complete the following steps.
Remember to follow lower numbered rules first.
K2S(aq) + CO(NO3)2(aq) COS (?) + KNO3 (?)
a. Write a balanced chemical equation. (1 pt)
b. If a reaction occurs, write the balanced
chemical equation with the proper states of matter
(i.e. solid, liquid, aqueous) filled in. If no reaction
occurs, write “No reaction.” (1 pt)
c. If a reaction occurs, write the net ionic equatibn
for the reaction. If no reaction occurs, write “no
reaction.” (1 pt)


Answer 1


See explanation


a) The balanced reaction equation is;

K2S + CO(NO3)2 ------> COS + 2 KNO3

b) When we include the states of matter, we have;

K2S(aq) + CO(NO3)2(aq) ----> COS(s) + 2 KNO3(aq)

c) The complete ionic equation is;

2K^+(aq) + S^2-(aq) + Co^2+(aq) + 2NO3^-(aq) ----> CoS(s) + 2K^+(aq) + 2NO3^-(aq)

Net ionic equation;

Co^2+(aq) + S^2-(aq) ----> CoS(s)

Related Questions

The element Co exists in two oxidation states, Co(II) and Co(III), and the ions form many complexes. The rate at which one of the complexes of Co(III) was reduced by Fe(II) in water was measured. Determine the activation energy of the reaction from the following data:

T(K) K(s^-1)
293 0.054
298 0.100


We measured the Fe(II) reduction of one of the Co(III) complexes by water at a rate of about 0.545 kJ/mol (to three significant figures).

How is activation energy determined?

Calculating a Reaction's Activation Energy A reaction's rate is influenced by the temperature at which it is carried out. The molecules travel more quickly and clash more frequently as the temperature rises. Moreover, the molecules contain greater kinetic energy.

We can use the Arrhenius equation to calculate the reaction's activation energy:

k = A × exp(-Ea/RT)

When the activation energy Ea, the rate constant k, the gas constant R, and the temperature T in Kelvin are all present.

Finding the natural logarithm of the equation's two sides results in:

ln(k) = ln(A) - (Ea/RT)

This equation can be rearranged to take a linear form:

ln(k) = (-Ea/R) × (1/T) + ln(A)

y = mx + b, where (1/T) is x, (-Ea/R) is the slope, and ln(A) is the y-intercept, has the form of a linear equation.

We can get the slope of the line using the given data:

slope = (-Ea/R) = (ln(k2/k1)) / (1/T2 - 1/T1)

where the rate constants for temperatures T1 and T2, respectively, are k1 and k2.

substituting the specified values:

k1 = 0.054s⁻¹ at 293 K

k2 = 0.100s⁻¹ at 298 K

T1 = 293 K

T2 = 298 K

slope = (-Ea/R)

= (ln(0.100/0.054)) / (1/298 - 1/293)

= 65.5 kJ/mol

Therefore, the activation energy of the reaction is:

Ea = slope * R = 65.5 kJ/mol × 8.314 J/mol-K = 545 J/mol

To know more about molecules visit:-


Hello, I am a bit stuck on this. Could someone help?


There is no picture or question. What am I supposed to answer to?

313.9 liters of a gas has a pressure of 390.89 kPa at 76.6°C. If the pressure increases to 718.3 kPa and the temperature to 154.2°C, what would be the new volume of the gas?

A.) 210
B.) 353
C.) 470
D.) 209.92



P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2


= (122700.371/76.7) × ((718.3×V2)/154.2)

make V2 the subject of the formula...

V2 =(122700.371×154.2)/(76.6×718.3)

V2 =18920397.21/55021.78

V2 = 343.87

Write the balanced equation for the hydration of CuSO4CuSO4. Indicate the physical states using the abbreviations (ss), (ll), or (gg) for solid, liquid, or gas, respectively. Use (aqaq) to indicate the aqueous phase. Indicate appropriate charges on negative and positive ions if they are formed.



CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l) ----> CuSO4.5H2O(s)


Hydration is the process by which anhydrous CuSO4 acquires molecules of water of crystalization to form the pentahydrate.

The water of crystalization becomes attached go the crystals of the CuSO4 to form the hydrated salt.

Beginning with solid anhydrous CuSO4 we have;

CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l) ----> CuSO4.5H2O(s)

Which method separates components of a mixture according to how quickly the particles travel through a medium?

A. distillation

B. evaporation

C. filtration

D. chromatography


Chromatography is the separation of a mixture by passing it in solution or suspension or as a vapor through a medium in which the components move at different rates.

Taking into account its definition, the correct answer is option D) Chromatography.

