Choose the best answer
1. They spent a lot of money on food and clothes.
A. A lot of money on food were spent
B. A lot of money was spent on food and clothes
C. A lot of money were spent on food and clothes
D. Money was spent a lot on food and clothes
2. The restaurant serves seafood every Monday.
A.Seafood is served every Monday.​B.Seafood was served every Monday.
C.Seafood are served every Monday. ​D.Seafood were served every Monday.
3. Mary informed the police of the news
A.The police was informed of the news by Mary.
B.The news was informed of the police.
C.The police were informed of the news.
D.The police of the news was informed by Mary.
4. The ambulance is taking the boy to hospital.
A. To the hospital is the boy being taken.
B. The boy is being taking to hospital.
C. The boy is being taken to hospital.
D. The boy is taken to hospital.
5.The engineers will construct a bridge over this house.
A. This house will be constructed over a bridge.
B. A bridge will be constructed over this house.
C. This house will be being constructed over a bridge.
D. A bridge will be being constructed over this house.
6. Someone has stolen his gun.
A. His gun has been stolen.​B. His gun has stolen.
C. He has been stolen the gun.​D. The gun has been stolen him.
7. We have to tell Mary about our change in plans.
A. Mary has to be told about our change in plans.
B. Our change in plans should be told for Mary.
C. Mary is told about our change in plans.
D. Our change in plans is told to Mary.
8. We thought you were serious when you said you were leaving .
You were thought _________​when you said you were leaving.
A. to have been serious​B. to being serious
C. to be serious​D. to have been seriously
9. The directors have fired those lazy clerks
A Those lazy clerks have been fired. ​B Those lazy clerks has been fired.
C Those lazy clerks had been fired. ​D Those lazy clerks were fired .
10. They didn’t explain anything about that .
A.Nothing was explained about that .
B.That wasn’t explained anything by them .
C.Anything wasn’t explained about that .
D.Something wasn’t explained about that .
11.They showed his photograph on television.
A. On television they have his photograph shown.
B. His photograph was shown on television.
C. His photograph is being shown on television.
D. The television was shown his photograph.
12. We must find this killer.
A. This killer we must find.​B. This killer is found.
C. This killer be found.​D. This killer must be found.
13. They signed the contract at lunchtime.
A.They were signed the contract at lunchtime.
B.At lunchtime the contract were signed
C.The contract at lunchtime was signed .
D.The contract was signed at lunchtime.
14. Someone ought to do something about it.
A. Something about it ought to be done.
B. Someone ought to be done about it.
C. Something ought to be done about it.
D. It ought to be done something by someone.
15. People should send their complaints to the head office.
A. Their complaints were sent to the head office.
B. The head office was sent their complaints.
C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office.
D. The head office should be sent complaints.
16. People don’t use this road very often.
A.This road don’t be used very often.​B. This road is not used very often.​
C. This road is used not very often.​D. This road is not often used.​
17. Miller has taken a lot of photographs.
A. Photographs have been taken by Miller.
B. Photographs have been taken a lot of by Miller.
C. A lot of photographs were taken by Miller.
D. A lot of photographs have been taken by Miller.
18. The teacher gave us two very difficult exercises.
A. We were given two very difficult exercises.
B. Two very difficult exercises were given to the teacher.
C. Two very difficult exercises were given to us.
D. Both (A and (C are correct.
19. They said that he was all right .
A.He said he was all right .​B.They were said him was all right .
C.He was said he was all right .​D.He was said to be all right .
20. The lawyer is interviewing the witness.
A. The witness is interviewed​B. The witness is being interviewed
C. The lawyer is interviewed​D. The lawyer is being interviewed
21. They are taking photographs of the event.
A. The event was taken photographs.
B.The event is taken photographs.
C. Photographs are taken of the event.
D. Photographs of the event are being taken.
22. How do people learn languages?
A.How are languages learned? ​B.How are languages learned by people?
C. How languages are learned?​D.Languages are learned how? ​
23. Nobody told me that George was ill.
A. I was told that George wasn't ill. ​B. I wasn't told that George was ill.
C. Geoge wasn't told to be ill.​D. George was told not to be ill.
24. His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.
A. He was given a present when he retired.
B. A present was given by his colleagues when he retired.
C. He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.
D. A present was given him when he retired.


