“Comrades!” he cried. “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!”

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

Which details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others? Check all that apply.

“‘Comrades!’ he cried.”
“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”
“We pigs are brainworkers.”
“Day and night we are watching over your welfare.”
“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.


Answer 1


2 4 and 5 :D


Answer 2
“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.”

These two details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others. Thus, option A and D are correct.

What is the meaning Central idea?

The central idea is the main point or message that an author is trying to convey in a piece of writing, speech, or other forms of communication. It is the overarching theme that ties together all of the details, examples, and arguments presented in the work.

The central idea can also be referred to as the main idea, thesis, or primary purpose of the work. It is usually stated explicitly or implicitly in the introduction or conclusion of the work, and serves as a guide for the reader or audience to understand the purpose and direction of the piece.

Learn more about Central idea here:



Related Questions

Even though the days can sometimes be brutally hot and humid, summer is my favorite season



I am not sure whether this is a quiz or statement but,


Even though my allergies can sometimes be painful and itchy, spring is my favorite season.

What skills do you have?
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44. job/ about/ What/ did/ you/ last/ your/ like/?
45. What/ greatest/ been/ achievement/ your/ has/?



42.Whar are your strengths?

43. what kind of work you do well with people?


45. what has been your greatest achievement

Why do you think that Tara Westover chose the VirginiaWoolf epigraph at the beginning of her story?



Virginia Woolf was an English author born in 1882. She was one of the first writers to use the narrative technique known as stream of consciousness. Woolf is quoted often in today's world. One of her quotes is the one mentioned above:

"... the past is beautiful because one never realizes an emotion at the time. It expands later, and thus we don't have complete emotions about the present, only the past."

Many authors, such as Tara Westover, use this quote in their own work. It is likely that Woolf was attempting to express the concept that "hindsight is 20/20" or something similar to this. This means that the past can only be appreciated because with the past comes memories that hold emotions.

Tara Westover chose to use an epigraph by Virginia Woolf because the epigraph was able to express a very important point in the book and in the message that Tara Westover wished to convey to the reader.

Although you haven't shown it, the above question refers to “Educated” by Tara Westover, a book in which she writes her memoirs and uses an epigraph by Virginia Woolf, to reinforce the importance of remembering the past and recognizing its impact on the present.

By reading this book, we can see that:

Westover tells how she lived a difficult childhood, surrounded by violence and sorrow.She only realized this negative impact of her life, when the moments she lived became the past.In the present, she is able to better analyze her difficult childhood and see what caused so many problems.Virginia Woolf's epigraph shows how the present goes unnoticed by people, who can only analyze it when it becomes the past.

With that, we can conclude that the epigraph of Virginia Woolf is directly related to the message that Westover wants to pass on to the readers and for that reason, this epigraph was used.

You can find more information about what an epigraph is at the link below:


Which of the following has the vowel with the shortest duration when
compared to the others?
O bee


I believe the answer is bee.

the sporting spirit is written by​


Geogre Orwell Released this book in December 1945

He wanted to know from me) “What else would you suggest for the trip?" into indirect speech​



He asked what you would suggest for the trip.


Hope this helped!

Please tell me if this is wrong.

can you stay here _____ wait for him?​



Can you stay here and wait for him.

Can you stay here and wait for him.

Which word from the passage gives the best indication of the speaker’s tone?



Where the passage how I suppose to answer it

Plural possessive way to write Sparks or Jones
Sparkses home?
Joneses car?


Sparks’ car or Jones’ car. Hope this helps!

write a conversation between a tourist and you. The tourist should ask for directions to get to the places in your locality.
(i) nearest health post/ hospital
(ii) nearest buspark/airport
(iii) nearedt campus/school
(iv) nearest river/swimming
(v) nearest picnic spot

p.s. You can write only two​




tourist:can you please tell me the nearest buspark in this village.

me : yeh of course, go straight from the right side of your you will see there bus park.

tourist:thank you

me:my pleasure

write a paragraph about something you did that was fun or unusual


I rode on a mechanical bull and then I got off of it

I ______ he would come(hope/hopes/hoped/hoping)​





Question 2
Mark this question
How should you approach public communication differently from group communication?
O By preparing for your audience to interrupt you and direct the conversation
With an awareness that the audience is more likely to defer to the speaker in a public
communication context
O By assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience
O By considering the background and dynamics of your audience before preparing your message


i say it’s the second one

By assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience. Hence option b is correct.

