Check all statements you agree with regarding the
purpose section of Proposal A.
This project will do a good job revealing the
effect of pesticides on honeybees.
It will help to establish a baseline for historical
comparison, a long-term benefit.
Society will benefit because the project will
indirectly increase the supply of honey and
other agricultural production.
The honey and agricultural industries will
benefit because bees will face fewer threats


Answer 1


And will also reduce unemployment and also reduce morbidity

Answer 2
I am sorry I wanted just wanted point for my answer I am sorry

Related Questions

Science is concerned with explaining natural phenomena, based on observation, experiments, and evidence. Other questions are best answered by using other forms of knowledge and understanding, such as art, philosophy, or religion. Read each topic and select the topics for Science.
Select ALL that apply.

behavior of alligators

meaning of existence

black holes

deep-sea vents

the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights)

ghosts, goblins, and other creatures in stories





behavior of alligators

black holes

deep sea vents

the Aurora Borealis

Behaviour of alligatorsBlack holesDeep-sea ventsThe Aurora Borealis

What is natural phenomena?

Any event or an occurrence that happens on its own without any human intervention is termed as a natural phenomena.

Natural phenomena harms the nature as well as life on earth.

Common examples of natural phenomena include thunder storms, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricane etc.

Some majestic natural phenomena include blood rain, Northern lights and luminous water in the world.

Natural phenomena can sometimes be destructive in nature and are therefore responsible for loss of lives and property.

It is almost impossible to predict the occurrence of any natural phenomena.

However, the negative outcome of natural phenomena can be managed with special disaster management operation

Thus, natural phenomena could only be observed and understood in science.

Learn more about natural phenomena, here:


What is a working copy of DNA that leaves the nucleus of the cell? And is read by organelles called that connect amino acids together to make proteins



Messenger RNA


In convergent evolution, unrelated species or different organisms evolve similar traits, even though they live in different parts of the world.





Convergent evolution is a type of independent evolutionary process by which unrelated species evolve similar structural features/traits that fulfill the same or similar functions. Convergent evolution generates analogous structures, i.e., structures that have similar functions in organisms that don't share a common ancestor with such phenotypic traits. An example of convergent evolution is the wings of insects (e.g., butterflies), birds and bats. Conversely, divergent evolution is a type of evolutionary process that creates homologous structures/traits in closely related organisms because such features were inherited from a common ancestor.

Which process results in the formation of two identical daughter cells


Explanation: During mitosis, a eukaryotic cell undergoes a carefully coordinated nuclear division that results in the formation of two genetically identical daughter cells. ... If all conditions are ideal, the cell is now ready to move into the first phase of mitosis.


answer is D

answer is mitosis


hope this helps!

Andrew is trying to identify an unknown element. The element is dull and
brittle, and it is a poor thermal and electrical conductor. Where on the periodic
table is this element most likely found?



non metals


¿Cuál es el rol de la genética microbiana en el contexto de la Biología?
¿Qué aplicaciones tiene la Genética Microbiana hoy en día?

¿En qué consiste el protagonismo de la Genética microbiana en el devenir histórico de la Biología?



- La genética microbiana ha sido fundamental para la comprensión de diferentes mecanismo genéticos y evolutivos  

- Los microrganismos son ampliamente utilizados en medicina y procesos biotecnológicos  

- La microbiología ha permitido descartar la teoría de la generación espontanea (anteriormente aceptada en biologia) como así también formular nuevas teorías (hoy en día ampliamente aceptadas por la comunidad científica)


La genética microbiana juega un papel fundamental en biología, ya que los organismos microscópicos (por ejemplo, bacterias) poseen características únicas para el estudio de mecanismos genético/moleculares tales como, por ejemplo, 1-un corto tiempo generacional y 2-la capacidad de manipulación de un número de organismos muy alto (N muestral) en un laboratorio. En consecuencia, los microrganismos permiten estudiar mecanismos genéticos y evolutivos con mayor grado de precisión y versatilidad al ser comparados con organismos pluricelulares. La microbiología ha permitido el desarrollo de técnicas esenciales en el campo de la biología molecular: la técnica de edición genómica CRISPR-Cas9 se basa en el sistema adaptativo que poseen ciertas bacterias para hacer frente a infecciones virales. La biotecnología microbiana ha permitido también desarrollar diferentes tipos de alimentos y procesos biotecnológicos (por ejemplo, la cerveza y ciertos productos lácteos requiere la utilización de microrganismos para llevar a cabo el proceso de fermentación). Por otra parte, mediante técnicas de recombinación genética podemos explotar las características de los microrganismos para producir a gran escala ciertos productos biotecnológicos y medicinales (por ejemplo, producir insulina para uso humano). La microbiología emergió en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y desde entonces ha posibilitado el desarrollo de importantes avances para el tratamiento y cura de enfermedades infecciosas, como así también descartar teorías tales como la generación espontánea y generar nuevos conocimientos en el campo de la biología y la genética (por ejemplo, el descubrimiento que el ADN se replica de manera semiconservativa fue realizado utilizando cepas de E. coli).