Answer 1


for 1=D

























might be true somehow

and hope it does kk

Answer 2
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. C
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. D
19. D
20. B
21. D
22. A
23. B
24. C

Related Questions

"the market value of a property is whatever a buyer is willing to pay for it." Is value the same as sales price?




True, "the market value of a property is whatever a buyer is willing to pay for it."

False,  Is value the same as sales price? value is what the market is such as when it is a buyers market or seller's market.


in a buyers market, sale price goes down

in a seller's market, the price goes up to whatever buyer is willing to pay

What would you say if you want to ask for the telephone number from someone? What kinds of document should be sent with the application form? Can you describe the process to apply for a position? What can make you feel stressful at work/ at school? What can you do to deal with stress at work? What do you like about shopping in a supermarket? What do you like about online shopping? What would you say if you want to know someone's number/ email address ? When you want to register for a new course, what kinds of information do you need to know? Why should companies encourage new ideas? The process of job applicationWhat kinds of documents should be sent with the job application form? Would you like to work for a multinational company or family-owned company? Why? What soft skills do you need to get a good job? Do you want to work for one company during your career? Why or why not?



My mobile is missing, kindly type my number and give a missed call.


My mobile is missing, kindly type my number and give a missed call. When my child is ill this will make me stressful at the work or at school. I can do gossip with my colleagues and drink a cup of tea. All the items are available at one place at the supermarket. Order anything at home is the thing I like about online shopping. I like to work for family-owned company because all the profit comes to the family and we can expand the business. Full knowledge about MS excel, power point and MS word as well full hold on the network of computer. Yes, I want to work for one company during my career if it provides me a good package because changing companies can make you to start from the beginning.

We inhale the oxygen correct grammar



We inhale oxygen.


We decided not to _______ on that road trip after all. It was too risky.
A. slip B. take C. try D. go


D is the correct answer

The correct answer is option D. go.

We decided not to go on that road trip after all. It was too risky.

What does it mean when someone says road trip?

A long trip was taken for pleasure or business in which the travel is on roads.

Why do people go on road trips?

Taking a road trip allows you to get off the beaten path and see actual communities and natural wonders, not just a train track or a view from 36,000 feet. Meandering through the countryside is a great way to relax and find out what it's really like to live in a particular area.

Learn more about Why do people go on road trips? here:


Though unrecognized by the government or employers, many unique holidays have special significance to people in the United States.
What is the most likely topic of the above sentence?


Holidays I believe is your answer

Write synonyms
I haven't gone to the gym since May



I have yet to go to the gym since May

I haven't gone to the workout center since May

Curfews are silly and slow that don’t think I’m a responsible and mature person

Which audience would be most moved by this type of appeal


Teenagers, it seems, would be the most affected by this. Though it appears to be attempting to persuade or appeal to an older audience.

Read the sentence.
We waited for the school bus inside the museum for 30 minutes.
What is the best way to correct this sentence?



we waited for the school bus for 30 minute inside the museum.

We waited for the school bus for 30 minutes inside the museum.

"Do they ever water these plants?" "No, they________ these plants." (never water, always water, ever water)
please help me to this problem..​


No they never water these plants .

And thanks for telling daksh to reply me



hlo Yei axa ...sunishma

If you were a principal and you had to hire some new teachers for your school, what qualities would you look for in a teacher? Explain what would make a good teacher.
Please give a good answer it doesn't have to be very long. The answer should just have very good points in them. ​


I a good teacher must:

love to teach;be a good learner, open to new knowledge that may upset or erode what he or she may have previously learned;make learning enjoyable for students- using different methods and tools, such as games, storytelling, challenges, experiments, "real-life" examples, riddles, etc.; be able to adapt to different students, learning technology and environments, and educational institutions;know about the subject matter he or she teaches;be able to learn by experience and by sharing with other teachers;use evaluations as a development tool for self and students- not as an instrument for punishmentconsider each failing student a challenge;help students become full members of the Knowledge Society- by developing their skills to learn and teach.



1. The teacher has to be loyal and trustworthy.

2. She/he should maintain a good bond with the children.

3. They should be always willing to help the kids

Rewrite each sentence using correct capitalization.

1. did sergeant brown congratulate ms. jones on her promotion?

2. a new musical plan was developed by professor harmon and mrs. smith. students told ms. green how much fun it was, and that they wanted to show mr. Samson how well they could perform.

3. during intermission, pres. green introduced mr. jim oliver to the audience.

