consider a hard disk with the following specifications :
3.5 in diameter


Answer 1


usable capacity = 10 GB

Number of cylinders = 256

Block size = 4 KB

(1)Bytes in each cylinder = (10*230)/(256) = (10*222) = 40 MegaBytes

(2)Number of Blocks in each cylinder = (10*222)/(212) = 10K

(3)capacity of one track = 40 MegaBytes/(10*2) = 2 MB

Rotation speed = 3840 RPM

Number of rotations per second = 3840/60 = 64

Transfer rate = (2*64) = 128 MB/sec


Related Questions

To simplify the conceptual design, most higher-order relationships are decomposed into appropriate equivalent _____ relationships whenever possible.A) unary.B) binary.C) strong.D) weak.


Answer: binary


Conceptual design refers to the early phase of the design process, whereby the outlines of function are articulated. The conceptual design consist of the design of processes, interactions, and strategies. It is the first stage in the database design process.

The output of the conceptual design process describes the main data entities, and constraints of a particular problem domain. To simplify the conceptual design, most higher-order relationships are decomposed into appropriate equivalent binary relationships whenever possible.

Give your own example of a nested conditional that can be modified to become a single conditional, and show the equivalent single conditional.



following are the program to the given question:


x = 0#defining an integer variable that holds a value

if x < 0:#defining if that checks x less than 0

   print("This number ",  x, " is negative.")#print value with the message

else:#defining else block

   if x > 0:#defining if that checks x value greater than 0

       print(x, " is positive")#print value with message

   else:#defining else block

       print(x, " is 0")#print value with message

if x < 0:#defining another if that checks x less than 0

   print("This number ",  x, " is negative.")

elif (x > 0):#defining elif block that check x value greater than 0

   print(x, " is positive")#print value with message

else:#defining else block

   print(x, " is 0")#print value with message


Please find the attachment file.


In this code, an x variable is defined which holds a value that is "0", in the next step nested conditional statement has used that checks the x variable value and uses the print method that compares the value and prints its value with the message.

In another conditional statement, it uses if that checks x value less than 0 and print value with the negative message.

In the elif block, it checks x value that is greater than 0 and prints the value with the positive message, and in the else block it will print the message that is 0.

write a function copy(s, n) that takes as inputs a string s and an integer n, and that uses recursion to create and return a string in which n copies of s have been concatenated together. python



Following are the method to the given question:

def copy(s, n):#defining a method copy that takes two parameters

   if n <= 0:#definig if to compare n value is less than equal to 0

       return ''#return space  

   else:#definig else block  

       return s + copy(s, n-1)#use recursive method that return value

print(copy("by",2))#calling method and print value

print(copy("ta",2))#calling method and print value

print(copy("good by ",2))#calling method and print value




good by good by


In this code, a method "copy" is declared that takes two parameters that are "s and n" inside the method a conditional statement is used which can be defined as follows.

In the if block is used "n" variable that checks n value which is less than equal to 0 if it is true it will return a space value.

In the else block it use the recursive method that returns a value which is a copy of s that is concatenated together.

According the SDLC phases, which among these activities see a substantial amount of automation initiatives?

A code generation
B release build
C application enhancement
D test case generation
E incident management



d. test case generation


Testing should be automated, so that bugs and other errors can be identified without a human error and lack of concentration.

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) phase that has seen a substantial amount of automation is the A. code generation.

The main phases of the SDLC include the planning, analysis, design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance phases.

Using automation for the code generation will help eliminate human errors and increase efficiency.

The code generation phase still requires some human input to ensure that user requirements are completely met.

Thus, while automation will be useful with all the SDLC phases, substantial amount of automation initiatives have been seen with the code generation phase.

Learn more about SDLC phases at

State the Data types with two examples each​



A string, for example, is a data type that is used to classify text and an integer is a data type used to classify whole numbers. When a programming language allows a variable of one data type to be used as if it were a value of another data type, the language is said to be weakly typed. Hope it help's! :D

Write code that prints: Ready! firstNumber ... 2 1 Run! Your code should contain a for loop. Print a newline after each number and after each line of text. Ex: If the input is: 3 the output is: Ready! 3 2 1 Run!




