collisions may take place between​


Answer 1


Collisions may take place between the reactants.


The collision frequency must be greater than the frequency factor for the reaction. A collision between the reactants must occur.

Related Questions

A metre rule is used to measure the length of a piece of string in a certain experiment. It is found to be 20 cm long to the nearest millimeter. How should thisresult be recorded in a table of results? a. 0.2000m b. 0.200m c. 0.20m d. 0.2m​





20 cm = 0.2m

since uncertainty is 0.1 cm (0.001 m), should be recorded to same number of decimal place as uncertainty

therefore it's 0.200m

The diagram here shows an image being formed by a convex lens. Compared to the object at right, the image at left is-

larger and upright.

smaller and upright.

smaller and upside down.

larger and upside down.



Smaller and upside down


To answer the question, we must recognise that the characteristics of the image formed by a convex lens depends on the position of the object from the lens.

From the diagram given in the question above, the following data were obtained:

1. The image is smaller than the object.

2. The image is inverted i.e upside down.

3. The image is closer to the lens

4. The image between 2f and f

Now, considering the options given in question above, the correct answer to the question is:

The image is smaller and upside down.

A proton is released from rest at the positive plate of a parallel-plate capacitor. It crosses the capacitor and reaches the negative plate with a speed of 54000 m/s. The experiment is repeated with a He+ ion (charge e, mass 4 u).What is the ion's speed at the negative plate?


4058 m longest serving

•. What is called the error due to the procedure and used apparatuses?
a. Random error
b. Index error
c. Systematic error
d. Parallax error.​



[tex]c.) \: systematic \: error \\ \\ = > it \: is \: the \: error \: caused \: \\ \\ due \: to \: the \: procedure \\ \\ \: and \: used \: apparatuses \\ \\ \huge\mathfrak\red{Hope \: it \: helps}[/tex]

i.Name two commonly used thermometric liquids.

ii.State two advantages each of the thermometric liquids mentioned above​



mercury and alcohol

ii) used to test temperatures

Mercury and AlcoholMercury:

i) It is a good conductor of heat and therefore the whole liquid reaches the temperature of the surroundings quickly.

ii) It does not wet (cling to the sides of) the tube.


i) Alcohol has greater value of temperature coefficient of expansion than mercury.

ii) it's freezing point is below –100°C.

A 70.0-kg person throws a 0.0430-kg snowball forward with a ground speed of 32.0 m/s. A second person, with a mass of 58.5 kg, catches the snowball. Both people are on skates. The first person is initially moving forward with a speed of 3.30 m/s, and the second person is initially at rest. What are the velocities of the two people after the snowball is exchanged



The velocities of the skaters are [tex]v_{1} = 3.280\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex] and [tex]v_{2} = 0.024\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], respectively.


Each skater is not under the influence of external forces during process, so that Principle of Momentum Conservation can be used on each skater:

First skater

[tex]m_{1} \cdot v_{1, o} = m_{1} \cdot v_{1} + m_{b}\cdot v_{b}[/tex] (1)

Second skater

[tex]m_{b}\cdot v_{b} = (m_{2}+m_{b})\cdot v_{2}[/tex] (2)


[tex]m_{1}[/tex] - Mass of the first skater, in kilograms.

[tex]m_{2}[/tex] - Mass of the second skater, in kilograms.

[tex]v_{1,o}[/tex] - Initial velocity of the first skater, in meters per second.

[tex]v_{1}[/tex] - Final velocity of the first skater, in meters per second.

[tex]v_{b}[/tex] - Launch velocity of the meter, in meters per second.

[tex]v_{2}[/tex] - Final velocity of the second skater, in meters per second.