Chromatography is a method that allows the separation, identification and determination of chemical components in complex mixtures. By means of a chromatography it is possible to separate analytes that are very similar to each other in terms of their physico-chemical properties.

For the separation to occur, the principle of selective retention is used, which consists of the different behavior of the components of a mixture on a specific support (such as paper, a gas, a liquid) and a flowing liquid or gaseous phase. through the bracket.

In other words, there is a stationary phase immobilized on a support and a mobile phase that will drag the sample through the stationary phase. During this process, each component of the sample will move according to its own physicochemical characteristics. The general concept will be that those components that prefer the stationary phase are more retained, while those that prefer the mobile phase will move faster.

In summary, the components of the sample are distributed between two phases of different nature, as a consequence of the speed variation that is established when being dragged by a mobile, liquid or gaseous phase, through a stationary, solid or liquid phase.

Finally, the correct answer is option D) Chromatography.

Learn more about chromatography:

Alex drips hydrochloric acid onto a 5.9 g piece of magnesium in a single displacement reaction. How many molecules of HCl are required? 2HCl(aq) + Mg(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

how do you do this?


2.96 × 10²³ molecules is required if Alex drips hydrochloric acid onto a 5.9 g piece of magnesium in a single displacement reaction

According to this question, hydrochloric acid (HCl) reacts with magnesium metal (Mg) to produce magnesium chloride and hydrogen has as follows:

2HCl(aq) + Mg(s) → MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

Based on the balanced chemical equation above; 2 moles of HCl reacts with 1 mole of Mg.

Next, we convert 5.9g of Mg to moles by using the formula; mole = mass/molar mass

Where; Mg = 24g/mol

mole = 5.9/24

mole = 0.246mol of Mg

If 2 moles of HCl reacts with 1 mole of Mg. 0.246 mol of Mg will react with (0.246 × 2) = 0.492mol of HCl

To convert mole to number of molecules, we multiply number of moles by 6.02 × 10²³ (Avogadro's no.)

Hence, number of molecules of HCl required is 0.492mol × 6.02 × 10²³

= 2.96 × 10²³ molecules of HClHCl

Learn more:

Which one of these statements is/are true: I. All redox reactions with positive emfs are spontaneous. II. If a redox reaction is spontaneous, it must be fast. III. A spontaneous redox reaction will have a cathode reaction that has a more negative reduction potential than the anode. III only. I and III are true. I only. II only. All of I, II, and III are true.



yea all the answers are true

Redox reaction is the transfer of the electron from one species to another. All of the three statements are true about the redox reaction.

What is a redox reaction?

A redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction in which the electrons are gained and lost by a species. The positive EMF of the cell results in spontaneous and will move the reaction in the forward direction.  

In a redox reaction, the cathode reaction is comparatively more negative than the reduction potential present at the anode.

Therefore, option E. All I, II, and III are true.

Learn more about redox reaction here:

Which of the following is an example of an optional deduction ? " a ) Medicare Ob ) Social Security c ) Retirement plan d ) State tax



United states program for people who are older than 60

A person uses 400.8 kcal of energy to run a race. Convert the energy used for the race to the following energy units:

(provide an answer in 4 significant figures)



Food Calories



Hint: 1kcal=4.184kJ


Calories, we know that fat burn is calories.

What does the third quantum number (m) describe?
A. Which energy level the electron is in
B. What type of orbital the electron is in
C. What direction the electron is spinning
D. The specific orbital within a sublevel


I think c the best answer

The third quantum number (m) describes the specific orbital within a sublevel. The correct answer is option D.

Quantum numbers are a set of four numbers that describe the properties of an electron in an atom. They specify the energy, position, and orientation of an electron in an atom.

The third quantum number (m) is also called the magnetic quantum number. It describes the orientation of the orbital in space. Each orbital within a sublevel has a different orientation in space, and the magnetic quantum number tells us which orbital we are talking about.

The value of m can range from -l to +l, where l is the second quantum number (the angular momentum quantum number). The value of l determines the number of orbitals in a sublevel, and the value of m determines the specific orbital within that sublevel.

In conclusion, the third quantum number (m) describes the specific orbital within a sublevel. It tells us how the orbital is oriented in space, and it can have values ranging from[tex]\rm -l \ to +l[/tex], where l is the second quantum number.

Option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about quantum number here:


The surface of silver metal, Ag(s), became tarnished when it was exposed to oxygen, producing Ag2O. In Ag2O, the oxidation state of silver is 1. According to this information, silver metal was _____. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. Answer choices reduced


Answer: The silver metal was OXIDIZED.


OXIDATION is defined as loss of electrons and increase in oxidation number of an atom.