What is communication?

Communication is defined as a two-way procedure when information or messages are transferred from one individual or group to another.People may communicate and exchange ideas more easily thanks to it. Effective communication clarifies information and saves time. helps to promote relationships, teamwork, and trust. builds your knowledge base, which helps you make better judgements in life.

When three or more people communicate with each other to accomplish a common goal, group communication happens. When one individual communicates information to an audience, it is usually sender-focused public communication that takes place. When communications are disseminated to broad audiences by print or electronic media, mass communication happens. It enables us to establish relationships, shape decisions, and inspire change.

Thus, by assuming a greater level of intimacy between you as the speaker and your audience. Hence option b is correct.

To learn more about communication, refer to the link below:



8. I got my little brother _____ my bedroom for me!
A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy





D is right answer of this question

What do we mean by tidy ?

"clearly organized and systematic"

I got my little brother tidy my bedroom for me!

Hence, D is the correct option.

To know more about tidy here



Liisi was so eager to join the other kids in Tallinn's town square, she could not stop moving. At 10, she was just old enough to join in the folk dances as the city celebrated Jaanipäev—John's Day, or Midsummer's Eve. The June 23 festival always made her giddy with delight, and as her mother finally released her, she gave her a swift hug and flew out the door.
The square was just a few blocks away, and Liisi could hear the cheers of the crowd as she raced down the cobblestone streets. As she rounded the last corner and entered the square, the dancing had already begun. She was so glad she had paid attention when her mom taught her the traditional steps. Making her way to the front of the crowd, Liisi's school friends waved to her. She caught up to them just as the band started playing, and they arranged themselves in a line for the next dance. At that moment, Liisi could not imagine ever living anywhere else.

Select the correct answer.
Which detail best reflects the historical and cultural setting of the text?

the folk dances
the last corner
the band playing
the cheers of the crowd


It’s B because it fits the best


Is this correct the person above me


What is possessive of word France and and give me example


Ex: I love my country Vive la France!

"Hi, mum!" Peter, as he himself down on the floor with a groan.

said / was throwing

has said / is throwing

was saying / threw

says / has thrown

said / had thrown​


i think it said/was throwing, hope this helps

The complete sentence is - "Hi, mum!" said Peter, as he was throwing himself down on the floor with a groan". Thus, option first is correct.

What are Tenses?

A category that indicates time reference is tense. The employment of various verb tenses, especially in their grammatical patterns, frequently indicates a tense. The past, present, and future are the three basic tenses that may be found in various languages.

In grammar, tense is a verbal category that connects the time of the spoken event to the time of the narrated event. The idea of time is communicated by various components of speech rather than the verb in several languages. Therefore, it can be concluded that option first is correct.

Learn more about Tenses here:



Your question was incomplete, probably the complete question was.....

16. “Hi mum!” ____ Peter, as he ______ himself down on the floor with a groan.

How does each present Napoleon as a leader? Use specific details from the paintings to explain these differences.



Need pic to get the stuff

Part C
Next, you'll write a comparison of rhetoric in Stanton’s speech "A Plea for the Oppressed" and Lewis's speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking. First, plan out your analysis by answering the questions in the table.

“A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton
What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?​
What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?​
How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?
Reformers should all work together to end slavery.​
Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values​.
Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.
Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”
How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.



A Plea for the Oppressed” by Lucy Stanton

What is the speaker’s purpose or point of view?

What is a rhetorical appeal that Stanton makes to advance her purpose or point of view?

How does Stanton use a rhetorical device to advance her purpose or point of view?

