Click to read the passage from Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside, by
Edward Abbey. Then answer the question.
Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A. Startled
B. Sad
O C. Sarcastic
O D. Cheerful


Answer 1

Based on the details given in the except by Edward Abbey, the tone can be best described as C. Sarcastic.

What is the tone of this excerpt?

Edward Abbey talks about how the wealthy in society should build roads and boats to get to places that they can walk to.

He therefore uses sarcasm to point out that there is no need to destroy nature to suit the whims of a few.

Find out more on Edward Abbey at


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In this excerpt, readers learn that (blank) Is an accepted practice in ancient Greek life.



the answer is 2 because that is what its correct


because 2


The answer is 2.

Summarise the following sentence in not more than ten (10) words:
“Miss Brill” is the story told brilliantly and realistically, balancing thoughts and emotions that sustain the late solitary life amidst all the bustle of modern life of an old woman”



Miss Brill is the story told of an old woman


Miss Brill is tge story told of an old woman

Sample essay for college applications in a natural conversation style using vivid words and images



One of the best ways to write a successful college essay for your college application is by learning from real college essay examples that worked. I've compiled a few of my favorite essay examples here that cover a variety of college essay topics.

Need help writing your college essay? Click here for my ultimate guide.

Or, check out my complete guide for answering the most popular college essay prompts on the Common App.

Some essay samples below are by students who chose to write about a challenge, while other examples may be helpful if you’re looking to write about yourself more generally. And yes, a few of these essays did help these students get accepted into the Ivy League, (I’m not telling you which!) though these are all great essays regardless of where (or if) students were admitted to their top choice school.

Looking for more college admissions essay examples about yourself? Check out more personal statements here.

Behold, some of the best college essays of 2020 (in my humble opinion).


I don't know about image.




the action or habit of estimating something as worthless


we read____ tortoise in this book(about/of)​





You are reading about the tortoise in the book.

which type of figurative language is illustrated in this sentence : He glided across the field like a snake.


The answer is simile because they use the word like




because there demstrating him like a snake

Rice is my favourite dish. Which word is an uncountable noun? * ) dish O O O O favourite rice​


Rice is my favourite dish. Which word is an uncountable noun? * )

dish and favourite

What do these lines tell you about the attitude men on Earth had toward any men on Mars?

It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. (4 points)
Select one:
a. If they existed, they could teach humans things.
b. If they existed, they would leave humans alone.
c. If they existed, they would be interested in humans.
d. If they existed, they would need help from humans.


personally i would say D. the word inferior leads me to think that humans would probably have to help them.

The men on Earth would have taught the human things to the men on Mars if they really existed.

Option A is the correct answer.

The men on Mars, if existed, then they can take help from men on Earth regarding how to live a life with the resources that they have. As the men on Earth know how to survive with available resources, therefore they can help

What evidence does Douglass provide to support his conclusion?

a list of professions available
a list of the work available
a list of the various religious beliefs





Answer:  b: a list of work available

Explanation: correct on edge

What is your best and worst writing memories? how would you change them if you had to do over?


If your just talking in general, I like to write about how I feel at the time, my dad found the journal I was writing in and he made fun of me about everything I wrote and still does to this day (we don't have the best relationship). The best writing memory I have is being in a writing Competition against 9 schools and won third place in it, got a medal and I was so proud of myself even though my dad told me to quit and that I wasn't good at it, got over that and now I'm thinking about writing a book when I get out of high school.

Fill in the blanks to explain what
happens when the cousins reach
the next level in the game.


for the first one is "the boss" for the second one is "strategy"

the third one is "attention" and the final one is "timing"


boss, stratergy,attention,timing


Even though the days can sometimes be brutally hot and humid, summer is my favorite season



I am not sure whether this is a quiz or statement but,


Even though my allergies can sometimes be painful and itchy, spring is my favorite season.

