Consider the following class, which uses the instance variable balance to represent a bank account balance.

public class BankAccount {

private double balance;

public double deposit(double amount) {

/* missing code */


The deposit method is intended to increase the account balance by the deposit amount and then return the updated balance. Which of the following code segments should replace /* missing code */ so that the deposit method will work as intended?
amount = balance + amount;
return amount;
balance = amount;
return amount;
balance = amount;
return balance;
balance = amount;, , return balance;,
balance = balance + amount;
return amount;
balance = balance + amount;
return balance;


Answer 1



balance = balance + amount;

return balance;



Code to update account balance and return the updated balance

The code that does this task is (e).

Assume the following:

[tex]balance = 5000; amount = 2000;[/tex]

So, code (e) is as follows:

balance = balance + amount; [tex]\to[/tex]

[tex]balance = 5000 + 2000[/tex] [tex]\to[/tex]

[tex]balance = 7000[/tex]

Here, the updated value of balance is 7000

So: return balance

will return 7000 as the updated account balance

Other options are incorrect

Related Questions

As a basic user of SAP Business One, which feature of the application do you like most?



I like the software most because it is completely for the sales department. I am very satisfied with what this software provides since I work as a sales specialist.


As an internal auditor, I first have to check and make sure the business is going through all reports and operations and that SAP Business One has helped me a lot with reporting features. I'm a huge fan of SAP Business One. And how this software is incredibly fully integrated when an accountancy provider creates a new customer name or adds a new item in every module, and the non-duplicate data feature secures the master data from any duplicate item.

Intuitive sales quotation and sales order functions help salespeople to develop deals that they can conclude. The mobile app adds to the software's usefulness fantastically.

In general, the system has a good monetary value. I would recommend it to everyone involved in the decision-making process and it is my favorite.

When performing the ipconfig command, what does the following output line depict if found in the tunnel adapter settings?
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe:
a. IPv6 is disabled.
b. The addresses will use the same subnet mask.
c. The network is not setup to use both IPv4 and IPv6.
d. IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe



d. IPv4 Address is associated with the globe IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe


The adapter setting will be associated with the global IP address. When Ipconfig command is operate the IP address finds the relevant domain and then address will use a different subnet. The network will use both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets in order to execute the command.

In the tunnel adapter settings, when performing the ipconfig command, the given output line depicts: D. IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe.

What is a tunnel adapter?

A tunnel adapter can be defined as a virtual interface which is designed and developed to encapsulate packets as a form of tunnel or virtual private network (VPN) protocol while sending them over another network interface.

In Computer networking, an output line of "IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe:" in the tunnel adapter settings simply means that an IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe.

Read more on IP address here:

(CO 4 and 5) Create a program that will read in a list of test scores from the user and add them to a list. Ask the user in between each score if they want to continue (y/n). Display all of the scores entered and the total score at the end. Using the code below, put the code in the proper order Sample output: Welcome to the Test Score Program Add score: 88.45 Do you want to continue


Answer and Explanation:

Using Javascript:

function AddScores(){

Window.alert("Welcome to the Test Score Program");

var ScoreList= new Array();

ScoreList.push(Prompt("Add Score"));

var WhatNext= Confirm("do you want to continue?");

If(WhatNext===true) {


ScoreList.push(Prompt("Add Score"));



Confirm("do you want to continue?")===true;);



Alert(ScoreList.reduce(function(a,b){return a +b};,0);)



From the above code in javascript programming language, we have created a list ScoreList and added elements to it using push method of the array object and a do...while loop that checks the condition and then adds the user's input to the array. We then alerted the array to the screen and then summed up the array elements and also alerted to the screen.

Which of the following ribbon tools would be most efficient for applying multiple
changes to text formatting?
a. Font Dialog Box
b. Paragraph Styles
c. Styles Dialog Box
d. Find and Replace



Option A, Font Dialog Box


In order to make changes in the text formatting, the font setting in the dialog box can be used on the Ribbon's Home tab.

From the font settings in Word 2016, one can change the following change font color, size, style etc.