Oxidation number is the charge on an ion in an ionic compound or the charge that an atom in a covalent compound would have it it were ionic. There are basic rules governing oxidation number, they include:

--> the oxidation number of elements in their free states is ZERO. Example O2, Cl2,Na, Al, Ag.

-->The oxidation number for an ion is the same as the size and sign of the charge on the ion. For example the oxidation number of Zn2+ is +2.

--> the sum of all the oxidation numbers of the elements in a compound is zero.

--> oxidation numbers are always written with either a positive or a negative sign.

On the other hand, reduction is the opposite of oxidation. As oxidation is taking place, reduction is also taking place. Reduction involves:

--> Gain of electron and

--> decrease in oxidation number

From the question, the silver metal had ZERO as it's oxidation number because it's in free state. After being exposed to oxygen to form silver oxide, the oxidation number became +1.

Since there is an increase in the oxidation number, the silver metal was OXIDIZED

How to distinguish between ethanol and 2 -methyl-2-propanol



There are many reagents.

1. Use acidified potassium permanganate solution

2. Use acidified potassium dichromate solution

3. Fehling solution.

4. Silver/ oxygen at 500°C

5. Copper/ oxygen at 300°C

6. Lucas reagent ( anhydrous zinc and conc. hydrochloric acid)



[with acidified potassium permanganate solution]

» Ethanol : The purple solution turns colourless.

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change.

[with acidified potassium dichromate solution]

» Ethanol : orange solution turns green

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change.

[Fehling solution]

» Ethanol : a white precipitate is formed

» 2-methyl-2-propanol : no observable change

Consider a hypothetical metal that has a density of 10.6 g/cm3, an atomic weight of 176.8 g/mol, and an atomic radius of 0.130 nm. Compute the atomic packing factor if the unit cell has tetragonal symmetry, values for the a and c lattice parameters are 0.570 and 0.341, respectively.





GIven that:

Density of the metal = 10.6 g/cm^3

atomic weight = 176.8 g/mol

atmic radius = 0.130 nm

values of a and c = 0.570 nm and 0.341 nm respectively

For us to determine the atomic packing factor, we need to first determine the volume of all spheres (Vs) and the volume of unit cell (Vc).

However, the number of atoms  in the unit cell (n) can be computed as:

[tex]n = \dfrac{\rho * V_c *N_A}{A} \\ \\ n = \dfrac{(10.6) * (5.7)^2 (3.41)*(10^{-24}) *(6.022*10^{23})}{176.8}[/tex]

n = 4.0

Thus, the number of atoms in the unit cell is 4

The atomic paking factor (APF) is calculated by using the formula:

[tex]\dfrac{Vs}{Vc} = \dfrac{4 * \dfrac{4}{3}\pi *R^3 }{a^2 *c} \\ \\ \\ \dfrac{Vs}{Vc} = \dfrac{4 * \dfrac{4}{3}\pi *(1.30*10^{-8})^3 }{(5.70*10^{-8})^2 *(3.41*10^{-8})}[/tex]

= 0.3323

10. At 573K, NO2(g) decomposes forming NO and O2. The decomposition reaction is second order in NO2 with a rate constant of 1.1 M-1s-1. If the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.056 M, how long will it take for 75% of the NO2 to decompose



48.67 seconds



1/[A] = kt + 1/[A]o

[A] = concentration at time t

t= time taken

k= rate constant

[A]o = initial concentration

Since [A] =[A]o - 0.75[A]o

[A] = 0.056 M - 0.042 M

[A] = 0.014 M

1/0.014 = (1.1t) + 1/0.056

71.4 - 17.86 = 1.1t

53.54 = 1.1t

t= 53.54/1.1

t= 48.67 seconds

Hence,it takes 48.67 seconds to decompose.

When naming organic compounds, there are strict rules regarding punctuation.
1. A comma is used to separate two numbers.
2. A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.
Rewrite the name of this compound using hyphens and commas as appropriate.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is shown in the image attached to this answer




IUPAC nomenclature provides a universally acceptable method of naming organic compounds from its structure.

According to this system of nomenclature;

A comma is used to separate two numbers.

A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.

Applying these rules, the name of the compound shown in the question should be written as 2,3,3-trimethylhexane.

Why is bromine more electronegative than iodine?​



Accordingly the order of electronegativity of the given elements would be: Fluorine > Chlorine > Bromine > Iodine. ( Fluorine has the highest electronegativity.)

