Chun-Li is evaluating an investment that will provide the following returns at the end of each of the following years: year 1, $12,500; year 2, $10,000; year 3, $7,500; year 4, $5,000; year 5, $2,500; year 6, $0; and year 7, $12,500. Chun-Li believes that she should earn an annual rate of 7.5 percent on this investment. How much should Chun-Li pay for this investment


Answer 1




The amount he would be willing to pay can be determined by calculating the present value of the cash flows

Present value is the sum of discounted cash flows

Present value can be calculated using a financial calculator

Cash flow in year 1 = 12,500

Cash flow in year 2 = 10,000

Cash flow in year 3 = 7500

Cash flow in year 4 = 5000

Cash flow in year 5 = 2500

Cash flow in year 6 = 0

Cash flow in year 7 = 12500

I = 7.5

To find the PV using a financial calculator:

1. Input the cash flow values by pressing the CF button. After inputting the value, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.

2. after inputting all the cash flows, press the NPV button, input the value for I, press enter and the arrow facing a downward direction.  

3. Press compute  

Related Questions

Entrepreneurs who start businesses because they cannot find work any other way are______.?

1. Necessity entrepreneurs

2.Serial entrepreneurs

3.Opportunity entrepreneurs

4. Corporate cast-off



Entrepreneurs who start businesses because they cannot find work any other way are______.

4. Corporate cast-off


Corporate cast-off includes former corporate executives who were laid off from their corporate positions as a result of corporate downsizing.  Not finding any other corporate employment, they decide to establish their own businesses, using their saved resources and borrowings.  They now constitute a sizeable number of small businesses, which eventually grow to medium-sized corporations.  Some of them engage in consultancy services depending on their areas of specialty.

ngân hàng tiến hành xóa nợ như thế nào



How does the bank write off the debt?

A company that wanted to provide a single, unified entry point to its network that would allow different types of users access to different types of resources could do so by establishing a(n):____________.
A. enterprise portal.
B. broadband interface.
C. intranet.
D. mainframe network.


Answer: A. Enterprise portal


Enterprise portals is a relatively new type of information portal that works to integrate information and other processes in the company and allow different users in a company access to this information through different types of resources.

This ensures that the employees in the company can get information that they need in a timely and efficient manner and is the reason why enterprise portals are becoming increasingly popular.

The enterprise portal are used by company's that wanted to provide a single or unified entry point to its network to allow users access to different resources.

The Enterprise portals is an information portal that integrate information and processes in the company and allow users have access to this information..

The enterprise portals ensures that the employees in the company can get information that they need in a timely and efficient manner.

So, the enterprise portal are used by company's that wanted to provide a single or unified entry point to its network to allow users access to different resources.

Therefore, the Option A is correct.

Read more about this here

a. A consulting firm that is for sale has an annual operating cash flow of $2,000,000 assuming no future growth in cash flow, what is the value of this business at a 50% cost of capital.


Answer: $4,000,000


Based on the information given in the question, the value of this business at a 50% cost of capital will be calculated thus:

= Annual cash flow / Cost of capital

= $2,000,000 / 50%

= $2,000,000 / 0.5

= $4,000,000

Therefore, the value of the business is $4,000,000.

On July 1, Hanson Corporation issued 10 shares of $100 par value preferred stock for cash of $1,000 per share. Write down the necessary journal entry.



Debit Cash 10,000

Credit Preferred stock 1000

Credit Paid in capital in excess of par value 9,000


Preparation of the necessary journal entry

July 1

Debit Cash 10,000


Credit Preferred stock 1000

Credit Paid in capital in excess of par value 9,000





Debit Cash 10,000

Credit Preferred stock 1000

Credit Paid in capital in excess of par value 9,000


Preparation of the necessary journal entry

July 1

Debit Cash 10,000


Credit Preferred stock 1000

Credit Paid in capital in excess of par value 9,000


Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, so she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision on which gas to purchase is characterized by


Answer: a low level of purchase involvement


A low-involvement purchase simply means a decision making process that's abridged. In such situations, the buyer hardly does any information gathering, and he or she makes a simple and straightforward decision.

