Claim A: The age-old institution of recess should be expanded beyond
just elementary students.
Claim B: Schools have too much to teach during the school day as it is,
and adding time for recess would be a waste of time.
Which claim does the following piece of evidence best support?
A study conducted by Greentree Educational Institute showed that
high school students performed 73 percent better in afternoon classes
after being given 20 minutes of free time outside.
A. Claim A, because it shows a specific benefit of recess
B. Claim B, because it explains the consequences of limiting secess
C. Claim B, because it emphasizes the importance of academic
D. Claim A, because it demonstrates the varying effects of recess on
younger and older students


Answer 1


A is the correct answer of the problem

Answer 2

Claim A, because it shows a specific benefit of recess, claim does the following piece of evidence best support. Hence option A is correct.

What is claim ?

When you assert your right to anything that is yours, such as your medical records or the deed to your house, you are making a claim. When you demand something or assert that something is true, you are making a claim. On their tax returns, people list dependents and deductions. You might argue in court that you are entitled to compensation from a dishonest employer. One may assert that they can juggle chainsaws. You'll need to provide evidence for each claim you make.

to assert something is real or factual despite the lack of evidence and the possibility that others will not agree:

The business asserts that it is not to blame for the river's contamination.

(plus to infinitive) I don't trust him when he says he met the president, despite his assertions.

All parties have proclaimed victory in the elections from yesterday.

The bombing this morning has been claimed by an unidentified terrorist organization.

To know mre about Claim :


Related Questions

essay on unity in life



Unity is Strength” is a common phrase and it is true to its every word. Unity means being together. It means standing together in thick and thin. Man is a social animal and it is important for him to stay united with his fellow beings in order to lead a peaceful and fulfilling life. This is a very important message that people should pass on to their children. They should set an example by creating a healthy environment at home where everyone lives in coordination with each other. However, families are drifting apart these days and people are forgetting the value of staying united.

Today, we see countries fighting with one another over petty issues. People are killing each other because of minor reasons. There is hatred all around. Everyone is busy in his own world and thinks only about himself. In earlier times people lived in joint families and were well connected with their relatives and everyone else in their neighbourhood. They were there for them whenever needed. In today’s time people are seldom aware as to who their next door neighbour is. It is sad that even though we have numerous means to connect with people, we do not bother to contact our loved ones.

It is time people must truly understand the importance of staying united and live cordially with others.

Hiskmdn I’m going down in the

Phonology is the study of __________. A. Words B. Syllables C. Sounds D. Punctuation.





Phonology is the study of sound patterns.






In your class you have been talking about interesting journeys you have been to. In about 120 words, write an essay about a journey you enjoyed. You may use the notes below to help you. (20 Marks)

Tittle: A journey you enjoy

(mode of transportation)

(what you like about the Journey? )

(what type of journey? )

(Where did you go and the duration?)

(What you did on the other days?)

(what did you do on the first day?) .

When writing your essay:

You must use the notes given Add any other relevant information Write between 120-150 words. ​



A Journey I enjoy

My family and I took a road trip this summer. We drove from Florida to Texas. From there we went to Kansas. After Kansas, we went to Louisiana for a Camp. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed the time that I was able to spend with my family and the trips we got to take. From Louisiana, we drove back down to Panama City Beach. We stayed there for about a week. The waters were so clear, it was gorgeous. On the first day, we spent the whole time driving. On the days we weren't driving, we were enjoying the time together, and the scenery.

knowledge, courage, patience, and honesty are examples of


In life, there are certain qualities that are generally viewed as positive. Knowledge, courage, patience, and honesty are examples of Values.

Values are standards of behavior that are viewed as positive and that aid in displaying good judgment. When people display these values, it leads to a better society.

Honesty, for instance, is a standard of behavior that is considered good. Honest people contribute to a crime-free society.

So, this is an important value that should be encouraged.

Learn more here:

What book does Stephen become fascinated with



Stephen is fascinated with The Count of Monte Cristo and acts out adventures from the story. Also, he fantasizes about marrying Mercedes.


Took the test and got 100% <3

Which sentence best describes frustration?
…please help





Frustration originates from feelings of uncertainty and insecurity which stems from a sense of inability to fulfill needs. If the needs of an individual are blocked, uneasiness and frustration are more likely to occur.

Have a great day friend! :D



It is not A since that shows it is YOUR fault you couldn't achieve your goal

B is not correct since you CAN achieve your goal; that's something to be happy about!

D is not correct since again, it is YOUR fault you couldn't achieve your goal.

C is correct since you couldn't achieve your goal due to events that you couldn't control; it's not your fault and it's something to be frustrated about.


Here's something else to prove my answer:

If you search up "frustration" you get the definition:

the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something.