If we know that [tex]m_{1} = 70\,kg[/tex], [tex]m_{b} = 0.043\,kg[/tex], [tex]v_{b} = 32\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]m_{2} = 58.5\,kg[/tex] and [tex]v_{1,o} = 3.30\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], then the velocities of the two people after the snowball is exchanged is:

By (1):

[tex]m_{1} \cdot v_{1, o} = m_{1} \cdot v_{1} + m_{b}\cdot v_{b}[/tex]

[tex]m_{1}\cdot v_{1,o} - m_{b}\cdot v_{b} = m_{1}\cdot v_{1}[/tex]

[tex]v_{1} = v_{1,o} - \left(\frac{m_{b}}{m_{1}} \right)\cdot v_{b}[/tex]

[tex]v_{1} = 3.30\,\frac{m}{s} - \left(\frac{0.043\,kg}{70\,kg}\right)\cdot \left(32\,\frac{m}{s} \right)[/tex]

[tex]v_{1} = 3.280\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

By (2):

[tex]m_{b}\cdot v_{b} = (m_{2}+m_{b})\cdot v_{2}[/tex]

[tex]v_{2} = \frac{m_{b}\cdot v_{b}}{m_{2}+m_{b}}[/tex]

[tex]v_{2} = \frac{(0.043\,kg)\cdot \left(32\,\frac{m}{s} \right)}{58.5\,kg + 0.043\,kg}[/tex]

[tex]v_{2} = 0.024\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex]

If there are no other changes, explain what effect reducing the mass of the car will have on its acceleration when starting to move.



when the mass of an object is decreased, the acceleration will increase

when mass is increased, acceleration decreases

A small ball of uniform density equal to 1/2 the density of water is dropped into a pool from a height of 5m above the surface. Calculate the maximum depth the ball reaches before it is returned due to its bouyancy. (Omit the air and water drag forces).



1.67 m


The potential energy change of the small ball ΔU equals the work done by the buoyant force, W

ΔU = -W

Now ΔU = mgΔh where m = mass of small ball = ρV where ρ = density of small ball and V = volume of small ball. Δh = h - h' where h = final depth of small ball and h' = initial height of small ball = 5 m. Δh = h - 5

ΔU = mgΔh

ΔU = ρVgΔh

Now, W = ρ'VgΔh'   where ρ = density of water and V = volume of water displaced = volume of small ball. Δh' = h - h' where h = final depth of small ball and h' = initial depth of small ball at water surface = 0 m. Δh' = h - h' = h - 0 = h

So, ΔU = -W

ρVgΔh = -ρ'VgΔh'

ρVg(h - 5) = -ρ'Vgh

ρ(h - 5) = -ρ'h

Since the density of the small ball equals 1/2 the density of water,

ρ = ρ'/2

ρ(h - 5) = -ρ'h

(ρ'/2)(h - 5) = -ρ'h

ρ'(h - 5)/2 = -ρ'h

(h - 5)/2 = -h

h - 5 = -2h

h + 2h = 5

3h = 5

h = 5/3

h = 1.67 m

So, the maximum depth the ball reaches is 1.67 m.

Two cars are moving. The first car has twice the mass of the second car but only half as much kinetic energy. When both cars increase their speed by 2.76 m/s, they then have the same kinetic energy. Calculate the original speeds of the two cars.


Let m be the mass of the second car, so the first car's mass is 2m.

Let K be the kinetic energy of the second car, so the first car's kinetic energy would be K/2.

Let u and v be the speeds of the first car and the second car, respectively. At the start,

• the first car has kinetic energy

K/2 = 1/2 (2m) u ² = mu ²   ==>   K = 2mu ²

• the second car starts with kinetic energy

K = 1/2 mv ²

It follows that

2mu ² = 1/2 mv ²

==>   4u ² = v ²

When their speeds are both increased by 2.76 m/s,

• the first car now has kinetic energy

1/2 (2m) (u + 2.76 m/s)² = m (u + 2.76 m/s)²

• the second car now has kinetic energy

1/2 m (v + 2.76 m/s)²

These two kinetic energies are equal, so

m (u + 2.76 m/s)² = 1/2 m (v + 2.76 m/s)²

==>   2 (u + 2.76 m/s)² = (v + 2.76 m/s)²

Solving the equations in bold gives u ≈ 1.95 m/s and v ≈ 3.90 m/s.