Since when Emma noticed that she was almost out of gas, she pulled into the nearest gas station and filled up her tank. Emma's decision here is straightforward as she doesn't analyse other alternatives. Therefore, it's a low level of purchase involvement.

The market will overproduce goods that have external costs because Group of answer choices Producers experience higher costs than society Producers experience lower costs than society Producers cannot keep these goods from consumers who do not pay, so they have to produce greater amounts The government is not able to produce these goods



Producers experience lower costs than society


In the case when the market excess produce the goods that contains the external cost so it should be because of producers would have less cost as compared to the society that means the private equilibrium cost should be less than the social equilibrium cost

So as per the given situation, the above statement should be true

A student takes out a $10,000, 10-year loan with two possible repayment plans, (i) immediate repayment or (ii) a grace period during the college years. The student takes 5 years to graduate. The interest rate is 8%, compounded annually and the loan is paid off as a yearly lump sum. Since the bank is a for-profit business (beholden to its shareholders and required to maximize profit), the bank intends to receive the same return on this loan either way. How much are the annual payments under option (i) and option (ii)


Answer and Explanation:

The calculation is given below:

(i) Immediate Repayment:

Let us assume the annual repayments be $ P


$10,000 = P × (1 ÷ 0.08) × [1 - {1 ÷ (1.08)^(10)}]

$10,000 = P × 6.71008

P = $10,000 ÷ 6.71008

= $1490.3

(ii) Grace Period of 5 years:

Let us assume the annual repayments be $N


Accumulated Loan Value after 5 years is

= $10,000 × (1.08)^(5)

= $14,693.3

So, $14,693.3 = N × (1 ÷ 0.08) × [1-{1 ÷ (1.08)^(10)}]

$14,693.3 = N × 6.71008

N = 14693.3 ÷ 6.71008

= $2189.74

The Kretovich Company had a quick ratio of 1.0, a current ratio of 3.5, a days' sales outstanding of 36.5 days (based on a 365-day year), total current assets of $980,000, and cash and marketable securities of $115,000. What were Kretovich's annual sales



Total sales = $1650000


Below is the given values:

Quick ratio = 1.0

Current ratio = 3.5

Current assets = $980000

Marketable security = $115000

Current ratio=Current assets/Current liabilities

3.5 = 980000 / Current liabilities

Current liabilities = 980000/3.5

Current liabilities = 280000

Quick ratio=Quick assets/Current liabilities

1.0 =Quick assets/280000

Quick assets = 1.0 x 280000 = 280000

Quick assets = Marketable security + Accounts receivable

Accounts receivable =  280000 - 115000

Accounts receivable = $165000

Days sales outstanding=(Accounts receivable/Total sales)*Days in a period

36.5 = (165000 / total sales ) x 365

Total sales=$165,000/(36.5 days/365 days

Total sales = $1650000

One observation we made this week was that consumer surplus is maximized at a price of zero. We also learned that this is impractical for market provided goods. If this is the case (and it is), why then do we choose free markets over the public provision of an important good like high-speed internet?



The description of the given problem is described in the below explanation segment.


A supply as well as the demand-based economy with hardly any government regulation whilst general populace provisioning is fully controlled by the government, which would be aimed at satisfying person's welfare programs, is considered as the free market.

For commodities like the slightly elevated internet, we support free market rather than governmental provision for the aforementioned purposes:

In something like a free market system, buyers decide the final success or failure of the items.Throughout the event of general populace procurement then perhaps the capitalist economy, there seem to be numerous failures such as time delays as well as misinformation.

You would like to have enough money saved to receive a growing annuity for 25 years, growing at a rate of 4 percent per year, with the first payment of $60,000 occurring exactly one year after retirement. How much would you need to save in your retirement fund to achieve this goal


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

You would like to have enough money saved to receive a growing annuity for 25 years, growing at a rate of 4 percent per year, with the first payment of $60,000 occurring exactly one year after retirement. How much would you need to save in your retirement fund to achieve this goal? (The interest rate is 12%.)