A sample of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1.19 atm and a temperature of 24.4 °C, occupies a volume of 18.7 liters. If the gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature to a volume of 29.4 liters, the pressure of the gas sample will be ______ atm.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.757 \ atm}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the pressure of a gas given a change in volume. Since the temperature remains constant, we are only concerned with volume and pressure. We will use Boyle's Law, which states the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure. The formula for this law is:

[tex]P_1V_1= P_2V_2[/tex]

Initially, the oxygen gas occupies a volume of 18.7 liters at a pressure of 1.19 atmospheres.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2V_2[/tex]

The gas expands to a volume of 29.4 liters, but the pressure is unknown.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2 * 29.4 \ L[/tex]

We are solving for the new pressure, so we must isolate the variable [tex]P_2[/tex]. It is being multiplied by 29.4 liters. The inverse operation of multiplication is division. Divide both sides of the equation by 29.4 L.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =\frac{ P_2 * 29.4 \ L}{29.4 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =P_2[/tex]

The units of liters cancel.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 }{29.4 } =P_2[/tex]

[tex]\frac {22.253}{29.4 } \ atm = P_2[/tex]

[tex]0.7569047619 \ atm =P_2[/tex]

The original measurements all have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the thousandth place. The 9 in the ten-thousandth place to the right of this place tells us to round the 6 up to a 7.

[tex]0.757 \ atm \approx P_2[/tex]

The pressure of the gas sample is approximately 0.757 atmospheres.


According to Boyle's law, for a given mass of ideal gas, pressure of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of gas, Provided the Temprature remains constant.

P₁ = 1.19 atmP₂ = ?V₁ = 18.7 LV₂ = 29.4 LT = constant = 24.4° C = Isothermal process

[tex]\implies \sf P_1 V_1 = P_2 V_2 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 1.19 \times 18. 7= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 22.253= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf P_2 = \dfrac{22.253}{29.4} \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \underline{ \red{\boxed{ \bf P_2 \approx0.756 \: atm }}} \\[/tex]

A piece of metal has a volume of 30.0cm3 and a mass of 252g. What is its density? what metal do you think this is?




get density = D = m / V = 0.252 / 0.00003 = 8400 metal will be Cu => bronze

oxidation number of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is​





answer from gauth math

A student isolated an unknown organic compound through extraction. The student measures the melting point and fins it to be 115-122 C. The student looks through the list of possible strucures and decides the comound is most likely 2-napthol. Do you believe this choice is correct?


Hope this helps!

HELP! How is the mass number of an atom calculated?
A - total number of electrons

B - total number of protons

C - protons plus neutrons

D - electrons plus neutrons


The answer is C. Mass number = protons + neutrons

c6h5-c=o-ch3 + br2/oh



here's the molecule you were looking for

Hypercalcemia sign and symptoms severe symptoms



Hypercalcemia can cause stomach upset, nausea, vomiting and constipation. Bones and muscles. In most cases, the excess calcium in your blood was leached from your bones, which weakens them. This can cause bone pain and muscle weakness.

Some symptoms are:

Fatigue, bone pain, headaches.

Nausea, vomiting, constipation, decrease in appetite.


Lethargy, depression, memory loss or irritability.

Muscle aches, weakness, cramping and/or twitches.

How many milliliters of 0.204 Mol KMnO4 are needed to react with 3.24 g of iron(II) sulfate, FeSO4? The reation is as folows. 10FeSO4(aq) + 2 KMnO4(aq) = 5Fe2(SO4)3(aq) + 2MnSO4(aq) + K2SO4(aq) + 8H2O(l)​






V=17.68 ml

cuales son las caracteristicas de el livermorio



Livermorium is a radioactive, artificially produced element about which little is known. It is expected to be a solid and classified as a metal. It is a member of the chalcogen group. Livermorium has four isotopes with known half-lives, all of which decay through alpha decay

A 18.0 L gas cylinder is filled with 6.20 moles of gas. The tank is stored at 33 ∘C . What is the pressure in the tank?
Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.



8.65 atm


Using ideal law equation;

PV = nRT


P = pressure (atm)

V = volume (L)

n = number of moles (mol)

R = gas law constant (Latm/molK)

T = temperature (K)

According to the information given in this question;

V = 18.0 L

n = 6.20 moles

R = 0.0821 Latm/molK

T = 33°C = 33 + 273 = 306K

P = ?