4. did principal ruiz invite mayor johnson to the graduation ceremony, or did reverend robinson send the invitation?

5. officer hurst stood when judge williams entered the courtroom. sheriff brown also stood when the judge entered the room.


1. Did Sergeant Brown congratulate Ms. Jones on her promotion?

2. A new musical plan was developed by Professor Harmon and Mrs. Smith. Students told Ms. Green how much fun it was, and that they wanted to show Mr. Samson how well they could perform.

3. During intermission, Pres. Green introduced Mr. Jim Oliver to the audience.

4. Did Principal Ruiz invite Mayor Johnson to the graduation ceremony, or did Reverend Robinson send the invitation?

5. Officer Hurst stood when Judge Williams entered the courtroom. Sheriff Brown also stood when the judge entered the room.

1. Make a list of festivals that you celebrate. Then, share your list with your friends.​



The festival that I celebrate are as follows :

DashainTihar Holi ChristmasBudhajayanti Maghe sankranti ID etc


Hansik, Korean Traditional Food, is known to start and finish on the ground: slow, humble and vivid. The practice of fermenting vegetables, peppers and beans inside jars reveals their need to keep the land close. It exposes the secret behind the characteristic deep and complex flavor of ingredients.


Hansik is a korean festival we used to celebrate. It starts 105 days after Dongji(Water Solstice).

Hope it will be helpful!

1.​A. continent ​B. depend ​C. send ​D. pretend
2.​A. says ​B. prays ​C. plays ​D. days
3.​A. climate ​B. pride ​C. quit ​D. primary
4.​A. may ​B. can ​C. stay ​D. say
5.​A. boxes ​B. washes​ C. watches​ D. goes



1.   A

2.  A

3.  C

4.  B

5.  D


Change into indirect speech.Please anyone​



1 Ram told me that he wanted to spoke to me.

2 Gambhir said that he was reading a story.

3 Roshan told that they went away previous day.

4 Girls will told that they was very late.

5 People told that it was rain the day after tomorrow.


Gambhir said he was reading a story

how would a toxic friendship affect the physical well being of a teenager?


- physical bullying could leave visible marks
- toxic friends who compare them could make them insecure about their body
- can pressure them into substance abuse
- can leave them to cut themselves

These are a few possibilities that can happen. You can write the long answer yourself so there’s no risk of plagiarism. It’s good to write it yourself as while writing; you may think of more ideas to incorporate.

please help me this question



1. Have, traveled

2. lived

3. Did, free

4. have not seen

5. makes

6. have, checked

7. have not won

8. have asked

Buna, intrebarea aata e doar pt romanii din Uk:
Mama poate sa imi faca cont la Barclays chiar daca am 16 ani, fac in Septembrie 17.​



I dont understand


I don't Understand bro

Choose the word that has the different main stress from that of the others.
1. A. caring B. approach C. attract D. confide
2. A. supportive B. determine C. sacrifice D. contractual



1. a

2. b


Hope it helps.. if yes plz mark as brainliest

What effect does asking rhetorical questions like this one have on an audience? Check all that apply.





A) It forces the listener to accept there is not one expected answer.

B) It forces the reader to think about ways to answer the question successfully.

C) It forces the reader to generate a set of related questions to ask the speaker.

D) It makes the sermon seem directed at the listener personally.

E) It makes the listener think about their actions.

Asking rhetorical questions has the following effects on the audience. A) It forces the listener to accept there is not one expected answer. D) It makes the sermon seem directed at the listener personally. E) It makes the listener think about their actions Option(a),(d) and (e) are correct.

What is a rhetorical question?

The rhetorical question is a scholarly figure that utilizes a question to stress a specific component of discourse. The rhetorical question is described by:

Try not to sit tight back for a response.

Have an implied reply in the actual question.

It tends to be delegated an attestation, idea, or accentuation.

For the most part, the rhetorical question is utilized in discourses to convince the beneficiary of a perspective on an issue to change position.

A rhetorical question is one for which the questioner doesn't anticipate a straightforward reply: as a rule it could be expected to begin a talk, or for the purpose of showing or underline the speaker's or alternately creator's perspective on a point

Therefore the correct Options are A, D, and E, while different choices are mistaken in light of the fact that they don't present thoughts connected with the impacts of rhetorical questions on the general population.

The complete question is given to image attached below.