Solution :

Given data :

pv of growing annuity, i = 0.04

Rate of interest, r = 0.12


[tex]$pv=\frac{60000}{(1+r) } + \frac{60000(1+i)}{(1+r)^2 } + \frac{60000(1+i)^2}{(1+r)^3 } + ...+ \frac{60000(1+r)^{24}}{(1+r)^{25} } $[/tex]



[tex]$pv = \frac{60000}{1.12} \times 11.80461368$[/tex]

[tex]$pv = \$ 632390.0191$[/tex]

pv = $ 632390.02 (rounding off)

On January 1, 20Y2, Hebron Company issued a $175,000, five-year, 8% installment note to Ventsam Bank. The note requires annual payments of $43,830, beginning on December 31, 20Y2.Journalize the entries to record the following:


Answer and Explanation:

The journal entries are shown below:

1. Cash Dr $175,000

     To note payable $175,000

(being note payable is issued)

2. Interest expense Dr (8% of $175,000) $14,000

        To interest payable $14,000

(being interest expense is recorded)

3. Interest payable $14,000

Note payable $29,830

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

4. Interest expense $6,253

          To interest payable $6,253

(being interest expense is recorded)

5.  Interest payable $6,253

Note payable $37,577

       To cash $43,830

(being cash paid is recorded)

A(n) ______ is a network that links the intranets of business partners via the Internet in such a way that the result is a virtually private network.a. intranet b. browser c. extranet



c. extranet


The controlled, and the private network that permits the third-party partners in order to received the information that related to the particualr company and also it can be done without any access for an overall network of an organization

So as per the given situation, it is an extranet

Hence, the same is to be considered

All of the following are true regarding implied agreements EXCEPT which one?
An implied agreement is based on actions or behaviors.
An implied agreement is based on a formal
With an implied agreement it is possible that the other party did not intend to be bound.
With an implied agreement there is an increased chance of confusion.



An implied agreement is based on a formal agreement.


A contract can be defined as an agreement between two or more parties (group of people) which gives rise to a mutual legal obligation or enforceable by law.

There are different types of contract in business and these includes: fixed-price contract, cost-plus contract, bilateral contract, implied contract, unilateral contract, adhesion contract, unconscionable contract, option contract, express contract, executory contract, etc.

Mutual assent is a legal term which represents an agreement by both parties to a contract. When two parties to a contract both have an understanding of the parameters, terms and conditions surrounding a contract, it ultimately implies that they are in agreement; this is generally referred to as mutual assent.

Simply stated, mutual assent connotes agreement, acceptance and consent to a contract by both parties.

An implied contract can be defined as an informal contract that exists based on an assumption or understanding between two or more parties, rather than on terms that are formally and specifically defined.

This ultimately implies that, an implied agreement is not based on a formal agreement but on assumptions or understanding between the parties involved.

The most likely effect of an decrease in income tax rates would be a(n): increase in interest rates. decrease in the supply of loanable funds. decrease in the savings rate. all of the above would occur none of the above would occur


Answer:  none of the above would occur


When there are lower tax rates, people will have more disposable income left aft paying taxes. It is from this disposable income that people are able to save so if it increases, they will be able to save more.

When they save more, supply of loanable funds will increase because loanable funds come from savings. Interest rates would therefore decrease because there are now more loanable funds.

Income tax rate are taxes placed or collected on income of people. The most likely effect of an decrease in income tax rates would be none of the above would occur

Lower tax rates often leads to the following:

An increase the demand for assets An increase in the supply of labor.The economy will react to it by having with lower interest rates, higher employment, higher investment and faster economic growth. It often increase the spending power of consumers It also increase aggregate demand, resulting to higher economic growth.

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which of the following would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence?

A. Individual romex cables
B. Power panels to be installed
C. routes of cables
D. Wire sizes



A. Individual romex cables


Individual romex cables would be included in the set of electrical plans for individual residence.

This is because they are a non-metallic sheathed cables, and they are flexible electrical cables which are popularly used in residential setups.

