Congestive heart failure (CHF) is an inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to the body. One sign of CHF is excess fluid in the tissue spaces, known as edema. Describe the location of the edema if the left side of the heart fails, compared to the location of edema if the right side of the heart fails.


Answer 1



When the left side of the heart (left ventricle) starts to fail, fluid collects in the lungs (edema). This extra fluid in the lungs (pulmonary congestion) makes it more difficult for the airways to expand as a person inhales. Breathing becomes more difficult and the person may feel short of breath, particularly with activity or when lying down.

When the right side of the heart (right ventricle) starts to fail, fluid begins to collect in the feet and lower legs. Puffy leg swelling (edema) is a sign of right heart failure, especially if the edema is pitting edema. With pitting edema, a finger pressed on the swollen leg leaves an imprint. Non-pitting edema is not caused by heart failure.

Related Questions

based on the 1:2:1 proportions of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, it can be determined that a glucose molecule is a



Carbohydrate (monosaccharide)


Carbohydrates are one of the four biological molecules in nature. Carbohydrates are structurally composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements. However, these elements (C,H,O) are present in each carbohydrate in the ratio 1:2:1 respectively.

As stated in this question, glucose is an organic molecule made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in the 1:2:1 proportion, hence, it is a CARBOHYDRATE. Since glucose possess one sugar component, it is classified as a MONOSACCHARIDE with a chemical formula C6H12O6.

Which of the following is the best definition of an atom?
O A. A particle within the nucleus that has a neutral charge
B. A negatively charged particle that circles the nucleus
C. The fundamental unit of all matter, both living and nonliving
O D. A positively charged particle within the nucleus



C. The fundamental unit of all matter, both living and nonliving

What is the complementary DNA strand for this DNA strand : GTTACGAACT





The main structural unit of the cell membrane is the protein molecule



The cell membrane consists of a double layer of lipid molecules covered by two layers of proteins. The lipid molecules are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the membrane.

Match each of the following descriptions with the correct brain structure(s). Drag the terms on the left to the appropriate blanks on the right to complete the sentences.
a. houses the corpora quadrigemina
b. components of the diencephalon
c. connects the third and fourth ventricles
d. continuous with the spinal cord
e. produces cerebrospinal fluid
f. components of the brainstem
g. major homeostatic organ
h. contains Broca's area
i. structure from which pineal gland extends
j. contains lateral ventricles
k. contains arbor vitae
1. pons
2. thalamus
3. cerebellum
4. hypothalamus
5. cerebral aqueduct
6. medulla oblongata
7. midbrain
8. epithalamus
9. cerebrum
10. choroid plexus



a. midbrain

b. thalamus; hypothalamus, epithalamus

c. cerebral aqueduct

d. medulla oblongata

e. choroid plexus

f. pons; medulla oblongata; midbrain

g. hypothalamus

h. cerebrum

i. epithalamus

j. cerebrum

k. cerebellum


The brainstem is the posterior part of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. The brainstem can be divided into three parts: midbrain (i.e., mesencephalon), the pons (i.e., metencephalon), and the medulla oblongata (i.e., myelencephalon). The mesencephalon is a region of the brain composed of the tectum and tegmentum, which play fundamental roles in motor movement, auditory and visual processing. The corpora quadrigemina is found at the tectum region of the midbrain. The diencephalon is a small part of the brain located above the brainstem (between cerebral hemispheres); which contains the thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, and epithalamus. In turn, the epithalamus is composed of the habenular nuclei, pineal gland, and the stria medullaris thalami. The cerebral aqueduct is a narrow channel (approx. 15 mm) in which the cerebrospinal fluid flows between the third ventricle and the fourth ventricle. The medulla oblongata is a long stem-like structure located in the brainstem of the brain, just in the place where the brainstem connects the brain to the spinal cord. The choroid plexus is a complex network of capillaries located at the cerebral ventricles of the brain, which serve to produce cerebrospinal fluid through ependymal cells that line the ventricles of the brain. The cerebellum is a major structure of the hindbrain and consists of the cerebellar cortex and a core of white matter having the cerebellar nuclei.