Organism Clue
a gamete of a housefly has 6
Haploid or Diploid





wrong question actually...

How does variation in the environment affect natural selection?



It effects the way that certain traits in a species evolve in an area due to being better for dealing with the environment more effectively.


This is legit how nature works. Please rate 5 stars.

True during development the skeleton of a fetus is made of cartilage which is converted to bone before birth



Early in gestation, a fetus has a cartilaginous skeleton that becomes bone in ... At birth, a newborn baby has over 300 bones, while on average an adult human has 206 bones ... It is composed of fibers and granular cells in a matrix. ... The hypertrophic chondrocytes (before apoptosis) secrete vascular endothelial cell growth ...


n:When does the fetal cartilage turn to bone?

Key milestones in fetal bone development

Weeks pregnant Milestone

7 weeks Bone outlines for entire skeleton established; cartilage is forming

8 weeks Somites disappear; joints start forming

10 weeks Bone tissue forms and starts hardening (ossification)

16 weeks Your baby can move his limbs

why it is important that we have an understanding of geologic time



Time is a very important variable in geology because the exact timing of spatially separated events allows us to reconstruct the surface and surface conditions of the ancient earth. Geologic time spans are considerably more difficult to comprehend than historical time spans because they are so incredibly long.

One reason is so that we can fully understand how geological processes that seem impossibly slow can produce anything of consequence. For example, we are familiar with the concept of driving from one major city to another: a journey of several hours at around 100 km/h. Continents move toward each other at rates of a fraction of a millimetre per day, or something in the order of 0.00000001 km/h, and yet, at this impossibly slow rate, they can move thousands of kilometres. Sediments typically accumulate at even slower rates — less than a millimetre per year — but still they are thick enough to be thrust up into monumental mountains and carved into breathtaking canyons.

Another reason is that for our survival on this planet, we need to understand issues like extinction of endangered species and anthropogenic (human-caused) climate change. Some people, who don’t understand geological time, are quick to say that the climate has changed in the past, and that what is happening now is no different. And it certainly has changed in the past. For example, from the Eocene (50 Ma) to the present day, Earth’s climate cooled by about 12°C. That’s a huge change that ranks up there with many of the important climate changes of the distant past, and yet the rate of change over that time was only 0.000024°C/century. Anthropogenic climate change has been 1.1°C over the past 100 years, and that is 45,800 times faster than the rate of natural climate change since the Eocene.

One of your classmates submits the post below which is a very informative post about criteria for safe food production during the manufacturing process. What is missing from this post? "I recently read that industrial food processing factories are required to undergo periodic inspections by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration. For the USDA, these inspections are conducted by staff in the Food Safety and Inspection Service, or FSIS."A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the postB. Did not state what s/he specifically learned from the sourceC. Did not provide a citation for the source of the information



A. Did not refer to the source of the information in the body of the post


In the post written by his friend, we can see that he decided to write information about the periodic inspections carried out by the United States Department of Agriculture as well as by the Food and Drug Administration, because he read about these inspections somewhere. However, he forgot to show this place where he read this information, that is, he forgot to present the source where he got the information presented in the post. By presenting the source, it would make the post more trustworthy and relevant.

Write any two demerits of local system of measurement.​



) It's easier for younger people to change than older people. (3) It ignores, and devalues cultural differences, expressions, and idioms, based on imperial measurements. For example: can a British pub be truly British without "Pints of beer"? - "Half a litre of beer" doesn't quite have the same ring to it!

1. cannot be used in international trade.

2. cannot be used in scientific experimemts.....

The fact that _____ is electronegative gives a water molecule a partial positive side.





