Choose all the answers that apply.

Power is calculated using ___.



Answer 1




Related Questions

Which biome contains mostly coniferous trees and receives 35 to 100 cm of rain per year?


The question is incomplete as it does not have the options which are:

deciduous forest

taiga (boreal forest)

temperate rainforest

tropical rainforest


Taiga (boreal forest)


A Biome refers to the habitat which is occupied by flora and fauna living in similar conditions.  These biomes are distinguished based on many features like precipitation, temperature and many other physical factors.

In the given question, the biome which receives an annual rainfall of 35 to 100 cm annually and is mostly covered by the coniferous trees is known as "Taiga biome" which is also known as Boreal forest.

The Taiga biome is one of the largest terrestrial biomes which is present in Eurasia and North America. The biome is characterised by the conifers trees and therefore is also known as the Coniferous trees.

Thus, Taiga (boreal forest) is the correct answer.

Answer: Taiga(boreal forest)


Onur is floating freely in outer space with a propulsion thruster to help him counteract the pull of gravity. The gravitational forces pulling on his body are negligible except for those from the nearest planet (described by force vector \purple{\vec p}\, p ​ start color #9d38bd, p, with, vector, on top, end color #9d38bd) and the nearest star (described by force vector \blue{\vec s}\, s start color #6495ed, s, with, vector, on top, end color #6495ed). Onur, the planet, and the star are in the same plane, so we can describe the gravitational forces as two-dimensional vectors. \purple{\vec{p}} = (4,6) p ​ =(4,6)start color #9d38bd, p, with, vector, on top, end color #9d38bd, equals, left parenthesis, 4, comma, 6, right parenthesis \blue{\vec{s}} = (1,7) s =(1,7)start color #6495ed, s, with, vector, on top, end color #6495ed, equals, left parenthesis, 1, comma, 7, right parenthesis (Forces are given in newtons, \text{N}Nstart text, N, end text.)





Please look below the document for the attached file

The calculation is been done in the attached file

Name one benefit and one risk of each biotechnology practice:
Genetic engineering:
Artificial selection:



Genetic Engineering:

Benefits: More nutritious food, less use of pesticides, increased supply of food with reduced cost and longer shelf life, faster growing plants and animals

Risk: Creating foods that can cause allergic reaction or that are toxic, Unexpected ir harmful genetic changes, genes moving from one GM plant or animal to anotherplant or animal that is not genetically engineered


Benefits: accelerated reproduction of farmers productive livestock to better produce safe and healthy foods, reproduction of the healthiest animals, minimizing the use of antibiotics, growth hormones and chemicals

Risks: Unwantedhealty effects, defects, premature aging and problems with the immune system

Artificial Selection:

Benefits: no safety issues as those brought by genetic engineering, cheap for agricultural businesses, morally accepted, produce crops with higher yield

Risks: Removes variation, makes organism susceptible to diseasesor changes in environment, unable to control genes inherited by offspring


Genetic Engineering  


-Ability to create food that is resistant to pests, cold, and disease.  

-Greater food production volume and increased vitamins.  


-Concerns about long-term health risks.  

-Lack of regulation.  



-Ability to increase endangered animal populations.  

-Possibility of eliminating diseases and defective genes.  


-Shorter lifespan for cloned animals.  

-Greater chance of health issues for cloned animals.  

Artificial Selection  


-Allows for selection of desired traits.  

-Ability to create better versions of organisms.  


-Loss of genetic diversity.  

-Increased chance of diseases that can shorten lifespan.


How do most fossils form? Be sure to explain your


Here your answer

Fossils are formed in a number of different ways, but most are formed when a plant or animal dies in a watery environment and is buried in mud and silt. Soft tissues quickly decompose leaving the hard bones or shells behind. Over time sediment builds over the top and hardens into rock.

hope it helps ☺️✌️


over years of being underground the pressure causes the organism to press into the rock and form a mold. this mold is the fossil and are found in sedimentary rock

(x) A change in position is called:
(a) Speed
(b) velocity
(c) displacement
(d) distance



(c) displacement

sure answer...

Hope it helps....Pls mark as Brainliest!!!

A balance between gravity and bouyancy is called



I believe it is isostasy


what is force derived from



Force can also be described intuitively as a push or a pull. ... It is measured in the SI unit of newtons and represented by the symbol F. The original form of Newton's second law states that the net force acting upon an object is equal to the rate at which its momentum changes with time.


hope this helps : )

Uranium-235 has 92 protons. How many neutrons does it have?



146 neutrons.


plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mark me brainliest

Answer: The atomic number of uranium (see periodic table) is 92, and the mass number of the isotope is given as 238. Therefore, it has 92 protons, 92 electrons, and 238 — 92 : 146 neutrons.