3. In biological terms are you a
producer or a consumer? Explain
your answer.





because we get things from living things

Which of the following are structures of the
lymphatic system? Check all that apply.
Bone Marrow
Blood Vessels


Answer:Bone Marrow



Explanation:Bone Marrow



The following are structures of the lymphatic system -

Bone MarrowThymusSpleenTonsilsAdenoids

The lymphatic systemis a network of tissues, vessels, and organs.these structures work together to move a colorless, watery fluid called lymph back into your circulatory system (your bloodstream).The lymphatic system has the following structures:lymph nodes,spleen,thymus the lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine (Peyer's patches)adenoid tonsils,palatinetubal tonsils

Thus, the following are structures of the lymphatic system -

Bone MarrowThymusSpleenTonsilsAdenoids

Learn more:

Which of the following is a risk associated with making our lifestyle more convenient?
Increased use of technology
O Decrease in environmental hazards
Increased use of science
Increased pollution in the air, water, soil



Increased pollution in the air, water, soil.

There are six major groups of enzymes. The categories are based on the types of reactions that they catalyze. What type of enzyme can join together two molecules to make a larger molecule such as a long strand of DNA



DNA ligase.


DNA ligase is a type of enzyme that is responsible for join together of two molecules to make a larger molecule such as a long strand of DNA. This enzyme joins the end of two DNA molecules making it a long strand of DNA. In DNA cloning process, restriction enzymes and DNA ligase enzymes are used to incorporate genes and other pieces of DNA into plasmids so we can say that DNA ligase is responsible for long strand of DNA.

What is an office what is an office ​




An office can be referred to a building or rooms or a room which is arranged and set up with furnitures and things needed for commercial use or professional work to achieve a goal.

An office is also refered to position of authority occupied by someone to perform some tasks.


here's your answer


The office helps in controlling the activities of different people and department of an organisation. Through controlling it ensures that the various activities of business are performed with much accuracy. Memory Center: Office protects important information of past in a safe manner.

Explain why virus could not fit into any one of the five kingdom



To make copies of themselves they necessarily need the intervention of a cell. Therefore, viruses are not living beings. That is why they are not included in any Kingdom in which living beings are included

What is your opinion about climate change ?


A scientific consensus on climate change exists, as recognized by national academies of science and other authoritative bodies. The opinion gap between scientists and the public in 2009 stands at 84% to 49% that global temperatures are increasing because of human-activity.

what is water transparency​



Transparency of water relates to the depth that light will penetrate water. The change that occurs is from predominantly yellow light at the surface to blue-green at depth in clear water or yellow-green in waters having a high concentration of dissolved organic material.


Transparency of water relates to the depth that light will penetrate water. ... The change that occurs is from predominantly yellow light at the surface to blue-green at depth in clear water or yellow-green in waters having a high concentration of dissolved organic material.

Describe how and where viruses reproduce and the function of RNA and DNA in this process.



Using the host's cellular metabolism, the viral DNA begins to replicate and form proteins. Then fully formed viruses assemble. These viruses break, or lyse, the cell and spread to other cells to continue the cycle. Like the lytic cycle, in the lysogenic cycle the virus attaches to the host cell and injects its DNA.

Recall that one approach to the study of cell cycle regulation has been to fuse cultured cells that are at different stages of the cell cycle and observe the effect of the fusion on the nuclei of the fused cells (heterokaryons). When cells in Gl are fused with cells in S, the nuclei from the Gl cells begin DNA replication earlier than they would have if they had not been fused. In fusions of cells in G2 and S, however, nuclei continue their previous activities, apparently uninfluenced by the fusion. Fusions between mitotic cells and interphase cells always lead to chromatin condensation in the nonmitotic nuclei. Based on these results, identify each of the following statements about cell cycle regulation as probably true (T), probably false (F), or not possible to conclude from the data (NP). Sort each statement into the appropriate bin.
1. The transition from mitosis to G1 appears to result from the disappearance or inactivation of a cytoplasmic factor present during M-phase.
2. The activation of DNA synthesis may result from the stimulatory of one or more cytoplasmic factors.
3. Gl is not an obligatory phase of all cell cycles
4. The transition from G2 to mitosis may result from the presence in the G2 cytoplasm of one or more factors that induce chromatin formation.
5. The transition from S to G2 may result from the presence of a cytoplasmic factor that inhibits DNA synthesis.
A. T
B. F



1. T

2. T

3. NP

4. F

5. F


In somatic cells, the cell cycle can be divided into 1-the interphase, 2-the mitotic phase or M phase, and 3-the G₀ phase. In turn, the interphase of the cell cycle can be divided into three phases: 1-the gap 1 (G1) phase or growth 1 phase, 2-the S phase (DNA replication or DNA synthesis), and 3-the gap 2 (G2) phase or growth 2 phase. During the G1 phase, the cell synthesizes key enzymes which are required during DNA replication (S phase) and cell division (M phase). Cytoplasmic factors are proteins and messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that control cell functions during the cell cycle. This cycle is modulated by proteins known as control factors, i.e., cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) that work together to control the progression through different phases of the cell cycle. The transition from S to G2 occurs after DNA replication. This transition (S to G2) is controlled by a DNA damage checkpoint orchestrated by the ATM (Ataxia telangiectasia mutated) and ATR (Ataxia Telangiectasia and Rad3 related) kinases which are recruited to DNA damage sites. Moreover, the ​transition from G2 to M phase is mediated by the accumulation of mitotic inducers, which lead to an increase in the activity of mitotic kinase and finally trigger mitotic entry.

