Choose the correct relative pronoun.
do you pay your rent?
O whose


Answer 1
Correct grammatical usage: « To WHOM do you pay your rent? »

Here are correct sentences using the other forms:

The person you pay your rent to, whose name I do not know.

Who do you pay your rent to?

What is the name of the person that you pay your rent to?

Related Questions

Change the Voice in the following sentences: 1. The gardener is plucking flowers, 2 Boys are flying kites, 3 He is laughing at the beggar. 4 The peon was ringing the bell.



1) flowers are being plucked by the gardener.

2)kites are being flied by boys.

3at )the beggar is being laughed by him.

4) the bell was being ringed by the peon

1 Positive, negative, question 1 Complete the text with the verb forms in the box works don't le live has donntam don't have need wo have doesn't matter of ng in the country A Dave Clarke is a sheep former in New Zealand He and his wie eina farmhouse in the hills with the two children Dave 600 sheep He seven days a week and at hast ten hours a day We any days of says Dave Thermals feeding every day. In lambing season we all night too! Once a month the to the market in the nearby town to buy or sell sheep comfortable in the being in the countryside feel free here a lot about $40.000 a year but as the says. Money is important, but it that much to me. Im very kocky the best job in the world! Dave​





don't have




don't feel


doesn't earn

doesn't matter



the words are in order of the blank lines

The words that come in the order of the blanks:

1. live 2. has 4.don't have 5.need 7.goes 8. don't feel 9.prefer 10.doesn't earn 11. doesn't matter 12.have

What are words?

A word is a meaningful element in speech or writing.

What is an order?

Order means arrangement or alignment of people or things

What are blanks?

Blank is a space left in a document to be filled.

What is prefer?

Prefer means to choose.

Therefore the words are written with number according to the blanks.

To learn more about word and blanks here


Which supporting detail best fits the topic sentence below?
Some very interesting things happen to the body while a
person is dreaming.
A. Some scientists believe that dreams help the brain make
B. During a dream, the brain works similar to how it does when we
are awake.
C. People who write about their dreams after they wake up are more
likely to remember them later.
D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.



D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Answer:  D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Explanation:While you're asleep, your brain is busy creating new memories, consolidating older ones, and linking more recent with earlier memories. This happens during both your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Lack of rest can damage your hippocampus, an area of the brain for memory creation and consolidation.

Hope this help you

from Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln November 19, 1863 What is tone of the passage? A. worried B. passionate C. hopeful D. respectful





i just took pretest on PLATO

Passionate is the tone of the passage, from the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln November 19, 1863. Hence, option B is correct.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln is revered as a martyr and a national hero for his leadership throughout the war, his efforts to defend the Union, and his attempts to put an end to slavery. In studies carried out by both scholars and the general people, Lincoln is usually rated as the greatest president in American history.

Lincoln's historical achievements serve as the cornerstone of his legacy; he led a successful revolt and civil war that maintained the Union, ended slavery, and allowed African-Americans to experience civic and social freedom.

Slavery advocate Booth believed Lincoln was out to overthrow the Constitution and his beloved South.

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about Abraham Lincoln, click here:


If someone could PLEASE help me with this assignment that would be great. I need it by 8/15/21. I have a ton of other things I NEED to get done. I will give out Brainliest to whoever completes this answer that can pass as a final draft.
I just copied what my Instructor said lol

"Complete your compare and contrast essay rough draft.

If you use quotes or direct information from the story, movie or other source, use correct citations.

To receive full points, you will need to include:

Reflective writing - the depth of your writing
Mechanics - Use correct grammar, word use, sentence and paragraph structure
Proofread - revise, edit and check for organization of content
Format and style - use the essay format. (Introduction paragraph states your goal, body paragraphs support the assignment, concluding paragraph)

Must have a clear thesis statement
Must have a minimum of 5 fully developed paragraphs (no maximum)
include introduction, body and conclusion
Organize your paragraphs in the order you feel suits your goal
Proofread, proofread, and proofread again"


I'll help you with this but I need to know what it is I'm writing about. Also, I'll need a previous work you have written so I can have the writing styles match up

imagine you are Aisha write two diary entries where you reavel your emotional, feelings​


Answer: dear diary


The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabine



The Manila folders are stored on the top of the shelf of the storage cabine

The word which best completes the given sentence, "The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabinet" is:


According to the given question, we need to complete a sentence with a word which would give complete meaning to the sentence.