If an object travels on a circular path is an acceleration? What is changing to cause an acceleration?


For this reason, it can be safely concluded that an object moving in a circle at constant speed is indeed accelerating. It is accelerating because the direction of the velocity vector is changing.

Find a parametric representation for the surface. The plane through the origin that contains the vectors i - j and j - k



parametric representation: x = u, y = v - u ,  z = - v


Given vectors :

i - j ,  j - k

represent the vector equation of the plane as:

r ( u, v ) = r₀ + ua + vb

where:  r₀ = position vector

            u and v = real numbers

             a and b = nonparallel vectors

expressing the nonparallel vectors as :

a = i -j , b = j - k , r = ( x,y,z ) and r₀ = ( x₀, y₀, z₀ )

hence we can express vector equation of the plane as

r(u,v) = ( x₀ + u, y₀ - u + v,  z₀ - v )

Finally the parametric representation of the surface through (0,0,0) i.e. origin = 0

( x, y , z ) = ( x₀ + u,  y₀ - u + v,   z₀ - v )

x = 0 + u ,

y = 0 - u + v

z = 0 - v

parametric representation: x = u, y = v - u ,  z = - v

An astronaut weighs 202 lb. What is his weight in newtons?



978.6084 Newton


Given the following data;

Weight = 220 lb

To find the weight in Newtown;


1 lb = 4.448220 N

220 lb = 220 * 4.448220 = 978.6084 Newton

220 lb = 978.6084 Newton

Therefore, the weight of the astronaut in Newton is 978.6084.

Weight can be defined as the force acting on a body or an object as a result of gravity.

Mathematically, the weight of an object is given by the formula;

Weight = mg


m is the mass of the object.g is the acceleration due to gravity.


lb is the symbol for pounds.N is the symbol for Newton.

Receptor elétrico 5 pontos Dispositivo que converte energia elétrica em outra forma de energia, não exclusivamente térmica. Exemplos: motores elétricos, ventiladores, liquidificadores, geladeiras, aparelhos de sons, vídeos, celulares, computadores?



Electromechanical transducer and Electrical receiver.


Electromechanical transducer is the part of a communication system which converted electrical waves or electrical energy into sound waves. The most common example loudspeaker while on the other hand, Electrical receiver is a device that converts electrical energy into another form of energy, except thermal. Examples are cell phones, computers and television.

the Period T of oscillation of a Single Pendulum depends on the length l, and acceleration g. Determine the exact form of the dependence.​



[tex]{ \tt{check \: in \: the \: pic}}[/tex]

A ball is launched from the ground with a horizontal speed of 30 m/s and a vertical speed of 30 m/s. How long will it take to get to the top of its trajectory? A. 3 seconds B. 4 seconds C. 2 seconds D. 6 seconds



A (3 seconds)


Well here we have a type of motion called projectile motion and it is pretty similar to an upside down parabola. The top of the trajectory is the vertex of the parabola and is also when v=0.

Lets identify our givens.


Horizontal speed= 30m/s

Vertical Speed= 30 m/s

Since the ball is in freefall after being launched ay=-g(take up to be positive) and ax=0

The ball is launched from the ground so y0=0

Final vertical velocity= 0

This problem is now relatively easy because we only need to find the vertical distance so we can ignore horizontal speed and use


Plug in our givens


solve for t

t=3 seconds

find the weight of a body of mass 200kg on the earth at a latitude 30°.(R=6400 km ,g=9.8m/s²,ω=7.27×10⁻⁵ rad/sec)




Two metal spheres are made of the same material and have the same diameter, but one is solid and the other is hollow. If their temperature is increased by the same amount:_______.
A) the solid sphere becomes heavier and the hollow one lighter.
B) the solid sphere becomes bigger than the hollow one.
C) the hollow sphere becomes bigger than the solid one.
D) the two spheres remain of equal size.
E) the solid sphere becomes lighter and the hollow one heavier.



D) the two spheres remain of equal size.


