
Answer 1


el tacto está relacionado con tu piel porque cuando tocas algo usas tu piel / dedo


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True or False: Synchronized cardioversion is appropriate for treating an unknown wide complex tachycardi


The answer to this would be true, I believe.

Which aspect applies to both Taoism and Confucianism?
O A.' They are both inspired by ancient Chinese customs and traditions.
OB. They both believe in one supreme being.
OC. They both believe in the ideology of yin and yang.
OD. They both promote the practice of meditation.




Can't be A because they're old, not inspired by the old

Can't be C, that is only Taoism

Probably not B

so it has to be D. I've not taken World History in years so this could be wrong though. Give this a good rating if it's right, and a bad one if it's wrong

Select the correct answer.
Christine has decided to throw a small feast for her Jewish friends. Which of the following actions would be acceptable according to kosher laws?
OA serving crab and lobster

serving imported wine

serving pepperoni pizza

OD. serving lasagna

O E serving turkey and vegetables


Serving turkey and vegetables would be acceptable according to Kosher laws. So, the correct choice is option E.

According to kosher dietary laws, certain animals are considered kosher (permissible) for consumption, while others are not.

Among the options listed, serving crab and lobster (option A) would not be acceptable according to kosher laws since shellfish are generally not considered kosher. Serving imported wine (option B) would generally be accepted as long as it meets kosher standards and does not contain any non-kosher additives. Serving pepperoni pizza (option C) would not be acceptable since it contains pork, which is not kosher. Serving lasagna (option D) would depend on the ingredients used, as long as they are kosher-certified.

Finally, serving turkey and vegetables (option E) would generally be accepted as long as the ingredients are kosher and prepared by kosher guidelines.

It's important to note that specific kosher requirements can vary among different Jewish communities and individual interpretations, so it's always advisable to consult with a knowledgeable authority on kosher laws to ensure compliance.

For more questions on kosher laws



How can volunteering strengthen your family?


One of the many benefits of volunteering is that it provides the opportunity to develop skills that volunteers can apply in all aspects of their lives. By participating in nonprofit activities as a family, they will increase community awareness, increase their family bond, and gain a whole new set of skills.

how can education help to prevent social problems and evils describe with example​



The major thing that education does for anyone is to banish ignorance and give knowledge, therefore, it can help solve societal problems by


Why does the fact that animals are sentient render their legal status as property problematic?



Because it is not possible for animals, as sentient beings, to express whether they are satisfied with their property status and if they are being well cared for.


Sentient beings are living beings that do not have the ability to feel or show any kind of emotion. Animals are considered sentient beings and this makes the legal property status of animals such a problematic and sensitive issue.

Animals as living beings must be treated with respect and have a full and satisfactory life, but it is impossible for the animal, in captivity, to express whether it is satisfied with this type of life. This animal also cannot show if it is well cared for and if it has a happy life, therefore, it is not possible to determine if this property status is being beneficial and positive for the animal's life.

khái quát nội dung cơ bản của "Quy luật từ những sự thay đổi về lượng thành những sự thay đổi về chất và ngược lại"


điều này đã giúp đỡ?

this type of government is also called the plan





A written plan for the government




trust me slime


A sailor runs out of drinking water in the middle of the sea.He cannot drink seawater directly to avoid drhydration.

How can you help the sailor to obtain pure water from seawater by using a container, a plastic bag, a stone and a glass?​



evaporate the water


using a container and a plastic bag collect the water and put it in the container.

The ____ claims that social and economic inequality reflects differences in intelligence.



Conflict theory


In simple words, The rivalry among factions within civilization for scarce funds is the subject of conflict theory. According to conflict theory, social and economic structures are tools in the fight among categories or segments, and they are employed to preserve inequalities as well as the dominant class's power.

In its essence, the conflict theory states that successful people gets more fo the resource because they work hard and more intelligent  than the poor class.

Which of the following events best illustrates how the rule of law can protect the common good?
A. An official sells his car and gives the profits to charity.
B. An official buys her own fuel for her government vehicle.
C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.
D. Officials pass a law that new construction must not pollute nearby water.



C. Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes.

Officials approve a construction project that will create more homes. Thus, option C is correct.

What is meant by the common good?

The term "common good" refers, in typical political language, to any institutions, whether material, cultural, or organizational, that the constituents of the community offer to all constituents in order to meet the relational commitment they collectively possess to protect particular desires that they share.

