Choose a number line to model the following situation:

After a gain of 25 yards, the football team lost 25 yards on the next play. (4 points)

A horizontal number line is shown with labels at 0 and 25. A purple arrow (labeled gain 25 yds) begins at 0 and ends at 25. A red arrow (labeled lose 25 yds) begins at 25 and ends at 0.

A horizontal number line is shown with labels at negative 25, 0, and 25. A purple arrow (labeled gain 25 yds )begins at 0 and ends at 25. A red arrow (labeled lose 25 yds) begins at 0 and ends at negative 25.

A horizontal number line is shown with labels at 0, 25, and 50. A purple arrow (labeled gain 25 yds) begins at 0 and ends at 25. A red arrow (labeled lose 25 yds) begins at 50 and ends at 25.

A horizontal number line is shown with labels at 0, 25, and 50. A purple arrow (labeled gain 25 yds) begins at 0 and ends at 25. A red arrow (labeled lose 25 yds) begins at 25 and ends at 50.


Answer 1

Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation: because the number line shows a gain of 25 then a loss of 25, it represents the question showing +25 then -25. so the answer is A

Hope this helps

Answer 2
the answer would be A

Related Questions

NEED HELP ASAP NO FALSE ANSWERES. Part B: Scarlett made a profit of $250.00 with her mobile car wash company. She charged $75.00 per car wash and received $35.00 in tips, but also had to pay $5.00 in
cleaning supplies per car wash. Write an equation to represent this situation



y = 70x + 35

Step-by-step explanation:

$75 - $5 = $70 (this is the amount charged minus the amount needed to get the job done per car wash)

the +35 is the tips extra/ constant that will be added after the jobs are done.

x is the amount of car washes done

y would be the profit received.

thus y = 70x + 35 (profit = value of car wash * number of cars washed + tips)


Step-by-step explanation:

Profit = Income less outgo

         = (car wash income + tips) - (supplies)

$250 = ($75n + $35) - ($5n), or

$215  = $70n     (where n represents the number of cars washed)

This comes out to n = $215/$70, or approximately 3 car washes.

please help me with these 2 questions will give brainly!

1 . Which integer represents the following: –(–28)?


2. Which integer represents the following: –(–(–65))?




1. 28

2. -65

Step-by-step explanation:

The rule I learned, was that if there is an even number of negative signs, the outcome is positive. If there is an odd number of negative signs, the outcome is negative.

In the first question, we have 2 negative signs. So the outcome is positive. 28 is positive.

In the second, we have 3 negative signs, so the outcome is negative. -65 is negative.

I hope this helps!


28, -65

Step-by-step explanation:

Someone help me, I’m struggling and I would be so happy if any of you helped me



1. 75 grams of Toasty Oats for 9 grams of protein

2. Toasty Oats

Step-by-step explanation:

By using cross multiplication we can figure out how many grams of Toasty Oats is needed for 9 grams of protein:

[tex]\frac{12}{100}* \frac{9}{x}[/tex] (x) being the grams of toasty oats.

Cross multiply: 12x = 900

solve for x: 900/12 = x

x = 75 grams of toasty oats needed for 9 grams of protein

To find which one has the better ratio of proteins to grams of cereal,

we can multiply the amount of cereal together to get the same denominator

12/100 and 5/45

12/100 * 9

5/45 * 20

to get the same denominator

108/900 and 100/900

we can see the (12/100)*9 has more protein to grams of cereal ratio than (5/45)*20.


1. 75 grams of Toasty Oats for 9 grams of protein

2. Toasty Oats

Step-by-step explanation:


Line A: x + y = 2
Line B: 2x + y 4

Which statement is true about the solution to the set of equations?

a. infinitely many solutions
b. two solutions
c. one solution
d. no solution​



(C. one solution

Step-by-step explanation:

c. one solution
hope this helps

answered the picture shows the graph of the movement of the pedestrian and the bicyclist using the graph answer the following questions



Answer: Wheref(the) is the distance in kilometers and the input the is the time in hours

BC f(t) = -5t + 40

CD f(t) = 20. Or f(t)= -20(t/t)+40 OR f(t) = 0t + 20

DE f(t) = -5(t-2) + 40

Step-by-step explanation:

The negative slope means that the distance is decreasing by 5 km/hr when there is movement. Between hours of 4 and 5, the slope is 0, but the distance remains constant at 20. All the options for CD are strange. But they describe the line segment in the graph.