Since the body of the sphere is made up of both the same material. Thus the orientation will not affect the expansion. That is solid upon solid and hollow upon the hollow sphere. Hence it can be said that both the sphere expands and is due to the material used for making both of them is the same.

suppose you have a block resting on a horizontal smooth surface. th block with a mass m is attached to a horizontal spring which is fixed at one end. the spring can be compressed and stretched. the mass is pulled to one side then released what is the formula required


Easy 400 m 600 m 700 m

The time period of the spring is 2[tex]\pi[/tex][√(m/k)].

What is meant by spring constant ?

The spring constant of a spring is defined as the measurement of ratio of the force that is exerted on the spring to the displacement caused by it.


The mass of the block = m

Let F be the applied force on the spring and k be the spring constant.

When the mass attached to the spring is pulled to one side then released, it executes SHM.

Therefore we can write that, the applied force,

F = kx

Restoring force = -kx

According to Newton's law, we know that,

F = ma


ma = -kx

Therefore, the acceleration,

a = (-k/m) x

For an SHM, the acceleration is given as,

a = -ω²x

Therefore, we can write that,

-ω²x = (-k/m) x

ω² = k/m

So, the time period of the spring,

T = 2[tex]\pi[/tex]/ω

T = 2[tex]\pi[/tex][√(m/k)]


The time period of the spring is 2[tex]\pi[/tex][√(m/k)].

To learn more about spring constant, click:


Two forces act on the screw eye. If F = 600 N, determine the magnitude of the resultant force and the angle θ if the resultant force is directed vertically upward.



how to solve this problem ???????

The magnitude of the resultant force is 919.6 N and the value of angle θ is 36.87⁰.

Resultant of the two forces

The resultant of the two forces is determined by resolving the force into x and y component as shown below;

[tex]F_1_x + F_2x_x = F_R_x \ --- (1) \\\\F_1_y + F_2_y = F_R_y\ ---(2)[/tex]


F1 = 500 NF2 = 600 NValue of Angle θ

The value of Angle θ is determined from equation (1)

-500sinθ + 600sin(30) = 0

500sinθ = 600sin(30)

500sinθ = 300

sinθ = 3/5

θ = 36.87⁰

Resultant of the two forces

The resultant of the forces is determined using the second equation;

500cosθ + 600cos(30) = R

500 x cos(36.87) + 600 x cos(30) = R

919.6 N = R

Learn more about resultant forces here:

A 100-m long transmission cable is suspended between two towers. If the mass density is 18.2 g/cm and the tension in the cable is 6543 N, what is the speed (m/s2) of transverse waves on the cable


It’s 20 m longest 24me the song

A wheel accelerates so that it's angular speed increases uniformly from 150 rads/s to 580 rads/s in 16 revolutions.Cakcjlate its angular acceleration. ​



A = 26.875 rad/s²


Given the following data;

Initial angular speed, Uw = 150 rads/s.

Final angular speed, Vw = 580 rads/s.

Time = 16 seconds.

To calculate the angular acceleration;

From kinematics equation;

At = Vw - Uw


A is the angular acceleration.t is the timeVw is the final angular speed.Uw is the initial angular speed.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

A*16 = 580 - 150

16A = 430

A = 430/16

A = 26.875 rad/s²

If the sum of the external forces on an object is zero, then the sum of the external torques on it
must also be zero.
A) True
B) False





If the sum of the external forces on an object is zero, then the sum of the external torques on it  must also be zero.

The net external force and the net external torque acting on the object have to be zero for an object to be in mechanical equilibrium.

Hence, the given statement is true.

A baseball of mass 0.145 kg is thrown at a speed of 40.0 m/s. The batter strikes the ball with a force of 15,000 N; the bat and ball are in contact for 0.500 ms. The force is exactly opposite to the original direction of the ball. Determine the final speed of the ball.


The final speed of the ball is 91.72 m/s.