Learn more about rhetorical here:


VII Rewrite the sentences
2. Haven't you forgot giving the books? Do you .... .....​


Rewriting the sentence requires a word change to occur, but the meaning of the original sentence is retained. If so, you can rewrite the sentence above as follows:

"You didn't give away the books? Do you still have them?"

The sentence above completes the sentence presented in the question and rewrites the clause presented above.

In summary, we can say that you can rewrite a sentence by following these steps:

Read the original sentence.Reread the same sentence until you understand the subject contained in it and the message it conveys.Pay attention to auxiliary verbs and pronouns, as they can indicate the tense and the form in which the sentence can be rewritten.Modify the words of the original sentence, but rewrite this sentence keeping its original meaning.

You can find more information at the link below:

What does the word ethereal mean in the phrase "grew more ethereal as they rose"? In the scarlet letter



As the rose grew it got more delicate and pretty


Not sure if that helps


And I quote from the blessed dictionary:

" extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world. "


Not a common word, tho one packed with meaning, it's often used in older English and literature.

1. He was caught after he (wander)……………… in the eastern Highlands all night.
2. We know he (buy)………..…….. a new house in a small lane quite recently, but we don’t know whether he has sold his old house.
3. I have never seen him again since I (leave)…………… Australia in 1964.
4. Who is this lady? She (move)…………… into No 4 last month.
5. This hotel is empty, it (not live)…………..…. in for a long time.
6. Yesterday afternoon he (have)……..……… a nap in the garden chair when a boy dropped a ball on his head.
7. It’s the first time I …………….(eat) this.
8. This is the worst storm I ……………(ever see).
9. It was the first time I ……………………(ever see) such a beautiful girl.
10. It was the most exciting film I …………………(ever see).



1 Wandered

2 Bought

3 Left

4 Moved

5 not lived

6 Had

7 Will eat

8 Had ever seen

9 Had ever seen

10 Had ever seen

The blanks have been filled with the right verb tenses as follows:

1. He was caught after he wandered in the eastern Highlands all night.

2. We know he bought a new house in a small lane quite recently, but we don’t know whether he has sold his old house.

3. I have never seen him again since I left Australia in 1964.

4. Who is this lady? She moved into No 4 last month.

5. This hotel is empty, it has not been lived in for a long time.

6. Yesterday afternoon he had a nap in the garden chair when a boy dropped a ball on his head.

7. It’s the first time I will eat this.

8. This is the worst storm I have ever seen.

9. It was the first time I had ever seen such a beautiful girl.

10. It was the most exciting film I had ever seen.

In the blanks provided, we are asked to fill up the blanks with the right verb tenses.

Some of them are in the past tense while others are in the present perfect tenses.

A careful understanding of the sentences will help us to choose the right verb tenses.

Learn more about verb tenses here:

3. _________ , he doesn't study well. A. As clever he is B. He is as clever C. Clever as he is D. As he is clever



The answer to this is... C



C. clever as he is......

help if u want idrc and how you been today as well?


I believe it would be "What is a habitat?"

my day has been pretty good! i made cakepops :]

ask your parents about renowned person of your locality.collect as much information about him or her and write them in chronological order.after that write the short biography of that person​



ask your parents about renowed person of your locality and wirte a short biography of that person.


ask your parents about renowned person of your locality.collect as much information about him or her and write them in chronological order.after that write the short biography of that person

What is main message of Malala's speech?​



Malala's central message is that no matter what the obstacles — whether they be economic, cultural or social — everybody is entitled to a quality education as a human right. In the words of the young activist: “Education is education. We should learn everything and then choose which path to follow.

I hope this helps you

We___ to the radio when father comes home. (Listen) into future tense.



We are listening to the radio when father comes home.


We are listening to the radio when father comes home


What’s an example of personification NO copy and paste


Personification is when you say something like an inanimate object doing something (a verb) but really it’s not physically doing that verb.
The flowers are dancing
The clouds are spitting
The wind is running



An example of personification are :

1. Lightning danced across the sky

2. The wind howled in the night.

3. The sun is smiling towards us

4. The car danced across the icy road

NOTE : i don't know how to copy and paste

what is the impression of the war does Casablanca portray



Casablanca is also a political allegory of World War II. Rick Blaine represents the United States, which initially insisted that it should be neutral in World War II. However, when the United States was bombed at Pearl Harbor, it had no choice but to get involved

To escape from a black mamba is like being born again. Why did the speaker say this? THE STATION - BIBHUTIBHUSHAN BANDYOPADHYAY



Because black mamba is very dangerous and its attack is usually deadly.