What skills do you have?
41. What/strengths/ your/ are?
42. What/ in/ want/future/ do/ to/ you/ do/ the/?
43. What/ well/ people/ kind/ do/ work/ of/ you/ with/?
44. job/ about/ What/ did/ you/ last/ your/ like/?
45. What/ greatest/ been/ achievement/ your/ has/?



42.Whar are your strengths?

43. what kind of work you do well with people?


45. what has been your greatest achievement

Why do you think that Tara Westover chose the VirginiaWoolf epigraph at the beginning of her story?



Virginia Woolf was an English author born in 1882. She was one of the first writers to use the narrative technique known as stream of consciousness. Woolf is quoted often in today's world. One of her quotes is the one mentioned above:

"... the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only the past."

Many authors, such as Tara Westover, use this quote in their own work. It is likely that Woolf was attempting to express the concept that "hindsight is 20/20" or something similar to this. This means that the past can only be appreciated because with the past comes memories that hold emotions.

Tara Westover chose to use an epigraph by Virginia Woolf because the epigraph was able to express a very important point in the book and in the message that Tara Westover wished to convey to the reader.

Although you haven't shown it, the above question refers to “Educated” by Tara Westover, a book in which she writes her memoirs and uses an epigraph by Virginia Woolf, to reinforce the importance of remembering the past and recognizing its impact on the present.

By reading this book, we can see that:

Westover tells how she lived a difficult childhood, surrounded by violence and sorrow.She only realized this negative impact of her life, when the moments she lived became the past.In the present, she is able to better analyze her difficult childhood and see what caused so many problems.Virginia Woolf's epigraph shows how the present goes unnoticed by people, who can only analyze it when it becomes the past.

With that, we can conclude that the epigraph of Virginia Woolf is directly related to the message that Westover wants to pass on to the readers and for that reason, this epigraph was used.

You can find more information about what an epigraph is at the link below:

Which of the following has the vowel with the shortest duration when
compared to the others?
O bee


I believe the answer is bee.

the sporting spirit is written by​


Geogre Orwell Released this book in December 1945

what is a code made up of?



Computer codes are made up of 1s and 0s.



Computer codes are a set of rules and instructions. These codes can be made up of words from (A-Z) and numbers (0-9) which can be repeated. To solve them you would have to put it in the correct order to get the information you want.


He wanted to know from me) “What else would you suggest for the trip?" into indirect speech​



He asked what you would suggest for the trip.


Hope this helped!

Please tell me if this is wrong.

can you stay here _____ wait for him?​



Can you stay here and wait for him.

Can you stay here and wait for him.

Which word from the passage gives the best indication of the speaker’s tone?



Where the passage how I suppose to answer it

Plural possessive way to write Sparks or Jones
Sparkses home?
Joneses car?


Sparks’ car or Jones’ car. Hope this helps!

write a conversation between a tourist and you. The tourist should ask for directions to get to the places in your locality.
(i) nearest health post/ hospital
(ii) nearest buspark/airport
(iii) nearedt campus/school
(iv) nearest river/swimming
(v) nearest picnic spot

p.s. You can write only two​




tourist:can you please tell me the nearest buspark in this village.

me : yeh of course, go straight from the right side of your you will see there bus park.

tourist:thank you

me:my pleasure

write a paragraph about something you did that was fun or unusual


I rode on a mechanical bull and then I got off of it

I ______ he would come(hope/hopes/hoped/hoping)​





Question 2
Mark this question
How should you approach public communication differently from group communication?
O By preparing for your audience to interrupt you and direct the conversation
With an awareness that the audience is more likely to defer to the speaker in a public
communication context
O By assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience
O By considering the background and dynamics of your audience before preparing your message


i say it’s the second one

By assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience. Hence option b is correct.

What is communication?

Communication is defined as a two-way procedure when information or messages are transferred from one individual or group to another.People may communicate and exchange ideas more easily thanks to it. Effective communication clarifies information and saves time. helps to promote relationships, teamwork, and trust. builds your knowledge base, which helps you make better judgements in life.