Plug in the values of the hours to check.

Step-by-step explanation:


Write the expression as an exponent with a base 2 and find its value:


Step-by-step explanation:

how did the temperature change if at first it increased by 60 and then decreased by 80



Step-by-step explanation:


therefore there was a -55˚ change from the og temp


-20/dropped 20 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

60-80 = -20 (or, it dropped 20 degrees)

Please help me! I will give brainly!


Reasoning Explain how you can tell which product is greater without multiplying or estimating.

3.75 x 922 37.5 x 9.22


Modeling Real Life Nutritionists recommend that fifth-graders should consume about 5 ounces of protein each day. One serving of yogurt contains 0.6 ounce of protein. You eat 2.5 servings of yogurt in 1 day. Do you consume enough protein for the day by eating yogurt?

Yes or No

Explain why


The first ones answer is 3.75*922 because 922 is a 3 digit number times a one digit number instead of a 2 digit number times a one digit number.

The second one 6*2.5=1.5 ounces which is 3.5 ounces too little.


Question 1. 3.75 x 922

Step-by-step explanation:

for question 1 if u noticed that they both have the same numbers in the same order the only difference is where the decimal point is placed. First u need to anylase both equations to do that u need to look at 922 and 9.22 not the 3.75  and 37.5 because the decimal point doesn't justify anything. So you see 922 is bigger than 9.22. So the answer is 3.75 x 922.


Part 1: Which compound does C represent?
Part 2: Name a process that could release this compound into the air.
Part 3: Explain how the elements that form it are conserved during the carbon cycle. Use complete sentences to explain your answer.

Justify how this compound was created from a recycling of carbon in the carbon cycle. Use complete sentences to explain your answer.


Part 1:
The process that arrow C signifies is the burning of fossil fuels in order to present carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The mentioned procedure in the carbon cycle is comparatively new as humans were not able to generate huge concentrations of carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels until the emergence of the Industrial revolution.
Part 2:
The phenomenon, which could discharge the compound into the air is the burning of fuels. It is an oxidation reaction in which the carbon present in the hydrocarbons in the fuel is oxidized to carbon dioxide by the presence of oxygen in the air. The carbon dioxide discharged into the atmosphere contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Part 3:
The elements, which produce it are conserved at the time of the carbon cycle by the Law of Conservation of Matter. According to this law, the matter is neither consumed nor produced, it only gets transformed. So, at the time of chemical procedures in the carbon cycle, the atoms of carbon are never destructed, however, they get rearrange and modify into distinct molecules. The mentioned cycle is essential for maintaining life on Earth.
Part 1 buddy :) hope this helps !

A square of 81cm² is cut to make two rectangles, A and B
The ratio of area A to are B is 2:3
Work out the dimensions of A and B



Length of A: 9

Width of A: 6

Length of B: 9

Width of B: 3

Step-by-step explanation:

If you look at the diagram, you can see that the length of rectangles A and B are the same, and are also the same as they were in the original square. We can find the length of each side by finding the square root of the area of the square to give us the length and width of the square which is 9. Now that we know that the length of both rectangles A and B, we can find the width of both rectangles by taking 9, and splitting it into 3 portions of 3. Since the ratio of area is 2:1, we could also do this with the area, but since we know the lengths are the same, we know the widths are proportional to the area. Using the ratio of 2:1, and the 3 portions of 3, you can combine 2 of these portions to get 6, and since the ratio 6:3 is proportional to 2:1, these measurements can be used as the width of each rectangle. Thus, the answer given above.


Length of A: 9

Width of A: 6

Length of B: 9

Width of B: 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Question 2 (1 point)
Luis and Jorge are exercising. Luis does 10 push-ups at the same time as Jorge does 15 push-ups. When
Luis does 40 push-ups, how many push-ups does Jorge do?


He does 60 push ups


Jorge does 45 push-ups

Step-by-step explanation:

Why? Beacuse everytime luis does a push up it the same thing as Jorge but just five more so 40 plus 5 is 45 thats how i got my answer.