Hence, option A is correct

calculateAverageSalary(filename): Returns the average salary of all employees rounded down to 2 decimal points highestHireMonth(filename): Returns the month (integer) during which most hires were made over the years getMonth(date): Helper function to extract and return the month number from a date given as a string input of format MM/DD/YY. Return type should be an int.



An extract from the answer is as follows:

for i in salary:



return round(total_salary/count,2)

def getMonth(date):

ddate = []

for i in date:


mode = int(max(set(ddate), key=ddate.count))

return mode  

def highestHireMonth(filename):

month = []

See explanation for further details



Attachment 1 completes the question

The complete answer could not be submitted. So, I've added it as an attachment.

See attachment 2 for program source file which includes the main method.

Comments are used to explain difficult lines

Which of the following statements about the relationship between hardware and software is true? a) Hardware can be present in intangible form. b) A flash drive is an example of software. c) Software and hardware can act independently of each other. d) Software consists of instructions that tell the hardware what to do.





The statements about the relationship between hardware and software that is true is: D. Software consists of instructions that tell the hardware what to do.

A hardware can be defined as the physical components of an information technology (IT) system that can be seen and touched such as:


Conversely, a software refer to a set of executable codes (instructions) that is primarily used to instruct a computer hardware on how it should process data, perform a specific task or solve a particular problem.

In conclusion, a software consist of a set of executable codes (instructions) that tell a computer hardware what to do.

Read more on hardware here:

management is as old as human civilization. justify this statement​



Indeed, management is as old as the human species, as human nature is itself dependent on the natural resources that it needs for its subsistence, therefore needing to exercise a correct administration of said resources in such a way as to guarantee that those resources can satisfy the greatest number of individuals. That is, the human, through the correct management of resources, seeks to avoid the scarcity of them.

Output each floating-point value with two digits after the decimal point, which can be achieved as follows:
(1) Prompt the user to input a wall's height and width. Calculate and output the wall's area (integer). (Submit for 2 points).
Enter wall height (feet):
Enter wall width (feet):
Wall area: 180 square feet
(2) Extend to also calculate and output the amount of paint in gallons needed to paint the wall (floating point). Assume a gallon of paint covers 350 square feet. Store this value in a variable. Output the amount of paint needed using the %f conversion specifier. (Submit for 2 points, so 4 points total).
Enter wall height (feet):
Enter wall width (feet):
Wall area: 180 square feet
Paint needed: 0.51 gallons
(3) Extend to also calculate and output the number of 1 gallon cans needed to paint the wall. Hint: Use a math function to round up to the nearest gallon. (Submit for 2 points, so 6 points total).
Enter wall height (feet):
Enter wall width (feet):
Wall area: 180 square feet
Paint needed: 0.51 gallons
Cans needed: 1 can(s)
(4) Extend by prompting the user for a color they want to paint the walls. Calculate and output the total cost of the paint cans depending on which color is chosen. Hint: Use a dictionary to associate each paint color with its respective cost. Red paint costs $35 per gallon can, blue paint costs $25 per gallon can, and green paint costs $23 per gallon can. (Submit for 2 points, so 8 points total).
Enter wall height (feet):
Enter wall width (feet):
Wall area: 180 square feet
Paint needed: 0.51 gallons
Cans needed: 1 can(s)
Choose a color to paint the wall:
Cost of purchasing red paint: $35
1 import math
3 # Dictionary of paint colors and cost per gallon
4 paint_colors = {
5 'red': 35,
6 'blue': 25,
7 'green': 23
8 }
10 # FIXME (1): Prompt user to input wall's width
11 # Calculate and output wall area
12 wall_height = int(input('Enter wall height (feet):\n'))
13 print('Wall area:')
15 # FIXME (2): Calculate and output the amount of paint in gallons needed to paint the wall
17 # FIXME (3): Calculate and output the number of 1 gallon cans needed to paint the wall, rounded up to nearest integer
19 # FIXME (4): Calculate and output the total cost of paint can needed depending on color