The following code is written in Java. It asks the user to enter the first number. Then it saves that number in a variable called firstNumber. It then uses that number to loop backwards from that number to 1 and goes printing out the countdown text. A test case has been created and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("Enter First Number: ");

       int firstNumber = in.nextInt();


       for (int i=firstNumber; i>0; i--) {






the development of modern computer system have been evolutionary, discuss this phenomena and further explain how current trends in computing would impact future computer systems develpoment


Answer: Why are there so many of these?

The modern computer system has been evolutionary. Modern computers have allowed for us to complete hard tasks rather easily. With modern computers, we are able to calculate advanced equations with the click of a button. Trends in computing like RTX can rapidly improve performance, rendering, and tons of other graphical heavy actions. In September of 2018, we got the first RTX card, now in 2021, RTX has become exponentially better than what it was in 2018. With the modern computers comes quantum computers. Quantum computing is estimated to be 100 million times faster than any modern computer. IBM, the company to make the first computer stated that we are in the decade of quantum computing. And who knows? Maybe quantum computing will come sooner rather than later.


You probably should modify this a little so you don't get in trouble. I researched each topic I put into this for about an hour so I hope this is what you need. If it isn't, please don't hesitate to tell me what I didn't add or what went wrong.

Have a good day :)

Can anyone code this ?



simple Reflex action it is the simplest from of reflex and does not depen on learning

What is the value of 25 x 103 = ________?




heres coorect




you just multiply.

Write a program that opens the salesdat.txt file and processes it contents. The program should display the following per store:
The total sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week). The average daily sales for each week. (Should print 5 values - one for each week).
The total sales for all the weeks. (Should print 1 value)
The average weekly sales. (Should print 1 value)
The week with the highest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The week with the lowest amount in sales. (Should print 1 week #)
The file contains the dollars amount of sales that a retail store made each day for a number of weeks. Each line in the file contains thirty five numbers, which are sales numbers for five weeks. The number are separated by space. Each line in the file represents a separate store.
public class FileIO {
//Franchise readData(String filename)
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
FileReader file = new FileReader("Salesdat.txt");
BufferedReader buff = new BufferedReader(file);
boolean eof = false;
while (!eof) {
String line = buff.readLine();
if (line == null)
eof = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error -- " + e.toString());
public class Store {
private float salesbyweek[][];
Store() {
salesbyweek = new float[5][7];
//getter and setters
//setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale)
public void setsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day, float sale){
//float [] getsalesforentireweek(int week)
//float getsaleforweekdayintersection(int week, int day)
//a. totalsalesforweek
//b. avgsalesforweek
//c. totalsalesforallweeks
//d. averageweeklysales
//e. weekwithhighestsaleamt
//f. weekwithlowestsaleamt
//analyzeresults //call a through f
public class Franchise {
private Store stores[];
public Franchise(int num) {
stores = new Store[num];
public Store getStores(int i) {
return stores[i];
public void setStores(Store stores, int i) {
this.stores[i] = stores;
public class Driver {
public static void main(String[] args) {



I'm going to try and help you with this question.


Just give me a few minutes.

In PyCharm, write a program that prompts the user for their name and age. Your program should then tell the user the year they were born. Here is a sample execution of the program with the user input in bold:What is your name? AmandaHow old are you? 15Hello Amanda! You were born in 2005.



def main():

   name = input("What is your name? ")

   if not name == "" or "":

       age = int(input("What is your age? "))

       print("Hello " + name + "! You were born in " + str(2021 - age))



Self explanatory

Read the argument below and determine the underlying principle that was used to come to the conclusion presented: It is recommended that your diet should include at least 3-5 servings of vegetables a day. A serving of vegetables can be 1 cup of raw leafy greens, 1/2 cup of other cooked or raw vegetables, or 3/4 cup of vegetable juice. A diet that has less than 3-5 servings of vegetables a day may lead to health problems. Which other argument uses the same underlying principle as the argument above?

a. Driving a car can be dangerous, but if you learn how to properly drive a car then you can significantly reduce the risk involved,
b. Driving a car can be dangerous, therefore it's recommended that people not drive.
c. Driving a car can be dangerous and that is why states require that drivers pass a test to be licensed to drive.