g If the sequence of bases in the DNA coding strand were CCG AGT, the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain would be _





Comparing Densities
If two balls have the same volume, but ball A has twice as much mass as ball B, which one will have the greater
If ball C is 3 times the volume of ball D and ball D has 1/3 the mass of ball C, which has the greater density?
If two balls have the same mass, but ball P is twice as large as ball Q, which one will have the greater density?
If ball X is twice as big as ball Y and weighs only half as much as ball Y, then which one will have the greater
mious Activity



Ball A has more density.  


Density is found using mass divided by volume. Let's say ball A has a mass of 6 grams, and ball B has a mass of 3 grams. If the volume for both is 1 mL, then ball A has more density.

The energy source for active transport is ________ , while the force driving facilitated diffusion is ________.





How does wet heat sterilization, such as an autoclave, work to inactivate bacteria and other infectious pathogens?


Answer and Explanation:

The microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi are basically composed of biological macromolecules (lipids, proteins, polysaccharides). As the temperature increases, the structure of proteins is disrupted and they lose their function. For example, enzymes that catalyze biological reactions are inactivated.

Therefore, wet heat sterilization is a process in which the material is heated during a certain time at a certain high temperature to destroy the microorganisms by producing the denaturation of structural proteins and enzymes.

Discuss the role of the
kidney in
1. Regulation of blood pressure.
2. Regulation of ECF volume and electrolytes.



blood pressure is regulated by baroreceptors which act via the brain to influence the nervous and the endocrine systems. Blood pressure that is too low is called hypotension, pressure that is consistently too high is called hypertension, and normal pressure is called

If you grew up with a family pet, then you have surely noticed that they often seem to hear things that you don’t hear. Now that you’ve read this section, you probably have some insight as to why this may be. How would you explain this to a friend who never had the opportunity to take a class like this?



Force her/him


so that she /he can hear u

Which phrase best describes a savana biome



A biome that is dry most of the time long tall dried out grass. The savanna is home to many large land mammals, including elephants, giraffes, zebras, rhinoceroses, buffalo, lions, leopards, and cheetahs. Other animals include baboons, crocodiles, antelopes, meerkats, ants, termites, kangaroos, ostriches, and snakes.


Hope this helps ! <33

A savanna biome is a biome that’s practically like a dessert but it has grass and trees so it’s a dried out biome

A membrane consisting only of phospholipids undergoes a sharp transition from the crystalline form to the fluid form as it is heated. What would be the effect on this transition in a membrane containing 80% phospholipid and 20% cholesterol



Having 20% cholesterol in a membrane would reduce the fluidity.


At high temperatures, cholesterol stabilizes the membrane and increases the melting point.

The plasma membrane is the layer that surrounds the cell and is composed of cholesterol and phospholipid. The presence of cholesterol reduces the fluidity and transition.

What are the components of the plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane separates the exterior and the interior of the cell and through a semi-permeable nature allows the transport of the molecules. It is composed of phospholipids and cholesterol molecules.

The phase transition of the membrane is known by the change in the rigidity as it starts free-flowing at a high temperature called transition temperature.

In the presence of cholesterol, the movement and the fluidity reduce as it interferes with the fatty acid chain and now requires more temperature to convert the rigid structure to become fluid.

Therefore, membrane-containing cholesterol requires more temperature to modify the fluidity as compared to phospholipids alone.

Learn more about phospholipids and cholesterol here:


2. Explain two different ways that you could classify the following
items: banana, lemon, sandwich, milk, orange, meatball, salad.



Two different ways that you could classify the following  items: banana, lemon, sandwich, milk, orange, meatball, and salad, are the following:

Fruits and not fruits, where the fruits would be banana, lemon and orange; and the non-fruits would be sandwich, milk, meatball and salad.

Food of animal and vegan origin, where the food of animal origin is sandwich, milk and meatball, and the vegan food is banana, lemon, orange and salad.

The following food items can be classified based on either plant or animal origins.

Classification of food products

Food is a substance that contains nutrients that is required for the growth and maintenance of the living organisms.