The complexity of the project will determine how much planning is necessary. Occasions demonstrate most clearly how the principles of law can defend the common good since they maximise efficiency and give an organized path. This is for finishing the task on schedule and under budget will be a representation of the common good.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about common good, here:



What is the most expensive mandatory spending program for the federal government? A. Medicare B. education C. Social Security D. public transportation





The Anwser would be (A)

What is the essence of Buddhism​


Essence is the barrier at which all human realities cease to matter. “In the context of Buddhism, if you look at things in the perspective of the universe, there is nothing we can call good or bad.

Tonya is always on time for work. She does not leave until she has finished her work, and always strives to make sure customers are satisfied with their service. She is someone her clients and colleagues can count on. Tonya is oh a) flexible. SB) tolerant. positive. d) reliable. Question 7 (5





someone whose always on time for work,makes sure the work is complete and helps her colleagues is definitely reliable, because being reliable means people can count on you,and trust you to do something.

I hope this helps

During his research about people's perceptions of Broadway musicals, Gerry asked people to create collages, on their own, out of magazine photos, which is a technique called ________.



During his research about people's perceptions of Broadway musicals, Gerry asked people to create collages, on their own, out of magazine photos, which is a technique called Visualization.


Imagination is the ability to create an idea, a mental image, or a feeling of something. Visualization is a psychological / motivational technique that consists of imaginatively recreating a past, future or fictional situation, which normally contains a certain emotional charge. One of the characteristic elements of this technique is the creativity of the images, that is, our imagination has the ability to model ideas, sensations or visions of any kind. Making collages is a psychological visualization technique that allows us to elaborate that internal narrative with the pictorial representation of the world from cut-outs of images, words, textures ...

How to think like psychological scientist?



STUDY. data. in research, information systematically collected for analysis and interpretation. hypotheses.

Analyze the following : "Water is the basis of beings" (Philosophy question please help!)


Respuesta: el agua es importante no solo para los seres humanos sino para cada ser vivo en el planeta, sin agua podríamos morir mas rápido que sin comida.


El agua es un elemento de la naturaleza, integrante de los ecosistemas naturales, fundamental para el sostenimiento y la reproducción de la vida en el planeta ya que constituye un factor indispensable para el desarrollo de los procesos biológicos que la hacen posible.

How did Ramses II’s leadership affect Egypt’s economy?


The economy slowed down because of the pharaoh's heavy taxes. The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory. The economy boomed as Ramses II discovered new trade routes for Egypt.


The economy expanded through trade and the conquest of territory.


got it right the person above me is wrong

Explain why you agree, or do not agree, with the opinion of the Prosecution's gang expert that Cabrera's murder was a foreseeable consequence of the shooting of Linares.



I agree with the opinion of

the Prosecution's gang expert that Cabrera's murder was a foreseeable consequence of the shooting of Linares.


Richard Linares, a member of the Alley Boys gang was shot dead by Cervantes, a member of a rival gang called the High Street Boys gang, during an Halloween party in 1994.

The late Linares was trying to broker peace between Cervantes of the High Street gang and Juan Cisneros of the Alley Boys, who had an altercation over a girl.

He, Linares, unfortunately, lost his life in the process.

Enraged over the loss of a member of their gang, the Alley Boys responded in revenge by shooting Hector Cabrera, a member of the High Street gang while he was trying to escape in his car.

Cabrera's death, was in response to Cervantes action of shooting Linares and was therefore a foreseeable act of revenge by the Alley Boys over the shooting of Richard Linares.

1. Cuándo se habla de clima con que lo relacionas.
2. Describe cada uno de los fenómenos atmosféricos que se encuentran en la ilustración.
3. ¿Cómo son las condiciones de temperatura y de vientos que se presentan en el lugar en que te encuentras en este momento?
¿Crees que estas condiciones pueden cambiar más tarde? ¿Por qué?
4. Explica cómo es el clima de tu región. ¿Cómo influye en la forma de vida de los habitantes de tu región?
5. Explica con un ejemplo la diferencia entre estado de tiempo atmosférico y clima.
6. Elabora un mapa conceptual, en el que resaltes las principales características de los elementos del clima.
7. Explica cómo la hora del día y la presencia o ausencia de vegetación influye sobre la temperatura.
8. Según lo anterior, dónde se siente más calor, ¿en el campo o en la ciudad? Explica tu respuesta.
9. Según el gráfico (zonas de latitudes), ¿por qué en la zona ecuatorial se presentan altas temperaturas durante todo el año?
10. ¿En qué zona de latitud se encuentra nuestro país? De acuerdo a esta ubicación, describe las características climáticas generales.
11. ¿Qué tipos de clima predominan en nuestro país? ¿Cómo influyen estos climas en la vida de los colombianos?
12. ¿Cuál es el tipo de clima de tu departamento?
13. Cómo se relaciona el tipo de clima de tu departamento con las actividades que se desarrollan en él?