In a molecule of water ie H20, Oxygen is more electronegative and hence attracts more electrons to itself making Hydrogen partially positive ‍♂️

Which of the following statements is correct regarding engineering maize plants with a herbicide-resistance gene using Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation?

a. The Ti-plasmid used for this experiment must contain tumor-inducing genes.
b. The herbicide-resistance gene is cloned into the T-DNA region of the Ti-plasmid.
c. The herbicide-resistance gene is cloned into a region outside of the T-DNA in the Ti-plasmid.
d. A guide RNA is used to transfer T-DNA from Agrobacterium to the plant cell.
e. The whole Ti-plasmid containing the herbicide-resistance gene is inserted into the maize genome after infection with Agrobacterium



b. The herbicide-resistance gene is cloned into the T-DNA region of the Ti-plasmid.


Ti-plasmid has the ability to introduce part of its DNA (t-DNA) into the genome of host plants. This is very important for the relationship of genetic manipulation in maize plants, with the aim of inducing a gene that promotes herbicide resistance. In addition, T-DNA has many genes that code for the production of plant growth phytohormones, which is extremely important for the cloning process to work. In this case, we can assume that the correct answer for yours is the letter B.

What would happen to the weight of an ice cub if it melted?

A) it would weigh a little more.
B) it would weigh a lot less.
C) it would weigh the same.
D) it would weigh a lot more.



C. it would weigh the same


The mass of the ice doesn't change as the ice melts, so the volume displaced remains the same whether its is solid or liquid.

Explain how sunlight is the primary source of energy for your own life


Answer: ok...


The continual input of energy, mostly from sunlight, sustains the process of life. Sunlight allows plants, algae and cyanobacteria to use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates. This process is the fundamental source of organic material in the biosphere.

If a DNA sample were composed of 15% adenine, what would be the percentage of thymine?
a. 15.
b. 30.
c. 35.
d. 50.



C: 35


if DNA molecule contains 15% adenine then C and G will constitute 70%,of which guanine will be 35%

Clear-cutting and logging of tropical rain forests causes issues with excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and low rainfall. The land that is cleared and used for farming become depleted of nutrients and thus are useless. Do we have any right to tell other countries how to manage their lands, such as rain forests? If we explain the consequences of clear-cutting the rain forests but that government decides to continue with the process, should we interfere?



yes cause those tropical rain forests are important


cual es la causa para que los oceanos se expanden entre 3 y 10 cm por año



El calentamiento global causa que el nivel del mar se eleve, debido a que el hielo en las plataformas continentales se derrite y que el agua del océano se expande al calentarse.

All of the following are examples of the functions of connective tissues except



can you please show the options

Which of the following models describes the way in which DNA Replication occurs?









The semiconservative model of DNA replication states that only one DNA strand is used as template for the synthesis of the other new strands. In DNA replication, the DNA molecule is first unwind into a replication fork containing two single strands of DNA.

After unwinding, DNA polymerase synthesizes new complementary strands of DNA using each of the old strands. So in essence, the two DNA molecules after replication consists of one old and one new strand of DNA. This is basically the semi-conservative model of DNA replication.

Hypothesize and diagnose the impact of variability on enzyme ability


Sorry bro but I don’t know

Part C: Take Notes In a separate location, take notes from the sources you have identified. The notes will provide details for your presentation. While taking notes from texts and websites, use these reading strategies. In the space provided, write four pieces of information that you intend to use in your presentation. im to lazy to write the notes



I do that sometimes I take notes in a separate location so is this like for your math homework cuz I am good enough but I don't like it that much but I'm good at it and sources identify things that will the source is like a key a key like you can open and close the door with and you're opening the key with the source so it really really really really and wouldn't be a good thing to take notes wherever you go like if you were writing a book you would want the source and the emotion and everything you wanted to buy

Organism A
Offspring 1
Offspring 2
The diagram below represents a form of cellular reproduction
As a result of this process, offspring 1 and offspring 2 will have *
(2 Points)


Answer: A


they will have different traits because they will each have different dna but the same amount of genes

Offspring 1 and offspring two will have the same number of genes but different traits. So, the correct option is A.

How the same number of genes?When a sperm fertilizes an egg cell, each parent contributes 23 chromosomes with genetic information to the offspring. This means that each cell of the offspring's body has 23 chromosomes that contain instructions for their development, including their traits.