Hence option a is the correct one. Driving a car can be dangerous, but if you learn how to properly drive a car then you can significantly reduce the risk involved,


a) Driving a car can be dangerous, but if you learn how to properly drive a car then you can significantly reduce the risk involved.

As it belongs How to be a good car driving without risk as equivalent diet concept as a base.

Less than 3-5 servings of vegetables a day not taken equivalent car driving dangerous if no proper driving.

Hence option 1 is valid.

b) is wrong as it has negative feedback regarding the base case.

c) is a suggestion for the strong part which is also the wrong option

define natural language?​


Answer: Natural Language is a language that is the native speech of a people. A language that has developed and evolved naturally, through use by human beings, as opposed to an invented or constructed language, as a computer programming.

Hope this helps!

Natural languages reflect cultural values like honesty or diplomacy in the manner and tone by which they communicate information

CRM Technologies Build Versus Buy Analysis and Program Management You work for a large Boston based investment firm. They are currently using an older CRM (Client Relationship Management) system. It was home grown/built in house 10 years ago and has served them well but like all old systems, newer technologies have come along that are slicker, more integrated and higher functioning in general. Your boss has come to you and asked you to begin the process of researching solutions. You could

Build a new one – probably from scratch to use newer technologies
Analyze commercial purchase-able cloud based solutions

Create a framework to evaluate all/any short term and longer term costs associated with software ownership. Build versus buy. Creativity and original ideas and concepts are encouraged. Use , use lecture material and use your intuition.



Following are the solution to the given question:


The cloud-based CRM system may best be used by companies because it has regular releases featuring additional features focused on customer listening and monitoring market dynamics as requirements.

The first stage issue could be the problem faced by the company. When your company demands were appropriately addressed within such a product not already covered by edge case, the decision to build a new CRM may well be justifiable.


The in-house IT teams have varying skills in CRM design, based on experience. Like databases, information development, and management.We have to construct the integration from scratch.CRM can be developed to match your current business & processes exactly.Whether there is any management issue, you can solve it.We only know in this how in-house CRM it will cost.Hardware & environment in-house systems have had to be configured.


CRM vendors create a browser system and have support personnel to even get experience.With integrating with the other systems, a CRM system is built.With the most industry in accordance, a vendor establishes a structure that can be modified according to company requirements.CRM bid committee client feedback improvements and fixes.The system is designed and marketed in this respect.And this is immediately hosted ready and hardly ever needs to be configured on this solution.

The greatest option for a CRM system would be to establish a large company with many existing IT resources and save money by removing long-term costs for subscriptions. It's doesn't satisfy your requirements by using your existing system. If the company is tiny, you would be able to purchase a leading CRM system that is based on their demands.

Therefore the business pre-purchases most of the CRM system. But it is extremely vital to realize why companies find a custom system if you're choosing for the prebuild solution.

Unfortunately, not all firms were suited to the CRM system.

The largest companies employ Microsoft's dynamics dynamic 365 again for the smallest businesses.

This system below gives techniques to increase efficiency and profitability.

It can offer various benefits if businesses buy a ready-made CRM system

It has a lifetime permit- It is beneficial because you must only CRM once, but you must pay a significant amount for the product.

Or for a certain duration, such as month, year, membership - The cost may be affordable for a subscription but you should pay monthly.

Software copy to put on the computer of your firm.

I'm using Visual Studio to make a grocery app for school that includes usernames and passwords. I'm given all the code then it tells me to use search arrays to implement two functions. They should return true if the username and password is found in the arrays. But i can't seem to get the function and arrays right. Below is the code and I'm supposed to implement the array in the two empty functions at the bottom. Would really appreciate some help here, thanks

Module Main
Friend blnLoggedIn As Boolean
Dim arrUsernames() As String = {"Admin", "Clerk", "Manager"}
Dim arrPasswords() As String = {"password", "password2", "password3"}

Sub Login(username As String, password As String)
blnLoggedIn = False
If VerifyUsername(username) And VerifyPassword(password) Then
'Find index for username
Dim userIndex As Integer
For loopIndex = 0 To arrUsernames.Length - 1
If arrUsernames(loopIndex) = username Then
userIndex = loopIndex
Exit For
End If
'Check for password match
If arrPasswords(userIndex) = password Then
blnLoggedIn = True
MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password.")
End If
End If
End Sub
Function VerifyUsername(username As String) As Boolean