Meaning, you are not able to change the events that you can't control.

What are the double meaning in the poem love song of j. alfred prufrock in line 1-49
Let us go then, you and I,

When the evening is spread out against the sky

Like a patient etherized2

upon a table;

Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,

The muttering retreats

Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels

And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:

Streets that follow like a tedious argument

Of insidious intent

To lead you to an overwhelming question . . .

Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”

Let us go and make our visit.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.3

The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes,

The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes,

Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening,

Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains,

Let fall upon its back the soot that falls from chimneys,

Slipped by the terrace, made a sudden leap,

And seeing that it was a soft October night,

Curled once about the house, and fell asleep.

And indeed there will be time4

For the yellow smoke that slides along the street

Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;

There will be time, there will be time

To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;

There will be time to murder and create,

And time for all the works and days5

of hands

That lift and drop a question on your plate;

Time for you and time for me,

And time yet for a hundred indecisions,

And for a hundred visions and revisions.

Before the taking of a toast and tea.

In the room the women come and go

Talking of Michelangelo.

And indeed there will be time

To wonder, “Do I dare?’’ and, “Do I dare?”

Time to turn back and descend the stair,

With a bald spot in the middle of my hair—

(They will say: “How his hair is growing thin!”)

My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin,

My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin—

(They will say: “But how his arms and legs are thin!”)

Do I dare

Disturb the universe?

In a minute there is time

For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

For I have known them all already, known them all





a scriptwriter has written a script. Instead of writing it according to industry standards, he has chosen to use his own unique format, including stage directions and scene indicators that only he understands. If he tries to get it made into a movie, what is most likely to happen?

He will help ensure that industry standards change.

Most producers and directors will take the time to rewrite the script for him.

His script will be rejected because it is difficult to understand.

His screenplay will become a huge hit.


If a scriptwriter writes a script using his own unique format, including stage directions and scene indicators that only he understands, the following is most likely to happen:

C. His script will be rejected because it is difficult to understand.

The movie (and television) industry is a busy and competitive one. Producers and directors are constantly flooded with ideas, new scripts, requests, etc.Standing out may be useful, but not by breaking the standards when it comes to writing a script.There is a reason why those standards exist: They make reading and understanding the scripts easy. They allow producers and directors to visualize what the writer wants.If this one scriptwriter uses a format that only he understands, producers and directors will most likely NOT take the time to read his script. They certainly have several others to read, and these are easier to understand.

Learn more about script writing here:

"But I'm not patient!' Meg cried passionately,
"I've never been patient!" (71).
Context: Who? meg
you f



I am so confused what is happening here



Don't understand what your tryna say x

Select the three adverbs.

Carly, who is usually very shy, entertained us for hours yesterday with her fascinating stories.​



"usually", "very & "yesterday"


Hope this helped, adverbs are easy anyway- :3

The three adverbs in the sentence are "usually," "very," and "yesterday."

1. The adverb "usually" denotes the regularity or recurrence of an action. It mentions Carly's shyness in this statement, implying that it is a trait she frequently possesses.

2. The adverb "very" is used to emphasize the meaning of an adjective or another adverb. By modifying the adverb "shy," it highlights how shy Carly truly is in this instance.

3. The adverb "yesterday" specifies the time at which an event took place. This phrase reveals the time at which Carly amused us with her stories.

Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, which is an important distinction to make. They reveal details about an action's when, where, how, and how it occurs.

The modifiers "usually," "very," and "yesterday" in this sentence gives further information about Carly's shyness and the occasion of the narrative. If there is anything further I can do to assist you, kindly let me know.

To learn more about adverbs link is here


who identifies high quality, useful data on the graph?


Curators identifies high quality useful data on the graph

We have no choice but to assume one is of an obscure and esoteric style, or if one is a simple function with some useful properties, such as the value of the operator in the function's value, and only one entry in the list, why should we give it no value?



State five suffixes by also stating their verb and nouns​


The suffixes “-tion” and “-sion” are both used to create nouns from verbs (and, less commonly, adjectives and other nouns) to describe a state, condition, action, process, practice, or the result thereof. They are actually just permutations of the same suffix, “-ion,” but there are specific conditions that will dictate which one we use, so it’s worthwhile to consider them individually.
(There is also a third version, “-cion,” but this only occurs in two specific instances: coercion, from the verb coerce, and suspicion, from the verb suspect.)

18. The tone at the end of both selections
is one of
A. fear
B. humor
C. optimism
D. suspense blood


C I mean u didn’t put a picture of the sentence so I’m guessing at this point

Write an essay on a girl saving someone from drowning


A way to start your essay is to involve important information on if it’s a regular person or a child and ways to prevent them from getting in the water if they can’t swim
Sorry don’t know I really need points

HELP PLEASE WILL GIVE BRAINLIST!!!! Q: What type of mood do the background and colors set up?