The modified program in Python is as follows:

import math

paint_colors = {'red': 35,'blue': 25,'green': 23}

wall_height = int(input('Enter wall height (feet):\n'))

wall_width = int(input('Enter wall width (feet):\n'))

area = wall_height*wall_width

print('Wall area:',area,'square feet')

paint_needed = area/350.0

print('Paint needed: {:.2f} gallons'.format(paint_needed))

print('Cans needed:',round(paint_needed),'can(s)')

color = input("Choose a color to paint the wall: ")

print("Cost of purchasing", color, "paint: $",paint_colors[color])


The italicized are given from the question [unchanged]

import math

paint_colors = {'red': 35,'blue': 25,'green': 23}

wall_height = int(input('Enter wall height (feet):\n'))

This gets input for width

wall_width = int(input('Enter wall width (feet):\n'))

Calculate the wall area

area = wall_height*wall_width

Print the calculated wall area

print('Wall area:',area,'square feet')

Calculate the amount of paint needed

paint_needed = area/350.0

Print the amount of paint needed to 2 decimal places

print('Paint needed: {:.2f} gallons'.format(paint_needed))

Print the amount of can needed to nearest integer

print('Cans needed:',round(paint_needed),'can(s)')

Prompt user for color of paint [here, we assume the user input is correct]

color = input("Choose a color to paint the wall: ")

Prints the corresponding amount for the color

print("Cost of purchasing", color, "paint: $",paint_colors[color])

Which answer below is NOT a function of a Data Scientist? O Data Exploitation O Data Strategies O Data Modeling O Data Preperation






The following method is intended to return true if and only if the parameter val is a multiple of 4 but is not a multiple of 100 unless it is also a multiple of 400. The method does not always work correctly public boolean isLeapYear(int val) if ((val 4) == 0) return true; else return (val & 400) == 0; Which of the following method calls will return an incorrect response?
A .isLeapYear (1900)
B. isLeapYear (1984)
C. isLeapYear (2000)
D. isLeapYear (2001)
E. isLeapYear (2010)



.isLeapYear (1900) will return an incorrect response



The above method


Which method call will give an incorrect response

(a) will return an incorrect response because 1900 is not a leap year.

When a year is divisible by 4, there are further checks to do before such year can be confirmed to be a leap year or not.

Since the method only checks for divisibility of 4, then it will return an incorrect response for years (e.g. 1900) that will pass the first check but will eventually fail further checks.

Hence, (a) answers the question;

Can you write a global keyword in a program with capital letters instead
small in php



Variable names in PHP are case sensitive (including the global variables!), although function names are not.

Create a method called nicknames that passes an array as a parameter. Inside the method initialize it to hold 5 names of your choice. Use the for each enhanced loop to print the elements of the array.



    //======METHOD DECLARATION=========//          

    //method name: nicknames                                          

    //method return type: void                                            

    //method parameter: an array reference                    

    public static void nicknames(String [] names){      

       //initialize the array with 5 random names              

       names = new String[] {"John", "Doe", "Brian", "Loveth", "Chris"};

       //using an enhanced for loop, print out the elements in the array

       for(String n: names){

           System.out.print(n + " ");





The program is written in Java. It contains comments explaining important parts of the code. Kindly go through these comments.

A few things to note.

i. Since the method does not return any value, its return type is void

ii. The method is made public so that it can be accessible anywhere in and out of the class the uses it.

iii. The method is made static since it will most probably be called in the static main method (at least for testing in this case)

iv. The method receives an array of type String as parameter since the names to be stored are of type String.

v. The format of initializing an array manually should follow as shown on line 7. The new keyword followed by the array type (String), followed by the square brackets ([]) are all important.

vi. An enhanced for loop (lines 9 - 11) is a shorthand way of writing a for loop. The format is as follows;

=> The keyword for

=> followed by an opening parenthesis

=> followed by the type of each of the elements in the array. Type String in this case.

=> followed by a variable name. This holds an element per cycle of the loop.

=> followed by a column

=> followed by the array

=> followed by the closing parenthesis.

=> followed by a pair of curly parentheses serving as a block containing the  code to be executed in every cycle of the loop. In this case, the array elements, each held in turn by variable n, will be printed followed by a space.