End Function
Function VerifyPassword(password As String) As Boolean

End Function
End Module




   Public Function VerifyUsername(ByVal username As String) As Boolean

       For positionInUsernameArray As Integer = 0 To arrUsername.Length - 1

           If positionInUsernameArray = arrUsername.Length Then Exit For

           If username = arrUsername(positionInUsernameArray) Then

               Return True


               Continue For

           End If


       Return False

   End Function

   Public Function VerifyPassword(ByVal password As String) As Boolean

       For positionInUsernameArray As Integer = 0 To arrPassword.Length - 1

           If positionInUsernameArray = arrPassword.Length Then Exit For

           If password = arrPassword(positionInUsernameArray) Then

               Return True


               Continue For

           End If


       Return False

   End Function


sealed class Main


       internal bool blnLoggedIn;

       string[] arrUsername = new string[] { "Admin", "Clerk", "Manager" };

       string[] arrPassword = new string[] { "password", "password2", "password3" };

       public void Login(string username, string passowrd)


           blnLoggedIn = false;

           if (VerifyUsername(username) && VerifyPassword(passowrd))


               // Find index for username

               int userIndex = 0;

               for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex <= arrUsername.Length - 1; loopIndex++)


                   if (arrUsername[loopIndex] == username)


                       userIndex = Convert.ToInt32(loopIndex);



                   else continue;


               // Check for password match

               if (arrPassword[userIndex] == passowrd)

                   blnLoggedIn = true;


                   MessageBox.Show("Incorrect password");



       public bool VerifyUsername(string username)


           for (int positionInUsernameArray = 0; positionInUsernameArray <= arrUsername.Length - 1; positionInUsernameArray++)


               if (positionInUsernameArray == arrUsername.Length)


               if (username == arrUsername[positionInUsernameArray])

                   return true;

               else continue;


           return false;


       public bool VerifyPassword(string password)


           for (int positionInUsernameArray = 0; positionInUsernameArray <= arrPassword.Length - 1; positionInUsernameArray++)


               if (positionInUsernameArray == arrPassword.Length)


               if (password == arrPassword[positionInUsernameArray])

                   return true;

               else continue;


           return false;




First I created a for loop with a "positionInUsernameArray" and singed it a value of 0. Next I stated while positionInUsernameArraywas less than or equal to arrUsername.Length - 1, positionInUsernameArraywould increment.

Once the base for loop was in place I created two if statements. The first if statement determines if positionInUsernameArray is equal to arrUsername.Length, if so, the for loop breaks and the method returns false. The second if statement determines if the parameter is equal to the position in the arrUsername array, if so, the method would return true, otherwise the for loop will restart.

For the "VerifyPassword" method, I used the same method as "VerifyUsername" just I changed the variable names.

Hope this helped :) If it didn't please let me know what happened so I can fix the code.

Have a good day!

You have a contactless magnetic stripe and chip reader by Square. What type of wireless transmission does the device use to receive encrypted data



Near field communication (NFC)


Near field communication (NFC) can be defined as a short-range high radio-frequency identification (RFID) wireless communication technology that is used for the exchange of data in a simple and secure form, especially for electronic devices within a distance of about 10 centimeters.

Also, Near field communication (NFC) can be used independently or in conjunction with other wireless communication technology such as Bluetooth.

Some of the areas in which Near field communication (NFC) is used are confirmation of tickets at a concert, payment of fares for public transport systems, check-in and check-out in hotels, viewing a map, etc.

Assuming you have a contactless magnetic stripe and chip reader by Square. Thus, the type of wireless transmission that this device use to receive encrypted data is near field communication (NFC).

A junior network administrator has used the wrong cable type to connect his or her computer to the administrative port on a router and cannot establish a terminal session with the device. What layer of the OSI reference model does this problem appear to reside at


Answer: Application Layer

Explanation: trust

Mark is flying to Atlanta. The flight is completely full with 200 passengers. Mark notices he dropped his ticket while grabbing a snack before his flight. The ticket agent needs to verify he had a ticket to board the plane. What type of list would be beneficial in this situation?