What are the different traits?Parents pass on traits, such as eye color and blood type, to their offspring through their genes. Some health conditions and diseases can be passed on. Sometimes, one characteristic has many different forms. For example, blood type can be A, B, AB, or O.Eye color is based on the amount of pigment melanin in the iris. Every gene has an allele from its parents, so many variations are possible.  Because of this, even if parents have blue eyes, offspring can have brown or green eyes, or one offspring can have blue, and others can have different eye colors from their family.

Thus, we can conclude that two offspring will have the same genes but different alleles.

You can learn more about traits here:


what do you mean by bone​



bone is a substance that forms the skeleton of the body

Hello what is this? I need help quick pleasee


B because B is the nucleus which is the storage location of DNA
The answer would be B.

Hello ! I need to make on Poetry about the snake to make everything what I know about him , means were it lives , what his ears , what is look like , different colour,there is venomous,etc , some on can help me please? Thank you



try to explain a little more of exactly what you need. a poem about a snake am I correct?

Discuss how the concept of "survival of the fittest" was developed and what it means.



Survival of the fittest is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection.In On the Origin of Species, he introduced the phrase in the fifth edition published in 1869, intending it to mean "better designed for an immediate, local environment".


there right^



Increasing __________ is one of the most effective treatments for bowel and bladder problems.


Dietary fiber and fluids (mark brainliest)

Complete each statement by using the appropriate word or phrase from the list. Then place the statements in the order of an action potential repolarization event.
1. Through the activated channels, _________ now flows outwards causing the membrane to repolarize back towards RMP.
2. As the membrane potential ___________, the voltage-regulated sodium channels begin closing which in turn reduces the sodium movement to the ICF
3. With a larger duration of activation than sodium channels, the potassium channels allow for a greater movement of potassium to the ECF causing a short period of_______.
4. With membrane potentials approaching +35 mV, the _________channels become fully activated.
a. Sodium
b. Voltage regulate sodium
c. Potassium
d. Rises towards zero
e. Hyperpolarization
f. Voltage regulated potassium



1. Potassium

2. increasing towards zero

3. hyperpolarization

4. voltage-regulated Potassium


Membrane potential can be defined as the difference in electric charges inside and outside of a cell. The resting membrane potential (RMP) occurs when there is no net current across the membrane and therefore the cell is in a non-excited state. At the RMP, sodium ions (Na+) are more concentrated inside the extracellular fluid (ECF) than inside the intracellular fluid (ICF), while potassium ions (K+)  are more concentrated inside the ICF. The diffusion of K+ outside the cell triggers its hyperpolarization, by becoming the membrane potential more negative compared to the resting potential. As the potential nears +35 mV, the voltage-regulated potassium channels are open, thereby K+ ions leave the cell down its concentration gradient, while voltage-gated Na+ channels become saturated and inactivate.