A complete code and sample output for testing purposes are shown as follows:


public class Tester{

    //The main method

    public static void main(String []args){


       String [] names = new String[5];




  //The nicknames method

    public static void nicknames(String [] names){

       names = new String[] {"John", "Doe", "Brian", "Loveth", "Chris"};

       for(String n: names){

           System.out.print(n + " ");







John Doe Brian Loveth Chris

NB: To run this program, copy the complete code, paste in an IDE or editor and save as

In the tiger exhibit at the zoo each of 24 tigers eat 26 lb of food each day how much pounds of food do tigers consume in a week?? answer this as fast as you can!!



182 pounds of food


In cell B13, create a formula without a function using absolute references that subtracts the values of cells B5 and
B7 from cell B6 and then multiples the result by cell B8. please help with excel!! I'm so lost



The formula in Excel is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8



Use of absolute reference

To reference a cell using absolute reference, we have to include that $ sign. i.e. cell B5 will be written as: $B$5; B6 as $B$6; B7 as $B$7; and B8 as $B$8;

Having explained that, the formula in cell B13 is:

=($B$6 - $B$5 - $B$7)* $B$8

Write a python program that will accept monthly salary amounts greater than zero but less

than or equal to 400,000.00 until the user enters the character ‘e’. After the user

enters the character ‘e’, calculate the net pay of all salaries by deducting income tax at

a rate of 25%, pension of 5% and housing contribution of 2% from each salary

entered. Additionally, print the number of salaries that were entered in the program

along with the number of salaries that exceed 300,000.00

write a python program
The English alphabet has 26 letters starting from A and ending with Z. If we map the

first 26 numbers i.e 1 through to 26 to each letter in the alphabet, we could encode

messages using numbers. For example, 123 could be represented as ‘ABC’ and 26 could

be the letter ‘Z’. Write a program that accepts 10 integers from the user ranging from 1

- 26. After accepting the values, the program should determine and print the

corresponding letters.​


It won't save the answer. Maybe I can give it to you in the comment.

You can message me if you want. I cannot post the answer in the comment too:(

Project Goals
Please Code using C
The goal of this project is to:

Familiarize students with functions
Provide students with continued practice with expressions and selection.

Important Notes:

Formatting: Make sure that you follow the precise recommendations for the output content and formatting. For your testing purposes, the autograder will be comparing your output to that of the example executable.
Comments: Header comments are required on all files and recommended for the rest of the program. Points will be deducted if no header comments are included.
Filename: Save your program as hotels.c


Hope you enjoyed your stay!

We're going to create a reservation making system to incorporate discounts for longer stays.

We’ll be getting the customer’s number of nights and we’ll also be getting the type of the room, which should be one of the following letters: D, Q, or K (for Double, Queen, or King). We’ll do that for two reservations.

To be able to advise the user on which reservation they should choose, we're going to have to make some calculations. First we'll need to determine the price per night. Double rooms go for $59.99 per night, Queen rooms are $69.99 per night, and King rooms are $79.99 per night.

Then we'll need to determine the discount. For every night over 2, a 15% discount should be applied. For example, if the stay is for 4 nights, then a 30% discount would be applied to the overall price.

Finally, we need to let the user know which stay is the cheapest or if they're the same cost.

The user should be prompted for a set of two values which represent the number of nights and the room type for the first reservation. The number of nights should be a whole number. The room type should be a single letter. The user should enter both values on one line, separated by spaces. The user should then be prompted for the remaining reservation.

Example (the highlighted part is what the program displays and the italicized part is the user input): Reservation 1 (#nights type): 3 D
The example executable:

An example executable is provided in this repository. You should be able to run it from your project folder. If you encounter a “permission denied” error when attempting to run the executable, type chmod u+x hotelsExecutable into the terminal and try running the executable again.

Functionality: The main function should prompt the user for two reservations. The room rate for each room for each reservation must be determined. Then the reservation total for each reservation can be calculated. A message should be displayed advising the user on which reservation is the better deal.

In addition to the main functions, your program should have 2 more functions:

Input Parameters: room type
Returned Output: room rate
Functionality: Given the type of room, this function should return the appropriate room rate.