The list that would be helpful in this situation would be a list of people in the airport

Hope This Helps!!!

If you could design your own home, what kinds of labor-saving computer network or data communications devices would you incorporate



Access Points, Home Server, and Virtual Assistant/IOT connected devices


There are three main things that should be implemented/incorporated into your design and these are Access Points, Home Server, and Virtual Assistant/IOT connected devices. Access Points for Ethernet, and HDMI should be located in various important walls near outlets. This would allow you to easily connect your devices without having to run cables around the house. A home server will allow you to easily access your data from multiple devices in your home, and if you connect it to the internet you can access that info from anywhere around the world. Lastly, would be a virtual assistant with IOT connected devices. This would allow you to control various functions of your home with your voice including lights, temperature, and locks.

Wilh the aid of the the diagram using an algorithm to calculate table 2 of multiplication​



See attachment for algorithm (flowchart)


The interpretation of the question is to design a flowchart for times 2 multiplication table (see attachment for the flowchart)

The explanation:

1. Start ---> Start the algorithm

2. num = 1 ---> Initializes num to 1

3. while num [tex]\le[/tex] 12 ---> The following loop is repeated while num is less than 12

 3.1 print 2 * num ----> Print the current times 2 element

 3.2 num++ ---> Increment num by 1

4. Stop ---> End the algorithm

What are the trinity of the computer system



I think the answers are input, processes, output

How many bits are there in two nibbles?



8 bits


4 bits is 1 nibble

The Fibonacci sequence begins with 0 and then 1 follows. All subsequent values are the sum of the previous two, for example: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Complete the fibonacci() method, which takes in an index, n, and returns the nth value in the sequence. Any negative index values should return -1.

Ex: If the input is: 7
the out put is :fibonacci(7) is 13

import java.util.Scanner;
public class LabProgram {
public static int fibonacci(int n) {
/* Type your code here. */
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
int startNum;
System.out.println("Enter your number: ");
startNum = scnr.nextInt();
System.out.println("fibonnaci(" + startNum + ") is " + fibonacci(startNum));


You could use recursion to write java method for computing fibonacci numbers. Though it will be inefficient for n > about 50, it will work.

public static int fibonacci(int n) {

if (n < 0) { return -1; }

if (n < 2) { return n; }

else { return fibonacci(n-1)+fibonacci(n-2); }


Hope this helps.

The current term of a Fibonacci series is derived by adding the two previous terms of its sequence; and the first two terms are 0 and 1.

The code segment (without comments) that completes the program is as follows:

int T1 = 0, T2 = 1, cT;

   if (n < 0){

       return -1;     }

   for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

       cT = T1 + T2;

       T1 = T2;

       T2 = cT;     }

   return T2;

With comments (to explain each line)

/*This declares the first term (T1), the second term (T2) and the current term (CT).

T1 and T2 are also initialized to 0 and 1, respectively


int T1 = 0, T2 = 1, cT;

//This returns -1, if n is negative

   if (n < 0){         return -1;    


//The following iterates through n

   for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) {

//This calculates cT

       cT = T1 + T2;

//This passes T2 to T1

       T1 = T2;

//This passes cT to T2

       T2 = cT;


//This returns the required term of the Fibonacci series

   return T2;

At the end of the program, the nth term of the series would be returned to the main method for output.

Read more about Fibonacci series at:

A business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when: a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system b. it doesn't need any operating system c. it doesn't design its own applications and doesn't customize the operating system d. it designs its own applications and customizes the operating system e. it doesn't design its own applications but customizes the operating syste



a. it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.


Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

Cloud computing comprises of three (3) service models and these are;

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

2. Software as a Service (SaaS).

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

Platform as a Service (PaaS) refers to a type of cloud computing model in which a service provider makes available a platform that allow users (software developers) to build code (develop), run, store information in a database and manage applications over the internet.

The main purpose of a Platform as a Service (PaaS) is to provide an enabling environment for software developers to code without having to build and maintain complex infrastructure needed for the development, storage and launching of their software applications.

Simply stated, PaaS makes provision for all of the software and hardware tools required for all the stages associated with application development over the internet (web browser).