When three or more people communicate with each other to accomplish a common goal, group communication happens. When one individual communicates information to an audience, it is usually sender-focused public communication that takes place. When communications are disseminated to broad audiences by print or electronic media, mass communication happens. It enables us to establish relationships, shape decisions, and inspire change.

Thus, by assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience. Hence option b is correct.

To learn more about communication, refer to the link below:


8. I got my little brother _____ my bedroom for me!
A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy





D is right answer of this question

What do we mean by tidy ?

"clearly organized and systematic"

I got my little brother tidy my bedroom for me!

Hence, D is the correct option.

To know more about tidy here


Liisi was so eager to join the other kids in Tallinn's town square, she could not stop moving. At 10, she was just old enough to join in the folk dances as the city celebrated Jaanipäev—John's Day, or Midsummer's Eve. The June 23 festival always made her giddy with delight, and as her mother finally released her, she gave her a swift hug and flew out the door.
The square was just a few blocks away, and Liisi could hear the cheers of the crowd as she raced down the cobblestone streets. As she rounded the last corner and entered the square, the dancing had already begun. She was so glad she had paid attention when her mom taught her the traditional steps. Making her way to the front of the crowd, Liisi's school friends waved to her. She caught up to them just as the band started playing, and they arranged themselves in a line for the next dance. At that moment, Liisi could not imagine ever living anywhere else.

Select the correct answer.
Which detail best reflects the historical and cultural setting of the text?

the folk dances
the last corner
the band playing
the cheers of the crowd


It’s B because it fits the best


Is this correct the person above me


What is possessive of word France and and give me example


Ex: I love my country Vive la France!

She has visited her grandparents, ___?
Select one:
a. hasn't she
b. has she
c. doesn't she
d. does she



option A hope it helps :)

For the given question, She has visited her grandparents, ___? The correct selection will be hasn't she. The correct option is A.

What is the complete sentence?

A complicated sentence or a complete sentence is the sentence which is made up of a main, independent clause and a dependent clause can also be considered a complete sentence. A main clause, also known as an independent clause, is a complete sentence with a subject and verb.

Both a subject and a predicate are required. "She sleeps" is an illustration of an uncomplicated, full sentence. Sleeping is the predicate, and she is the subject. The verb sleeps is the full predicate in this sentence.

The completed sentence would be: "She has visited her grandparents, hasn't she?"

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Complete sentence here:


Which of the following BEST explains why the poster's argument is NOT proven logically?

The poster uses a mother and her child as an appeal to authority in an attempt to convince the viewer to buy war bonds.
The poster personally attacks mothers in an attempt to convince the viewer that unless they buy war bonds babies will die.
The poster appeals to the viewer's emotions by implying that Germany and Japan will succeed in killing women and children if the viewer does not buy war bonds.
The poster appeals to a national hatred of mothers from Germany and Japan in an attempt to persuade viewers that buying war bonds will help rid the world of this evil.


The correct answer is A) The poster uses a mother and her child as an appeal to authority in an attempt to convince the viewer to buy war bonds.

The statement that best explains why the poster's argument is NOT proven logically is "The poster uses a mother and her child as an appeal to authority in an attempt to convince the viewer to buy war bonds."

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the poster. However, we did deep research and found the poster that was created by the United States Office of War Information in the times of World War II, during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

The poster appeals to the emotion of the American people, so it used pathos, the appeal to the emotion to convince audiences. It does not use logos, because there are no arguments to make people think in logical reason. It moved the emotion of the American citizens to make them buy war bonds, make them think that if they did not, many women and children would die victims of the war.

When the United States entered world war ll, it affected the lives of Americans in many ways. People were asked to conserve resources, such as food, oil, and gas. The government also encouraged people to purchase war bonds to help the country financially during the war.

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