Conforme apresentado na aula passada, qual seria o real motivo da astucia de ulisses, que pretende ouvir o casto das


Answer 1

Ulisses's cunning is driven by his desire to hear the enchanting song of the sirens while protecting his crew from harm.

Based on the information presented in the previous class, o real motivo da astúcia de Ulisses, que pretende ouvir o canto das sereias, está relacionado à sua busca por conhecimento e sabedoria. Ulisses, conhecido por sua inteligência, sabia dos perigos representados pelas sereias e seu canto irresistível que levava os marinheiros à morte.

No entanto, ele também desejava desvendar o mistério e a beleza do canto das sereias. Para proteger sua tripulação e evitar que eles caíssem na armadilha das sereias, Ulisses optou por amarrar-se ao mastro do navio e ordenar que seus marinheiros tapassem os ouvidos com cera, permitindo-lhe satisfazer sua curiosidade enquanto mantinha sua segurança e a de sua tripulação.

Essa astúcia demonstra a busca por conhecimento e a habilidade de Ulisses em superar desafios de forma inteligente.

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Explain four contributory factors to the violent crime social problem locally and globally


Four contributory factors to the violent crime social problem locally and globally are socio-economic disparities, drug abuse, lack of education and employment opportunities, and weak law enforcement.

Violent crime is a complex social problem influenced by various factors. One significant factor is socio-economic disparities, which contribute to a sense of hopelessness and desperation among marginalized individuals. Economic inequality often leads to frustration, anger, and resentment, which can manifest in violent behavior. Additionally, limited access to basic resources such as healthcare, education, and housing further exacerbates the problem, as individuals struggle to meet their basic needs and may resort to criminal activities as a means of survival.

Another key factor is drug abuse, which is closely linked to violent crime. Substance abuse, particularly of drugs like cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine, can lead to impaired judgment, aggression, and increased propensity for violence. Drug-related disputes and territorial conflicts among criminal organizations also contribute to the prevalence of violent crime locally and globally.

Lack of education and employment opportunities is another significant factor. When individuals lack access to quality education and meaningful employment, they face limited prospects for social and economic mobility. This can create a sense of frustration and hopelessness, leading some individuals to turn to criminal activities as a means of financial gain or as an expression of their dissatisfaction with their circumstances.

Lastly, weak law enforcement contributes to the perpetuation of violent crime. Inadequate resources, corruption, and inefficiency within law enforcement agencies can undermine efforts to prevent and combat crime. When criminals perceive a lack of consequences for their actions, they are emboldened to engage in violent behavior without fear of being apprehended or punished, thereby perpetuating the cycle of violence.

In conclusion, socio-economic disparities, drug abuse, lack of education and employment opportunities, and weak law enforcement are four contributory factors to the violent crime social problem. Addressing these factors requires comprehensive strategies that focus on reducing inequality, implementing effective drug prevention and rehabilitation programs, improving access to education and employment opportunities, and strengthening law enforcement capabilities.

Socio-economic disparities, drug abuse, lack of education and employment opportunities, and weak law enforcement to understand their impact on violent crime rates and the importance of addressing these issues holistically.

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