Given the following data:

Mass of baseball = 0.145 kgInitial speed = 40.0 m/sForce = 15,000 NewtonTime = 0.500 milliseconds (ms) to seconds = 0.0005 seconds.

To find the final speed of the ball, we would use the following formula:

[tex]F = \frac{M(V - U)}{t}[/tex]


F is the force applied. u is the initial speed. v is the final speed. t is the time measured in seconds.

Substituting the parameters into the formula, we have;

[tex]15000 = \frac{0.145(V \;- \;40)}{0.0005}\\\\15000(0.0005) = 0.145(V \;- \;40)\\\\7.5 = 0.145V - 5.8\\\\0.145V = 7.5 + 5.8\\\\0.145V = 13.3\\\\V = \frac{13.3}{0.145}[/tex]

Final speed, V = 91.72 m/s

Therefore, the final speed of the ball is 91.72 m/s.

Read more here:

Why is the melting of ice a physical change?
A. It changes the chemical composition of water.
B. It does not change the chemical composition of water.
C. It creates new chemical bonds.
D. It forms new products.
E. It is an irreversible change that forms new products.


It does not change the chemical composition of water.

For waves moving through the atmosphere at a constant velocity, higher frequency waves must have proportionally longer wavelengths.
a) true
b) false





We know that for a wave that moves with velocity V, with a wavelength λ, and a frequency f, we have the relation:

V = λ*f

So, if the velocity is constant and we increase the frequency to:

f' > f

we will have a new wavelength λ'

Such that:

V = f'*λ'

And V = f*λ

Then we have:

f'*λ' = f*λ

Solvinf for λ', we get:

λ' =(f/f')*λ

And because:

f' > f


(f/f') < 1


λ' =(f/f')*λ < λ

So, if we increase the frequency, we need to decrease the wavelength.

So, for higher frequency waves, we must have proportionally shorter wavelengths.

Then we can conclude that the given statement:

"or waves moving through the atmosphere at a constant velocity, higher frequency waves must have proportionally longer wavelengths"

is false.

What would the separation between two identical objects, one carrying 4 C of positive charge and the other 4 C of negative charge, have to be if the electrical force on each was precisely 8 N



7.46×10⁻⁶ m



F = kqq'/r²............ Equation 1

make r the subject of the equation

r = √(F/kqq').......... Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 8 N, q' = q= 4 C

Constant: k = 8.98×10⁹ Nm²/C²

Substitute these values into equation 2

r = √[8/(4×4×8.98×10⁹)]

r = √(55.7×10⁻¹²)

r = 7.46×10⁻⁶ m

A resident of a lunar colony needs to have her blood pressure checked in one of her legs. Assume that we express the systemic blood pressure as we do on earth and that the density of blood does not change. Suppose also that normal blood pressure on the moon is still 120/80 (which may not actually be true).

If a lunar colonizer has her blood pressure taken at a point on her ankle that is 1.5 m below her heart, what will be her systemic blood-pressure reading, expressed in the standard way, if she has normal blood pressure? The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.67 m/s^2



The pressure is 2505 Pa.  


Height, h = 1.5 m

density of blood, d = 1000 kg/cubic meter

Gravity, g = 1.67 m/s^2

let the pressure is P.  

The pressure due to the fluid is given by

P = h d g

P = 1.5 x 1000 x 1.67

P = 2505 Pa

A source emits sound at a fixed constant frequency f. If you run towards the source, the frequency you hear is



increased because as you run into each sound wave the time between each sound decreases meaning the period of each wave decreases to your years and since f=1/T and T is decreasing by greater than 0, f must increase.


What is the effect on range and maximum height of a projectile as the launch height, launch speed, and launch angle are increased?



The highest point in the trajectory occurs at the midpoint of the path. This highest point increases as the angle increases. At a 75° launch angle, the maximum height is approximately 76 meters. However, a further increase in launch angle beyond this 75° angle will increase the peak height even more.

When an object is in free fall, ____________________.



Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall, are not encountering a significant force of air resistance; they are falling under the sole influence of gravity.


Under such conditions, all objects will fall with the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

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