Input Parameters: room rate, number of nights
Returned Output: total reservation price
Functionality: Given the room rate and number of nights, this function should return the total reservation price with any applicable discount applied.



Las actividades de planificación, seguimiento, evaluación y elaboración de

informes mencionadas se analizarán de manera más pormenorizada en las

próximas secciones. Sin embargo, el siguiente resumen brinda una síntesis de

estas actividades y en el anexo 2 figuran recursos adicionales para cada etapa.

1. Evaluación inicial de las necesidades: evaluación que tiene por objeto determi‑

nar la necesidad de llevar a cabo un proyecto o programa y, en caso afirmati‑

vo, brindar información a los responsables de la planificación.

2. Matriz de planificación e indicadores: componentes que abarcan el plan de

operaciones del proyecto o programa y sus objetivos, indicadores, medios de

verificación e hipótesis.

3. Planificación del seguimiento y la evaluación: el proceso mediante el cual se

planifica en forma práctica cómo se seguirán y evaluarán los objetivos y los

indicadores del marco lógico del proyecto o programa.

4. Estudio de referencia: estudio en virtud del cual se miden las condiciones ini‑

ciales, mediante los indicadores adecuados, antes del inicio de un proyecto o


5. Revisión o evaluación de mitad de período: principales actividades de reflexión

destinadas a evaluar la ejecución del proyecto o programa en curso y brindar

información a los responsables.

6. Evaluación definitiva: evaluación que se lleva a cabo una vez concluido el pro‑

yecto o programa con el objeto de determinar en qué medida se lograron los

objetivos previstos y qué cambios se produjeron.

7. Difusión y utilización de las enseñanzas extraídas: el proceso mediante el cual

se transmite información a los responsables de los proyectos y programas

en curso. No obstante, los procesos de elaboración de informes, reflexión y

extracción de enseñanzas deben llevarse a cabo durante la totalidad del ciclo


Using the celsius_to_kelvin function as a guide, create a new function, changing the name to kelvin_to_celsius, and modifying the function accordingly. Sample output with input: 283.15 10.0 C is 283.15 K 283.15 K is 10.0 C 1 def celsius_to_kelvin value.celsius): value_kelvin 0.0 value_kelvin - value.celsius + 273.15 return value kelvin DIO! 5 7. Your solution goes here 9 value c - 10.0 10 print(value.c, Cis', kelvin(value.c), 'K) 12 value floatinput ) 13 print(value, Kis', kelvin_to_celsius(value. ). 'C"> Run



The function is as follows:

def  kelvin_to_celsius(value_kelvin):

   value_celsius = 0.0

   value_celsius = value_kelvin - 273.15

   return value_celsius


This defines the function

def  kelvin_to_celsius(value_kelvin):

This initializes value_celsius to 0

   value_celsius = 0.0

This calculates value_celsius

   value_celsius = value_kelvin - 273.15

This returns the calculated value_celsius

   return value_celsius

An entertainment application would most likely do which of the following?
A. allow users to watch popular movies and TV shows
B. connect users with social and business contacts
C. confirm users' travel plans
D. teach users a new language



A is the answer to this question


A. allow users to watch popular movies and TV shows


How does a junction table handle a many-to-many relationship?

by converting the relationship to a one-to-one relationship
by moving the data from the source table into the destination table
by directly linking the primary keys of two tables in a single relationship
by breaking the relationship into two separate one-to-many relationships

Answer: 4
by breaking the relationship into two separate one-to-many relationships



two" (and any subsequent words) was ignored because we limit queries to 32 words.


please mark as brainliest


By breaking the relationship into two separate one-to-many relationships


I just did it / edge 2021

5. An entrepreneur who continues to find new and better ways of doing things is ____.

A. Confident
B. Innovative
C. Persistent
D. Wholesale​



B innovative


new and better are synonymous with innovation

When computer boots which I pont program starts first? O Operating System O Metaphor System O Basic System O Computer System​


The answer is Operating system

What is the most efficient way to control the type of information that is included in the .msg file when a user forwards a
contact to another user?
Use the "As an Outlook Contact option.
Create an additional contact with limited information.
o Use the Business Card option.
Create the contact using the XML format.