What is the critical angle for glass when the refractive index is 1.45




Refractive index=n=1.45

Critical angle=c



Cross multiply


Divide both sides by 1.45





Critical angle is 43.6°

Determine the magnetic flux through a square loop of side a if one side is parallel to, and a distance b from a straight wire that carries a current I.

1. If the loop is pulled away from the wire at speed v, what emf is induced in it?

2. Which way does the induced current flow through the loop?

3. How does the emf vary in time, if the initial position of the left vertical side was b0 at time t=0?

4. Determine the force F required to pull the loop away from the line of current.



Find the given attachments

Calculate the first and second velocities of the car with four washers attached to the pulley, using the formulas

v1 = 0.25 m / t1 , and v2 = 0.25 m / (t2 – t1)

where t1 and t2 are the average times the car took to reach the 0.25 and the 0.50 meter marks. Record these velocities, to two decimal places, in Table E


The first and second velocities of the car, with four washers attached to the pulley, are both 0.125 m/s.

We must apply the following calculations to determine the car's first and second velocities with the four washers attached to the pulley:

v1 = 0.25 m / t1

v2 = 0.25 m / (t2 - t1)

Here, t1 denotes the typical time needed for the car to go 0.25 metres, and t2 is the typical time needed to travel 0.50 metres.Let's say that t1 and t2 are the typical times, each lasting two seconds on average.The first formula allows us to determine v1:

v1 = 0.25 m / 2 s = 0.125 m/s

Using the second formula, we can calculate v2:

v2 = 0.25 m / (4 s - 2 s) = 0.125 m/s

Table E can be used to record these values as the velocities at the relevant distances.

for such more questions on velocities


A light ray has an angle of incidence of 34º. The reflected ray will make what angle with the reflecting surface?



Angle of incidence = Angle of Reflection

34° = Angle of Reflection

So, Angle of Reflection is equal to 34°

hope it helps!

Answer: 56 degrees


The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, but it is not asking us for the angle of reflection. It is asking us for the angle with the reflected SURFACE. It is 90-34= 56. Look at the pic attached if you need a labelled diagram

Indica qué es una propiedad específica de la materia. Además explica por qué son útiles las propiedades específicas de la materia frente a las generales.



Check Explanation

Comprobar explicación


English Translation

Indicate what a specific property of matter is. Also explain why the specific properties of matter are useful compared to the general ones.


The specific properties of matter are properties that describes the intensive properties of the system. They are properties that do not depend on or change with the extent or size of the system. They are usually obtained by dividing the generalised properties or extensive properties by the extent or size of matter to make them independent of size/extent/Mass.

Examples of specific properties include specific heat capacity, specific volume etc. They usually have units of general units/Mass units.

The specific properties of matter are more important than the general ones because

- They help in general comparisons of the properties of different materials. They are used to rank, classify and compare properties of different materials.

- They are used in reference table/data to easily record easily accessible properties of matter. It helps to record standards that are general and independent of sizes/extents/Mass, thereby keeping the reference table/data/chart precise and concise.

- They provide us with values that are easy to memorize and remember, unlike trying to cram the different properties of different masses/sizes of matter.

In Spanish/En español

Las propiedades específicas de la materia son propiedades que describen las propiedades intensivas del sistema. Son propiedades que no dependen ni cambian con la extensión o el tamaño del sistema. Por lo general, se obtienen dividiendo las propiedades generalizadas o las propiedades extensivas por la extensión o el tamaño de la materia para hacerlas independientes del tamaño / extensión / masa.

Los ejemplos de propiedades específicas incluyen capacidad calorífica específica, volumen específico, etc. Usualmente tienen unidades de unidades generales / unidades de masa.

Las propiedades específicas de la materia son más importantes que las generales porque

- Ayudan en las comparaciones generales de las propiedades de diferentes materiales. Se utilizan para clasificar, clasificar y comparar propiedades de diferentes materiales.

- Se utilizan en la tabla / datos de referencia para registrar fácilmente propiedades de materia fácilmente accesibles. Ayuda a registrar estándares que son generales e independientes de tamaños / extensiones / masa, manteniendo así la tabla / datos / tabla de referencia precisa y concisa.

- Nos proporcionan valores que son fáciles de memorizar y recordar, a diferencia de tratar de agrupar las diferentes propiedades de diferentes masas / tamaños de materia.

Hope this Helps!!!

¡¡¡Espero que esto ayude!!!

Gamma radiation is...
An electromagnetic wave
A helium nucleus
An electron



A. Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic wave.


" Gamma ray is an electromagnetic radiation from a nucleus. It is not safe.

" Nucleus of a helium atom is called Alpha particle.


Hope this answer can help you,


What are energy and work



In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.



