is implied by an ad showing an attractive couple taking selfies using the latest smartphone?
Staying current with the latest technology will improve your love life and increase your happiness.
When you purchase the latest technological tool, your individuality and freedom are enhanced.
The safety and security offered by the latest technology is what makes these products desirable.
Science and technology are the surest routes to equal opportunity and universal prosperity.



Staying current with the latest technology will improve your love life and increase your happiness.


attractive couple, taking selfies gives consumers the feeling of love and happiness

Question 17 of 20

Which sentence best clearly describes diction?

O A. Owls symbolize death - of people or ideas – in this classic work

of Modernism.

B. The use of "brilliant" to describe the detectives suggests the

writer's sarcasm.

C. Curiously, the author writes in sentence fragments, which feels

curt and abrupt.

D. By comparing the sand to gold, the character shows her affection

for the desert.






i think its B because brilliant in the first place is to symbolize someone's intelligence, but the fact that it is being represented in quotes has to do with sarcasm. because, quotes first of all have to do with sarcasm, and the fact that the word brilliant is in quotes shows that the writer doesn't actually mean what he's saying

The sentence that clearly describes the diction is the use of brilliant to describe the detectives suggests the writer's sarcasm. The correct option is b.

What is sarcasm?

Sarcasm is the caustic use of words, often in a humorous way, to mock someone or something. Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although it is not necessarily ironic.

Most noticeable in spoken word, sarcasm is mainly distinguished by the inflexion with which it is spoken or, with an undercurrent of irony, by the extreme disproportion of the comment to the situation, and is largely context-dependent. While sarcasm is often directly associated with verbal irony and the two are frequently used together; sarcasm is not necessarily ironic by definition, and either element can be used without the other.

Professionals in psychology and related fields have long looked upon sarcasm negatively, particularly noting that sarcasm tends to be a maladaptive coping mechanism for those with unresolved anger or frustrations.

Learn more about sarcasm, here:


is online examination okay​




yeah its very lit in online examination . we can cheat easily from

Answer: stuff can be neat

Please mark brainliest dear sire

The following passage appears in an online article. Paraphrase the information for your research report about DNA.

Scientists believe some day farmers will grow plants with black leaves. These leaves would be able to change sunlight into energy. F. Dyson, a genetics expert, claims, "This would help reduce poverty in rural parts of the world because farmers could grow black plants and sell them at a healthy profit." He also sees a day when termites will eat rusty metal and trees will produce liquid fuel. "The secret lies in DNA," says Dyson.




This is an awful lot of points. Try 20 next time.

DNA manipulation will be responsible for

black leaves on plants which directly change sunlight to energy.termites will be encourage to eat rust rather than wood.trees will produce liquid fuel.All of these would have economic consequences that would benefit the farmers that used them.


This is an awful lot of points. Try 20 next time.


DNA manipulation will be responsible for

black leaves on plants which directly change sunlight to energy.

termites will be encourage to eat rust rather than wood.

trees will produce liquid fuel.

All of these would have economic consequences that would benefit the farmers that used them.

Can somebody answers these plz.


Hi is there a text that I’m suppose to read to answer this?

Which statement best compares the main characters in "The Prodigal Son" and "The Glass of Milk"?



they both are prideful men distant from their homes'

Please help me ASAP?!!!!!



false false the creative




The Assembly line Process

The nurse who admitted Long asked him


Answer: what are you doing


What is tone in the poem amphibians



Hopeful or inspiring


It is talking about immigrents, and immigrents move from their homeland to somewhere new to start a new life.

In a raisin in the sun, Why is Beneatha worried about Mama's meeting with Mr.Asagai?



Beneath is worried about Mama's meeting with Mr. Asagai because Joseph Asagai is a Nigerian student with progressive ideas. Beneatha is impressed with Asagai and doesn't want her mother to embarrass her in front of him.


Beneatha worried about Mama's meeting with Mr. Asagai as Joseph Asagai is a student with ideas, Beneath is affected about Mama's conversation with Mr. Asagai. Beneatha admires Asagai and does not want her mother to humiliate her in front of him.

What is the theme of the story?

As the main characters continue to grapple with the overbearing circumstances that govern their lives, A Raisin in the Sun is essentially about dreams.