Answer: Use the "As an Outlook Contact option.


The most efficient way to control the type of information which will be included in the .msg file when a contact is forwarded to another user by a user is to use the Use the "As an Outlook Contact option.

After clicking on the contact that you want to forward it to, then click on forward, click on contact and click on As an Outlook Contact. You can then complete the email message, after which you'll click on send.

space bar in computer​


Answer: Its the one in the middle the really long thingy it looks like a rectangle



A Key Factor in Controlling Your Anger Is Using Passive behaviour.T/F



The answer is "True".


Assertiveness means that others are encouraged to be open, honest about their thoughts, wishes and feelings so how they can act properly. Assertive behavior: be open and communicate wishes, ideas and feelings, as well as encourage others to do likewise. Please visit our Emotional Regulation page. A major aspect is the ability to control your anger. Once you are quiet or aggressive, work very hard.

Write a C++ program to accept a 5 digit integer and to validate the input based on the following rules.


1) The input number is divisible by 2. 2) The sum of the first two digits is less than last two digits. if the input number satisfies all the rules, the system prints valid and invalid, otherwise,

Example 1:

Enter a value: 11222

Output: Input number is valid

Example 2:

Enter a value: 1234

Output: Input number is invalid​



#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <regex>

using namespace std;

int main()


   cout << "Enter a 5-digit number: ";

   string number;

   cin >> number;

   bool valid = regex_search(number, regex("^\\d{4}[02468]$"));

   if (valid) {

       valid = stoi(number.substr(0, 1)) + stoi(number.substr(1, 1))  

           < stoi(number.substr(3, 1)) + stoi(number.substr(4, 1));


   cout << number << (valid ? " is valid" : " is invalid");



Regular expressions can do all of your checking except for the sum of digits check. The checks are i.m.o. easiest if you don't treat the input as a number, but as a string with digits in it.

The regex means:

^ start of string

\d{4} exactly 4 digits

[02468] one of 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 (this is what makes it even)

$ end of string

1. Write a generic method that compares its 2 arguments using the equals method and returns true if they are equal and false otherwise. Ensure that the name of your method includes your last name.




The following piece of code is written in Java. It creates the method as requested that takes in two generic objects and compares them using the .equals() built in Java method. This method will return True if the objects are identical or False if they are not. A test case is used in the code and the output can be seen in the attached image below.

   public static <T> boolean comparePerez(T a, T b) {

       return a.equals(b);


Write a program that will allow a grocery store to keep track of the total number of bottles collected for a seven-day period. The program should allow the user to enter the number of bottles returned for each day of the seven-day period. The program will accumulate the total number of bottles returned for the 7-day period. Then calculate the amount paid out (the total bottles returned times .10 cents). The output (display) of the program should include the total number of bottles returned and the total paid out. Allow the user to enter multiple transactions



Print the values days of bottles.Display total number of bottles collecting.Display the payout for this transaction.




another = "Y"

while another=="Y":

   print("Input Values 7 days of bottles:")

   total = 0

   for I in range(7):

       collected_bottles = int(input())

       total += collected_bottles

   payout = total*DEPOSIT_PER_BOTTLE

   print("Total number of bottles collected: {:,}".format(total))

   print("Payout for this transaction $%.2f"%payout)

   another = input("Do you want to complete another transaction? ").upper()

You trained a binary classifier model which gives very high accuracy on thetraining data, but much lower accuracy on validation data. The following maybe true:
a. This is an instance of overfitting.
b. This is an instance of underfitting.
c. The training was not well regularized.
d. The training and testing examples are sampled from different distributions.



a. This is an instance of overfitting.


In data modeling and machine learning practice, data modeling begins with model training whereby the training data is used to train and fit a prediction model. When a trained model performs well on training data and has low accuracy on the test data, then we say say the model is overfitting. This means that the model is memorizing rather Than learning and hence, model fits the data too well, hence, making the model unable to perform well on the test or validation set. A model which underfits will fail to perform well on both the training and validation set.