“Model a desert community where 60% is houses, 10% is shops, and 30% is parks.”



house are 60 squares

shops are 10 squares

and parks are 30 squares

I think because it can be a wrong answer

any way best of luck

60, and 10 square 30 squares

Which graph represents a linear function?


Liner function is the correct term
The graph that represents a linear function is the third option. (The one that’s a straight line)

Plese helppp me with this will give the brainlest please help


Answer: Choice C)  $1125



We'll add up the values in the bottom row of the table.

A value like +150 is the same as simply saying 150

The negatives stick around.

Adding up the values in that row gets us

150 + (-50) + 400 + 300 + (-175) + (-250) = 375

This indicates that over the entire 6 month period, the overall change is +375


In other words, the initial investment (call it x) has increased by 375 dollars over the 6 month period.

We can then say:

x + 375 = 1500

x = 1500-375

x = 1125

She initially invested $1125

It’s C

I hope this help

The equation of the line of best fit relating age (in years, x) and the median height (in cm, y) of boys is given.

y = 6.5x + 75.5y=6.5x+75.5
Predict the median height of boys age 13.

123 cm

140 cm

160 cm

82 cm



160 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute x = 13 into the equation

y = 6.5(13) + 75.5 = 84.5 + 75.5 = 160

The median height of boys age 13 is 160 cm

Answer:160 cm

Explain: I just got a feeling

Please help me with this question. Please, this is due today. Helppppp meeee




Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

calm down ...

don't let a strange problem description overwhelm you right away.

always try to work with the things you know first. and only when you run into something you really don't know, start thinking.

so, perimeter.

your know, what a perimeter is ? it is the circumference. all the side lengths added together. the answer to "how much distance would you have to go, to walk all the way around it one time".

so, what is the circumference of the square based on what we know ?

well, it has 4 equal sides, right ? otherwise it would not be a square.

so, the perimeter is 4×(x+2) = 4x + 8

that is perfectly fine.

now to the next part we know.

the perimeter of the triangle is the sum of its 3 sides (otherwise it would not be a triangle).

an isoceles triangle is a special triangle that has 2 equal sides.

so, we actually know all 3 sides (at least relatively) :



and ... another

x+3 (because of the isoceles property)

so, the perimeter is

x + 3 + x + 3 + x + 5 = 3x + 11


and now we also know that both perimeters are of equal length.

what did that mean ?

that both expressions deliver the same result.


4x + 8 = 3x + 11

aha !

x = 3

bingo !

therefore, the side lengths of the triangle are

x+3 = 3+3 = 6 (both sides in the top)

x+5 = 3+5 = 8

and that's all there is to it.

it is really not necessary to panic don't you think ?




Not sure if this is correct but...

Perimeter=         3x+2+3x+2+2x-1+2x-1=   10x+2

Area=           (3x+2)(2x-1)           = 6x^2 +x-2

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter because you add up all the sides.

Area because you multiply length and width


Perimeter=  10x+2

Area=  6x^2 +x-2

Step-by-step explanation:

there are 219 people at the science camp. 112 people are enrolled in the chemistry class, and 45 people are enrolled in the physics class. how many students are enrolled in both classes if 79 students are not enrolled in either of them?




Step-by-step explanation:112+45=155



Step-by-step explanation:

Use the piecewise function to evaluate points f(–5), f(0), and f(2).

A) f(–5) = –11, f(0) = 0, and f(2) = –1

B) f(–5) = –11, f(0) = –1, and f(2) = 6

C) f(–5) = –15, f(0) = 0, and f(2) = 6

D) f(–5) = –11, f(0) = 0, and f(2) = 3



D would be the correct answer:)

Answer: D is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation:

I just took the test and got it right!

Given: ABC
Prove: The medians of ABC are concurrent.
What is step 10 in this proof?



As seen , what steps you have written  you just want to prove if in a triangle two medians have common point of intersection , a point P, then the third median will also pass through point P.

The point of intersection of medians is called Centroid.

The statement ahead of  :Statement: Point P lies on and .

Reason: from above algebra

Point P is the intersection of three medians which is  called Centroid of triangle.The Centroid divides the line from opposite vertex in the ratio of 2:1.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which represents the solution set of 5 (x + 5) less-than 85




Step-by-step explanation:

distribute the 5 and use a less than sign.