As a result of this, we can see that the word which can be used to best complete the given sentence is the preposition, "At" which shows the location of the manila folders.

Read more here:

Don’t ask her about how much salary she earns. She____ tell you.
will not to
is going to
is not going to



don't ask her about how much salary she earns.she won't tell you.

Answer: Don’t ask her about how much salary she earns. She (won’t) tell you.

Write the correct noun form of the word given in the brackets.

The carpenters worked with (perfect).​



The carpenter worked perfectly

Answer the questions below:
1. Did you find it easy looking for a job? Why or why not?
2. What factors should we consider when looking for a job?​


For the first question that would be based off your experience in applying for jobs but for the second one you should consider the work you will be doing at the job, the commute from your home, if you’re in school the hours at which you can and can’t work and how much you’re getting paid

(b) Which dry fruit do people crack on Bhaitika Day?​





Walnut is cracked open on the day of bhai tika

Which text uses the word travesty in its traditional sense?
In 1687, John Phillips published a controversial English translation of
Cervantes's Don Quixote. Phillips's translation, a travesty of the original
story, was filled with vulgar humor.
John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost was first published in 1667. It's a
travesty that only thirty-three pages of the original manuscript have



It's a  travesty that only thirty-three pages of the original manuscript have


i think this is the answer


Robert Burns, Scotland’s greatest poet, (0) was born (1)………… 25th January, 1759. (2)…………… an early age he had to help his father on his farm as well as attend lessons given by a teacher who was employed by his father and a (3)……………… neighbours.
When he was twenty-two, he (4)…………. to Irvine, where he began to learn about making cloth. Shortly after (5)………… arrival, the factory in which he was training was destroyed by fire so he started a farm with his younger brother Gilbert.
While he (6)………… living on the farm, he concentrated (7)………………… writing poems and fell in love (8)………… a local girl, Jean Armour. Robert wanted to marry her but her father (9)…………….. not allow him to do so, probably because he thought Burns was not wealthy enough. Her father’s refusal took Robert (10)…………… surprise and since he could not (11)………….. used to the idea of being unable to marry her, he decided to leave the country. (12)…………… very little money, Robert had to obtain the fare for the voyage by selling some poems. Just as he was about to leave he was given (13)……………… advice-to publish a new edition of the poems he (14)…………….. written. He received a large sum of money for the poetry and was able to get married to Jean Armour. During his marriage he continued to write the expressive poetry .He became famous (15)……………., Robert Burns died in 796 from rheumatic fever.



(1) on

(2) From

(3) few, couple

(4) went, moved

(5) his

(6) was

(7) on

(8) with

(9) would

(10) by

(11) get, become

(12) Bringing, Having

(13) some

(14) had

(15) ? (but you can use process of elimination if you have a word bank)


Let me know if you want an explanation (and for which numbers)

Complete the passage using the appropriate words.

Robert Burns, Scotland’s greatest poet, He was born on 25th January, 1759. From an early age he had to help his father on his farm as well as attend lessons given by a teacher who was employed by his father and a few neighbours.

When he was twenty-two, he went to Irvine, where he began to learn about making cloth. Shortly after his arrival, the factory in which he was training was destroyed by fire so he started a farm with his younger brother Gilbert.

While he was living on the farm, he concentrated on writing poems and fell in love with a local girl, Jean Armour. Robert wanted to marry her but her father would not allow him to do so, probably because he thought Burns was not wealthy enough. Her father’s refusal took Robert by surprise and since he could not get used to the idea of being unable to marry her, he decided to leave the country.

Having very little money, Robert had to obtain the fare for the voyage by selling some poems. Just as he was about to leave he was given some piece of advice-to publish a new edition of the poems he had written. He received a large sum of money for the poetry and was able to get married to Jean Armour.

During his marriage he continued to write the expressive poetry .He became a famous poet Robert Burns died in 796 from rheumatic fever.

Read more:

Mountain gorillas are an endangered species __ habitats are being badly destroyed. A. why B. whose C. which D. that



B. Whose


You’re talking about the mountain gorillas so you use whose.

The mountain gorillas are an endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed.

Mountain gorillas are an endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed. Thus, the correct option is B.