Other Questions
Work out the sum of 1/4 1/6 and 1/3 Can someone help me, please? Here is some information for visitors to New York City. Write the missing words (modals).Before you travel to the US, you must find out what documents you need. British people do not (1)to get a visa, but there are different rules for different nationalities. For example, you(2)need to show that you have enough money with you. But there's one nile you can be sure about: everyone (3) show their passport. The roads in New York are very busy, but dont worry - you (4)get around chcaply and easily by subway. Remember that you are not (5).to smoke on public transport or in shops. And don't forget either that you are(6) to tip taxi drivers and waiters. New York is not the most dangerous city in the US, but you really (7) walk along empty streets at night. And it is safer if you are (8) travel around in a group. Thanks in advance Mario compares random download times of movies from three different services using the table below.ServiceDownload Time(minutes), 5.0, 4.6, 4.8Who KnewAmazingPrime4.6. 4.6., 4.9Peach TV4.9.4.9, 5.1, 5.0, 5.1Which service provides the fastest mean download speed? In a completely randomized design, experimental units were used for the first treatment, for the second treatment, and for the third treatment. Complete the following analysis of variance (to 2 decimals, if necessary). If the answer is zero enter "0". Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F p-value Treatments Error Total At a level of significance, is there a significant difference between the treatments? The -value is - Select your answer - What is your conclusion? The gorilla at the zoo, along with the chimpanzee, are allowed to play in the new fallen snow. Correct the error in subject-verb agreement in this sentence. The cost of 8 chalk markers in a store is $12.20. Ava buys 20 chalk markers from the store. How much will Ava pay at the store? Rachel draws a trend line through the following datapoints. Did she draw the line correctly? The marketing team for Lots-o-Chocolate wants to understand the effectiveness of the different components of its digital marketing campaign and put more resources toward its three top-performing sites for ads. How can the marketing team use marketing metrics and marketing control to achieve their objective Required information Use the following information for Exercises 16-18 below. Skip to question [The following information applies to the questions displayed below.] Carmen Camry operates a consulting firm called Help Today, which began operations on August 1. On August 31, the companys records show the following selected accounts and amounts for the month of August. Cash $ 25,270 Dividends $ 5,910 Accounts receivable 22,280 Consulting fees earned 26,920 Office supplies 5,150 Rent expense 9,460 Land 43,940 Salaries expense 5,510 Office equipment 19,910 Telephone expense 760 Accounts payable 10,700 Miscellaneous expenses 430 Common stock 101,000 Exercise 2-16 Preparing an income statement LO C3, P3 Use the above information to prepare an August income statement for the business.HELP TODAY Balance Sheet Liabilities: 25,310 Accounts payable 22,320 5,200 Equity: 19,960 Common stock 43,970 Retained earnings Assets: ces Cash $ 10,700 Accounts receivable Office supplies Office equipment Land 101,400 4,660 Total equity $ 116,760 Total Liabilities and Equity 106,060 Total Assets 116,760 Consider the following set of data for ABC Corporation, and note that ABC Corporation faces a tax rate of 35%. 2011 2012 Sales $4,203 4507Cost of goods sold 2,422 2,633Depreciation 785 952Interest 180 196Dividends 225 250Current assets 2205 2429Net fixed assets 7344 7650 Current liabilities 1003 1255Long-term debt 3106 2085 Begin by constructing a balance sheet for both 2011 and 2012, and then construct an income statement for 2012. 1. Operating cash flow for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:__________. A) inflow of $1,170. B) outflow of $1,170. C) inflow of $1,620. D) outflow of $1,620. 2. Net capital spending for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:_________. A) inflow of $306 B) outflow of $306 C) inflow of $1,258 D) outflow of $1,258 3. The change in net working capital for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:__________. A) inflow of $28 B) outflow of $28 C) inflow of $1,202 D) outflow of $1,202 4. The cash flow from assets for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:___________. A) inflow of $390 B) outflow of $390 C) inflow of $2,850 D) outflow of $2,850 5. The cash flow to creditors for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:__________. A) inflow of $825 B) outflow of $825 C) inflow of $1,217 D) outflow of $1,2127 6. The cash flow to stockholders for ABC Corp. in 2012 was an:__________. A) inflow of $827 B) outflow of $827 C) inflow of $1,327 D) outflow of $1,327 Graciela is a high school student who passed up the immediate rewards of socializing with friends after school each day in order to attend swim practice. At the end of the swimming season, her hard work resulted in the large reward of a first place medal in her favorite event. Graciela's experience best illustrates ________. a. impulsiveness b. preference reversal c. delayed gratification d. depriving and satiating The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974 states that employees must be told about their benefits: __________a. In a way that clearly specifies advantages and disadvantages of various benefits programs. b. According to state statutes on benefits dissemination. c. In a way that the average employee can understand. d. In a way that clearly lays out unexpected costs that might be associated with choosing certain benefits P(-3,6), Q(-3,-6) and R(6,-2) are the vertices of a triangle. Calculate the perimeter of this triangle. harry is a shopkeeper, every month he spends $2000 for running the shop. he sells all the goods at 25% more than its. purchase price. what should be the total sales made by him in a month so that h can earn a profit of $3000 every month.A. $12000B. $15000C. $20000D. $25000 Application: Sandy wants to cover a wooden cylinder with a diameter of 1 ft and a height of 4 ft with carpet to build a scratching post for her cats. What are the steps she needs to take to complete this task? Which characteristic is unique to vertebrates?A) they all have a well-defined skeletonB) they have no defined organ systemsC) they have bilateral symmetryD) they have an exoskeleton HELP PLEASEEEEE!!!!!! Which situation best represents a command economy?A. A father teaches his son a fishing technique passed down forgenerations.B. A factory must switch production from cars to boats due togovernment orders.C. A banker quits his job to work at another bank that offers a highersalary.D. A corporation decides to move a factory overseas to lower laborcosts. Which of the following is true about oxidation-reduction reactions?=============================================================One atom is oxidized and one is reducedBoth atoms are oxidized and reducedThe total number of electrons changesOne atom can be oxidized without one being reduced Did the New Deal end the Depression? Please explain. HELPPP ME PLEASEEEE