Choose all that apply.
Historical patterns are identified across which of the following?
A. time and places
B. ideas and events
C. people
D. institutions
E. cultures


Answer 1

all of these are correct

Answer 2
All these are correct

Related Questions

The primary goal of Columbus’s second voyage to the Americans was



The goal of the expedition was to explore and settle the new lands found by Columbus. One of the prime goals of the expedition was to Christianize whatever natives they would find.


Columbus wanted to convert the indigenous people of the Americas into Christians


Spain was a Christian nation and directed Columbus to create good relations with the indigenous people he encountered and expose them to Christianity.

Which of the following is true of the Second New Deal?
Group of answer choices

a. It began in 1938.

b. It overturned the policies of the First New Deal.

c. Its supporters included Upton Sinclair and Dr. Francis Townsend.

d. Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system.


The correct answer is D) Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system.

What is true of the Second New Deal is "Its goals were aimed largely at the reform of the capitalist system."

The Second New Deal started in 1935 and included new programs to extend federal aid and stimulate the nation's economy, such as the Work Progress Administration and the Rural Electrification Administration.

In the decade of 1930s, rural America had no electricity and clear water. The Rural Electrification Administration hired Lester Beall, a graphic designer that created a series of posters describing the benefits of electrification for the communities. The poster created in 1937 is shielded at Rochester Institute of Technology Cary Graphic Arts Collection.

President Roosevelt’s works progress administration of 1935 considered many infrastructure programs for the benefit of the U.S. citizens. But it also considered The Federal Project Number One. This was a program aimed to help writers, musicians, and artists. The aim of Roosevelt was to get jobs for these people in order to entertain the American citizens during those difficult times.

What are some characteristics of a city-state?
A. Farmers serving as makeshift rulers
B. Devoted religious leaders
C. Individual temples and communities devoted to their own gods
D. Chaos, slave revolts, high taxes, and a military


C. Individual temples and communities the world to their own Gods

Two of America's Founding Fathers didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in Great Britain and John Adams was doing the same in France

Is this statement correct



No this isn't correct Statement


Here is the correct Statement:

Two of America's Founding Fathers didn't sign the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France and John Adams was doing the same in Great Britain.

Do you know the Answer to this??


Answer: The answer is B: He Would Be Whipped.

Why did the North and South go to war?
The South fought to , while the North fought to .




The South went to war in order to be able to rule themselves.  The South felt that, as a part of the United States, they were being dominated by the North.  They felt that the North had interests that were inimical to those of the South and that the North was constantly trying to promote its interests over those of the South.  The South seceded because Abraham was elected without any Southern support.  They felt that he (regardless of what he said) would abolish slavery and would otherwise work to harm the South.  After they seceded, they went to war when Lincoln tried to maintain Fort Sumter as they felt that this was an example of how the US would try to continue to repress the.


For the North, the cause of war was straightforward.  They went to war because they did not want the South to secede.  They felt that the South’s secession would harm the United States and make it a much weaker country.  They feared what might happen if the South were to ally itself with strong European countries.  All of this made them go to war in an attempt to preserve the Union.


1 ( maintain state sovereignty) 2 (maintain national sovereignty)


Pls help im on a timer

The most important development of the New Stone Age was the ability to communicate
Please select the best answer from the choices provided

•True •false


Answer: its true

explain: trust me lol :)

according to aristotle what is the guiding force for learning


Aristotle promoted reason as the guiding force for learning.

Based on the excerpt you read, match the causes for US support of France in Vietnam to their effects.
Pair 1 . The United States chose to
support a colonial power
over a popular nationalist
Pair 2. The domino theory became
the basis of US policy in
Southeast Asia.

A. Communist revolutions took
place in Malaya and the
B. The United States needed
French assistance in
supporting NATO and
rebuilding West Germany.



( Pair 1 - B ) The US chose to support a colonial power over a popular nationalist leader. - The United States needed French assistance in supporting NATO and rebuilding West Germany.

( Pair 2 - A ) The domino theory became the basis of US policy in Southeast Asia. - Communist revolutions took place in Malaya and the Philippines.


(these are the answers for EDmentum i don't know about Plato)

The correct match of the cause for US support of France in Vietnam to their effects is Pair 1 with Tiles B. The United States chose to support a colonial power over a popular nationalist leader in a match with The United States needed French assistance in supporting NATO and rebuilding West Germany.

What is the reason for France leaving Vietnam?

In the lonely mountain stronghold of Dien Bien Phu in northwest Vietnam, Nationalist forces led by General Vo Nguyen Giap routed the French forces' allies. With the French no longer able to support their Indochinese colonies as a result of this decisive war, Paris swiftly filed a peace request.

Despite having little interest in Vietnam and being undecided about aiding France, the United States started assisting French soldiers in 1950 as a result of the Cold War's escalation and concerns that communism would win out in that country.

Learn more about French-Vietnam here:


The United States could not reach acceptable terms of settlemenet with France regarding peaceful shipping

true or false





false, they were able to reach a settlement

What was one result of the domestic slave trade?
A. Work was easier for the slaves.
B. The value of slaves was lower.
O C. The North had fewer slaves.
D. Slave families ware split up.


D. Slave families were spilt up


At the cost of immense human suffering, this forced migration unlocked a great reservoir of labor and made possible the rapid expansion of the "Peculiar Institution." The domestic slave trade brought misery, separating families and increasing the climate of insecurity in the community.