The title of the play refers to a famous guesswork posed by Langston Hughes in a poem about forgotten or postponed dreams.

Joseph Asagai is a student with liberal ideas, Beneath is affected about Mama's conversation with Mr. Asagai. Beneatha admires Asagai and does not want her mother to humiliate her in front of him.

Thus, this was the reason that Beneatha was worried about Mama's meeting with Mr. Asagai.

To read more about In a raisin in the sun, visit:


I'll call you as soon as my father_____ (a) return (b) returns (c) returned​





A and C wouldn't be the correct answer




What is the features of world English literature​



English Literature refers to the study of texts from around the world, written in the English language. ... An English Literature major will likely examine texts including poetry, drama, and prose fiction, perhaps briefly covering more contested forms of literature in their chosen path.

She ........... (write) three books and she is working on another one. (Put the verb from the bracket in correct tense to make a meaningful sentence)​



has written


She has written three books and is working on another one

i think it’s “she wrote three books and she is working on another one.”

How old is Ryan?‎ ‎Ryan…
Where does he live? ‎He…
Does he live with his parents?‎ … with his parents.
What’s his father’s job?‎ His father…



Ryan is 15years old .He lives in Uganda.He also lives with his parents.His father works in an organization called MercyCops

about my aim teacher ​


What does that mean


??what do you mean by it.....

please help so I won’t post it again!

Decide whether sexual harassment occurred,
could or should have done differently, and what the "victim" could do about the problem or potential problem.

A construction worker whistles and applauds as an attractive woman walks by his construction site every day. The woman always quickens her pace to get past the building as fast as possible, every once a while she smiles a little, suggesting that she enjoys being found attractive. The worker's buddy pokes him and says he could be putting the company at risk for a sexual harassment lawsuit, but the worker doesn't think that's likely to happen and continues to whistle and applaud at attractive women.



In my view, this would depend on how the lady felt and how she communicated with the man. meaning if the Lady indeed enjoyed being praised then I don't believe this would be put in under sexual harassment, however even though the prompt said she smiled it also mentions how she would quicken her pace. But this can have several meanings, lets say she did enjoy it then there might be a possibility that she would hurry off being embarrassed by the compliments. Now if indeed she hurried off being uncomfortable then she should tell the worker that, after seeing his reaction they can either reconcile or in other scenarios she may be able to charge him for sexual harassment.


Are there any kind of movies you dislike?





Write the comparative form of the following adjectives.

· cold Answer

· big Answer

· difficult Answer

· bad Answer

· dry Answer

· early Answer

· good Answer

· high Answer

· hot Answer

· long Answer

· popular Answer

· small Answer

· sunny Answer

· wet





.more difficult



. earlier





.more popular

. smaller


. wetter


· cold - colder

· big - bigger

· difficult - more difficult

· bad - worse

· dry - drier

· early - earlier

· good - better

· high - higher

· hot - hotter

· long - longer

· popular - more popular

· small - smaller

· sunny - sunnier

· wet - wetter

Summary for music for my mother


Answer: music can make people happy, dance, and sing. It can do a lot of things for people.


"The autumnal equinox (noun) is an astronomical event that occurs when the hours of night and day are equal in length, happening around September 22 each year."

What type of definition is provided in the sentence?

formal definition

extended definition

dictionary definition

informal definition


dictionary definition

dictionary definition

As you prepare to organize an academic paper, what's the first thing you should do?
A. Write a formal outline using full sentences
B. Double-check the requirements of the assignment.
C. Put all your ideas in order from most to least important.
D. Type up your detailed notes on your research.



A). Write a formal outline using full sentences.


Organizing a text or paper is one of the most crucial tasks as it directly impacts the readers' interest and understanding. It not only establishes a connection among the ideas that allow the readers to relate it effectively to the thesis but also promotes their comprehension.

As per the question, the first step is to develop a formal outline of the essay or paper. This draft will begin with the thesis statement that will reveal the key idea of the paper. The thesis statement will be immediately followed by ideas that back the thesis statement and then, the key ideas are further supported in a logical manner until the topic is developed completely. Thus, this will arrange the paper in an effective and coherent manner. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

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