Some of the advantages of Platform as a Service (PaaS) is that, it avails software developers with enough convenience as well as simplicity, service availability, ease of licensing and reduced costs for the development of software applications.

Basically, platform as a Service (PaaS) providers (vendors) usually provide their clients (software developers) with server and data storage, operating system, data center, networking resources, etc., while the software developers design, deploy and manage their software applications.

Hence, a business should choose the platform as a service (PaaS) cloud model when it designs its own applications but doesn't customize the operating system.

Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The input begins with an integer indicating the number of integers that follow. Then, get the last value from the input, which indicates a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that last threshold value. Assume that the list will always contain fewer than 20 integers.



Ex: If the input is:

5 50 60 140 200 75 100

the output is:

50 60 75

The 5 indicates that there are five integers in the list, namely 50, 60, 140, 200, and 75. The 100 indicates that the program should output all integers less than or equal to 100, so the program outputs 50, 60, and 75.

For coding simplicity, follow every output value by a space, including the last one.

Such functionality is common on sites like Amazon, where a user can filter results.

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main() {

/* Type your code here. */

return 0;


The data section called Transaction Growth shows how many boxed sets were sold each month. Keith entered a formula into the range O6:O10 to calculate the highest amount of each set sold over the course of the year. He notices that all of the values in the range are 1,408, even though more boxed sets than this were sold in some months. Edit the formula in cell O6 so that it uses relative references instead of absolute references for the range B6:M6, and then copy the formula from cell O6 to fill the range O7:O10 without formatting.
I cant figure out how in the world to change it to make the formula do what I want. I just blasted through Word, PowerPoint, Access and the first 2 parts of Excel in 30 hours, so maybe my brain is fried. any help is wanted!



Please find the complete solution in the attached file.


In this question for a complete solution the table file is added please find it.

For this go to cell number O6

In which we modify the formula that is [tex]=MAX(B6:M6)[/tex]

After that, press enter at this value is calculated.

Then copy the formula to [tex]O7:O10[/tex]

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Web 2.0?
a. blogs
O b. interactive comments being available on many websites
O c. mentorship programs taking place via the internet
d. social networking



c. mentorship programs taking place via the internet


The World Wide Web (WWW) was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, which eventually gave rise to the development of Web 2.0 in 1999.

Web 2.0 can be defined as a collection of internet software programs or applications which avails the end users the ability or opportunity to share files and resources, as well as enhance collaboration over the internet.

Basically, it's an evolution from a static worldwide web to a dynamic web that enhanced social media. Some of the examples of social media platforms (web 2.0) are You-Tube, Flickr, Go-ogle maps, Go-ogle docs, Face-book, Twit-ter, Insta-gram etc.

Some of the main characteristics of Web 2.0 are;

I. Social networking.

II. Blogging.

III. Interactive comments being available on many websites.

Also, most software applications developed for Web 2.0 avails its users the ability to synchronize with handheld or mobile devices such as smartphones.

However, mentorship programs taking place via the internet is not a characteristic of Web 2.0 but that of Web 3.0 (e-mentoring).

The option that is not a characteristic of Web 2.0 from the following is mentorship programs taking place via the internet.

What is Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 speaks volumes about the Internet applications of the twenty-first millennium that have revolutionized the digital era. It is the second level of internet development.

It distinguishes the shift from static web 1.0 pages to engaging user-generated content. Web 2.0 websites have altered the way data is communicated and distributed. Web 2.0 emphasizes the following:

User-generated content, The convenience of use, andEnd-user inter-operability.

Examples of Web 2.0 social media include:

Face book, Twi tter, Insta gram etc

With these social media and web 2.0 websites;

It is possible to create a personal blog,Interact with other users via comments, and Create a social network.

Therefore, we can conclude that the one that is not part of the characteristics of Web 2.0 is mentorship programs taking place via the internet.

Learn more about web 2.0 here:

Richard wants to create a cloud-based system that will be a centralized repository of log files from various servers in the organization. Which of the following is best used for this scenario?

a. Object
b. Block
c. LUN
d. CAD



CAD ( d )


Richard should use CAD to create a cloud-based system, since he wants it to be a centralized repository of log files to be taken from the different servers associated with the organization

CAD ; Computer aided design software is the best software to be used because files created using CAD can be easily stored in cloud and it is easily accessible.