Reformers should all work together to end slavery.

Stanton uses a logos appeal to show that the rationale for ending slavery aligns perfectly with their own values.

Stanton uses an extended metaphor that compares slavery to war to show that peace activists must support the abolition of slavery.

Comparing Rhetoric in Stanton’s “A Plea for the Oppressed” and Lewis’s “Speech at the King Memorial Groundbreaking”

How does Stanton’s rhetoric compare with Lewis’s? Lewis has built-in ethos as a representative and friend of King’s. Stanton cannot rely on ethos as much but makes a persuasive case through logos.


In two speeches, delivered 150 years apart, two activists use rhetoric to advocate for basic human dignity. Here is how their rhetorical strategies compare.

Stanton’s Logos Appeal. In “A Plea for the Oppressed,” Lucy Stanton’s purpose is to convince her audience that the fight to end to slavery is their fight. One of most effective parts of her speech is her logos appeal to reformers in the audience, such as those in the peace movement. She connects their cause to the cause of abolition in a powerful extended metaphor that begins, “Slavery is the combination of all crime. It is War.” Showing the logical connection between war and slavery makes it difficult for peace activists to fail to support abolition.

Lewis’s Ethos Appeal. Representative John Lewis’s purpose in his speech at the King Memorial groundbreaking is to remind the nation that King’s work is unfinished. His primary appeal is ethos. He is able to make this appeal by drawing on his position as a popular representative, a leader of the civil rights movement, and a personal friend of Martin Luther King’s. In a series of parallel phrases, Lewis establishes that he and King were very close. The anecdote Lewis recalls about being a teenager in the segregated South, and the impact of hearing King on the radio, adds a strong emotional appeal to the ethical one as Lewis calls for the next generation to carry on King’s legacy. He is uniquely qualified to commemorate King.

The different appeals each speaker emphasizes reflects their status. Stanton was young graduate, and Lewis was a revered politician. Both weave all three appeals into their speeches, but only Lewis can lean heavily on the ethical appeal.


Plato answer so use quillbot to rephrase it.

Define income in your own words. (3-4 sentences)



Income is money what an individual or business receives in exchange for providing labor, producing a good or service, or through investing capital. Individuals most often earn income through wages or salary. Businesses earn income from selling goods or services above their cost of production

Can Modal verbs be used in Conditional sentences except for Would??​



Sure, for example..

If the weather is sunny, I'll have to go for a walk

When I do my homework, I'll may go to see my friends

Wise money management
Question 7 options:


helps you make the most of the money you have.


results in an increase in your allowance or wages.


reduces the need for bank accounts.


makes saving unnecessary.



A) helps you make the most of the money you have.

Hope this Helps!! :))

Your money will always be in good shape if you consistently spend less than you make. Recognize the difference between needs and wants, adhere to your budget, and avoid taking on extra debt. It really is that easy. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the main impact of Wise money management?

Once you begin managing your finances, you'll have a better idea of where and how you're spending your money. By doing so, you could be able to keep to your budget and perhaps increase your savings.

Your company credit score and your capacity to obtain credit in the future may suffer if you don't pay your payments on time. Additionally, it can have a bad impact on the prices you would be given.

If your debt-paying difficulties persist, you can be subject to legal action or perhaps insolvency.

Therefore, By engaging in strong personal finance management, you can learn to manage your money effectively and achieve your financial goals.

Learn more about money management here:



Can you do this question?


What can you use water for? - Showering, Farming, Cooking

What can you eat for dinner? - Tomatoes, Rice, Noodles

Things that are naturally red? - Tomatoes, Roses, Watermelon

Words that begin with sun-? - Sunday, Sunshine, Sunlight

Words that begin with sp-? - Spoon, Spine, Spin

Types of Transportation? - Train, Car, Boat

Words that end with -ment? - Moment, Pavement, Accomplishment

Things with a screen? - Phone, TV, Tablet

Words that start with re? - Rewind, Restart, Refill

Kings of trees? - Oak Trees, Spruce Trees, Red Wood Trees

Pets? - Dogs, Cats, Fish

Things in the bathroom? - Sink, Toilet, Mirror

Circular Things? - Bottles, Lamps, Pencils

White Things? - Sugar, Salt, Tissues

What can you do to your hair? - Curl it, Straighten it, Clean it

hello i......10 year old


hii! okhshdhdhffhfj




hello nice to meet u

what is the tone in "the man in the arena" by By Theodore Roosevelt




He has a powerful sympathy for those who try and don't make it the first or second or even the 12th time. His tone applauds him for trying even though the results may be bloody and sweaty.