Can you please translate it in English

how did robert mugabe oppress his people​



Robert Mugabe oppressed his people​ of Zambia for 37 years by oppressing his political opponents and having a poor administration which made policies that were disastrous to the country.

Initially, he started well, after becoming president as a freedom fighter and implementing and investing in social sciences.

“Why are most native born Americans unwilling to pick oranges, and what challenges do illegal immigrants who do that work face?”




There are many other issues involving social consequences of U.S. immigration that do not receive detailed discussion in this chapter. Two examples are studies of the effects of immigrants on schools and the role of immigrant entrepreneurs in creating new businesses

How do the Kriants worship their god?



Kirats practice shamanism and their rituals are mostly related to the worship of Mother Nature, ancestors, sun, moon, wind, fire and main pillar of house. Almost all sacred rituals, in Rai, are performed by nakchong, the Rai tribal priest

______________ is a gendered political psychology that authorizes violence by entitling boys and men to exact revenge on others when they perceive their masculinity to have been threatened or otherwise inaccessible.



Aggrieved entitlement is a gendered political psychology that authorizes violence by entitling boys and men to exact revenge on others when they perceive their masculinity to have been threatened or otherwise inaccessible.


The term "aggrieved entitlement" is used to refer to the male gender who have the psychological mind that they are entitled to feelings of exacting revenge on others if their masculinity is threatened or questioned. This means that such perpetrators feel entitled to cause violence and justified the 'punishment' they gave others.

This term was used by Michael Kimmel to refer to the dominant white men who have the mentality that their rightful place as men is being questioned. This mentality is when they feel that their 'masculinity' is being deconstructed, or challenged.  

Cómo podemos los ciudadanos ayudar a las pequeñas empresas o emprendedoras a subsistir


respetar y tolerancia y

What do viking want ​



The Vikings wanted to conquer land rather that just raid it. Over several years the army battled through northern England taking control of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria,East Angliaand most of Mercia.

What needs to be done for the states to sustain their cost of operation
of administration?




Don't Purchase – Rent. The decision whether to own or rent property is generally based upon your scale of operations. ...

Limit Travel and Entertainment Expenses. ...

Telecommute. ...

Sublease Office and Yard. ...

Refinance Debt. ...

Eliminate Subscriptions and Memberships. ...

Cut Travel Costs. ...

Eliminate Paper.

what type of family system was there in medieval period​



The medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.


because the medieval household was, like modern households, the center of family life for all classes of European society. Yet in contrast to the household of today, it consisted of many more individuals than the nuclear family.

how will CAPS document can help teacher​



it is easier for the teacher to do their job


The CAPS document can help teachers by providing them with clear guidelines and standards for curriculum development and assessment, helping them to ensure that they are meeting educational goals and objectives effectively.

What is a CAPS document?

CAPS (Corrective and Preventive Action System) document is a type of quality management document that outlines a process for identifying and addressing problems that arise within an organization's operations, products, or services.

The CAPS document typically includes a description of the problem, its root cause analysis, and a plan for corrective and preventive actions to be taken to prevent a recurrence.

The primary purpose of a CAPS document is to ensure that an organization has a systematic and structured approach to addressing problems and preventing their reoccurrence.

By using a CAPS document, an organization can identify and correct problems before they become serious, and implement preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of similar problems occurring in the future.

The importance of a CAPS document lies in its ability to help an organization improve its overall quality management system by continuously monitoring and improving its processes.

It provides a way to track and analyze trends in quality issues, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that corrective and preventive actions are taken in a timely and effective manner.

Learn more about educational goals here:



Do you agree or disagree that the trouble with welfare is that people get too comfortable and don't want to go back to work defects rewritten approrpiate scale of measurement?


i think people have just gotten a little bit too reliant on they’re tax or wherever they could get money from, such as child support and so on that they don’t wanna go back to work and put in the effort and time
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