Refer to the model below. A science student is camping with her family for one month at Stone Mountain Park. In a journal she records a model of the moon phases she observes. If she began recording the moon phases at position X, which sequence of Moon phase models could be seen by her during the 4-week period?



New Moon - Crescent Moom ---- Full Moon ---- Waning Quarter


The Moon revolves around the Earth in a 28 day period, which is approximately one Earth month, therefore S the student has been recording the movement of the Moon for 4 Earth weeks this is a period of complete revolution of the Moon .

Consequently you must register the following phases

New Moon - Crescent Moom ---- Full Moon ---- Waning Quarter

in the period where it begins, it must go through the cycle in an orderly way to the right.

Object A has a mass of 10 kg and is moving at a velocity of 2.0
m/s. So Object A's momentum is - kg. m/s.​






Momentum=mass x velocity

Momentum=10 x 2



The object with mass m when moving with the velocity, its momentum can be calculated. The momentum of the object A is 20 kg.m/s.

What is momentum?

Momentum is the product of mass and velocity of a moving object.

If the momentum is p, the mass of the object is 10 kg and the velocity is 2.0 m/s, then the momentum will be

p = 10 × 2.0

p = 20 kg.m/s

Thus, the momentum of the object A is 20 kg.m/s

Learn more about momentum.


When steam condenses
a. it changes from the gas phase to the liquid phase.
b. it gives off heat.
c. molecules move closer together.
d. all of the above occur.


A is the correct answer


all of the above?


I think that is

what are the dimensions of the rectangle​



A rectangle has two dimensions:we can measure its length and,perpendicular to that,its width.


I don’t know where each one goes


I classified them by numbers 1 to 8
Force: #s 2,4,5,67
Friction: #s 1 3 8
That’s it what I would say its the answer

Which equation is used to calculate the magnetic force on a charge moving in a magnetic field?
F = |g|vBcose
F = |g|vBsine
F = 1g|Bcose
F = 1g|Bsine





The drawing represents a mountain bike trail. A rider began at Point 1 on the trail and stopped at Point 3. At which point did he have the least potential energy?



Point 2.


Potential energy is simply defined as the energy stored in an object due to its position. It is can be represented mathematically by:

P.E = mgh


P.E is the potential energy.

m is the mass of the object.

g is acceleration due to gravity.

h is the height to which the object is located.

From the above equation, we can thus say that potential energy depends on the height of the object since the mass of the object is always constant i.e as the height of the object increase, the potential energy also increases and as the height of the object decrease, the potential energy also decreases.

Now, considering the diagram in the question given, we can see that point 2 is the lowest height to which the rider is located. At this point i.e point 2, the rider will have the least potential energy.

Answer: Point 2


The measured mass of a body is found to be 110g. The length is measured by a meter scale. Actual mass and length of the body are 100 g and 10 cm. Find the percentage error in the calculation of density.



ok it will be g+181


How do I write answers in standard form?




Write 81 900 000 000 000 in standard form: 81 900 000 000 000 = 8.19 × 1013

It’s 1013 because the decimal point has been moved 13 places to the left to get the number to be 8.19

Need help on circuit question


Both would be my answer.

a bicyclist rides with a constant speed of 7 m/s. What is his initial speed?



initial speed of the bicker = 7m/s

Which of the following particle is responsible for the transfer of static charge?
A. Neutron
B. Electron
C. Proton
D. A & C



B. Electron

Static charge is produced by electron transfer.


Answer A: The neutron does not possess a charge and is said to be neutral.

Answer D: Protons and neutrons never move from object to object.

Only negative charges can move freely from one object to another. The energy that comes from these charges particles is called electrical energy.


Hope this answer can help you.

The answer is an electron.

how do you convert a negative charge to a positive charge?



     Add the negative protons, to make a positive charge. It's just like math a double negative makes a positive.

~Mia Sedillo~

What do you think happened to the energy you transferred to the notebook when you pushed it?



It got transferred to kinetic energy



The energy changed from kinetic energy to heat energy. Friction causes heating.

You have a large flashlight that takes 4 D-cell batteries, each with a voltage of 1.5 volts. If the current in the flashlight is 2.0 amps, what is the
A 12 ohms
B 0.75 ohms
C 3.0 ohms
D.0.5 ohms
E. 6.0 ohms



The answer is "C. 3.0 ohms". 


Ohm's law states the following:,

V = IR


Voltage (V) = 1.5 volts × 4 batteries = 6.0 volts

Current (I) = 2.0 amps

Resistance (R) = ? ohms

To solve for Resistance (R) the equation must be rearranged this way:

 R = V / I

Then, the variables must be replaced with the known values:

 R = 6.0 volts / 2.0 amp

R = 3.0 ohms

The answer is  C. 3.0 ohms. 


P.D: I got it right on PLATO

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