Cho X có phân phối nhị thức với n= 20 và p=0,4. Kỳ vọng của X là:


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]10 \: is \: the \: answer[/tex]

Related Questions

Does anyone know the answer??



I think the answer is 39x, 13y

Step-by-step explanation:

point : extra points

1 : 3

y : 39

y= 39÷3

y= 13

ba xạ thủ độc lập bắn vào một mục tiêu. xác suất bắn trúng tương ứng là 0,8; 0,7; 0,6. mỗi xạ thủ bắn một viên. gọi X là số viên bắn trúng.
a) lập bảng phân phối xác suất.
b) tính E(X) và VAR(X)



well I don't know

Step-by-step explanation:

your speaking vietnam


Step-by-step explanation:

A ball is thrown straight up from a rooftop 320 feet high. The formula below describes the​ ball's height above the​ ground, h, in​ feet, t seconds after it was thrown. The ball misses the rooftop on its way down and eventually strikes the ground. How long will it take for the ball to hit the​ ground? Use this information to provide tick marks with appropriate numbers along the horizontal axis in the figure shown.
The ball hits the ground after____ seconds



28 seconds ..............

give 12 consecutive integers, in how many ways can three of these integers be selected to give a sum which divides by 4?



55 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

Out of 12 consecutive integers:

3 - divide by 4, so the remainder is 03- give remainder of 13- give remainder of 23 - give remainder of 3

Sum of 3 integers will be divisible by 4 if the remainders are:

0 - 0 - 0 ⇒ 1 combination0 - 1 - 3 ⇒ 3*3 = 9 combinations0 - 3 - 1 ⇒ 3*3 = 9  combinations1 - 1 - 2  ⇒ 2*3 = 6  combinations1 - 2 - 1  ⇒ 2*3 = 6  combinations2 - 1 - 1 ⇒ 2*3 = 6 combinations3 - 0 - 1 ⇒ 3*3 = 9 combinations3 - 1 - 0 ⇒ 3*3 = 9 combinations

So total number of combinations is:

1 + 4*9 + 3*6 = 55

Answer the picture. X=450 BAC= 82 ABC=52
What’s the distance between A to C




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]mes\ \widehat{C}=180^o-82^o - 52^o=46^o\\\\Using\ law\ of\ sinus:\\\dfrac{AB}{sin(C)}= \dfrac{AC}{sin(B)} \\\\\dfrac{450}{sin(46^o)}= \dfrac{AC}{sin(52^o)} \\\\AC=\dfrac{450*sin(52^o)}{sin(46^o)}= 492.9587..(ft)\approx{493(ft)}[/tex]

What is the mapping for a reflection in the line y=-1




Step-by-step explanation:

the key mapping for a reflection in the line y=-1 is 0

g Two different factories named A and B both produce an automobile part. If a part came from A, the probability that the part is defective is .04. If the part came from B, the probability that it is defective is .05. In a sample of 180 parts, 100 came from A and 80 came from B. (a) What is the probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective



0.0444 = 4.44% probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective.

Step-by-step explanation:

Probability of a defective part:

0.04 of [tex]\frac{100}{180}[/tex], that is, coming from A.

0.05 of [tex]\frac{80}{180}[/tex], that is, coming from B. So

[tex]p = 0.04\frac{100}{180} + 0.05\frac{80}{180} = \frac{0.04*100 + 0.05*80}{180} = 0.0444[/tex]

0.0444 = 4.44% probability that a part chosen at random (from the sample) was defective.

tentukan himpinan penyelasaian dari plsv berikut. A:3x+=2x+12​




Step-by-step explanation:




Which line is horizontal?
O y=2
O y = 2x
O y = -2x
o y=x




Step-by-step explanation:

A horizontal line has a slope of zero so the x term is zero

y = mx+b

y = b

y must equal a constant

The prices of paperbacks sold at a used bookstore are approximately Normally distributed, with a mean of $7.85 and a standard deviation of $1.25.

Use the z-table to answer the question.

If the probability that Joel randomly selects a book in the D dollars or less range is 56%, what is the value of D?





(C) 8.04



The answer you want is indeed, (C).




C) 8.04

Step-by-step explanation:

edge 2023

Hey there, everyone!

I just wanted to shout out to all of those whom have helped me through my tortuous math homework and say thank you very much. XD

I manage to pass my very first year of high school without physically going to school.

It was a lot of twist and turns, I must say. But at least I managed to pass through!

Man, I'm gonna miss 2021 because now I'll have to ACTUALLY go to school. But when that day comes, I do hope you guys will continue helping me on!

In the mean time, stay safe everyone and thanks a lot!

But hold up! I got one more question!

I really want to delete my account so badly but I can't because I forgot my password and I'm using my school email unfortunately. Anyone got a solution to my issue? :(



I don't know the answer please tell me

The perimeter of Tamara's suitcase is 8x - 3 and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is
3x + 2. Write an algebraic expression that represents
the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase
and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase?



perimeter: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

8x-3 = 6x

8x – 6x = 3

2x = 3

x = 3/2

The required algebraic expression that represents the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is 5x - 5.

What are equation models?

The equation model is defined as the model of the given situation in the form of an equation using variables and constants.

The difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and Anna's suitcase can be found by subtracting the expression for the perimeter of Anna's suitcase from the expression for the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase:

(8x - 3) - (3x + 2)

Simplifying the expression by removing the parentheses and combining like terms, we get:

8x - 3 - 3x - 2

= 5x - 5

Therefore, the algebraic expression that represents the difference between the perimeter of Tamara's suitcase and the perimeter of Anna's suitcase is 5x - 5.