Using PV = nRT

P × 18 = 6.20 × 0.0821 × 306

18P = 155.76

P = 155.76/18

P = 8.65 atm

Leo carefully pipets 50.0 mL of 0.500 M NaOH into a test tube. She places the test tube
into a small beaker to keep it from spilling and then pipets 75.0 mL of 0.250 M HCl into
another test tube. When Leo reaches to put this test tube of acid into the beaker along
with test tube of base she accidentally knocks the test tubes together hard enough to
break them and their respective contents combine in the bottom of the beaker. Is the
solution formed from the contents of the two test tubes acidic or basic? What is the pH of
the resulting solution?
Please answer below questions one by one to assist you receive full credits
(Alternatively, you can discard my hints below, solve the problem using your own way
and send me the picture/copy of your complete work through email)
The mole of NaOH before mixing is
mol (save 3 significant figures)
The mole of HCl before mixing is
mol (save 4 significant figures)
After mixing, the solution is
(choose from acidic or basic)
The total volume of mixture is
L (save 3 significant figures)
The concentration of [OH-] is
M (save 3 significant figures)
The concentration of [H'l is
M (save 3 significant figures)


Let's consider the neutralization reaction between HCl and NaOH.

NaOH + HCl ⇒ NaCl + H₂O

To determine the pH of the resulting mixture, we need to determine the reactant in excess. First, we will calculate the reacting moles of each reactant.

NaOH: 0.0500 L × 0.500 mol/L = 0.0200 mol

HCl: 0.0750 L × 0.250 mol/L = 0.0188 mol

Now, let's determine the reactant in excess and the remaining moles of that reactant.

                    NaOH    +     HCl ⇒ NaCl + H₂O

Initial           0.0200       0.0188

Reaction    -0.0188       -0.0188

Final         1.20 × 10⁻³          0

The volume of the mixture is 50.0 mL + 75.0 mL = 125.0 mL. Then, 1.20 × 10⁻³  moles of NaOH are in 125.0 mL of solution. The concentration of NaOH is:

[NaOH] = 1.20 × 10⁻³ mol/0.1250 L = 9.60 × 10⁻³ M

NaOH is a strong base according to the following equation.

NaOH ⇒ Na⁺ + OH⁻

The concentration of OH⁻ is 1/1 × 9.60 × 10⁻³ M = 9.60 × 10⁻³ M.

The pOH is:

pOH = -log [OH⁻] = -log 9.60 × 10⁻³ = 2.02

We will calculate the pH using the following expression.

pH = 14.00 - pOH = 14.00 - 2.02 = 11.98

The pH is 11.98. Since pH > 7, the solution is basic.

You can learn more about neutralization here:

A fusion reaction releases energy because the binding energy of the resulting nucleus:______.
a. is released in the process.
b. is equal to the binding energy of the original nuclei.
c. is absorbed in the process.
d. is less than the binding energy of the original nuclei.
e. is greater than the binding energy of the original nuclei.



a. is released in the process


In fusion reaction the nucleus is unstable so it releases its binding energy resulting in decreasing its mass so it becomes more stable.

Two methods by which we can conserve water and water the plants.



Two methods which help us to conserve water are:

Sprinkler irrigation system: this irrigation has an arrangement of vertical pipes with rotating nozzles on the top. It is more useful in the uneven and sandy land where sufficient water is not available.

Drip irrigation system: this irrigation system has an arrangement of pipes or tubes with very small holes in them to water plants drop by drop just at the base of the root. It is very efficient as water is not wasted at all.

When a marble is dropped into a beamer of water



The water will rise.


hope this helps you


The mass of the marble is greater than that of the water. The marble weighs more than an equivalent volume of the water. The force from dropping the marble breaks the surface tension of the water. The marble has greater mass and volume than the water.

Other Questions
what changes must be done to the wire to increase its conductance. What is the initial value of 34.2 x 3^x Determine the constant of variation for the direct variation given. (0, 0), (3, 12), (9, 36)1243 In countries where automobile insurance includes compensation for whiplash injuries sustained in automobile accidents, reports of having suffered such injuries are twice as frequent as they are in countries where whiplash is not covered. Presently; no objective test for whiplash exists, so it is true that spurious reports of whiplash injuries cannot be readily identified. Nevertheless, these facts do not warrant the conclusion drawn by some commentators that in the countries with the higher rates of reported whiplash injuries, half of the reported cases are spurious. Clearly, in countries where automobile insurance does not include compensation for whiplash, people often have little incentive to report whiplash injuries that they actually have suffered.In the argument given, the two boldfaced portions play which of the following roles?(A) The first is a claim that the argument disputes; the second is a conclusion that has been based on that claim.(B) The first is a claim that has been used to support a conclusion that the argument accepts; the second is that conclusion.(C) The first is evidence that has been used to support a conclusion for which the argument provides further evidence; the second is the main conclusion of the argument.(D) The first is a finding whose implications are at issue in the argument; the second is a claim presented in order to argue against deriving certain implications from that finding.(E) The first is a finding whose accuracy is evaluated in the argument; the second is evidence presented to establish that the finding is accurate. 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