What are endangered species?

An endangered species is a species which is most likely to become extinct in the near future, either worldwide or in a particular jurisdiction. The endangered species are at risk due to several factors which include habitat loss, poaching and invasive species.

Habitat is the natural region where wildlife lives undisturbed such as forest, pond, marsh or desert. Most of the animal and plant species which are endangered have become so, not due to killing on purpose but due to their habitats which are being destroyed.

Mountain gorillas is an example of endangered species whose habitats are being badly destroyed.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Endangered species here:


Would you like to be the president of a country



not really i just want to rich$_$





because from my point of view the country can help itself with mote development and i want to try and lessen world hunger and poverty by giving out more job opportunities and making donations.As I'll be really rich I can also do alot of things such as traveling which im really fond of:)

I think your question was asking us the answer not if I'd like to be the president so sorry if i got it wrong

Which does a general rubric not evaluate?
grammar and spelling in a piece of writing
the focus and organization of a writing assignment
the supporting details in a piece of writing
the way in which a writer follows the writing process



the way in which a writer follows the writing process


Can you give an example of when you had too much to do and were under pressure? How did you react?



one time i had to complete a social studies project within 3 days and it was very difficult, and i had so much pressure on me, and I reacted like anyone else would and kind of panicked because I didn't want my grade to dip.


When people had had to finish a challenging project in a few days under a lot of pressure, I responded as anyone else would and began to stress because I didn't want my grade to suffer.

How a person can handle the pressure?

Some of the ways to handle pressure are given below-

Always maintain your composure.Keep your attention on what needs to get done.Aid others in getting through their challenging day.Avoid the drama and remain optimistic.Get assistance if you require it.Avoid consuming too much caffeine.Take breaks, please.Make the most of your time off.

Thus, When people had had to finish a challenging project in few days under a lot of pressure

For more details about person can handle the pressure, click here:


3. Charles a box of chocolates.

A. gives often Pat
B. often gives Pat
C. often Pat gives
D. Pat gives often


The answer is c thank me later



is answer bro


bye have great day

Select the correct answer. How does the fourth paragraph help the author achieve his purpose? A. The author restates his claim that the building plan would destroy the breeding ground for the Bachman’s warbler.





The author restates his claim that the building plan would destroy the breeding ground for the Bachman's warbler.

Output units
Average costs
Total costs
Marginal costs
Identify the value of the fixed costs.
Give an example of a fixed cost.
Briefly describe the term marginal cost.
Explain the intersection point of ATC and MC using information in the table.
Differentiate between the short run and long run.



Explanation:I have forgotten

1. Can I park here ?
a) sorry, I did that.
b) it’s the same place.
C) only for half an hour.


C is the only answer that makes sense.

Can I park here only for half an hour would be the correct sentence.

What is a sentence?

A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:"Ali is walking". A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. It is a grammatically complete idea. All sentences have a noun or pronoun component called the subject, and a verb part called the predicate.

Therefore, (C) option is the correct answer.

To learn more about Sentence, refer here :


how plagiarism impact student?



Palgiasiarism is a type of intellectual theft.


Palgisrism allegation can cause a student to be suspended or expelled.

What makes a question or comment revelant to a discussion



they way you present it

for one to have something relevant ,then you have to prove that whatever you're presenting is making sense and not just for the sake

What is the proper title for a senior instructor and master instructor?



option C


Japanese martial arts commonly use Sensei (先生) meaning "teacher" or literally translated, "born first" or "one who has gone before". A Sensei is a person who has knowledge and is willing to teach that knowledge to another

The plane landed slowly. Into how question


How slowly did the plane land?

Identify the mode of persuasion used in the following quote. “With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day” A) logos B) pathos C) ethos


B) Pathos (I could be wrong) but, It appeals to emotion




I can not understood your question


i don't know try seeking higher advise


Macbeth's reaction takes a form of a metaphor: " why do you dress me in borrowed ropes" please explain this methaphor​


Explanation: This means you are been dressed like the robe has been borrowed from someone, hesitatingly...

ghfghfgdsssssssssssssssssssssssfadfqsdf asdwasdasd a


kdhkdhdjdh dkdhdkhds dkbdkdhd jdhdjjss

How many (A) sons and daughters (B) do (C) your aunt have (D)?





Because I've seen them before.

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