Black Mamba is one of the most brutal and venomous snakes on the entire African continent. Her attack is often deadly and leaves few survivors. Even the people who survived claim to have suffered so much from the effects of the poison to the point that they felt as if they had been born again when they recovered.

Getting away from the attack of a black mamba is a miracle and represents a new chance for life, as if the individual were also being born once more. It is this new chance that the speaker describes when he says that running away from the black mamba is like being born again.

Other Questions
12. Market efficiency and perfect price discrimination Perfect price discrimination is efficient because it converts what would have been deadweight loss into consumer and producer surplus inefficient because it converts a portion of consumer surplus into producer surplus inefficient because it results in no consumer surplus efficient because it converts into producer surplus what had been consumer surplus and deadweight loss What did you include in your response? Check any that apply. Fictional characters make a story more personal. Fiction helps readers feel the events. Fictional characters help readers see through the eyes of people from the time. Fictional accounts of history include historical facts. Answer me!!!! Read the descriptions of two experiments below.Experiment 1: A group of students did a test to see if theacidity of water affects the growth of pea plants. Theyfollowed a logical method and performed their experimentonce, using a control group and experimental groups. Theresults supported their hypothesis.Experiment 2: A group of students did a test to see if theacidity of water affects the growth of bacteria in the water,They used a control group and experimental groups. Theyrepeated their experiment several times and received thesame results each time.Which experiment is more likely to be reliable, and why?O A. Experiment 2, because it gave the same results every timeO B. Experiment 1, because its results supported the hypothesisO C. Experiment 1, because it followed a logical methodO D. Experiment 2, because its setup included a control group calculate the effective yearly rate if an investment offers a nominal interest rate of 9.5% compounded quarterly Find the perimeter and area , Please help me on this will give brainlist Question down below thank you Determine the grams of sodium chloride produced when 10 g of sodium react with 10 grams chlorine gas according to the equation 2Na + Cl2 = 2 NaCl Read the paragraph.In science class, we like to spy cool things going on in our experiments. We use magnifying glasses to observe tiny growths. I look forward to every class, but it creeps me out when my classmate stares at me while I conduct experiments.Based on the context, which statement best describes the connotations of the underlined words? A. Spy and observe are neutral, and stares is positive. B. Spy is positive, observe is neutral, and stares is negative. C. Spy is neutral, observe is positive, and stares is neutral. D. Spy is positive, observe is negative, and stares is positive. Can Some1 help??When using the "ball and stick" drawing method of drawing a compound, which element usually goes in the center of the model? PLEASE HURRYSelect the correct answer.Sam is an artist, and he wants to purchase frames to display his work at home. He wants to frame no fewer than 10 of his pieces, and he can spend a maximum of $225. Large frames cost $24, and medium frames cost $18.Which system of inequalities can Sam use to determine the number of large frames, x, and medium frames, y, that he can purchase to meet his needs?A. 18x + 24y 225x + y 10B. 24x + 18y 225x + y 10C. 18x + 24y 225x + y 10D. 24x + 18y 225x + y 10 ANSWERRRR IF UR COOL!! Plssss ILL MARK BRAINLEST Ty!!! So much ilyyyyyyy Plantcell can be identified by the process ofA) CholoroplastB) plasma membranac) cell wallD)MitochondriaA )i and ii (B) i and iii(c) ii and iii (0) iv only ans this question...... Write atleast 2 functions of a frontal lobe. 7>x/4 solve for xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa What does it mean to be in business? And what are the benefits of having your own business?(Take your time please and thank you) PLEASE HELP ASAP !! IF I DONT FINISH THIS HOMEWORK ILL GET GROUNDED .A group of 11 students participated in a quiz competition. Their scores are shown below:Scores7 8 3 6 3 14 4 3 2 3 5Part A: Would a dot plot, a histogram, or a box plot best represent the range of scores of the students by quartiles. Explain your answer. (4 points)Part B: Provide a step-by-step description of how you would create the graph named in Part A. (6 points) The atomic mass of calcium is calculated by adding the mass (amount) of A) Protons and Electrons B) Protons and Neutons C) Electrons and NeutonsD) Protons and Protons Simplify the following expression. what do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in common?answers:A) they both have a nuclear membrane B) they both have a golgi apparatusC) They both have chloroplastsD) they both have cell membranes