This cable comes with two insulated wires that include a ground copper wire that ensures safe passage of electrical current in case of any unfortunate event.

Nathan and Diana are married and have three married children and seven minor grandchildren. For tax year 2020, what is the maximum amount they can give to the family (including the sons- and daughters-in-law) without using any of their unified transfer tax credit



Maximum amount that can be given to family (including the sons- and daughters-in-law) without using unified transfer tax credit is $390,000.


Given the data in the question;

Nathan and Diana are married and they have 3 married children, meaning Nathan and Diana also have 3 daughters/sons in law married to their children. In addition, they have 7 minor grand children.

Number of donees will be ⇒ 3 + 3 + 7 = 13

Now, we know that; The annual gift tax exclusion for 2019-2020 is $15,000 per donee or individual for every tax payer while that of married couple is $30,000.

Meaning Nathan and Diana can give $30,000as a gift to each of their family members without using any of their unified transfer tax credit.


Maximum amount that can be given to family (including the sons- and daughters-in-law) without using unified transfer tax credit will be;

⇒ 13 × $30,000

= $390,000.

All of the following are symptoms of organizations struggling with strategy disconnect and unclear priorities EXCEPT Multiple Choice inadequate resources. people are working on multiple projects and feel inefficient. frequent conflicts between managers. confused employees regarding which projects are more important. not enough projects within the portfolio to make a profit.



All of the following are symptoms of organizations struggling with strategy disconnect and unclear priorities EXCEPT

not enough projects within the portfolio to make a profit.


Strategy disconnect does not support an organization to be consistent in its actions at every level.  However, where the strategy is shared across board, there is an integrated and coordinated attempt at long-term planning with the organization positioned to exceed the needs of its customers and to achieve success.  With strategy connect, the organization responds well to changes in its external environment and is able to allocate scarce resources for the improvement of its competitive position.

The index weighting that results in portfolio weights shifting away from securities that have increased in relative value toward securities that have fallen in relative value whenever the portfolio is rebalanced is most accurately described as:_________
a) float-adjusted market-capitalization weighting.
b) fundamental weighting.
c) equal weighting.


Answer: B. Fundamental weighting.


A fundamentally weighted index refers to a type of equity index whereby the components that are chosen based on the fundamental criteria like the dividend rates, book value, revenue, dividend rates, etc.

Fundamental weighting is the index weighting which results in portfolio weights shifting away from securities that have increased in relative value toward securities that have fallen in relative value whenever the portfolio is rebalanced.

What is the APR on a loan with an effective annual rate of 15.26% and weekly compounding of interest?





Assuming 52 weeks in a year


Which rounds to about


California laws requires that renters be paid interest on their security deposits. You are considering renting a one bedroom uni at The Sterling Heights Apartments, where a $1,500 security deposit is required. You plan to live there about three years. If you expect 2 percent a year how much interest should you expect to receive when you move out in three years


1,500 x .02 = 1st year $30 interest
1,530 x .02 = 2nd year $30.60 interest
1530.60 = 3rd year $30.61 interest
$1591.21 earned at move out

Portside Watercraft uses a job order costing system. During one month Portside purchased $173,000 of raw materials on credit; issued materials to production of $164,000, of which $24,000 were indirect. Portside incurred a factory payroll cost of $95,000, of which $25,000 was indirect labor. Portside uses a predetermined overhead rate of 170% of direct labor cost. The journal entry to record the issuance of materials to production is:



Debit Work in Process Inventory $140,000

Debit Factory Overhead $24,000

Credit Raw Materials Inventory $164,000.