Learn more about models here:

Find the missing Side of the triangle




Step-by-step explanation:

Use the Pythagorean theorem.

2² + x² = 8²

x² + 4 = 64

x² = 60

x² = 4 * 15

x = 2√15

Find two consecutive whole numbers that ✓39 lies between.



6 and 7

Step-by-step explanation:

6^2 = 36 which is less than 39

7^2 = 49 which is more than 39

So the two numbers you want are

x = 6

y = 7

X-3y=-3; ( ,4), (12, ) complete each ordered pair



(9,4) and (12,5)

Step-by-step explanation:


y=4, x-3*4=-3, x=9. (9,4)x=12, 12-3y=-3, y=5. (12,5)

Volunteering: The General Social Survey asked 1309 people whether they performed any volunteer work during the past year. A total of 518 people said they did. Part: 0 / 30 of 3 Parts Complete Part 1 of 3 (a) Find a point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year. Round the answer to at least three decimal places. The point estimate for the proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is .



The point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is 0.396.

Step-by-step explanation:

Point estimate of a proportion:

Proportion is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

518 out of 1309 people performed volunteer work:

This means that:

[tex]p = \frac{518}{1309} = 0.396[/tex]

The point estimate for the population proportion of people who performed volunteer work in the past year is 0.396.

The midpoint of AB is (1.2). The coordinates of A are (-3, 6) Find the coordinates of B.


Answer: coordinates of B are (5,-2)

Step-by-step explanation:

let B be (x2,y2)

x1 = -3 y1 = 6

x = 1

y = 2


x = (x2 + x1)/2

1 = (x2+(-3))/2

or, 2 = x2 - 3

so, x2 = 5


y = (y2+y1)/2

or, 2 = (y2 + 6)/2

or, 4 = y2 + 6

so, y2 = -2

is f(x)=e^-3x an exponential function?


Yes, because we have the number ‘e’ raised to x, although it is now -3x, it is still a variation of x

help help......................................................................................


Hey there! Is there more text to this? I would love to help, but there is no question.

look at the image below



4.2 mi²

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of a cone = (1/3)πr²h, where r = radius and h = height


= (1/3)×π×1²×4

= 4π/3

= 4.2 mi² (rounded to the nearest tenth)

solve the following equations




Step-by-step explanation:

Let f(x)=x^3-6x+3 i. find the domain of the function and f’(x) in the domain.​


Domain of a any cubic function [tex]f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d[/tex] is defined to be always [tex]\mathbb{R}[/tex].

The derivative with respect to x of your cubic function is,


to find the derivative of a polynomial function, simply take a derivative of each factor and sum them up,

[tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}x^3=3x^2[/tex] by the rule [tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}x^m=mx^{m-1}[/tex] where [tex]m\in\mathbb{R}[/tex]



So the derivative is,


both derivative and the original function have equal domain.

Hope this helps :)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

Bà B đến ngân hàng ngày 05/05/2019 để gửi tiết kiệm 250 triệu đồng thời hạn 3 tháng, lãi suất 7%/năm, NH trả lãi định kỳ hàng tháng (kỳ lĩnh lãi đầu tiên là ngày 05/05/2019). Đến ngày 05/08/2019, bà B tất toán sổ tiết kiệm trên. Tính số tiền bà B nhận được vào ngày đáo hạn sổ tiết kiệm là? (Cơ sở công bố lãi suất là 365 ngày)



Ask in English then I can help u

8. Write 3x3 – 21x2 + 36x in factored form.
3x(x - 4)(x - 3)
3x(x - 5)(x - 2)
3x(x + 6)(x + 2)
3x(x + 4)(x + 3)




Step-by-step explanation:

3x^3 – 21x^2 + 36x=3x(x^2-7x+12)=3x(x - 4)(x - 3)

Find the mean for the amounts: $17.482: $14.987: $13.587$14.500, $18.580. $14.993​



The mean of these numbers is 15.68816 with a repeating 6.

Step-by-step explanation:

five sutracted from x is at most -21 translate the sentence into an inequality?​


First of all, let’s look at the question. 5 subtracted from x. This means that it is 5 - x. Then, we know it is at most -21. That means that 5 - x needs to be less than or equal to -21.

Therefore, our equation is 5 - x < 21. Please note that the inequality sign should have a solid sign beneath.

write 342 to 1 significant figure​




Step-by-step explanation:

A significant figure is the most important (largest) number you can round it to.

As it wants 1 significant figure, you count 1 to the left and round the 4 down.

Hope this helps :)

If why varies with the square of x and Y equals 24 when x equals 10 then the constant of proportionality is ____, and the value of y when x equals 20 is ____. Assume x is greater than or equal to 0. Select two answers



Step-by-step explanation:

y varies with the square of x:

y = kx²

y equals 24 when x equals 10

24 = k·10²

constant of proportionality k = 0.24

when x = 20, y = 0.24·20² = 96

"select two answers"  —where are the choices?

simplify using distributive property
2396 X 78 + 2396 X 22 ​




Step-by-step explanation:

2396 × 78 + 2396 × 22 ​=2396 × (78 + 22) ​=2396 × 100 =239600

[tex]\boxed{\sf a(b+c)=ab+ac}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396\times 78 +2396\times 22[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396(78+22)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2396(100)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 239600[/tex]

The values of 9’s in 9905482




Million place


one hundred thousandth

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