He chooses this man over anyone who is neither successful at the task nor even willing to try. Better to fail than not to participate at all.

What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?
respond with 2 RACE paragraphs.



Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life


Social injustice, police brutality and value of life are the important components of the theme of the short story ''fighter'' which is written by Walter Dean Myers. In this short story he writes about the injustice that happen in the society as well as the aggressive behaviour of the police which leads to police brutality.

In this story, he describes the importance of life and its value to the reader. In such type of society there is no value of life of the people, killings are normal thing that occurs or happens in such type of society.

Can someone help me please



7. A, 8. H


7. A

you can simplify the sentence as

The disappearance (subject) remains (verb) a mystery.

8. H

you can simplify the sentence as

The sinking (subject) resulted (verb) in reforms.

what is ment by infactures of development​


Infrastructure development is the construction and improvement of foundational services with the goal of sparking economic growth and improvements in quality of life.

Hope this answer helps you..!!
It involves improvement of the quality of the various components of infrastructure, such as roads, power, ICT, water and sanitation.

how are restaurant promoted?​



One successful way to promote your restaurant business to a local market is to ask customers to sign up for a regular email through your website and when they dine with you. Use the email to showcase employees, new food items, discounts and other company-related news to keep your restaurant in front of your customers.

reading passages that ask what is the connotation of a word



The feelings that is felt when the word is used.


For example, when someone uses the word "odor" you're automatically thinking of the something smelling bad, on the other hand, when someone uses the word "aroma," you picture something that tastes good.

Other Questions
Which statement offers a central idea of the poem "Spanish Dancer"?O An observer is drawn to watch a performance of a stylish, ceremonial dance that expands and changes like a burning match.O A bystander pauses to watch imusical performance that begins like a small flickering flame and ends in fiery movements that sizzle.A spectator examines how a dancer begins her steps with caution, but later gives her movements unrestrained execution.O An onlooker observes an arrogant dancer as she begins her haughty dance but is too consumed by the frenzied rhythms to finish.NEXT QUESTIONASK FOR HELPTURN IT IN 2. In 2020, they __________________ (built) a bridge on this river. Figure A AA is a scale image of Figure B BB. 12 12 6 6 x x 9 9 Figure B Figure B Figure A Figure A What is the value of x xx? Need help ASAP plz Short Answer Questions What is a public enterprise? Explain the main features of public enterprises. 1. The waves pound the rocks and gradually break them up into sand. a. Simple b. Compound Jason has eaten 45 chocolates in 5 days. Each days, he ate 2 chocolates more than the previous day. How many chocolates did he ate on the first day? PLS GUYS ITS FOR 10TH GRADE CHEM Firms engaged in international trade deal with people they may have never seen, who live in different countries, who speak different languages, and who abide by different legal systems. These factors result in Whats middle ground in a composition? who can help me out with this one? factorize: xy-3x - 5y + 15 read the question and select the answer 86,400 seconds into day advantages of discounted payback period Given two consecutive integers whose sum is 45, find the smaller of the two integers. 5. Determine the formula for the following arithmetic sequence: 4, 7, 10, 13, ... The correct geometry around oxygen in CH3OCH3 is(a). linear. (b). bent. C). tetrahedral/(a). trigonal planar PLEASE HELP!! What types of photos might a portrait photographer take?O Modeling picturesO School PicturesO Family photosAll of the above the expression below is a factorization of what trimonial (5x+6)(3x-2)