Preparation of The journal entry to record the issuance of materials to production

Based on the information given The journal entry to record the issuance of materials to production is:

Debit Work in Process Inventory $140,000


Debit Factory Overhead $24,000

Credit Raw Materials Inventory $164,000

(To record the issuance of materials to production)

Fresh Veggies, Inc. (FVI), purchases land and a warehouse for $450,000. In addition to the purchase price, FVI makes the following expenditures related to the acquisition: broker's commission, $25,000; title insurance, $1,500; and miscellaneous closing costs, $5,200. The warehouse is immediately demolished at a cost of $25,000 in anticipation of building a new warehouse. Determine the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land





Calculation to determine the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land

Purchases land and a warehouse for $450,000

Add Commission $25,000

Add Title insurance $1,500

Add Miscellaneous closing costs $5,200

Add Demolished cost $25,000

Cost of the land $506,700

Therefore the amount FVI should record as the cost of the land is $506,700

A physical count of merchandise inventory on July 30 reveals that there are 48 units on hand. Using the LIFO inventory method, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is



The amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is $2,070.


Note: This question is not complete. The complete question is therefore provided before answering the question as follows:

Olympus Climbers Company has the following inventory data:

July 1 Beginning inventory 30 units at $19    $570

      7 Purchases 105 units at $20                  2100

    22 Purchases 15 units at $22                      330


A physical count of merchandise inventory on July 30 reveals that there are 48 units on hand. Using the LIFO inventory method, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is

The explanation of the answers is now provided as follows:

Last in, first out (LIFO) inventory method refers to a method under which the costs of the costs of the most recent goods purchased or manufactured are expensed first.

Thereforee, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July can be calculated as follows:

Total units available for sales = 30 + 105 + 15 = 150 units

Units sold = Total units available for sales - Units on hand on July 30 = 150 - 48 = 102 units

Cost of goods sold for July = Value of 15 units July 22 purchases + (87 units * Cost per units of purchases on July 7) = $330 + (87 * $20) = $330 + $1,740 = $2,070

Therefore, the amount allocated to cost of goods sold for July is $2,070.

A stock will pay no dividends for the next 5 years. Then it will pay a dividend of $5 growing at 2%. The discount rate is 10%. What should be the current stock price?





The value of the stock is the present value of its future divided payments, bearing in mind that the first dividend is payable six years from,hence, the present value of dividend in year 5( a year before its payment) is then computed thus:

PV of dividend at the end of year 5=expected dividend/discount rate-growth rate

expected dividend in year 6=$5

discount rate=10%

growth rate=2%

PV of dividend at the end of year 5=$5/(10%-2%)

PV of dividend at the end of year 5=$62.50

We need to discount the PV backward by 5 years to show the stock value today

the current stock price=$62.50/(1+10%)^5

the current stock price= $38.81  

Carmen Co. can further process Product J to produce Product D. Product J is currently selling for $23.80 per pound and costs $15.00 per pound to produce. Product D would sell for $44.55 per pound and would require an additional cost of $11.75 per pound to produce. The differential cost of producing Product D is





Calculation to determine what The differential cost of producing Product D is

Using this formula

Differential cost =Revenue from sale of product D−Revenue from sale of product J

Let plug in the formula

Differential cost ​=$44.55−$23.80

Differential cost =$20.75

Therefore The differential cost of producing Product D is $20.75

What is the purpose of an inspection report ​


Answer:The purpose of inspection reports is to document the inspection scope, observation, and findingsof inspections conducted by the NRC. 

Explanation:The NRC performs inspections to oversee the commercial nuclear industry to determine whether its requirements are being met by licensees and their contractors.

Amount of
Terms of
Credit for
Partial Payment
Amount Due
4/15, n/60



Credit partial payment is "$3229.17" and Net amount due is "$2769.03".




= $5998.20

Sales terms,

= 4/15, n/60

Partial payment,

= $3100

The credit partial payment will be:

= [tex]\frac{Partial \ payment}{1-Discount}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{3100}{1-0.04}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{3100}{0.96}[/tex]

= [tex]3229.17[/tex] ($)

The due net amount will be:

= [tex]5998.20-3229.17[/tex]

= [tex]2769.03[/tex] ($)