(5x + 25) < 85

You have to distribute the 5 to both values in the equation. Then put the less than sign at the end. The smaller end facing the equation as you are saying the ‘whole equation’ is LESS than the 85

What is the magnitude (size) of -5.8?


the magnitude size of -5.8 is 5.8
magnitude size of a number is the number itself, and if it’s negative, it becomes its absolute value (in other words, you remove the subtraction sign).

The magnitude of the negative 5.8 will be 5.8 Then the correct option is D.

What is an absolute function?

The absolute function is also known as the mode function. The value of the absolute function is always positive.

The absolute function is given as

f(x) = | x – h | + k

The magnitude of the number will always be positive.

For example - The value of time, length, mass, temperature etc will always positive.

The magnitude of the negative 5.8 will be

⇒ |-5.8|

When the value in the mode may be negative or may be positive, but when the mode is removed, then the value becomes positive.

⇒ |-5.8|

⇒ 5.8

The magnitude of the negative 5.8 will be 5.8

Then the correct option is D.

More about the absolute function link is given below.


A deck of cards contains 120 cards, 24 of each of five different colors. You shuffle the deck and deal the cards into 40 piles with 3 cards in each pile. Show that there will be at least two piles with the same distribution of colors.


I think it would be 8



Step-by-step explanation:

Michael spent $18 at a local farmers’ market. The apples he bought cost $2 per pound, and the peppers cost $3 per pound. How many pounds of apples and peppers did he buy?

This equation represents the scenario:

2a + 3p = 18

Choose the equations that are equivalent.
Check all that apply.
p = two-thirds a + 6
p = negative two-thirds a + 6
a = negative 1 and one-half p + 9
a = 1 and one-half p + 9
a = StartFraction negative 3 p + 18 Over 2 EndFraction



p = -2/3a +6

a = -3/2 p +9

a = -1 1/2 p +9

a =  (-3p+18)/2

Step-by-step explanation:

2a + 3p = 18

Solve for a

2a +3p -3p = 18-3p

2a = 18 -3p

Divide by 2

a = 18/2 - 3p/2

a = 9 - 3/2 p

a = -3/2 p +9

a = -1 1/2 p +9

a =  (-3p+18)/2

Solve for p

2a +3p = 18

3p = 18 -2a

Divide by 3

p = 18/3 - 2/3 a

p = 6 -2/3a

p = -2/3a +6

4,000 pounds of sand is used to fill sand boxes. 1,000 pounds can fill the big sandbox, and the rest can fill 4 equal-sized smaller sandboxes. how much sand can be put in each of the smaller sandboxes?


The answer is 1500 pounds


750 pounds each

Step-by-step explanation:

You start with 4000 pounds, and 1000 goes into the big sandbox.

Now you have 3000 pounds left.

These 3000 pounds must be divided into 4 sandboxes, which means

3000/4= Small sandbox capacity=750 pounds

Find the perimeter of the triangle in the picture attached.



5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the perimeter, add up the sides

1 5/6 + 1 1/6 + 2 2/3

2 6/6 + 2 2/3

3 + 2 2/3

5 2/3 inches


5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the perimeter, add up the sides

1 5/6 + 1 1/6 + 2 2/3

2 6/6 + 2 2/3

3 + 2 2/3

5 2/3 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

1 point

The equation of the line of best fit relating age (in years, x) and the median height (in cm, y) of boys is given.

y = 6.5x + 75.5y=6.5x+75.5
Predict the median height of boys age 13.

123 cm

140 cm

160 cm

82 cm




Step-by-step explanation:

140 is the right answer

One pump can fill a swimming pool in 8 hours and another pump can fill it in 10
hours. If both pumps are opened at the same time, how many hours will it take to fill
the pool?



it would take 18 hours to feel the pull

Step-by-step explanation:


10 would equal to 18

It will take 3 hours and 20 minutes

Can you please help me im stuck on this I would kindly appreciate it.



[tex]{ \tt{y = 2x - 3}}[/tex]

im pretty positive the answe is y=2x-3

which o fht e following numbers is the closest to 5? 22.26. 23. 28



the answer is 23 because the number that

5 can divide is 25 so their is no 25 then you choose the number that is the closest

The answer is 23 pls put me for brainliest pls bc I need five brainliest so I can rank up pls
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