How does the sound contribute to the mood of the game? Consider the background music as well as sound effects when particular objects are encountered.

After playing Dungeon Dash, did you experience any particular emotions? Why?

Did you feel engaged while playing Dungeon Dash? Why or why not?

Would you change any of the visuals in Dungeon Dash? If so, how? If not, why not?



I think this is meant for you to answer i think its asking for your opinion



Hope this helps Mark me as Brainliest Please :)


The mood of the background and colors sets up a fun type of mood. How does the sound contribute to the mood of the game? Consider the background music as well as sound elects when particular objects are encountered.Music and video games have a long and illustrious history, and no big budget video game is complete without a typically bombastic soundtrack to augment the onscreen action.I have not played that game sorry

1) Which term describes lines 11-12?
A) Rhyme
B) Paradox
D) Onomatopoeia
Answer: B


The answer is B forsure

The term describes in lines 11-12 is Paradox. Thus the correct option is B.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

A statement or circumstance that, while possibly accurate, appears unreasonable or difficult to comprehend because it involves two contradictory facts or traits is referred to as a paradox.

As is evident from lines eleven and twelve, the basic mechanism linking the maximization notion and the maximization dilemma is a belief in an objective best.

A paradox is a statement that appears to be in opposition to itself, for example, he knows not to sing when he sings. The lines don't exaggerate, rhyme, or use a long metaphor.

Learn more about Inference, here:


The complete question is Probably

poolwaterisgross avatar




Middle School


Please help!!

1There is a singer everyone has heard,Loud, a mid-summer and a mid-wood bird,Who makes the solid tree trunks sound again.He says that leaves are old and that for flowers5Mid-summer is to spring as one to ten.He says the early petal-fall is pastWhen pear and cherry bloom went down in showersOn sunny days a moment overcast;And comes that other fall we name the fall.10He says the highway dust is over all.The bird would cease and be as other birdsBut that he knows in singing not to sing.The question that he frames in all but wordsIs what to make of a diminished thing.Which term describes lines 11-12?





1. His birthday is ______June 1st. A. at B. on C. in D. about





His birthday is on June 1st.

Aight so im a 15 year old girl from hawaii and im finna be on the voice in 2022 do y'all think i should go lol and which song should i sing here are the options:
-bruises by lewis capaldi
-talking to the moon by bruno mars
-pua kiele by josh totofi
or do yall have any song request yall think i should do



you should sing talking to the moon


you should sing this because i think you will do great

Need help with sisters 4th grade writing, can anyone check this for spelling?
Its a compare and contrast between giant pandas and red pandas.
You don't need too, but you can if you want.

Without a doubt, Red Pandas and Giant Pandas have a lot to learn about. I will show you the differences and similarities between the red panda and giant panda. The giant panda and red panda are very interesting subjects. Do you think they are?
These two animals are very similar. For example, they are both herbivores. Herbivores eat plants, berries, and more. They also both have false thumbs. The false thumb helps them climb, which they are both very well at. In addition, they are good swimmers, but they don't swim very often. They usually spend most of their time eating. You would likely find them eating at high altitude. More specifically in Asia’s temperate forests The last similarity is their food chain. They both have similar food chains. They really like aroor bamboo, and it is said to be their favorite type of bamboo.
The red panda isn’t fully similar to the giant panda though. They have some differences. Namely their color. The giant panda is black and white. While the red panda is red, hence the name. Another dissimilarity is that the red panda is closer related to the racoon. The giant panda, on the other hand, is closer related to bears.The other difference in these two animals is when and where they were found. Believe it or not, the Red Panda was found earlier than the Giant Panda. The Red Panda was found by Frederic Cuvier. While the Giant Panda was categorized by Ruth Harkness. It was 1869 when the giant panda was found. When they found the red panda it was 1825, in North America. The giant pandas were found in China. The last difference is that the giant panda weighs around 200 pounds. While the red panda only weighs about 15 pounds
As you can see, red pandas and giant pandas were very interesting to learn about. These are some of the many similarities and differences between giant pandas and red pandas.



I did a spell check and it said there was nothing.

Same for grammar.

Looks good to me as well just reading through it.


Spelling is accurate.

Punctuation: Add 2 periods, 1 comma, and 2 hyphons.

Write a description, 5-7 sentences long, in response to the following prompt. Use as many of your spelling words as you can. Underline each of your spelling words when you use them.

This old house might once have been queen of the prairies. Imagine her splendor when she was first built, or think of her slow decay as the years have passed. What kind of family might have lived here? Would they have been farmers, ranchers, or immigrants trying to make a better life for themselves? What might make its home here now? What might have led to the old house's abandonment?