Overview In this assignment, you will gain more practice with designing a program. Specifically, you will create pseudocode for a higher/lower game. This will give you practice designing a more complex program and allow you to see more of the benefits that designing before coding can offer. The higher/lower game will combine different programming constructs that you have been learning about, such as input and output, decision branching, and a loop. IT 140 Higher/Lower Game Sample Output Overview Maria has asked you to create a program that prompts the user to enter the lower bound and the upper hound. You have decided to write pseudocode to design the program before actually developing the code. When run, the program should ask the user to guess a number. If the number guessed is lower than the random number, the program should print out a message like "Nope, too low." if the number guessed is higher than the random number, print out a message like "Nope, too high." If the number guessed is the same as the random number, print out a message like "You got it!" Higher/Lower Game Description Your friend Maria has come to you and said that she has been playing the higher/lower game with her three-year-old daughter Bella. Maria tells Bella that she is thinking of a number between 1 and 10, and then Bella tries to guess the number. When Bella guesses a number, Maria tells her whether the number she is thinking of is higher or lower or if Bella guessed it. The game continues until Bella guesses the right number. As much as Maria likes playing the game with Bella, Bella is very excited to play the game all the time, Maria thought it would be great if you could create a program that allows Bella to play the game as much as she wants. Note: The output messages you include in your pseudocode may differ slightly from these samples. Sample Output Below is one sample output of the program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font. Prompt For this assignment, you will be designing pseudocode for a higher/lower game program. The higher/lower game program uses similar constructs to the game you will design and develop in Projects One and TWO. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 30 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 30: 20 Nope, too low Guess another number: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 23 You got it! Below is another sample output of your program, with the user input demonstrated by bold font 1. Review the Higher/Lower Game Sample Output for more detailed examples of this game. As you read, consider the following questions: What are the different steps needed in this program? How can you break them down in a way that a computer can understand? What information would you need from the user at each point (inputs)? What information would you output to the user at each point? When might it be a good idea to use 'F' and "IF ELSE' statements? When might it be a good idea to use loop? 2. Create pseudocode that logically outlines each step of the game program so that it meets the following functionality: Prompts the user to input the lower bound and upper bound. Include input validation to ensure that the lower bound is less than the upper bound. - Generates a random number between the lower and upper bounds Prompts the user to input a guess between the lower and upper bounds. Include input validation to ensure that the user only enters values between the lower and upper bound. Prints an output statement based on the puessed number. Be sure to account for each of the following situations through the use of decision branching . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too low? . What should the computer output if the user guesses a number that is too high? - What should the computer output if the user guesses the right number? Loops so that the game continues prompting the user for a new number until the user guesses the correct number. Welcome to the higher/lower game, Bella! Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 5 The lower bound must be less than the upper bound. Enter the lower bound: 10 Enter the upper bound: 20 Great, now guess a number between 10 and 20: 25 Nope, too high Guess another number: 15 Nope, too low. Guess another number: 17 You got it! Sutrnil your completed pseudocode as a Word document of approximately 1 to 2 pages in length.




lower = upper = 0

while lower > upper

   input lower

   input upper

   if lower > upper

       print "Lower bound is greater than upper bound"

randNum = generate_a_random_number

print "Guess a number between",lower,"and",upper

input num

while num <> randNum

   if num > randNum:

       print "Nope, too high"


       print "Nope, too low"

   input num

print "Great; you got it!"

Program in Python

import random

lower = upper = 0

while True:

   lower = int(input("Lower Bound: "))

   upper = int(input("Upper Bound: "))

   if lower < upper:



       print("Lower bound is greater than upper bound")

randNum = random.randint(lower, upper)

print("Great; now guess a number between",lower,"and",upper)

num = int(input("Take a guess: "))

while num != randNum:

   if num > randNum:

       print("Nope, too high")


       print("Nope, too low")

   num = int(input("Take another guess: "))

print("Great; you got it!")



Write a pseudocode and a program to design a higher/lower game

See answer section for the pseudocode and the program (written in Python)

The pseudocode and the program follow the same pattern; so, I will only explain the program.

See attachment for complete program file where comments are used to explain each line.

१८. तलका शीर्षकमा १५० शब्दसम्मको निबन्ध लेख्नुहोस् :
(क) सुशासन र विकास







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