Use MPLAB to write an asemply program to multipy two numbers (11111001) and (11111001). Then save the product in file reisters 0x50 and 0x51. Return a snapshot of your code, the SFR memory view showing the register used to store the multiplication, the file register view showing the product value.


-should be right,did my best

Write a program that defines an array of integers and a pointer to an integer. Make the pointer point to the beginning of the array. Then, fill the array with values using the pointer (Note: Do NOT use the array name.). Enhance the program by prompting the user for the values, again using the pointer, not the array name. Use pointer subscript notation to reference the values in the array.




using namespace std;

int main()


  int a[20],n;

  int *p;

  cout<<"\n enter how many values do you want to enter:";


  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n Enter the "<<i+1 <<"th value :";


      //reading the values into the array using pointer


  cout<<"\n The values in the array using pointer is:\n";

  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)


      cout<<"\n (p+"<<i<<"): "<<*(p+i);

      //here we can use both *(p+i) or p[i] both are pointer subscript notations




Other Questions
2. Caveman Sampson chases a saber tooth tiger at an average speed of 3 miles per hour. The tiger runs at an average speed of 5 miles per hour, but rests for 2 hours after running for 2 hours. How long, in hours, will it take Sampson to catch the tiger if the tiger starts 2 miles in front of him and they start running at the same time? A. 7 hours B. 6 hours C. 5 hours D. 4 hours Which of the following is an example of a network layer (layer 3) protocol? Read the sentence below. If you cannot find your running shoes in the mornings, then set them out the night before. What type of organizational scheme is this? A. Problem-solution B. Spatial C. Cause and effect D. Compare-contrast Gaseous ethane CH3CH3 will react with gaseous oxygen O2 to produce gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 and gaseous water H2O. Suppose 0.60 g of ethane is mixed with 3.52 g of oxygen. Calculate the maximum mass of carbon dioxide that could be produced by the chemical reaction. Round your answer to 2 significant digits. What is the answer with explaining For functional programming languages, the scope of a local name Group of answer choices is always the entire program. starts immediately at the point when the name is declared. is in the body part of the declaration or definition. is exactly same as object-oriented programming languages such as C++. for what is values of x does 4(3x-2) = 12x - 5? select all that apply. A.12 B.-8 C.3 D.-3 E.none of these 13/16= (-5/4) + gG= what NEDD HELP NOW plz hich math expression means "the product of 16 and 26"?O 16 - 2626-1616 - 260 16 +26 A batch of peanut butter cookies requires \dfrac34 4 3 start fraction, 3, divided by, 4, end fraction of a jar of peanut butter. You want to make 333 batches. How many jars of peanut butter do you need? A story that ends two heads are better than one What is the best approximate for the input value when f(x)=g(x)? The major asked me to have a drink with him and two other officers. We drank rum and it was very friendly. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. I went back to the drivers. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. I gave them each a package of cigarettes, Macedonias, loosely packed cigarettes that spilled tobacco and needed to have the ends twisted before you smoked them. Manera lit his lighter and passed it around. The lighter was shaped like a Fiat radiator. I told them what I had heard.What does the excerpt reveal about the narrator?He prefers the company of the officers to that of the drivers.He only spends time with the officers so he can get cigarettes for the drivers.He looks down on everyone involved in the war, both officers and enlisted men.He interacts easily with both his superiors and the drivers. which of the following is q point slope equation of a line that passes through the point (5,2)and (-1,-6) 11/12 - 5/8 in simplest form So I know I asked this before how do I get detail on my oc in Procreate how do human activities such as shelter and food affect the environment 6. A sporting goods store receives an order of 100 baseball caps, of which 22 are green. If 1 ofthe 100 caps is selected at random, what is the probability it will not be green?A. 39/50B. 11/25C. 11/50D. 1/2 Use the following scenario to answer questions 6 through 10: Scenario: You are the emergency department nurse caring for a72-year-old man who sustained a fracture to his right femur and left ankle when he fell off the roof of his two-story home. Yourclient is complaining of pain that is a 9 on a scale of 0 to 10. You note that he has no medications ordered for pain. Find the length of ACA. 12.84B. 43.92C. 12.28D. 40.16