Match correctly plsss



Newton - Discovered the law of gravity and developed calculus

Kepler - Discovered the 3 laws of planetary motion

Bacon - Pioneered the scientific method

Galileo - Was presecuted for his support of the heliocentric theory


The term New South describes the work of Southerners in changing their:
A. culture.
B. economy
C. politics.
D. all of the above


The answer is: all of the above.




Why was it important to the pilgrims to find fields of corn?



Explanation: because the corn was able to grow there it meant that the Pilgrims could grow their own food if they could figure out how the corn was growing.

Why did some people in China consider Mao Zedong a despot?



The Chinese Communist party harassed and tortured people who were against Mao's ideas.


Mao was a tyrant, and he was extreme towards anyone that he considered as a threat to himself or the communist ideology. He did not thought twice before sending people to harass, torture, imprison, and murder people that were not seen fondly by him.

4. Why did Japan attack the United States?




The Japanese intended the attack as a preventive action to keep the United States Pacific Fleet from interfering with its planned military actions in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States.

How was the Vietnam War different from the Korean War?


The main difference between the Vietnam War and the Korean War was that the Vietnam War resulted in an increase in territory for communist forces, but the Korean War did not. Therefore, North Korea, communist, and South Korea, capitalist, maintained their territories, and North Korea is still in that situation today.

8. Which was a result of the Treaty of Paris?


The Treaty of Paris of 1763 ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France, as well as their respective allies. In the terms of the treaty, France gave up all its territories in mainland North America, effectively ending any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.

Thể chế chính trị của Việt Nam giữa thế kỉ XIX là



Quân chủ chuyên chế nhà vua đứng đầu có nhiều quyền lực nhất

Pada pendapat anda, mengapakah jepun mudah menguasai negara kita? Esei 8 markah​


Saya bagi awak 4 fakta, huraian buat sendiri, okay? ☺

1. pemimpin negara yang bersikap cuai dan senang mempercayai kuasa luar

2. kekurangan senjata yang lengkap di negara kita

3. jepun mempunyai senjata yang lebih moden

4. jepun bekerjasama dengan kuasa luar untuk menguasai negara kita

1. What did Americans fear during the 1950s, and what did the government do about it?

2. How did Americans respond to government actions? Who did they support, and what did they oppose?​



The formal establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and the beginning of the Korean War in 1950 meant that Asian Americans, especially those of Chinese or Korean descent, came under increasing suspicion by both American civilians and government officials of being Communist sympathizers.

Consideration of American responses to Nazism during the 1930s and 1940s raises questions about the responsibility to intervene in response to persecution or genocide in another country. As soon as Hitler assumed power in 1933, Americans had access to information about Nazi Germany’s persecution of Jews and other groups. Although some Americans protested Nazism, there was no sustained, nationwide effort in the United States to oppose the Nazi treatment of Jews. Even after the US entered World War II, the government did not make the rescue of Jews a major war aim.

Why was Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus legally questionable?

1- The Constitution forbids the suspension of habeas corpus.
2- Suspension required a nationwide referendum.
3- Each state decides the right to suspend habeas corpus.
4- Only Congress had the right to suspend habeas corpus.



Only Congress had the right to suspend habeas corpus.


Considering the available options, Abraham Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus legally questionable because "Only Congress had the right to suspend habeas corpus."

This is evident when the then federal circuit court judge, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, issued a ruling, known as ex parte Merryman, refuting the president’s authority to suspend habeas corpus. Taney claimed that Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus was an interference with civil liberties and it is only Congress that have the power to suspend the writ, of which Abraham Lincoln is just a President with executive powers.

empat kepentingan dasar perluasan kuasa kepada kerajaan pada zaman dahulu​



sorry, didn't get your language

Which ones are the right ones



They both thought that the people and government should have a contract

who invented the first vacume tube​



John Ambrose Fleming


semoga bermanfaat



1904 İngiliz John FLEMİNG ilk elektronik vakum tüpü (Diyot) icad etmiştir.

How were the views of France and the United Kingdom similar at the end of World War I?
They each planned to adopt President Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
They believed that Germany needed to rebuild its economy.
They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements.
They wanted Germany to be punished for the destruction caused during the war.



the answer is "They were opposed to taking part in secret agreements"

Which of the following are characteristics of the Baroque Period?
A emotion and religious fervor
B psychological exploration and virtuously
C movement spender and ornate styling
D all of the above


D all of the above I think

la diferencia entre la anorexia y la bulimia



La diferencia es que en la anorexia, el paciente decide dejar de comer por completo, mientras que en la bulimia el paciente ingiere una cantidad importante de comida, antes de inducirse al vómito con el fin de expulsarla.

Ambos trastornos son serios y repercuten en la calidad de vida ya que combinan problemas mentales como lo es la dismorfia corporal, y problemas físicos como la desnutrición, la debildiad, y la narcolepsia.

Which of these statements best summarizes the Court's ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.

However, trying to help you we can say the following.

The statement that best summarizes the Court's ruling in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke is "Schools should not use racial quotas, but they can still consider race when admitting students."

The Regents of the University of California v Bakke changed affirmative action policies in that it struck down the use of strict racial quotas.

Regents of the University of California v. Bakke was a Supre Court case of October 12, 1977, and decided on June 26, 1978. Alan Bakke had been rejected twice by the University of California Medical School at Davis. The University reserved 16 places for “minorities.” But Bakke had better marks than the minorities students admitted. The Supreme Court agreed that the University’s use of racial quotas was against the Constitution and ordered the University to accept Bakke.

According to Churchill, what will happen if Germany wins the war?


the british empire will come to an end
.The point of the strategy was to destroy the nation's air force, but it was the British pilots who were responsible for ending the Blitz and preventing the invasion of Britain.
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