Food can be gotten from various sources which includes plant and animal sources.

Examples of plant sources are banana, lemon, sandwich, orange and salad

Examples of animal sources are milk and meatball. This is because it can be processed from cow and ram.

Therefore, the following food items can be classified based on either plant or animal origins.

Learn more about food sources here:

The protein salmon has an isoelectric point of 12.1. Suppose you did a pH titration of a solution containing salmon. At what pH will the protein aggregate



The correct answer is - 12.1.


In the case of the same isoelectric point of protein and the pH value of the solution, it is the only condition when aggregation of proteins takes place.

When there is intrinsically disordered proteins or misfolded proteins aggregates known as the protein aggregate. So for the first aggregation takes place at pH= 12.1.

Read each description below regarding the the CNS control of the ANS.

a. It's the integrating centers for reflexes controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
b. It activates the fight-or-flight response.
c. It's the integrating center for thermoregulaton.
d. Sexual thoughts or images can increase blood flow to the genitals.
e. It's the major control center of the ANS.

1. Cerebral Cortex
2. Hypothalamus
3. Brainstem
4. Spinal Cord


(1)The cerebral cortex, also known as the cerebral mantle, is the outer layer of neural tissue of the cerebrum of the brain in humans and other mammals. The cerebral cortex mostly consists of the six-layered neocortex, with just 10% consisting of allocortex.

(2)The hypothalamus is a small region of the brain. It's located at the base of the brain, near the pituitary gland. While it's very small, the hypothalamus plays a crucial role in many important functions, including: releasing hormones. regulating body temperature.

(3) The brainstem (or brain stem) is the posterior stalk-like part of the brain that connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. In the human brain the brainstem is composed of the midbrain, the pons, and the medulla oblongata Ten pairs of cranial nerves come from the brainstem.

(4)The spinal cord is a long, fragile tubelike structure that begins at the end of the brain stem and continues down almost to the bottom of the spine. The spinal cord consists of bundles of nerve axons forming pathways that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the body.

which statement correctly describes cell differentiation



"Causes cells to change as well as specialize" is the correct answer.


There are several differentiations throughout the establishment of a multicellular because that evolves from some kind of basic zygote to something like an interacting entity's structure and indeed the cellular functions that comprise a whole species.Cells get specialized to accomplish diverse roles throughout this mechanism or procedure.

Light dependent reactions are carried out both on and in between photosystems. This process is like the last stage of aerobic respiration in that both:______.
a. reaction sequences carry out electron transfer phosphorylations.
b. processes generate ATP.
c. processes involve electron flow.
d. systems are lodged along and within a membrane surface.
e. all of the above.



e. all of the above


Photosynthesis and respiration are two complementary processes.

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts. The electron transport chain is placed in the thylakoid membrane, where it occurs light-dependent reactions.Respiration occurs in mitochondria, in the internal membrane, where is the electron transport chain.

Photosynthesis needs solar radiation to produce organic compounds.The respiration process needs organic compounds to obtain chemical energy.

Photosynthesis transforms CO₂ into organic compoundsRespiration transforms organic compounds into CO₂.

In the photosynthesis process occurs a release of oxygen, which is used during the respiration process.  Both processes are part of the carbon biological cycle.Both processes use electron transport chains to capture energy, which will be used in other cellular reactions.

Respiration´s final products are CO₂, ATP, and waterPhotosynthesis´s final products of light-dependent reactions are oxygen, ATP, and NADPH.  

Elephants are considered K-strategists because they give birth to only one calf at a time and most have five years in between having another calf. Calves stay under the protection of the mother and her herd until maturity at 10-15 years of age. What type of survivorship curve do elephants tend to follow



Type I curve


The K-strategist are species characterized by relatively stable populations that fluctuate at the carrying capacity of the habitat or niche in which organisms reside. Elephants are considered as K-strategists because they have a low population growth rate and relatively stable populations. There are three different types of survivorship curves. The Type I curve (also referred to as A curve) is characteristic of k-strategist organisms. Humans and elephants exhibit a Type I survivorship curve in which organisms tend to die when they become elderly. These species have a small number of offspring and provide parental care to ensure their survival. In a Type II survivorship curve, species produce many offspring and only some offspring survive (e.g., birds), while in Type III survivorship curve organisms produce many more offspring and most do not survive (i.e., r-strategists such as frogs or insects).

Describe the impact of technology on the environmental today



Other detrimental effects include diseases such as typhoid and cholera, eutrophication and the destruction of ecosystems which negatively affects the food chain. Resource depletion is another negative impact of technology on the environment. It refers to the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished

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