Farris Corporation, which has only one product, has provided the following data concerning its most recent month of operations:Selling price 156 Units in beginning inventory 0Units produced 9,500Units sold 9,100Units in ending inventory 400 Variable costs per unit: Direct materials 29Direct labor 71Variable manufacturing overhead 17Variable selling and administrative expense 21Fixed costs: Fixed manufacturing overhead 142,500Fixed selling and administrative expense 9,900What is the net operating income for the month under absorption costing?a. $35,400
b. $11,400
c. $17,400
d. $6,000



c. $17,400


The computation of the net operating income under absorption costing is given below:

unit product cost under Absorption costing    

direct materials $29  

direct labor $71  

variable manufacturing overhead $17  

fixed manufacturing overhead ($142,500 ÷ 9,500) $15  

unit product cost $132  


Sales  (9,100 × 156)  $1,419,600  

less:Variable cost of good sold (9,100  × 132) $1,201,200  

Gross profit $218,400  

Selling and administrative expense    

variable selling expens (9,100  × 21) $191,100    

Fixed selling & adm expense $9,900    

Net operating income  $17,400

Hayward Industries manufactures dining chairs and tables. The following information is available: Dining Chairs Tables Total Cost Machine setups 200 600 $48,000 Inspections 250 470 $72,000 Labor hours 2,600 2,400 Hayward is considering switching from one overhead rate based on labor hours to activity-based costing. Perform the following analyses for these two components of overhead: Compute total machine setups and inspection costs assigned to each product, using a single overhead rate.


Answer and Explanation:

The computation is shown below:

Single overhead rate is

= total cost ÷ total labor hours

= ($48000 + $72000 ) ÷ (2600+2400)

= 24 per labour hour


Dining chairs

= 2600 × 24

= $62400



= 2400 × 24

= $57600

total = $120000

Other Questions
A 55-year-old male is sent to your office to have an esophagogastroduodenoscopy. He is a heavy drinker and smoker who also consumes spicy foods on a daily basis. He is quite anxious about having the procedure performed and is afraid he might choke during insertion of the scope. His father and younger brother were both diagnosed with esophageal cancer. His father died, but the brother was just recently diagnosed and is taking chemotherapy.A. List the risk factors the patient has for developing esophageal cancer. B. How might you calm the patient's fears about the procedure? what are the problems of drinking water in nepal? suggest the possible measures to solve it? In points What are some reasons why the control of insect pests is difficult? How much heat is added if .0948g of water is increased in temperature by .728 degrees C?.289 J.803 J1.46 J.055 J Which statement best describes the mood of Americans during the 1920s?1. They wanted to continue progressive reforms 2. They hoped for a return to normal life after WW1 3. They wanted to influence around the world 4. They wanted to return to an agricultural economy 13. Find a four digit number that is divisible by 3,5, and 8. What's 955 35 ?[tex]955 \div 35[/tex] Given the following data from a repeated-measures design study examining the effect of a treatment by measuring a group of 9 participants before and after they received treatment: Participant Before AfterA 8 7B 7 5C 6 6D 7 6E 9 7F 8 5G 5 4H 9 4I 7 4a. Calculate the difference scores and MD. b. Compute SS, sample variance, and estimated standard error. c. Is there a significant treatment effect? A tax on which of these products or services would not be considered a sintax"?O A. AlcoholO B. GamblingO C. ElectronicsO D. Tobacco Write an equation in point-slope form for the line through the given point with the given slope. (Need ASAP help)Is it a, b, c or d? A buyers agent represents the buyer, and the sellers agent represents the broker true or false? The diagram shows the body's response to doyoroon dehydration brain hormone response - honey 22.1 The hormone responsible for osmoregulation 2.2.2 Use the diagram to help explain the body's hormona response to dehydration (5) Tony gets married next month. One year ago from the date he will get married, Tony was away inSpain for New Year's Eve. What month is it? Please help ASAP!!!!!! I was very worm,so I ... may coat (takeoof) factorise the quadratic equation x square + 2 x + 36 PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!!Find the interquartile range of the data set that consists of 3, 11, 4, 3, 10, 6, 4, 5.A. 3.5B. 5.75C. 4.5D. 8 true or false 1.complex buying behavior is when consumers search for information detals grafting requires both a scion and a rootstock. true or false work for 12 hours and earn $140 find the unit rate