Education has greatly enrich my life. Most students detach themselves from it. Parent need to reproach their children from that mentality. Even the government should be impeached for bad education. Monarchy leadership is now the order of the day. Underneath we still have to make it in life. The aftermath of what we see know will speak concerning what we did in the past. Do not create a monolith environment for your self in the future. Have a behemoth of followers behind you. Become a labyrinth to others

creating a blog it can be about anything, can anyone help me out?



maybe try talking about how teens throw gum or to maybe recycle

Book reviews
Movie review
Interviews with students
Upcoming school events

__________, which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. A. Semantics B. Phonology C. Syntax D. Phonetics.


C.  Syntax

Correct me if I'm wrong

Syntax which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Hence option C is correct.

What is syntax?

Syntax is defined as the placement of words in clauses, sentences, and phrases as well as the analysis of how sentences are put together and how their elements interact. Both natural languages and programming languages use syntax. The arranging of words and phrases to create good sentences is known as syntax. The most fundamental syntax uses the formula subject + verb + direct object.

The word "syntax" is derived from the Greek for "coordination" or "ordering together" in written language. A sentence's word order is governed by a set of rules known as syntax in both spoken and written language. The grammar of a language refers to the rules that determine how language components are combined.

Thus, syntax which varies among languages, is the set of rules for arranging words into sentences. Hence option C is correct.

To learn more about syntax, refer to the link below:


abebe was painting the pate. change to passive voice​



The plate was being painted by Albebe

The pate was being painted by Albebe

What is the purpose of burden-sharing in the issue of climate change? ​



It is important because everyone made this mess. We ALL need to be helping to fix it.


how many inflectional morphemes are there in english



what are those


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. attraction B. satisfactory C. occupation D. disappointment
4. A. irrigate B. important C. pollution D. particular



3. is A

4. is D


If i am wrong i am sorry Y-Y

Attraction and Particular are the most relevant words for the primary stress in the passage.

What is the attraction?

Attraction is very common among people and it can happen to anyone and anywhere and at any point of age, you may attract to the person by the looks, attitude, behavior, and many other positive ways. In simple words, we can say feeling for someone on positive behavior.

What is particular?

Whereas the particular reference to the group pf members or the individual person behavior means you choose something very carefully but not satisfy from the result or the outcome.

Therefore, options A and D  are having the correct words for the prime stress.

For more information on primary stress, please refer to the below link:

a lot's Idea to one's sell to another led and to the world I Think of problems that you can connect to the image below and write them on the blankes provided Based on your answers, write a short description of the concept social issue" Social Issue() Problems: 1 J. Tad​



huh? I can't understand this


u should put the clear copy of question

If a celebrity was to come and speak at our school, what celebrity would you pick? Name the celebrity and explain why you would pick them. What would you want them to talk about? How do you think this topic would help our school?
l am giving 100 points for this plz answer right plz


If a celebrity was to come and speak at our school, I would choose Bill gates because he is a well liked, famous man. it is a great decision to have Bill Gates come because He is very wealthy and known for confounding Microsoft. It is the largest personal-computer software company. I would want him to talk about how to be successful in life, how to code, and proper budgeting. This could help our school because it can make kids more dedicated to school, be smarter, and a better life path. Someone in our school could end up creating something amazing like bill Gates did.


Is this good??


    If I were to pick any celebrity to speak at my school, it would be The Rock. I think The Rock would be an excellent choice because he has done an immense amount of charity work; he's not like other celebrities who go around to look good. He cares about helping other people's lives. If he could talk about any topic it will probably be about his wrestling and acting career. This would be a good topic to talk about because these topics show leadership and teamwork qualities. Just like an actor might guide someone through a role or a wrestler must work with another wrestler to perform the correct move and make sure nobody gets hurt. People would learn a bit more about leadership and teamwork if The Rock were presented at school.

Complete the conversations with Let's, don't we, or don't you.



1. Let's

2. don't we

3. or don't you

4. Let's

1 let’s
2 don’t we
3 don’t you
4 Let’s

Which elements are best known for helping performers memorize an epic poem?

supernatural elements and poetic language
detailed descriptions and informal language
rhyme, rhythm, and repetition of certain words
elevated language and lists of historical events
Which is the most effective paraphrase of this excerpt?

Odysseus traveled simply so that he could find his shipmates and bring them home safely. Odysseus learned much and encountered many obstacles on his long journey to bring himself and his men home safely. Odysseus was away from home for a long time and overcame many obstacles during his time at sea. Odysseus and his shipmates spent many long and difficult days at sea during their travels home.



rhyme , rhythm , and repetition of certain words


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